
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 251
  • Pages: 11
REL IABI LITY Reliability is concerned with how consistently the measurement technique measures the concept of interest.

Types of Reliability • Stability – concerned with the consistency of repeated measures or test-retest reliability. • Equivalence – focused on comparing twp versions of the same instrument (alternate forms reliability) or two observers (interrater reliability) measuring the same event. • Homogeneity – addresses the correlation of various items within the instrument or internal consistency; determined by splithalf reliability or Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

VAL IDI TY The extent to which an instrument reflects the concept being examined.


Data collection methods vary along four important dimensions: • Structure • Quantifiability • Researcher Obtrusiveness • Objectivity

MAJOR TYPES OF DA TA COL LECTI ON MET HOD S • Self-Reports • Observation • Biophysiologic Measures

Self-Reports • Unstructured Self Reports

- completely unstructured interview -

Focused interview focus group interview life histories Critical Incidents Diaries

Interviews • Unstructured Interviews • Structured Interviews - describing interview questions -

pretesting the interview protocol training interviewers preparing for an interview Recording interview data

QUESTIONNAIRES Collecting questionnaire data:  Clarity Brevity Simplicity Applicability

Scales • Rating Scales • Likert Scales • Semantic Differentials • Visual analog scales

Developing a Data Collection Plan • • • •

Identify data needs Select type of measures Select and develop instruments Pretest the data collection package • Develop data collection forms and procedures

Implement Data Collection Plan • Select research personnel • Train data collectors

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