Reiki: Reiju

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  • Words: 2,340
  • Pages: 8
REIJU - the Spiritual Gift


James Deacon

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[Version 1.31] Copyright © 2007 James Deacon

霊授 Reiju: The Spiritual Gift It is said that Mikao Usui gave each student 'Reiju' (i.e. an empowerment / energyblessing) on a regular basis. When recieved regularly over time, Reiju is generally perceived to have a deep, accumulative effect, (often greatly enhancing the experience / perception of Reiki initially awakened in the student during the initiations received at each of the 'standard' levels within the Takata Lineage). The term 'reiju' is commonly written: 霊授 – the 授 character implying: to give / grant / confer / impart etc. However, the term Reiju is a 'two-sided concept'. 霊授 is one half of the concept. The other, complementary half of the concept is written is 霊受 (also pronounced 'Reiju') - with the 受 character implying: to accept / undergo / get / receive etc Thus, Reiju implies: 'to confer/receive Spirit' [or 'to confer/receive a Spiritual Gift']. The concept is all about 'Giving and Receiving' - the sharing of a Spiritual Experience

Apparently, students would attend training meetings on a regular basis, and at the end of every meeting, during a meditation session, would receive reiju to further deepen and strengthen their connection, and develop the quality of their experience of the phenomenon that is Reiki. The following is probably the most popular of several versions of the recently 'rediscovered' reiju empowerment process. [Of course, this is merely a description of the physical 'form' of the process - the inner aspect: the energetic/spiritual component of sharing reiju with a student, cannot be learnt from a written description.]

Apparently, students would attend training meetings on a regular basis, and at the end of every meeting, during a meditation session, would receive reiju to further deepen and strengthen their connection, and develop the quality of their experience of the phenomenon that is Reiki. This document gives instructions for performing what is probably the most popular of several versions of the recently 'rediscovered' reiju empowerment process.

Of course, what is provided here is merely a description of the physical 'form' of the process - the inner aspect: the energetic/spiritual component of sharing reiju with a student, cannot be learnt from a written description.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Some people, it seems, mistakenly believe that the knowledge of how to perform the reiju procedure (or, for that matter, the western Reiki initiation/attunement procedure) must be kept secret - that if the procedures become common knowledge, then anyone (even non- Reiki people), by learning how to perform them, will gain the 'power' to awaken the Reiki ability in others. But this is not the case. “One cannot give what one does not have.” The reiju and initiation/attunement procedures are methods for sharing the Gift that is the Reiki ability. If you haven't ‘received’ the Reiki ability yourself, you cannot ‘pass’ it to another – cannot awaken the ability in another - no matter how much you, as a Japanese friend of mine puts it: “wave your hands about, visualize shirushi, chant jumon, or 'intend' it to happen.”

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The Reiju Process [Copyright © 2002 James Deacon]

Note: Initially recipient should sit upright yet relaxed on a chair, with their hands in their lap, feet flat on the ground.

Be mindful of your intent to share reiju. Generate true compassion in your heart, and 'connect' to the Reiki Source. [Some sources suggest connecting to Reiki by chanting the DKM Kotodama ] Standing in front of the recipient, perform gassho and bow once. Touch the recipient lightly on the shoulder to indicate that you are about to begin the sharing of the reiju experience and that they should place their hands in the gassho mudra (prayer position). Raising your arms high up above you, look skyward, and deeply feel the Reiki in your hands. Bring your hands down so as to rest horizontally above the recipient's crown, index fingers touching one-another at the second joints, while the other fingers remain relaxed. In one smooth continuous action, move your hands down in front of the recipient, with mindful intent, visualizing a line of energy (- a line of light) entering via the crown, and flowing down through the centre of the body to the base of the spine, opening and clearing each and every energy centre as it does so. [Some sources suggest visualizing the energy flowing down to the seika tanden (abdominal area) rather than the base of the spine.] Your hands should now be at the level of recipient's knees. Separating your hands, move them out around the sides of the knees and on down the sides of the legs, coming to rest palms down, close to - yet not touching - the floor. [Some sources suggest that with mindful intent, you should ground the Reiki by visualising it flowing into the earth, touching the floor as you do so.] Slowly and smoothly arc your hands back up to a position above the recipient's head once more, standing straight in front of them. Bring your hands gently down so as to rest horizontally about 3 - 5 inches above the recipient's crown (i.e. touching their aura), palms facing down, this time with thumbs touching. [Some sources suggest one hand should be placed on top of the other]

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Allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's crown for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. When you are ready, mindful of the outline of the aura, move your hands out and down to either side of the recipient's head (at about the level of the temples) - palms facing each other. Again, allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's head for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. Next, move your hands in front of the recipient's face, forming a triangle with your index fingers and thumbs. The other fingers are very slightly splayed, palms are facing towards the recipient. The centre of the triangle frames the recipient's third eye. Again, allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's brow for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. Move to the side of the recipient, place one hand in front and one behind the recipient - palms facing each other - at the level of their throat. [Some sources suggest, at the level of their mouth] Once more, allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's throat for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. Move your hands down behind and in front of the recipient's heart / thymus region. Again, allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's heart / thymus for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. Bringing your fingertips together, smoothly move your hands down and around the recipient's hands (without touching them), which are in the gassho mudra (prayer position). Allow Reiki to flow into the recipient's hands for about 10 - 15 seconds or more as you intuit. Smoothly separate your hands and move them downwards, close to the floor. [Some sources suggest that with mindful intent, you should ground the Reiki by visualising it flowing into the earth, touching the floor as you do so.] Now bring your hands together, palms facing upward, the tips of the little fingers making contact so as to form a scoop. In one smooth continuous action, swiftly move your hands up in front of the recipient (as if scooping the energy and returning it to the source) - with mindful intent, visualizing the line of energy (light) running from the base of the spine up through the centre of the body, through the crown, to the sky - firmly establishing the recipient's connection with Reiki. [Some sources suggest visualizing the energy flowing up from the seika tanden (abdominal area) rather than the base of the spine.]

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As you complete the movement, part your hands - open your arms.

Perform gassho and bow.

__________________ NOTE: As stated, this document gives instructions for performing what is probably the most popular of several versions of the recently 'rediscovered' reiju empowerment process. You might like to compare it with this 'short form' version of a Reiki treatment which I learnt (long before anyone in the West had heard of reiju) from a Reiki 'Instructor' who works with Radiance Technique Reiki. I believe it might look somewhat familiar - at lest from position 2 onwards... Short Form of the Reiki Treatment The hand positions are as follows: 1, Standing behind the client, place your hands on their shoulders. Gently match your breathing to the client's breathing rhythms. 2, Move in front of the client. Perform a calming 'aura sweep' to balance the client's energy field, and dilate their central channel (i.e.. to let their energy flow more evenly): raise your hands up slightly above the client's head, and in one smooth, strong, steady motion, sweep your hands down in front of the client's body (bending from your knees as you need to) your hands parting gradually as they pass the client's knees and coming to rest at either side of their ankles. 3, Taking care not to 'ruffle' the client's field in the process, return to an upright position and place your hands above the client's head once more (It is a good idea to keep your hands out to the sides as you come up, so as not to accidentally 'sweep the field' in an upward, invigorating, direction at this time) Bring your hands together and place them - palms down - on the client's crown. (For each position, you can place your hands either directly in contact with the client or a couple of inches from their body - i.e. in their field - as you prefer.) 4, Place your hands on the sides of the client's head - palms covering their temples. 5, Moving to the client's left side, place your left hand on their forehead, and your right on their occipital ridge (the point where neck and skull meet) 6, Bring your hands down so that your left hand is a few inches in front of their throat, and your right is on the back of the lower part of their neck. 7, Place your left hand on the client's breastbone (thymus region) and your right at the same level between their shoulder-blades. 9, Left hand on Solar Plexus (stomach-diaphragm area), right at a corresponding level o the client's back.

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10, Moving in front of the client, take their hands in your own hands. 11, For the final position, place your hands on their feet. This helps ground the client. Where you began the treatment with a 'calming' aura-sweep, finish it with an 'energising' aurasweep: taking your hands from the client's feet, in one smooth, strong, steady motion, sweep your hands up in front of the client's body - your hands parting gradually as they pass the client's shoulders and coming to rest above their head. Centre yourself.

* * * * * * *

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