Reiki Fuushi Vol 2

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 23
Reiki ‘Fuushi’, Vol 2 - Reiki articles with unwritten (yet nonetheless important) subtext… by

James Deacon

NOT FOR SALE Copies of this E-Book may be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE to anyone you wish. It may also be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE in printed form - providing it is done so in its entirety (including end-pages). Permission is NOT given to add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify this document in any way, shape or form. [See foot of document for further details re: Use of Materials from this E-book] THANK YOU [Version 1.00] Copyright © 2007 James Deacon

REIKI 'FUUSHI' Miscellaneous Reiki articles with unwritten (yet nonetheless important) subtext [Copyright © 2006 James Deacon]

In traditional mentor-student (sensei-deshi) relationships, an important element of the teacher/mentor's role is to get the student to actually 'think' for themselves - to question [in a positive way] what they are being told (and perhaps more importantly, why they are being told what they are being told) - to develop their positive critical faculties, not just to accept things as fact simply because someone else says it is so... In this E-Book there is much that is fact, and much that is anything but. [Of course, you will have absolutely no difficulty deciding which is which - wont you] There is also more than a little humour and satire in some of these articles, as these two often provide a very effective means of circumventing the conscious mind and just 'dropping' an idea in to the subconscious.

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REIKI: THE SPIRITUAL MEDICINE... Copyright © 2006 James Deacon

It seems that while more and more folk are becoming comfortable with the idea of receiving hands-on Reiki treatment, many still find the whole concept of 'distant treatment' something very difficult to believe in. They seem to have need of some sense of tangibility to their treatment [- which, I suppose, is only to be expected in a world where standard therapeutic practice relies on various forms of physical intervention or manipulation, or on the patient's ingestion of medication in one form or other].

In response to this, over the last few years a number of people have been experimenting with novel and alternative methods of delivering Reiki to the client when they are not 'face-to-face' with the practitioner. This has resulted in the creation of a number of related Reiki-based products. For example, we have had 'Reiki Patches' (which you stick on your skin, much like you would do with a Nicotine Patch) and 'Reiki Essences' (based on the same concept as the 'Flower Essences' popularised by Edward Bach). And then there have been the so-called 'Homoeopathic Reiki Preparations" [though as the basic premise of Homoeopathy is that the resultant preparation has the exact opposite effect to that of the 'substance' on which the preparation is based in this case Reiki Energy - one wonders just what effect a 'Homoeopathic Reiki Preparation' is likely to have! ] Now, while some will no doubt admit that - in Reiki - there is always room for creativity, many 'Reiki-Purists' tend to dismiss such alternative forms of 'Reiki Delivery-system' as, at best, merely a novelty, and at worst, yet another new gimmick by means of which less scrupulous practioners can improve their finances. Personally, I like to believe that yes, while no doubt there are some who are primarily 'in it for the money', in the main it is a case of Reiki stimulating peoples creativity and in the process, finding new ways of furthering the spread of Reiki's influence in the world.

But then again, the great, anonymous "they" do say that there is 'nothing new under the sun'....

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Care for a spoonful of 'Tincture', anybody?

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ZEN AND THE ART OF REIKI : A parable Usui Sensei is having a meal with a new Deshi (student) DESHI: Sensei, can you please pass me the bowl of Tofu SENSEI: You've got the bowl of Tofu in your hand DESHI: Sensei, can you please pass me the bowl of Tofu SENSEI (with Infinite Patience & Compassion): You've got the bowl of Tofu in your hand. DESHI: Sensei, can you please pass me the bowl of Tofu SENSEI: How can I give you what you've already got? DESHI: (uncertain of himself) But Sensei, I can't FEEL the bowl of Tofu SENSEI: Relax, still your mind, trust in the Tofu - eat...

* * * * * * (Bad) REIKI-JOKE HEALING ™ Copyright © 2002 James Deacon

So, a Reiki Master goes into a bar, and across the crowded room he sees one of his students: Raymond, talking to the bartender (and drinking a TOTALLY non-alcoholic drink of course!). Raymond acknowledges his teacher's presence, and gestures to the empty barstool next to his. As he walks up to them, the Reiki Master can hear Raymond saying to the Bartender: "... so I told him, if he kept on eating like that, he was likely to choke ..." Sitting down beside his student, the Reiki Master - eager to pick up the thread of the conversation - says: "Choke - who Ray?" * * * * * *

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FREE REIKI DE-ATTUNEMENTS! Copyright © 2002 James Deacon

We would like to remind all members of the Reiki Community about this exciting new weekly event: Free Reiki De-Attunements ! Yes, that's right DE-Attunements!

Sick and tired of hearing about free Attunements ? Wish you had never received those 64,841 different attunements (or should that be 'initiations') into namby-pamby all sickly 'sweetness and lightworker' ReikiTM Ashamed to say you were initiated into: "We used to think it was Sai Baba - but now we've discovered it was really some OTHER orange-clad master with a cool-dude Afro haircut"- TerryMyReiki? Don't know what to do with all those Certificates you got with all those irresistible 'gratis' Reiki Attunements (especially the ones you got when you collected five 'principles' tokens from special packs of Kellogg's corn flakes) - or the ones you made with your children's favourite crayons to validate all those Self-attunements you learnt from that 'Essentially Wicca in a Reiki Frock' book? Do you remember the good old days before you got sucked into the dark and nefarious cult that is Reiki? - before you became brainwashed into this "aw diddums - Reiki-weiki kiss it all better - there, there, there" molly-coddled mindset, that says you have to Reiki every little thing that hurts - that every little natural bodily sensation must be Reikied away in case - perish the thought - you might actually feel any of the everyday aches and pains that let you know you're really alive? Well help is at hand. With this new, tried and tested (well, sort of) process, you can be De-Attuned in minutes - say good bye to all those irritating and embarrassing attunements Tell all those 'groundhog-day' type re-attunement junkies (who keep pestering to reattune them over and over again - just because they know you are a Reiki Master) to go and take a flying chokurei… Tear up those certificates - and wear your: "I am no longer attuned to Reiki - don't come crying to me cos you got a hangover go bug some Reiki do-gooder who gives a damn" lapel badge with pride So, come on, what are you waiting for - sign up today!

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Just add your name to the free distant De-Attunement list in the database section (of the [email protected] Group site) - not forgetting to mention which specific Reikis you want to be De-Attuned to (or should that be 'from' - English is my second language after all) But PLEASE Remember you only need De-Attunement to/from each Reiki style ONCE - the only circumstance in which you will need a Re-De-Attunement is if you are stupid enough to get yourself re-attuned to that style at a later date… We are not here to cater to the insecurities of would-be Reiki De-Attunement junkies who through their own inadequacies feel the need to be De-Attuned on a weekly basis. And remember, you aren't confined to requesting De-Attunement solely for yourself - and this is where the FUN starts: D'you know a Reiki master (or practitioner of any level for that matter) who really annoys you - pretentious, holier-than-thou, egocentric, money-grabbing? (Yes I can see that mental list growing exponentially as you think about it - and take my name off that list IMMEDIATELY!)) Well, just for the hell of it, why not add their name to the free distant De-Attunement list . Or, pick a Master who really winds you up - but instead of adding their name to the list, add all their students' names and watch the fur fly as the students demand their 'energy exchange' (i.e. attunement fee) back. Another alternative, (allowing that you haven't undergone the De-Attunement Process yourself) - add someone's name to the list, then in a month or so send them a fresh distant Re-attunement - give it a month, then add them to the list again, and so on.... They'll never figure out why one month the Reiki Flows and the next it doesn't... These are just a few suggestions - I'm sure that you will come up with many more novel (and I hope devious) applications for the free distant De-Attunement list . Have Fun! (Full Singular Reiki De-Attunement on the 7th Sunday in each Month) * * * * * *

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DISTANT REIKI - Just like Grandma used to do... Copyright © 2006 James Deacon

During a refreshment-break on the second day of a level 2 Reiki class I was teaching, one of the younger students asked if we could talk for a moment.

She told me how much she was enjoying the course, and how she felt she had to share something with me. A little while earlier in the day, I had introduced the students to the idea of using a teddy bear as one many possible forms of medium for delivering distant treatment to a client. This particular student explained how she had not wanted to interrupt the flow of the course at the time (Brownie Points for that, I thought!), but that she was excited by the realisation that her grandmother might well have been a Reiki practitioner, even though the now very elderly lady had never ever mentioned the fact. “Well”, she said, ”Grandma was always into herbs and natural cures, that kind of thing, y’know; so I suppose she might have also done Reiki training – actually, come to think of it, she might even have been a Reiki Master!” She explained how, as a child, she had on several occasions, seen her grandmother doing what she now recognised as a variation on the teddy bear proxy-healing practice (her grandmother had actually worked with a small, plain, 'rag-doll'). “Now, I know you said Reiki can be seamlessly integrated into other therapeutic practices – if a person feels the need – but,” she asked, almost hesitantly “do many people actually use Reiki and some other therapy together - for doing distance healing?" "I suppose it’s really a matter of what the individual feels works best for them” I replied. “So, why do you think your Grandmother was trained to Reiki master-level?” I asked. “Well, it only just struck me a few moments ago”, she explained "I think she might have used the master symbol mantra when she was working 'distantly' on the client. I always remember, as a little girl, sneaking into her bedroom and watching her work. Of course I had no idea then as to what she was doing – and I never let her know that I had often watched her." “You see, Grandma used to kind of half-whisper under her breath – when she was ‘treating’. In fact, the more I think about it now, the more sure I am that what she was quietly chanting was the mantra of the Reiki master symbol!” The young woman was becoming very animated now. ”Yes, I’m almost certain that’s what it was!” she continued excitedly, "Each time Grandma pricked one of the acupuncture needles into the rag-doll’s head or torso, she would repeat the

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mantra three times – though, because of the way she was whispering, I could only ever hear the first syllable…"

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THE GANZUME Copyright © 2006 James Deacon

Mr Masahai Asaeda, a retired urologist from Kyoto, informs me that his grandfather a Mr Tomohiro Fujikawa - had worked for Mikao Usui as a gardener, some time between 1923 and 1925. He states that, as a leaving-gift, Usui-sensei had presented Mr Fujikawa with some gardening implements including a ganzume or wooden rake - which, according to Mr Fujikawa, Usui-sensei had performed a powerful reiju on in order to imbue it with special therapeutic properties. Mr Asaeda's grandfather had often recounted how sensei had told him that for as long as he continued used the ganzume on a regular basis to tend his own garden, his ornamental plants would always produce, beautiful, healthy, fragrant flowers, and all edible produce from the garden would be unsurpassed for quality and flavour. Mr Asaeda said that this had indeed proved to be the case - and while his grandfather had certainly been a skilled gardener, skill alone could not account for the results he achieved. Even many years after Mr Fujikawa's passing, local people still used to talk about his amazing garden… At present, the prized ganzume and the other gardening implements received by Mr Fujikawa are on loan to the Dai-Nippon Garden Association as part of an exhibition being staged in Osaka. However Mr Asaeda has kindly sent me a copy of the exhibition pamphlet [see below] which - amongst the images accompanying a brief article on leaf-, soil-, & sand-rakes - shows a photograph of the actual ganzume owned by Mr Fujikawa. [For clarity's sake, I have added an identification sticker to each image] Mr Fujikawa's ganzume is pictured centre, bottom row: identification-letter E.

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my heart-felt thanks to Mr Asaeda for sharing this information and photo with us. I hope you will all agree that this is finally the incontrovertible proof we needed to support the claim that - ever since the early days - Rake E has regularly been used to help make plants grow strong and healthy...

______________ Incidental Note: Aficionados of Japanese gardening equipment will of course be only too well aware that 'Rake E' in the illustration above is not actually a ganzume. In fact, a ganzume is not even a wooden rake, but rather has a narrow, and normally fourpronged, metal head. [Unfortunately, at the time of doing the photo-shoot for the 'exhibition pamphlet' mock-up, the only genuine ganzume my casting agents could locate apparently considered itself too big a star (due to having had a walk-on part in Tom Cruise's 'The Last Samurai' movie) to be associated with such a corny, low budget spoof as this. So instead, the part of 'Mr Fujikawa's prized ganzume' is actually played by an eighteenpronged wooden rake, sourced from a local theatrical supply company in Boston...]

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THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE! Copyright © 2002 James Deacon

Dateline: April 2002

Amazing Discovery!

The Lost Diaries of Mikao Usui found by Reiki Master in Grandma's Attic Note: For reasons of a contractual nature concerning a number of network TV chatshows and several lucrative publication deals, the Reiki Master in question does not at this time wish her identity to be revealed. So, in the following news item, she will be referred to simply as 'Miss X'. 'Miss X' informs us that in the summer of 2000, on a visit from Delaware, USA, to her grandmother's home in Yokohama, Japan, it was by pure chance that she discovered the lost diaries of Mikao Usui (- founder of the Reiki System of Healing -) while rummaging in the attic for family photographs. After a lengthy discussion between her agent and our financial department, 'Miss X' told our reporter: "The diaries ('Miss X' will not say exactly how many there are at this time) - wrapped in a newspaper dated 1923 - were hidden in a niche beside a small skylight window in the attic, where, judging from the amount of dust and cobwebs, they had obviously rested undisturbed for almost 80 years". 'Miss X' (who admits that she cannot read Japanese - neither the modern form, nor the older style Kanji in which the diaries are apparently written), went on to explain that, immediately upon finding the diaries, she instinctively knew what they were, and she ran to ask her Grandmother about them. Her Grandma - apparently somewhat confused - denied all knowledge of the diaries or how such documents - which 'Miss X' assures us are in Mikao Usui's own handwriting - could have found their way into her attic - especially seeing how that part of the attic had been completely rebuilt in 1964 after a severe storm had totally destroyed the side of the roof where the skylight is now situated. However, as 'Miss X' went on to tell our reporter; "I called on the assistance of a therapist skilled in the uncovering of repressed memories, and as a result, after six weeks of intensive sessions of what (-to use the correct psychotherapeutic terminology -) is referred to as 'prompting and coaching' Grandma's deep-seated psychological block dissolved completely and she can now fully remember the details of her early life as a student in the very first clinic UsuiSensei set up before the Russo-Japanese War. The clinic was in Nagano… er, no, I mean.. oh yes that's it Nakano*" [*Editor's note: The Russo-Japanese War was 1904/5 at which time Miss X's Grandmother, by our calculations, would have been only 3 years old. Also, it is known that Mikao Usui's clinic in Nakano opened in 1924, having previously been located at Aoyama, Tokyo.]

'Miss X' explained that the Diaries are currently being translated into English by a fellow Reiki Master (- for contractual reasons we will call her 'Miss Y' -) who has a basic understanding of written Japanese. "… she can read the menu in the sushi bar and everything!" 'Miss X' assured our reporter, "Of course," she continued, "the important thing is that we get across the 'feel' of what Usui-Sensei wrote - more than going for a literal translation - so if there

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are any problems in making sense of sections of the text - even the occasional complete volume - well I'm sure we'll still manage to get the essential flavour across I mean we're both very intuitive - so we'll no doubt be able to instinctively know what Usui-Sensei would have wanted to say - I mean - it's not like we'd be 'putting words in Usui-Sensei's mouth' or anything - or making things up, y'know." 'Miss X' states that she intends to publish the 'Lost Diaries of Mikao Usui' as an openended series of volumes - the first of which, 320 pages in length, will contain the translation of the first five pages of the first diary, along with the detailed story of 'Miss X's rediscovery of the documents, a scattering of non-specific reminiscences about the 'Early Days of Reiki' by her Grandmother, and will be heavily illustrated with line drawings of hitherto unknown treatment hand-positions, and numerous sepia photographs of people, whom 'Miss X' assures us, knew Mikao Usui when he was Personal Secretary to Emperor Hirohito. [Editor's Note: That is the same Hirohito who, interestingly enough did not become Emperor until after Mikao Usui's death in 1926.]

As a special promotional feature for our readers: pre-order your copy of "Lost Diaries of Mikao Usui - Volume 1" today and you will also receive an exact replica of that fabled '21st stone' that Mikao Usui threw away only moments before his momentous experience in which he received the Reiki ability! As you will read in the intro to "Lost Diaries of Mikao Usui - Volume 1" at the very moment Mikao Usui threw the stone away, an American Naval Officer, (who was visiting Kyoto on a diplomatic mission, and had taken some time out of his busy schedule to go on a sightseeing trip to Mount Kurama,) happened to be walking past the spot where the somewhat emaciated Usui sat, and as the stone landed on the path in front of him, he picked it up. He had apparently called out "Hey Bud, watch it, that nearly hit me!" but seeing that Mikao Usui was busy meditating, and realising he hadn't intended any harm, the (unnamed) Naval Officer simply pocketed the stone, before carrying on down the mountain path to visit the next shrine in his guidebook. [ Editor's Note: the stone is now in the possession of Miss X's uncle ('Mr Z') ] So take advantage of this special offer today! Order "Lost Diaries of Mikao Usui - Volume 1" Now - all major credit cards accepted.

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I thought I would pass on the following info concerning certain similarities/differences between the recently re-discovered form of ki therapy known as 'Whis-Ki', and good old-fashioned Rei-ki: 1, While Rei-Ki is often visualized as a golden 'liquid-light', filling the body, Whis-Ki is a light amber liquid, filling a glass. 2, Rei-Ki provides total relaxation and oneness with all-that-is, Whis-Ki also provides total relaxation and oneness with all-that-is. 3, Rei-Ki brings joy and contentment at all times; Whis-Ki brings joy and contentment until it wears off. Then one wishes one had imbibed Rei-Ki instead. 4, Rei-Ki comes in numerous 'styles' and 'flavours' - with some claiming to be stronger than others; Whis-Ki comes in various brands and flavours - with some most definitely stronger than others 5, Rei-Ki can be safely combined with various other practices; Whis-Ki can be safely combined with various other practices - though driving isn't one of them 6, Some claim that 'Japanese Rei-Ki ' is purer than 'Western Rei-Ki; Everyone knows Irish Whis-Ki is purer than Scottish Whis-Ki 7, Rei-Ki is sometimes translated as the 'Energy of Life'; Whis-Ki translates as 'Water of Life' 8, Some folk claim Rei-Ki has links with Tibetan 'Bon'; Whis-Ki has links with American Bour-bon 9, A Rei-Ki Practitioner doesn't deplete his own energy, but a Whis-Ki 'practitioner' tends to deplete his own finances 10, Rei-Ki acquired via 'attunement' or Reiju. Whis-Ki is acquired via the nearest 'bottle shop'. ______ NOTE: I will be updating this list of similarities/differences from time to time, based on further research and experimentation. Amongst other things, I am planning a pilgrimage to numerous Whis-Ki related sacred sites [ -in the vocabulary of the Whis-Ki art, referred to as 'distilleries' ] and a 21-day mountaintop meditation - not too dissimilar to that carried out by Usui-Sensei, except for one slight difference: Where Usui-Sensei is said to have gathered up 21 stones, throwing one away each morning to help him count the passing days, I intend gathering 21 cases of the aforementioned 'Water of Life' and will be discarding 12 empty bottles each morning - providing the noise of all that glass breaking as it bounces off the rocks doesn't give me too much of a headache...

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Oh and one last thing, many people have been asking about the Whis-Ki symbol-mantras. When indulging in Whis-Ki practice, it is traditional to intone the sacred 'good health' mantra before administering treatment. For those of you as yet unfamiliar with this practice, an English transliteration of the singleword Gaelic mantra is as follows: 'slainte ' (pronounced 'schlaawn-cha' - or if used as Kotodama: 'hlaawn-ha' ) The mantra should be intoned while raising the sacred vessel known as the " Whis-Ki g'Lass" to the lips. As with all mantras, the higher the number of repetitions, the greater the benefit accrued...

* * * * * * THE REIKI-MASTERS 'URBAN LEGENDS' QUIZ Copyright © 2003 James Deacon

So, you're a street-wise Reiki-Master - you've practiced your art, initiated students, collected more diverse styles of Reiki Attunements and accompanying Certificates than you know what to do with; 'lurked' (in a non-threatening 'internet-speak' sense) on numerous Yahoo (& other) Reiki Group lists, read the books, watched the videos, bought the t-shirt (and the mug) - and now, if truth be told, you're bored ... Well, why not spend a little time (that you would otherwise only be wasting giving someone a brief Reiki Treatment - or perhaps attuning them to the Reiki energy) exercising your brain cells and testing your Reiki & General Knowledge... [No prizes for correct answers - but possibly one or more sur-prises] So: Which of the following statements are factual and which are purely 'Urban Legends' ?

• Ostriches bury their heads in the sand • Reiki can do no harm (but the endless discussion of this topic can actually bore you to death…) • In 'Casablanca', Humphrey Bogart's character, Rick said: "Play it again Sam" • Reiki can do no harm (but concentrating on trying to draw HSZSN on the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue [Tibetan Style] while driving in the fast lane, might) • Hawayo Takata invented Reiki as a New Age Multi-Level-Marketing scam • A Chokurei is actually an 'Imperial Edict' • Elvis is alive and well and living in Scotland • Karuna Reiki is really TeraMai Reiki (only different)

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TeraMai Reiki is really Patrick Zeigler's 'Seichim Reiki' (only different) Elvis is one of Takata-Sensei's level 2 Reiki students Reiki can do no harm (unless it is for your higher good, that is) Any squiggle drawn by a Reiki practitioner is a long-lost original Reiki symbol You don't need a Reiki Master to attune you to Reiki - Self-Attunements REALLY work (- just like 'pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps'...! ) Chakra Work is not a feature of original Reiki Every magical, spiritual, mystical symbol that ever existed is a long-lost original Reiki symbol Nero fiddled while Rome burned Traffic Signs are long-lost original Reiki symbols Reiki is merely a "lazy-person's" version of 'Cosmic Chi-Kung Healing' Reiki is actually pronounced Lay-Kee A Humo(u)r-Bypass is mandatory in order to be attuned to Reiki Marie Antoinette didn't say "Let them eat cake" There is no egotism in the Reiki Community It's OK to be offensive and abusive to people - as long as you send them Reiki afterwards The Gakkai teach Usui-Sensei's original Reiki system - nothing added, nothing taken away No one would ever make up stories about the origins of Reiki - just to support their own fanciful theories Usui-Sensei was a Christian Minister Reiki is a 'Benign Viral Contagion' (it can be transmitted by touch, has reached epidemic proportions, and frequently mutates into new, diverse, unusual - yet none-the-less potent - strains) Christopher Columbus discovered North America Ascended Masters, Essential Oils, Crystal Healing, Wiccan Rituals and 'Fluffy Bunnies' are NOT original Reiki components There is no egotism in the Reiki Community Usui-Sensei learnt Reiki from a Tibetan Lama Usui-Sensei learnt Reiki from a Peruvian Llama Jesus was a Reiki Master Reiki is from Atlantis and pigs have wings John Cabot discovered North America Original students of Usui-Sensei all live to be over 100 years old There is no egotism in the Reiki Community! Reiki always automatically knows precisely where it's needed (yet we have to channel it to specific people and direct it with specific symbols to specific intent) Bill Gates is a Reiki Master 14 Ascended Masters were arrested in a bar in Brooklyn after a dispute as to which one of them really invented Reiki Usui-Sensei was a Tantric Buddhist (no, not THAT type of Tantra - the other, nosex type: Shingon or Tendai Buddhism) Running your own 'Reiki Business' is better than actually working for a living Mel Gibson was born in the USA 473 original students of Usui-Sensei have just been discovered frozen in a 1920's prototype cryogenic stasis chamber hidden deep under Mount Kurama My Reiki is better than your Reiki The DKM 'symbol' is not actually a symbol at all, but the Kanji characters for 'Big Bright Light' Usui-Sensei was a Zen Monk

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• No one would ever make up stories about the origins of Reiki - just so they could write a book or five about it and live well on the royalties • You should always send Reiki to people who specifically ask you not to - after all you're a Reiki Practitioner and you know what's best for them • The Usui Memorial isn't a fake • Originally, Reiki was a Charismatic Discipline • Usui-Sensei played 'prop forward' in the New Zealand 'All Blacks' Rugby squad in 1908

So, how do you think you did....? What - you want me to supply a Correct Answers List so you can check your score? Next you'll be wanting me to take your Reiki Classes for you!

OK, so just to get you started, here are a few Correct Answers: Mel Gibson was born in the USA A Chokurei is an 'Imperial Edict' (but the Reiki Choku Rei isn't) Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand Usui-Sensei did not play in 'prop forward' position in the New Zealand 'All Blacks' Rugby squad in 1908. (At least, he doesn't appear in the official Team Photograph!)

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QUALITY TRAINING ASSURED: - an extract from Reiki Master Betty J. Hassenblatter's newsletter Copyright © 2006 James Deacon

So, you don't know your lineage, eh? Perhaps it would be helpful if you could find out about it, but then again...

Quality Training Assured by Betty J. Hassenblatter To the 60 students I have made Reiki Masters It seems a couple of of you wanted to know about my Reiki- what was it you called it? oh yes thats right: 'Lineage' . (I must admit, as I've only been teaching Reiki for just over two weeks now, I didn't know what you were on about, so I've had to get a book from the library. Well, I only received my level 1 and 2 attunements at a Tarot-reading party on the Saturday, and became a Reiki Master on the Sunday, and as I had never even heard of Reiki before the Saturday - and started attuning students on the Monday, I didn't really have any time to learn about the more obscure and esoteric elements of Reiki - like this lineage thing) So, I phoned Eunice, the lady who put the attunement on me (She said that as she did not provide them, I should really make myself a Reiki Certificate, as a lot of people like to see that sort of thing - so as they know you are a proper trained Reiki Master. She recommended I look on the internet as sometimes you can find certificates to download and just fill in your details on them. She did also tell me that, unless I wanted to mail the certificate to her, with additional stamps to cover its return, I would have to sign it with her signature [or as close as I could get it] - just to make it authentic) So, anyway, Eunice said she would email me the following details about the lineage thing. Apparently this is how we prove that we have received proper Reiki training, and that the person who gave it to us had also had proper training, and so on back to whoever it was that started the whole thing - Eunice did mention the name but, I can't quite recall it at the moment - Mrs Alice Hayashikata, or someone ? Eunice also said something about how, many people try to play down the importance of lineage, but that this is often because there are some 'anomalies' in certain lineages - things that some people might not really want publicised. [I must admit I've no idea what she meant by this...] So, for those people who were asking, here is my lineage, working backwards from - well I guess, me: Reiki Master Betty J. Hassenblatter. [Along with the list of names, Eunice has even provided some details about several of the other lineagers ( - is that the right word?) including actual quotes from some of the people themselves.]

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Reiki Master Eunice Foggis "I received the 'combined level' single Reiki attunement by accident (walked into the wrong tent at a Mind Body Spirit show - thought I'd been queueing up for the fiveminute shoulder massage!) I've never received a Reiki treatment and have no real interest in using Reiki myself, but selling attunements does help put my son through college." Reiki Master Arleene MacEndry "I added my name to an attunement list on a Reiki news forum - at least I think it was an attunement list (The forum was Indonesian-Language, and as I don't speak Indonesian - it did have the word 'Reiki' in it though). I hope they understood my request? Anyhoo - then I found a 300 word description of how to do the attunements in a crystal healing magazine. The article was written by Bryann Jaycobs, so technically I can claim him as part of my lineage, can't I?" Reiki Master Briann Jaycobs Briann says that he had dreams over three consecutive nights in which an unseen figure, believed by Briann to be Reiki Master Peter O'Farrelle, attuned him to all three levels, as well as providing indepth tuition in the various developmental techniques and treatment practices associated with Reiki (On each of the three nights in question Briann had consumed considerable quantities of bananas and cheese, and had been avidly speed-reading his way through a stack of Reiki books, directly before settling down to sleep...) Reiki Master Peter O'Farrelle At first, Peter, who had never even heard of Briann Jaycobs, refused to associate himself with Briann claims, but, after Briann offered to pay Peter for the 'Astral training' he had received ( - a sum above and beyond the 'going rate' for formal training in all three levels), Peter suddenly relented, admitting that he did indeed have the ability enter his student's dreams and train them while they slept. Peter now dedicates himself solely to teaching Reiki in this way. He requires students to prepare for his nocturnal training course by eating lots of cheese, lots of bananas, and speed-reading several Reiki books, directly before settling down to sleep... Enoria Finkelstiene "Principles? Really? Gee, its a good thing you mentioned that! I thought it was the Five Reiki Principals - y'know, like five people who were heads of different schools of Reiki or something. So, these Principles then, what..." Todd Hamillton-Kay "Well, when people come to my Reiki classes, I attune them to Reiki obviously, but as I am also worshiper of Renithratria: Lord of the Seven Prothrassean Hells, and Right Hand of Satan - I also perform an initiation to bind them as a servant of Renithratria. Well, no of course I don't ask their permission, I don't even tell them I've done it; though most of them usually figure it out for themselves - when the 'signs' start appearing..."

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Reiki Master Alberto 'Fingers' Posman "Use Reiki? Whadda ya mean use it? Its just multi-level-marketing, right? (some folks maybe call it 'pyramid selling', but its still da same thing) Ya find some stake money, buy ya'self in, then away ya go: just place a few ads, they roll up all starry-eyed, ya just wave your hands over 'em, do that hui yin thing, blow on 'em - then sell 'em a certificate. Then they can go out -do the same; an' hope they recoup their stake an' something more on top before the market's flooded, the whole thing collapses -an' they gotta move on to the next town. I know Ms Sung talked about 'spiritual principles' an' stuff, but I always kinda thought that was just additional sales spiel, right? What? No, ya kiddin' me - straight up? Ya mean I coulda used it to get ridda my back ache? - I coulda saved a fortune in chiropractor's bills!" Reiki Master Joely Ling Sung "I was at a shamanic drumming seminar, run by Cary Fassenbascher's sister. The whole Reiki Level 1, 2, & Master thing was just a freebie incentive really. An extra half-hour course thrown in as a bonus certificate, when you signed up for the residential, advanced shamanic drumming seminar. So remind me - what am I supposed to do with this attunement thingy?" Reiki Master Rev. Cary Fassenbascher "Well, being a very advanced spiritual person - I mean, I do Tai Chi an' everything when I heard about this Reiki thing and how you got to have this really cool title (always wanted people to address me as 'Master') well, I just had to get the certificate (oh yeah, and of course learn all that info about business cards, and advertising for students, and stuff) How much time do I spend treating clients compared with running Reiki Training seminars? - Treating clients.... let me see, I'm sure I must have done at least one treatment? I did actually do a couple of self-treatments way back when I first became a Reiki master, but, really I don't have time for that sort of thing y'know? Ethel Marelli "I was originally intending to get my Reiki attunement from this video a friend of mine was going to buy - all you had to do was follow the instructions on the tape and the tape itself would attune you - but my friend spent the $500 on some beauty treatments instead, so that was the end of that idea! Eventually, received my Reiki ability by Distant Attunement from some Master in India. Or rather, I thought I did! Seems the guy completely forgot to actually do the attunement! I only found out after I'd already attuned Cary and about 6 other new masters, and they had already started attuning students of their own. But then I met Dean, and he said that because I had believed that I was a Reiki Master at the time I attuned those people, it would be OK, and suggested I needn't bother disheartening them by telling them about the mix-up. Dean said he'd attune me 'retrospectively' something about sending the attunement into the past so that would mean Cary and the others were attuned afterall - at least I think that was it? Dean was a great help; he lent me a Reiki book and everything."

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Reiki Master Dean... (something-or-other) Dean, who was very much into the whole Positive Affirmations thing (even though he'd never actually had any discernable results from all his 10 years of 'wishing'), had watched with interest an interview with a Reiki practitioner on one of the cable channels. He thought Reiki would be something he'd really like to 'get into', but being an 'I know best' type of person, and not really wanting to get caught up in that whole thing of having to receive attunements, learn to work with the energy, or admit that there might actually be something to be gained from receiving hands-on tuition from a real-life, experienced Reiki Master, Dean decided that he would use the power of Affirmations to instantly become an experienced Reiki Master himself (and while he was at it, he would throw in a few extra affirmations to the effect that he had received some Reiki treatments - something he had in fact never actually done). So lighting a candle, he sat down, affirmed that he was a Reiki Master, skilled in his art - and hey presto... {Though, Dean now claims that a little while later - about six or seven months ago now - he did infact also receive an attunement from an Andalucian Reiki Master named Delores Maria Xavier, while working in a beach-side bar in Torremolinos, Spain] Delores Maria Xavier We are told that ex-Carmelite nun, Delores has very recently given up all involvement with Reiki, taken a new name and is believed to be living in an 'Eco-Spiritual' commune somewhere in New Zealand. After Delores Maria Xavier, so Eunice tells me, there is apparently a gap in the lineage thing... At least a couple of the links in the chain are said to be missing (O.K., so, Eunice reckons it might actually be nearer to 15 or 16 links) But apparently the other side of the gap the lineage goes back to a: Dr. Hawayo Takata Dr. Hayashi and then to someone called... Mister Usui? [Though personally, I don't know if these last three people (from their names it sounds as if they might possibly be Japanese or something?) actually have anything to do with this Reiki - I mean, I've not heard anything about Reiki having any connection with Japan. Eunice seems to think Reiki was developed in Tibet by a couple of British Explorers who were members of the Theosophical Society. But based on my own experience as a Reiki Master (17 days, 21 hours and counting? Yeee!), and what with all the esoteric-y type techniques and stuff that makes up most of the Reiki course, I'm sure it must have originated in the West: Europe somewhere - with Anton Mesmer perhaps - he was into all that sort of thing - always talking about something called Universal Fluid - I guess thats where we get the term Universal Energy?

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And in lots of old illustrations of people doing his 'Animal Magnetism', well it looks just like how Eunice taught me to do Reiki.]

Well, any way, there you have it, my Reiki lineage - and now, I suppose, yours too! So you see, everyone who signs up for my Reiki courses can rest secure in the knowledge they are receiving the fullest, purest training possible in this wonderful practice that has been passed down for hundreds of years with care and integrity, from one highly experienced Master to the next...

Best wishes Your loving Reiki Master, Betty J. Hassenblatter.

______________________ O.K. - so the 'extract' above is fictional. Well, technically fictional You see (and to me, this is the scary part), except for literally a couple of 'exaggerations' (and I'll leave it to you to figure out what they are), everything in the piece is closly based on real things I have observed and encountered over the years in my interactions with ('master' level) members of the Reiki community, both face to face and online . I have simply woven them together into a single tale, changing the names and other identifiable information - in order to protect ...

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