Registration Forms

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Annual International Fest September 29, 2006

INFORMATION SHEET Preparations: INTERNATIONAL FEST MEETING • Pick up registration forms • Learn about rules for the Fest • Ask any questions


AUGUST 30th, 2006 – 403 MB (Wednesday)

REGISTRATION FORMS DUE 4:30PM SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 – Int’l Ctr., 405 MB • Return ONLY CONTRACT AND REGISTRATION FORM(S) (Wednesday) • Booth positions and requests assigned in order of arrival – first come first serve INTERNATIONAL FEST MEETING 12PM • Sign up for rehearsal times for performance • Booth allocation will be posted

SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 – 403 MB (Wednesday)

REHEARSAL 1 7:30PM-12AM • Be sure you know what you are doing

SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 – HUB Auditorium (Tuesday)

REHEARSAL 2 7:30PM-12AM • Everything should be perfect

SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 – HUB Auditorium (Monday)

FINAL REHEARSAL 7:30-11:00PM SEPTEMBER 27,2006 – HUB Auditorium FASHION SHOW PRACTICE at 11:00PM (Wednesday) • Just like the day of the event BOOTH SETUP


SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 – HUB (Thursday) The Fest – SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 HUB (Friday): DAY EVENT 11:30AM-2:00PM, HUB Gallery Lounge & EXPO • Booths from various countries (food, cultural displays and more) • Presentation of day prizes EVENING EVENT 7:30-11:30PM, HUB Auditorium • Extravaganza with performances • Includes Fashion Show • Presentation of evening prizes • Admission: $4 w/IIT ID, $6-non-IIT. Tickets sold all week at the CIC, at the ISO booth during the Day-Fest and by ISO Friday evening.

Send any inquiries to: [email protected]


Annual International Fest September 29, 2006

# TERMS OF PARTICIPATION Rules and Regulations: In order for everyone to enjoy a successful and pleasant Fest, the following guidelines have been set by the International Center and the International Students’ Organization:

The booths, activities and entertainment of each group will be cultural rather than political in nature. Participants are expected to set aside differences based on nationality, race, sex, religion, and political belief. Evidence of material that affects political sentiments of others, or any other inappropriate or disrespectful behavior toward participants or the organizers will result in withdrawal from participation in the Fest by the International Center or the International Students’ Organization. It shall be within the jurisdiction of the International Center or any member of the Executive Board of the International Students’ Organization to make such a determination and inform the group representative, named below, if his or her group will be dismissed from Fest participation.

Each registering group is limited to one booth. Should groups choose to combine booths, they must turn in the registration forms together for all booths, since they are assigned on a first come first serve basis. The organizers of the Fest reserve the right to determine if groups may combine booths in such a manner. Note that combined booths will not be judged, as it is unfair to other participants.

A group may choose to participate in the day event, the evening extravaganza, or both. It is highly recommended that groups participate in both parts of the program.

All performers must be full or part time students of the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to be considered for any kind of prize. Outside performers are discouraged, as they do not directly relate to the diversity of current IIT student life.

Contract: By signing the contract below, I understand that I am responsible for communicating with my group members to keep the spirit and purpose of the Fest. My group agrees to comply with the above rules and regulations above, as well as any other conditions set forth by the International Center (IC) and the International Students’ Organization (ISO). I agree to serve as the sole contact between my group and the IC/ISO. If I fail to comply with any of these conditions set forth, I accept that the IC or ISO can withdraw my group from Fest participation. Group Name: Representative Name: Address: Phone (day):


E-mail: Signature:



Annual International Fest September 29, 2006

**PLEASE RETURN TO THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 AT 4:30PM** (ATTACH WITH BOOTH/PERFORMANCE/FASHION SHOW FORMS) GENERAL GUIDELINES Booths: 1. Absolutely no alcohol may be served at any booth by anyone. 2. No open fire, no candles are permitted in the booths. 3. The process of decorating your booth may last only on Thursday, September 28th, from 3pm to midnight. Plan accordingly. Note: no painting, spraying, carpentry inside the HUB. 4. Booth locations and requests will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Turn your registration forms in early. 5. Booth space will be 8ft. X 8ft. There will be one 8-foot and one 6-foot table. 6. Wireless Internet is available in the HUB. Must have wireless capable laptop. 7. Each group will be provided with the following: One easel to display poster/menu, colored paper (available during booth setup time), napkins, plastic eating utensils (about 50), paper plates (about 50), and cups (about 50). It is highly encouraged to bring additional plates and utensils, as food items are usually rather popular. Tape, Markers and additional supplies will not be provided. 8. Since it is permitted to sell food, groups must bring their own change for the event. 9. Some items for the booth are available only in limited numbers (see “Registration – Booths”). Be sure to clearly indicate the items needed. Forms turned in sooner will have more of a chance of obtaining the items requested. 10. Any items not mentioned will need to be brought by each group – for example: ice, serving utensils, spices, etc. 11. A $100 contribution per booth will be permitted for the first 25 groups who register. Groups need to keep all receipts of money spent toward their booths, and turn them in to the ISO Booth at the Fest. No food items may be bought with this money, and no items that will be sold may be bought with this money either. This money is only to be used for the day event. 12. No posters may be taped on the glass, painted walls, or over the ventilation ducts of the HUB. Nothing may be hung from the ceiling of the HUB


Annual International Fest September 29, 2006

13. The booth area must be cleaned up by 4pm on the day of the Fest. Trash bags and trash cans will be provided for cleanup. Nothing should be left on the floor, tables, windows, or walls by that time. Failure to clean-up will incur a fine to your organization. 14. The HUB staff has the authority to request any group to stop any action that is seen as damaging the building and this will be reported to ISO. If you do not follow these guidelines you will be disqualified from the competition and responsible to pay for all willful damages. Evening Program: 1. Practice your performance before the first rehearsal. This will make it much easier for you and for us to set things up. Think about things like the kind of lighting you want, when you want the curtain to open and shut, etc. Pretend like it is the day of the performance and make sure you go through all the details in your head. The rehearsals are not for you to begin to rehearse your act, but for the both of us (your group and IC/ISO) to coordinate how it will be executed. 2. Take the final rehearsal seriously. It has to be just like the day of the event. The closer the final rehearsal reflects the evening performance, the better the whole show will be, and the better your group will look. 3. The IC/ISO reserves the right to set the order of the performances. There are no guarantees that individual requests for performance order will be honored. The IC/ISO will do their best to make for a fair and entertaining evening. Judges will be reminded not to look at the order when evaluating performances. 4. Include a complete description of your performance and/or fashion show attire when returning the registration forms. Turning in incomplete forms, or making excessive changes to the forms after having been turned in, seriously affects the ability of the master of ceremonies to announce your program/costume. It will be your responsibility to get those descriptions in by the deadline (September 6). 5. At the next Fest meeting on September 13, groups will have the opportunity to sign up for a rehearsal time. It is vital that everyone shows up at their time. It will severely inconvenience several parties if someone shows up at a different time. 6. Show up to the rehearsals. The quality of the stage/lighting/sound crew cannot be guaranteed if a group does not show up to all the rehearsals at their allotted time. Judging Criteria: Judges will be picked from current and former IIT faculty and staff, and will consist of a fair and diverse pool of individuals.


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Annual International Fest September 29, 2006

Booths will be evaluated in three categories: creativity, presentation, and quality of food. The evening performances will be evaluated in two main categories: creativity and presentation. Under creativity there are 3 sub categories: originality, cultural relevance and theme. Under Presentation there will be: delivery, expression, and coordination.

Each group can receive a maximum of 10 points per category from the judges. The total number of points for each group will determine the winners in the day. In the evening, the winner will be selected based on a percentage system. Groups with more than one performance in the evening, will have their performances averaged so there is an equal chance for all groups. In case of a tie, a category will be picked at random, and the greater number of points from that category will determine the official winner. The judges themselves will be responsible for tallying up the total number of votes. General Tips and Information: •

Please cooperate and be understanding. It is a monumental task to organize International Fest. The ISO Executive Board is made up of all students, who have to sacrifice a great deal of time and effort to make the Fest happen. The IC staff also puts in a number of overtime hours to make it a reality. We are not perfect, and your patience is not only greatly appreciated, but is also a necessity to make the Fest successful.

Flags: if you do not see your group’s flag in the HUB Gallery Lounge (as of today), and you want one put up, you will need to get the flag on your own. Give flags to Kevin Gunnerson in the HUB office at least one week before the Fest.

Return completed registration forms together and on time. Late forms cannot be guaranteed a preferred position for the booth, availability of materials, availability of rehearsal times, or accuracy of evening extravaganza performance/fashion show descriptions. Make sure forms are complete and well thought over, including the evening performance and fashion show sections. Partial forms (i.e. lacking one part even though the group will be doing all parts) will not be accepted.


Annual International Fest September 29, 2006 #

REGISTRATION - BOOTH GROUP NAME: (By putting your group name here you are requesting a booth for your group) The following items are available in limited numbers, and will be allocated based on the order that the registration forms are returned in. Forms returned earlier will have more of a chance of receiving the equipment they request. Please indicate on the line next to the item how many, if any, of the item your group may require: Electrical Outlets: Sign Stands: TV/VCR: Computer hook-up (Ethernet): Warmers (for food):

(maximum=1) *1 warmer ≈ one 12 X 24 in. tray



Annual International Fest September 29, 2006 #

REGISTRATION - ENTERTAINMENT GROUP NAME: (By putting your group name you are signing your group up for one or more evening performance (s).)

CONTACT FOR AV TECH: _______________________________________________ Below, for each performance that your group will do, please indicate the title and a description. Descriptions must be at least 50 words long. If you need have more than two performances, use the back of the sheet. Write legibly in print. Performance Title: Approximate length (minutes): ________________________________________________________ Performance Description (min. 50 words):

Performance Title: Approximate length (minutes): ________________________________________________________ Performance Description (min. 50 words):

Standard set-up includes lights fully on, 3 hand-held microphones and use of CD/tape player. Additional Requests: ________________________________________________________________ (ie., MP3 player, additional mics, lighting effects/spotlight, etc) Instruments _______________________________________________________________



Annual International Fest September 29, 2006 #

REGISTRATION – FASHION SHOW GROUP NAME: (By putting your group name you are signing your group up for a spot or spots in the Fashion Show.) Please indicate below the names of your models and a description of their attire. It is recommended to have a male and female come on stage at the same time; hence it is appropriate to describe the costumes together. If, however, there is only one person, simply indicate one name and put the description. Descriptions must be at least 30 words long. If there are more than two sets of clothing, use the back of the sheet. Write legibly in print. Male name: Female name: Attire description (30-50 words):

Male name: Female name: Attire description (30-50 words):


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