Reg Minutes-may 25, 2009 Regular Council Minutes

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REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, May 25, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Mayor R. Green Councillors J. Bateman, B. Dornan, S. Ferguson, C. Fox, M. Kositsky, B. Long, K. Richter and G. Ward M. Bakken, P. Catlin and R. Seifi S. Palmer The agenda order was varied. B.


Certificate of Commendation – Donald James Russell Mayor Green presented a Certificate of Commendation to Donald James Russell on behalf of her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada, in recognition of his actions following an incident on the Fraser Highway in Langley on October 21, 2007.



Regular Council Meeting – May 11, 2009 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held May 11, 2009. CARRIED

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John L’Henaff, Branch 265, Royal Canadian Legion File 0550-07 J. L’Henaff appeared before Council, and introduced the Executive members of Branch 264. He requested that Council consider renaming a portion of Fraser Highway between 264 and 270 Streets to honour our many veterans and serving members of the Canadian Forces from Langley to provide an everlasting memorial honouring those who have laid down their lives in service to this country. The suggestion was made to rename the portion of highway “Veterans Way”. REFERRAL Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That the matter be referred to staff to explore options of renaming a portion of Fraser Highway between 264 and 270 Streets as “Veteran’s Way” and report back to Council. CARRIED


Gary Jones, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) File 0550-07 G. Jones, Horticulture Instructor, KPU, appeared before Council to discuss the Langley Community Farmers’ Market Society (the Society). He provided a brief history of the Society which has been meeting since November 21, 2008. He noted that it is a non-profit society, Directors have been appointed and a Market Manager (Leah Williams) recently hired. He continued that partners include City of Langley, BC Association of Farmers’ Markets, KPU, Fraser Health Authority, Langley Environmental Protection Society, and Well Seasoned Food Store. He added that space has been secured, initial funding received, stall holders recruited, and opening day has been set for Wednesday, July 8, 2009.He noted the benefits include use of Kwantlen space, community links, reduction of carbon footprint for residents, building local food policy and security capacity, and adding a visitors’ destination. He noted that $3,000 in funding is required in order to offset parking costs. MOTION Moved by Councillor Long Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council support the Langley Farmers’ Market Society through advertising on the Township Page and provide the use of the Township of Langley logo. AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council approve a grant of up to $3,000 out of Council Contingency to assist with the cost of parking for the first year and encourage the Langley Community Farmers’ Market Society to apply for community grants on an ongoing basis.

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DELEGATIONS AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That the amount of the grant be amended to up to $2,500. REFERRAL Moved by Councillor Kositksy, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That the matter be referred to staff to review in consideration with Township policy. CARRIED Councillors Long and Richter opposed



Development Permit Application No. 100574 (Sacre-Davey Engineering) Report 09-68 File CD 10-32-0071 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100574 for property located at 22575 – Fraser Highway, subject to the following conditions: a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “E”; b) Landscape plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “F” and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment Program to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c) Provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree replacement details in compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; d) Rooftop mechanical equipment to be located so that it is not visible from adjacent roads, or alternatively screened from view by compatible architectural treatments; e) Garbage facilities to be located within screened enclosures and screened from view by compatible architectural treatment; f) All signage being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “G” and the Township’s Sign Bylaw; g) Fascia signage consisting of channel lettering; Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a Building Permit the following items need to be finalized: h) Landscaping and boulevard treatment being secured by letter of credit at the Building Permit stage; i) Provision of an Exterior Lighting Impact Plan prepared by an electrical engineer

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REPORTS TO COUNCIL in compliance with the provisions of the Township’s Exterior Lighting Impact Policy to the acceptance of the Manager of Permits and Licenses; j) Submission of an on-site servicing and stormwater management plan in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; k) Submission of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; l) Payment of supplemental Development Permit fees, applicable Development Cost Charges and Building Permit administration fees. Submissions regarding Development Permit No. 100574 from the public. There were no submissions from the public regarding Development Permit No. 100574. CARRIED 2.

Strata Title Conversion Application No. 100679 (McGovern / Myers) Report 09-73 File CD 10-33-0087 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Kositsky, That Council approve, pursuant to Section 242 of the Strata Property Act, the strata plan submitted by Tod and Wendy McGovern and Gary and Carolyne Myers proposing to convert two (2) previously occupied single family dwellings located at 4491 – 236 Street into two (2) strata title lots, subject to the following conditions: a) The two (2) single family dwellings being in substantial compliance with Township Bylaws and the British Columbia Building Code, to the acceptance of the Manager of Permits and Licences; b) Registration of a restrictive covenant allowing only one (1) single family dwelling on each strata lot; c) Submission of certification that each strata lot is suitable for and capable of sustaining independent septic tank and field sewerage systems in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s Sewerage System Regulations to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; d) Registration of a restrictive covenant securing the design, construction and maintenance of the septic system (including primary and reserve field locations) as may be required; and, e) Verification that the well on each strata lot be in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; CARRIED



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Mayor Green reported that he attended several events in the course of his duties and expressed appreciation to former Councillor Howie Vickberg for his assistance on the annual Relay for Life event. He continued that an Aldergrove Planning Committee has been struck to review the Aldergrove Community Plan and a public input session has been scheduled for June 6, 2009. The Mayor added that the next Mayor’s Forum will be held May 30, 2009 at the WC Blair Recreation Centre between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Upcoming events include the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, June 5 to 8; Grand Opening of Langley Events Centre June 13; Golden Ears Bridge pedestrianonly block party on June 14, and the RCMP Musical Ride hosted by the Township and City of Langley on July 29 to 31.



Draft Metro Vancouver Liveble Region Growth Strategy Mayor Green reported that he attended the Metro Vancouver meeting on the Liveable Region Growth Strategy.


TransLink Mayor Green reported that he attended the TransLink Mayors’ Committee and discussed the use of the Province’s carbon tax and it is no longer acceptable to any for us to add vehicle fees, gas and property taxes or other fees.

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Metro Vancouver Parks Committee Councillor Kositsky reported that he attended the Metro Vancouver Parks Committee meeting and noted that an open house was held on the new Fraser River Trail system.




ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS The following item was brought forward from the March 23, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: 1.

Arbour Day That Council recognize local leaders Claude Violet, Gordon Greenwood, Father Joseph Ponti and Pastor Donald Cantelon for their significant contributions to the community by planting a tree in memory of each of the individuals on Arbour Day April 26, 2009, with such funding to be provided from Council Contingency as necessary. The following item was brought forward from the April 20, 2009 Special Closed Meeting:


2010 Olympic Torch Relay / Community Celebration Task Force That Council establish a 2010 Olympic Torch Relay / Community Celebration Task Force; and further That Council appoint Councillor Bateman as Chair of the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay Community Celebration Task Force and Councillor Ferguson as the alternate of the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay / Community Celebration Task Force; and further That Council appoint Councillor Richter as a second alternate to the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay / Community Celebration Task Force.

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The following item was brought forward from the April 20, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: 3.

Township of Langley 2010 BC Summer Games Society Board of Directors That the following individuals be appointed by Council as the Board of Directors of the Township of Langley 2010 BC Summer Games Society: President Vice President

Michael Jackstien Jamey Paterson

Accommodation Director Administration Director Ceremonies Co-Director Ceremonies Co-Director Communications Director Food Services Director Friends of the Games Director Medical Services Director Promotions Director Protocol Director Registration & Results Director Security Director Special Events Director Sport Director Transportation Director

Rick Teubner Gordon Zacher Susan Magnusson John Leckman June Clark Allan Skidmore Deanna Schick Lynn Whitehouse Sherry Baker Chris Pack Jack Froese Carla Robin Murray Hall Ed Kolla

The following item was brought forward from the April 20, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: 4.

Applications received for vacancies on the Heritage Advisory Committee and the Community Safety Advisory Committee for Council’s consideration That Council appoint the following Community representatives to the Heritage Advisory Committee for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010: • • •

Ernie Jantzen Maurizio Camparmo Janet Megahy

That Council appoint the following Community Representatives to the Community Safety Advisory Committee for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010: • • •

Maurizio Camparmo Raymond Proulx Doug Preddy

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Councillor Richter provided the following Notice of Motion for consideration at the next Regular Council meeting: Turning Lights – 248 Street and Fraser Highway Whereas extended left hand turning lights have recently been added east/west on Fraser Highway at 248 Street but were left off the north/south portion of this intersection; Whereas traffic queues as much on the north/south portions of this intersection and this north/south queuing is likely to continue to increase with the opening of the new credit union building and other anticipated development in the area. Therefore be it resolved that left hand extended turning lights also be added north/south on 248 Street at Fraser Highway.


Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) Commuter Challenge Moved by Councillor Kositsky: Seconded by Councillor Ferguson That Council support BEST’s Commuter Challenge 2009 from June 1 to 5, 2009 and encourage Township residents and business to participate in using sustainable modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, taking transit, and ridesharing/carpooling. CARRIED



May 25, 2009 Regular Council Meeting Minutes


TERMINATE Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That the meeting terminate at 7:55 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:


Deputy Township Clerk

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