Mr. Kashyap vyas, Rajkot Dear Mr. Vyas, This refers to your application and the subsequent interview you head with us, we are pleased to offer you an appointment with your company and you will join on the following terms and conditions:
You will join latest by Date: 27.07.2008 Your compensation on a cost to company basis will be Rs.3,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lacks only) per annum. The structure of the same will be as follows: Particular Basic salary Provident Fund (Employers Contribution) Gratuity (Employers Contribution) Ex Gratia HRA Conveyance Allowance Medical Expenses Reimbursement * Special Personal Allowance Other Allowance Total CTC
Amount (Rs.) Per annum 1,02,731 12,328 4,941 8,557 30,819 9,600 15,000 1,07,624 8,400 3,00,000