Reflection Overall

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,099
  • Pages: 3
REFLECTION BY AYUNI AMALINA MUKHTAR : I had just completed this course : TBC 3013 (ICT In Biology) on week 14. Now, I would like to share about my personal view and opinion regarding this course. On my first day of entering my ICT class, I felt so inspired and happy to begin this new course because of various reasons, firstly; it was my first ICT class here, in UPSI. Secondly; I will get a great and valuable chance to learn about ICT more better, especially in the context of teaching and learning. While the third reason; this course has no final examination. Assessments will be done based on our assignments, presentations, works and projects that will be given during each week of my ICT classes. I feel so happy and excited to enter my ICT classes each week altogether with my friends. We worked in several groups, each groups consists of 4 people. With lots of challenging days and new experience, so miracle I think, I had successfully learnt so many new things in just one semester and had completed this course dramatically. Now, back to my reflection about this course. My overall reflection will reflects about my understanding towards the application of ICT in teaching and learning process, especially in Biology course. On my first week, I was being introduced with a new teaching and learning applications, which was known as Interactive White-Board (IWB). Well, I was not quite familiar with IWB because it is not available widely in our country. My lecturer said that IWB’s price is quite expensive and it was an imported products, which means that this applications is not easily to get. Based on my searching on net about IWB, it is actually a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector will projects the computer’s desktop onto the board’s surface. Ones can only use their hand to control the computer. It was so amazing because I only use my fingers to click on the board’s surface, drag various items on the board to other location and draw what I wish onto the board’s surface. Computer mouse was being avoided for a while. Next, I had learnt another new thing, which was Picasa application. It seems like a cooking brand, but it was not. Picasa is actually a software which helps someone to edit photos, adding effects on it and also locate and organise all photos stored on computer. Besides, it is a software that make us easy and fun to view, organise, edit and share the digital photos on your computer. What is special about it is, Picasa will not delete our pictures or put them online without our permission. I can also edit my pictures and make it look more dramatic and valuable. Besides, I can make my own movies, include any music I wished into my movie, and create beautiful collages. Picasa had gave me a chance to fill my leisure time besides teach me how to change ‘ugly pictures’ into ‘beautiful ones.’ Next, we had being introduced with another new application, known as CamStudio. It is a screencasting program for Microsoft Windows which enables us to create tutorial and simulation more dramatically and in a sequence manner. The tutorials that we will create will be more interesting and easy to understand as it involves the use of various Cam

studio applications. Based on my learning and understanding, I get to know that Cam Studio is very useful for us as teacher. Its also function as printscreen tools on our computer which it can capture any activities that we are doing on the computer and later turn it as images. Next, is about data logging which is tools that we use to record data in experiment continuously and also give us an accurate reading compared than recording the data manually. It also enabled us to plot graph directly from the reading of the experiment, whether in continuous time or fixed time. We don’t have to spend our time on waiting a complete graph plotting because it’s all will be done automatically. Sensors are the important elements that must be present during data logging process. I had been introduced with many sensors which can record changes in ; temperature, Ph, humidity, CO2/O2 concentration and force. Furthermore, we were given a chance to do an experiment of data logging which involved any suitable sensors. Based on this learning, I can conclude that data logging can help us to do our experiments more easier and repeatable besides help us to interprete experiment data more accurately. About simulation and modeling, I think this is something that is quite usual to be heard before as my teacher in school had often used it. Simulation is something that did not involved any variables changes, for example the process of plant growth development. For modeling, it is usually involved variables changes and it is related with JAVA applications. By using simulation and modeling, we as teacher can deliver our teaching more effectively and interesting. Students will be eager to know more about their lessons by using simulation and modeling. Besides, they can reach to the area that impossible to be reached such as into our lungs, kidney, blood circulation system and digestive systems. I think this is something useful and benefits to us as a becoming new teacher in explaining biology processes to our students more deeply and in a good manner. E-Portfolio is also our main task for completing this course successfully. By E-Portfolio, I can share about my personal view of opinion in a professional manner, write about my education journey continuously, share my thoughts, opinion, experience and knowledge more often and controllable. As conclusion, I wish my learning on ICT this semester can upgrade my teaching skills, enhance and broaden my mind on ICT world. The knowledge that I’ve obtained from this course is very useful for me as a teacher later, especially when I want to attract my student’s attention in order to help them understand the lessons effectively. This course had really inspired me to become an ICT-based teacher which is not only focused on subject content only, but also applied modern technology that was continuously evolved around us to be practiced in our teaching and learning process. Now, it is proven that modern technology actually helps us, not make us difficult as people said before. I was so satisfied in learning this subject as it really fulfilled my needs as future technologybased knowledge teacher which can teach and educate our next generation better, for a better life.

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