Sandy, We discussed how she should proceed and came up with the folloiwng list of tasks. 1. Research becoming a chapter of the VSO. 2.Or if above is not possible, ask the VSO fo help in forming a Not-ForProfit (NFP). 3. Or if the VSO cannot provide assistance, go to the SCC website and print off the SCC819 form, Forming a Virginia Non-Stock corporation. This is the first step in forming a non-profit. 4. Ask a local attorney to donate time to help in forming the NFP. Maybe invite the attorney to become a board member. 5. If you proceed to form the NFP, form a board of directors. Ask local attorney for assistance in this task. 6. See 11/19/06 Session Action form for other uncompleted tasks. 7. Talk to Patti about how much work she can do and when she might be able to do it? Henry Henry A. Reeves, C.P.A. Director, JMU Small Business Development Center "where business comes to talk business" James Madison University MSC 5502 1598 S. Main St. Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (540) 568-3227 Phone (540) 801-8469 Fax