Redesigning Problem Rule Assumption

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 865
  • Pages: 4
Management Dev't Process


II. Problem Rule Assumption Breaking assumptions involved discarding assumptions that underlies the existing old system. In so doing, we started with the process problems which we collected from customers and stakeholders needs & expectations. We then discovered the specific rule responsible for instigating the problem. We also searched the assumptions behind the rules that help propagate drawbacks in the performance of the process. Finally, the reviewed the false assumptions arising the rule and justified them nature so that while redesigning we could start with free without any annihilating rules.

No. 1

Problems No need based management • development service in most cases

Rules Need assessment do not be conducted whenever there is demand

Assumptions •

Our services demanded by customer

Breaking Assumptions are the

• • • •

• •

Redesigning problem rule assumption

We know what customers need Our existing services are capable of solving customers problems

• • • • •

Our mandate is to fulfill the needs of the customers so that quality is top priority Doing need analysis creates loyal customers You can get clients need through NA Customers need changes constantly You can get clients need through NA Customers need changes constantly and our services should be adaptable to customers need Customers will tell you their real needs One size doesn't fit all No survival if our service is not demand driven


Management Dev't Process

No. 2


Problems Outdated


Rules and

limited materials

provide service with previously prepared material

Assumptions • • • • •


Absence of Monitoring and Evaluation (Impact assessment and coaching )

Redesigning problem rule assumption

• our contract is only until delivery of the service • •

still we are providing something better client should accept what we provide It is not our priority No new things will happen they can implement by themselves its time taking limited capacity in terms of : cost, time and skilled human resource

Breaking Assumptions • • • • • •

The demand of the customers varies with time Knowledge should be updated as it changes with time Yesterday is not the solution for today Customers have their own preference and demand Customers can reject what we provide Monitoring and Evaluation is a means as well our responsibility to bring management development


Management Dev't Process

No. 4


Problems Limited interventions (management development service composition and diversification)

Rules •

• •


Absence of strong customer • relationship and poor complaint handling

Assumptions management • development can only come through short term • training and process consultancy It is not our mission to provide other • management development services

customers need other management development services There are other management development service areas such as executive development, MBA, management contract.... Our mandate permits us

Follow the policy • direction stick with the usual way of doing business •

The existing service • areas can solve • management development problems • Believing that the stakeholder prohibits us from involving in other areas

Customers need other service areas The current areas do not solve all management development problems We can involve in other service areas as far as they help organizational transformation

We can manage • customer relationship and complaint through • suggestion box and end of service evaluation

No critical complaint in • the service Customers are rational and feel free to express • their feelings

Customers may have complaints in the future. Therefore the mechanism should be established for our service improvement. Customer complaints are source of service development

EMI should provide short term trainings and process consultancy services

• 6

Poor target group selection • in terms of sectoral and educational background •

Redesigning problem rule assumption

Breaking Assumptions

Target groups are • segregated in terms of their managerial level Accept all registered • trainees

Good service is provided Trainees of the same • level will have the same educational background • One solution will be a • solution for all

Customers of the same managerial level can have different educational background Customization is required Level of education matters for transfer of learning 4

Management Dev't Process





Lack of management • development service customization with indigenous knowledge (tested & practiced service)


Lack of timely responses

Rules They are tasted • somewhere else/abroad

• •


Program cancellation and • frequent postponement •

Redesigning problem rule assumption


Customers should wait for our response Consultants should be asked for their willingness Breakeven number • should be attained Postpone when facilities are full / unavailable •

Breaking Assumptions

What others tasted • works for our case • •

Customization is required Our situation may be different One size does not fit all

Customer don’t have other alternatives

Customers may have other alternatives to go

Consultants might have another engagement

We should have individual based plan to identify the consultants schedule

The cost will not be • covered with few number of customers

We can provide the service even for a single customer through different medias (mechanisms)

No alternative facilities • are sought

There are several alternatives to the customer


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