Red Mushrooms

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 9
Red Mushrooms Ancient Science, Modern Miracle What are Red Mushrooms? Red Mushrooms (scientific name: Ganoderma Lucidum or generally called "Ganoderma"), a family of more than 200 mushroom species, are good for us. Of these, 6 species have a particularly high therapeutic effect.

Amazing Facts about Ganoderma • • •

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Known for centuries as the "Miraculous King of Herbs", that has a traceable consumption record of more than 2,000 years. Up to these days, health miracles are still happening. Ganoderma is the only herb with more than 200 active elements. They develop naturally as a food supplement for a healthy body. Ganoderma has five highly therapeutic active elements that detoxifies the body and strengthens its natural immune system (i.e. Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, Triterpenoids, and Ganoderic Essence). They exist all together naturally only in red mushrooms. Ganoderma has an adaptogenic property that it can work directly on every cell of the human body to provide oxygen and therapeutic elements that correct cell imbalances. Thus, strengthening the cell membranes so the cells will not take in new toxins (environmental and food pollutants). An adult body has an approximate 40 Trillion cells. If these cells are healthy, the body which is a bundle of cells, is healthy - free from diseases. Ganoderma inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while growing like human beings. So, when we take it, we add good quantity pure oxygen to our bodies. Ganoderma is "Nature's Best Gift to Modern Humans". Normally, Ganoderma grows very rare in the forest. Yet, it has a million micro spores (dormant reproductive cells) that never functioned to massively reproduce before the invention of technology in our modern age. Only technology activates those spores to reproduce one Ganoderma specie into a million members of the same Ganoderma species. This process is more than enough to continuously feed and sustain the demand for humans all over the world. "Ganoderma is the perfect health manna" by J. Jacob. Ganoderma works directly on the body (not on any disease), thus making it possible for "the body" to treat the root cause of diseases (that starts from body cells) including those believed to be incurable, chronic or lifetime and recurrent. Ganoderma can be taken long-term without the fear of developing a tolerance to its effects. Ganoderma is not a drug and it has no side effects. All age groups can take it safely.

Historical Background •

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For over 2000 years, the Chinese have given Ganoderma, or what they call Lingzhi, the highest ranking in traditional medical theory. The name Ling Zhi means "Divine herb that energizes the "Chi or Life force". The first Chinese Emperor Chin Shi Huang Ti even called it the "Herb of Deathlessness". The Emperors of the ancient period respected the mushroom so much that they have given it names like "The Elixir of Immortality", "Herb of Spiritual Potency" and "Soup of the Emperor with a Thousand Mistresses". The Japanese name for the red mushroom, Reishi, was taken from Reishi Senshi, "An Ancient Goddess of Health, Life and Eternal Youth". Today, people still enjoy the health benefits of red mushrooms. Ganoderma is blended into our daily beverages that they had become healthier to drink with excellent taste like the Lingzhi Coffee, Spica Tea, Cocozhi Chocolate, etc. So, consumption is more diverse and convenient for everyone.

The 2 Main Products of Ganoderma ¨ RG (Reishi Gano) The 90 day old Red Mushrooms (Matured Ganoderma), contains more than 200 active elements which can be divided into 3 categories: 30% of water soluble elements, 65% of organic soluble elements, and 5% of volatile elements. Five of the main active elements have high therapeutic effects:

1. Polysaccharides (THE CLEANSER) - strengthen the natural healing ability of the body by improving the body's immune system, and eliminating viruses, bacteria and other toxins.

2. Organic Germanium (THE BALANCER) - increases the effect of oxygen absorbed by the blood up to 1.5 times, promotes proper cell metabolism and prevents tissue degeneration.

3. Adenosine (THE REGULATOR) - improves blood circulation by inhibiting blood platelet 4. 5.

aggregation and regulates body organs to function properly. Triterpenoids (THE BUILDER) - activate the nucleus of body cells, which is responsible for directing their growth, metabolism, reproduction and functioning. Ganoderic Essence (THE REGENERATOR) - rejuvenates body tissues and beautifies skin.

¨ GL (GanoceLium) The 18 day old Red Mushrooms (Young Ganoderma). It is the mycelium (root part) of Ganoderma. The content of Polysaccharide and Organic Germanium in Ganocelium is more concentrated than that of Reishi Gano. It serves also as a source of oxygen.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Polysaccharides – four times more than that of RG Organic Germanium – four times more than that of RG A whole spectrum of vitamins - for normal growth and activity of the body A whole spectrum of minerals - essential components of bodily substances

Some of the Combined RG - GL Benefits •

Strengthen body resistance to diseases.

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Provide powerful anti-oxidant. Enhance the body's detoxification process. Promote blood circulation. Increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood - improves brain function and memory. Regulate blood glucose by assisting pancreas functions. Prevent allergic responses by inhibiting the release of histamines. Relieve fatigue by aiding the body to sleep very well. Energize the body by providing vitamins, minerals and active elements. Neutralize acid in the body (i.e. acidic body is prone to diseases) Support the body's natural desire to return to optimal health. Promote youthfulness and longevity . and much more...

What is Ganotherapy? Ganotherapy - is one of the holistic (whole body) approach to alternative complementary medicine. It consists of 4 observation theories used to explain how Ganoderma or Red Mushrooms support the body and its Immune System to overcome health problems on its own.

4 Observation Theories of Ganotherapy Authored by: Dr. Lim Siow Jin 1. All health problems of the human body arise from 2 main causes: • •

Toxin - anything in excess or not needed by the body is toxin. It can be virus, bacteria, dust, bad cholesterol, chemicals from toxic products and environment, etc. Imbalance of the body - if the body is not functioning as it should, the body is in a state of imbalance. This can be caused by physical trauma or injury (eg. accident) that affects body organs and systems not to function properly causing untoward signs and symptoms.

2. Ganoderma supports the body while the body takes care of its own health.

3. The reaction is caused by the body and not by Ganoderma. • •

It has been observed that Ganoderma has effects on the human body whether you are aware of them or not. Reflexology 1. Physical 2. Emotional

REFLEXOLOGY ORGAN Stomach Lung kidney Liver Heart

PHYSICAL Muscular Nose Ear & Hair Eye Reddish Face

EMOTIONAL Depression Sadness Fear Anger Happiness

Ailment Reflection

BLINKING LIGHT When a car is having an engine problem, the panel board will display a blinking light. This blinking light indicates that the engine of the car is having a problem. Can the engine problem be solved by switching off the blinking light? No, the car has to be repaired by a mechanic by going into the system of the engine. 4. The dosage is independent of the situation. The “1, 2, 4, 6” RG and GL consumption rule (For Body Cleansing or Detoxification Program) 1st week – 1 pair (1 RG and 1 GL) 2nd week – 2 pairs (2 RG and 2 GL) 3rd week – 4 pairs (4 RG and 4 GL) 4th week – 6 pairs (6 RG and 6 GL) For Maintenance Program - proceed with 2 - 3 pairs daily • • •

No response – Increase the dosage gradually Manageable Situation – Continue the dosage Non-Manageable Situation – Reduce the dosage by half


For those under prescription, do not stop taking your medication while taking RG & GL. follow your doctor’s advice on medication. The Time factor is more important than the dosage in ganotherapy. Ganotherapy with Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganocelium (GL)

GANODERMA - at What Stage of Your Life? The 1st Ganoderma Group: PREGNANT WOMEN

Pregnant women are interested in • • • • • • •

Physical Strength Mental peace Good Nutrition Better Immunity Hormonal balance Supports safe and healthy delivery Healthy and intelligent child

The 2nd Group: CHILDREN Children are interested in • • • • •

Strong immunity Better Brain Development Better Overall Growth Strong Body Good Nutrition

The 3rd Group: STUDENTS Students are interested in • • • • • •

Protection against Infections Enhanced Concentration in Studies Stress Management High Energy Level Overall Development Good Performance in Sports, etc.

The 4th Group: TEENAGERS

Teenagers are interested in • • • • • •

Cosmetics With Major Values Preserving youthfulness Controlling Allergies Smoother skin Maintaining Endocrine Balance Hair growth

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Obesity Control Reducing Mental Stress

The 5th Group: ADULTS Adults are interested in • • • • •

Health Vigor and Vitality Good Sexual Performance Protection from Diseases and Disorders Infertility and Potency Improvement

The 6th Group: OLD PEOPLE The Elders are interested in • • • •

Health & Energy Well Being Peace & Alertness Protection from Diseases

The 7th Group: SICK PEOPLE Ganoderma supports the body: • • •

To Improve the Immune System To Improve the Quality of Life To Accelerate the Recovery

“Let food be your medicine” – Hippocrates “Our body is the best doctor” – Dr. Lim Siow Jin

Detoxify and Strengthen Your Immune System with Red Mushrooms Is your health as good as it could be? Among the health products now available to increase your body's natural healing abilities are the humble red mushrooms. Technology has improved the reproductive capacities of the plant so that for the first time, the red mushrooms can be sold in quantities. Is this the health supplement you have been looking for?

Health Food With more than 200 active elements, the red mushrooms (ganoderma) both detoxifies and boosts the immune system. Find out if this health food supplement is for you. Should there be any other kind of food? The term health food should be absurd. . . . . .but it's not. So much of what we eat is far from healthy. Chemical additives keep food looking good. But the chemicals have no nutritional value and many are harmful to health.

Fight Personal Pollution Do you know your own personal pollution score? In the fall of 2007, Environment Defense tested a group that included the leaders of the top three political parties in Ontario, Canada. The three men are well-educated and can afford what we would consider a good lifestyle. Still, they tested positive for 41-44 out of 70 harmful chemicals. Their scores on some scales put them in danger zone for contracting cancer. If these powerful men have these toxins in their systems, do you think you are free of personal pollution?

Q. How can you fight personal pollution? A. You get rid of harmful substances, and strengthen your own body's ability to keep you healthy.

Detoxify Take control of your health by detoxifying your system. There are many folk remedies that offer detoxification. When you choose one, check to see if it contains polysaccharides. Polysaccharides eliminate viruses, bacteria and toxins. Restore a natural balance to your internal systems so you can maintain good health.

Strengthen Your Immune System Your amazing immune system stands on guard to keep you healthy. You can help it by feeding it well. Provide your body with all the nutrients it needs. Then give it an extra boost by adding ganoderma, or red mushrooms. The active ingredients in Nature's best-kept secret include vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibers. The active ingredients work with every single cell in the body to nourish and correct imbalances. Many testify that ganotherapy has improved their own immune systems.

Who Qualifies? Who can benefit from detoxifying and strengthening the immune system by using the red mushroom? You can, as anyone else like; • • • • • • •

Pregnant Children Students Teenagers Adults Old People or Elderly People who are sick or with disease

No Doctor Required Although drugs have their place, most of us would rather maintain health without them. The good news is that we don't need a doctor's permission to eat healthy food or to use a supplement that the food and drug regulatory authorities list as a food. No prescription necessary. Just as you can buy healthy food at your local market without permission from a doctor, you can buy red mushrooms if you want to include their benefits in your plan for health. The red mushroom is not a drug, but a health food supplement.

Of course you still need to consult a medical doctor if you have a serious medical condition.

Healthy Eating makes a Healthy Living What we eat is what we are! Hi Folks, Did you know that our health depends on our daily lifestyle and more importantly on what we eat, drink and breath? Let's focus on what we eat and drink... We eat fruits and vegetables that are laced with pesticide (a chemical and never a nutrient, therefore not beneficial but detrimental to health). We drink water and cook food with water that's been chlorinated. Again, this chlorine is never a nutrient, but a chemical that kills microorganisms. So what now? How are we going to be healthier and avoid these body pollutants? The answer is:


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