Reasons For Not Trusting Triads

  • June 2020
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What men have said about the trinity. "From ancient time Mystery Babylon has tried to make God what he is not - A Trinity." -Jesus Messieh Fellowship The Trinity Doctrine Is Pagan By Cohen G. Reckart, Pastor "Long ago - right after the Flood, a man named Nimrod emerged on the scene of history. His name means "let us rebel". He led the founding of the first great civilization – Babylon...He led them to rebel against God. He had tremendous power, so much that he became a god in the eyes of the people. When he died, his wife, Semiramis, recognized that without him she might loose power herself, so she devised a clever plan. Semiramis was pregnant. She told everyone that the child in her womb was none other than Nimrod being reborn. This was the beginning of the greatest perversion... the concept of father/son deity, the very first incomprehensible divine trinity (the unexplainable mystery)..." - Resurrection Sunday and the Babylonian Connection; By Errol Hale "Bel (Lord) was the oldest and mightiest of the gods of Babylonia, one of the earliest trinities. He was "Lord of the World. The "doctrine of the Trinity" is first met northeast of the Indus; and, tracing it to Asia Minor and Europe, one recognizes it among every people who had anything like an established religion. It was taught in the oldest Chaldean, Egyptian, and Mithraic schools. The Chaldean Sun-god, Mithra, was called "Triple" and the trinitarian idea of the Chaldeans was a doctrine of the Akkadians who, themselves, belonged to a race which was the first to conceive a metaphysical trinity. According to the archeologist Rawlinson, the Chaldeans were a tribe of the Akkadians who lived in Babylonia from earliest times..." - THEOSOPHY, Vol. 52, No. 6, April, 1964 (Pages 175-182) THE CHALDEAN LEGEND "In ancient days Satan seemed to make Babylon the capital of his evil operation. From this headquarters was started false religion." -(Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain p. 224). "the Tower of Babel was actually the worship of Satan in the form of fire, the sun and the serpent. However, Satan worship could not be done openly because of the many who still believed in the true God of Noah. So a mystery religion began at Babel where Satan could be worshipped in secret." - Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, 2nd American ed. (Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1959) 5, 24.) "The researches of modern writers..... uniformly regard Babylon... as the cradle of the ancient Paganism."

--The Worship of the Dead (London; 1904), Colonel J. Garnier, pg. 8 "The trinity got its start in Ancient Babylon with Nimrod - Tammuz - and Semiramis. Semiramis demanded worship for both her husband and her son as well as herself. She claimed that her son, was both the father and the son. Yes, he was "god the father" and "god the son" The first divine incomprehensible trinity." --The Two Babylons ; Alexander Hislop; p.51 "The doctrine that Jesus Christ the Son of God was God the son was decreed by worldly and ecclesiastical powers. Men were forced to accept it at the point of the sword or else, Thus, the error of the trinity was propounded to the end that ultimately people believed it to be the truth. Thus Christianity became in essence like 'Babylonian' heathenism, with only a veneer of Christian names." --- Forgers of the Word -1983 Victor Paul Wierwille "The Babylonian pagan worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, and the god-incarnate son extended throughout the entire world and eventually assumed the name of Trinitarian Christianity." - The Two Babylons, pp. 240-252. Babylon is the source of false religion, Revelation 17:1-6. "Though the city of Babylon was destroyed, its religious concepts and customs had spread around the world. Today’s myriad of false religions have their origin in ancient Babylon." -All Roads Lead to Babylon "Ralph Woodrow, in his book, Babylon Mystery Religion (first published in 1966, now out of print), clearly traces the practices and teachings of ancient Babylon, and their modern counterparts in the Roman Catholic Church and her Protestant daughters. Babylonian ideas are by no means isolated to professing Christianity." -All Roads Lead to Babylon "Mankind in general, has followed variations of one kind or another, of the religion of Babylon, to this day." -Ralph Woodrow;

Babylon Mystery Religion; 1966 "Rome...assimilated religions from her many conquered territories. All these religions had commonalities, for they all came from Babylon. These practices infiltrated and overcame the professing Christian Church, which later came to be dominated by Rome itself." -Ralph Woodrow; Babylon Mystery Religion; 1966 "This is the cup which the Babylonish system has made all the world to drink. It is not limited to the Roman Catholic Church of Rome, but she certainly plays a major role in today’s religious deception." -Ralph Woodrow; Babylon Mystery Religion; 1966 "The Romish system is based upon a mixture. The word "Catholic" means Universal...the true Christian goal is not religion based on mixture, but a return to the original, simple, powerful, and spiritual faith that was once delivered to the saints." -Ralph Woodrow; pg. 161 Babylon Mystery Religion; 1966 the Trinity "is a Corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and "ingrafted " on the Christian faith." -Dictionary of Religious Knowledge The Trinity " When she allowed these idolatries to be engrafted into her church, Rome re-established the teachings of Nimrod (and his Babylonian Trinity) - into the New Testament Age, and into church dogma." -Thunder Ministries The Origin and Development of the Trinity according to Trinitarian Scholars "The doctrine of the Trinity was not a teaching of the original Christians, who were either with Jesus himself or taught directly by the surviving apostles. This explains why it is not found in the Bible. If it was a fundamental, core doctrine of such great importance, it would have been clearly and unmistakably stated in scripture. The fact that the vast majority of professed Christians and church doctrine today maintain a belief in the Trinity does not prove it is correct. Rather, it suggests that corruption of Christian doctrinal truths is widespread and deep." -Is Jesus God Almighty? Is the Trinity Scriptural? By Gordon Coulson

"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it. . . . From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity." (Historian Will Durant) "The pagan trinities had all the prestige of a vast antiquity and universal adoption... The Gentile converts therefore eagerly accepted the Trinity compromise, and the Church baptized it. Now at length we know its origin." --- John Newton (Origin of Triads and Trinities) "When we look back through the long ages of the reign of the Trinity . . . we shall perceive that few doctrines have produced more unmixed evil." - (A Statement of Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrine of the Trinitarians Concerning the Nature of God and the Person of Christ); by Andrews Norton; 1833

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