Reasearch[1] Gadda

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,181
  • Pages: 6
1) Problem statement An empirical study on socio cultural & ecological impact from Tourism industry in Hikkaduwa area. 1.1 Justification of Problem Today society is very sophisticated. Therefore human beings can not achieve all their need & wants without the help of society and environment. People have to fulfill their Needs and wants with use of limited resources. Therefore it is impossible to minimize impact which caused to the both society as well as environment Society consist people culture custom and norms. On other hand environment consist with man kind animal nature and natural resources The human factor is the most important factor to the development of the socio culture sector as well as natural environment As a developing country Sir Lanka is more concerning developing the economy through tourism industry which bring considerable amount of foreign exchange to the country and creating more employment opportunities to Sri Lanka Tourism industry has got positive impact as well as negative impact. When it comes to negative impact we can identify impact such as Child abusing, Prostitution, and Smuggling • • •

Demand for sex tourism specially from female tourist Demand for illegal alcohol & drug from tourist Thread from HIV AIDS and other security transmitted deceases

Above factors directly affected to socio cultural sector. Not only to socio cultural sector but also ecological sector has got negative impact from this industry. Impact to this sector can be emphasis such as environment pollution, extinction wild animal, destruction of coral reef. Over the last few years Hikkaduwa area which located southern province had been badly affected both socio cultural sector as well as ecological sector. This happen mainly because of most tourist like to visit this area sight seen of the sandy bleachers, scuba diving , glass bottom boat right, interaction of foreigners 7 sex workers habit of put out waste to the environment from restaurant & hotel This let to deteriorated both socio cultural as well as ecological sector In this back drop it is utmost important that uplift the standard of both socio cultural and ecological sector in the Hikkaduwa area. Therefore this research is an empirical study on socio cultural and ecological impact from tourism in Hikkaduwa area.

2) Objective of the study 2.1 Main Objective The main objective of this research is to make improvement to minimize the negative impact to socio cultural & ecological sector from tourism industry in Hikkaduwa area 2.2 Sub Objective 1. To identify General background of socio cultural & ecological sector in Hikkaduwa area 2. To investigate the environment pollution which caused from Hotel & restaurant In Hikkaduwa area 3. To investigate the cultural collapse in Hikkaduwa area due to tourism industry 4. To identify the villages idea towards the present situation in socio cultural & ecological sector in Hikkaduwa area

3) Significance of the study Hikkaduwa is located approximately 100 km from Bandaranayke international Airport. Hikkaduwa is accessible by train and bus is central to many of the other wonderful tourist destination in Sri Lanka. The peak season for tourism in for Hikkaduwa is from October to April. About 20-30 years a go Hikkaduwa was simply fishing village. However since the early 1890 it has become one of the major tourist attractions of Sri Lanka Hikkaduwa is famous among tourist for its natural attraction wide clean beaches, coral garden ocean with crystal clear water and hot sun are just to make a few. Combined with an active nightlife, many tourist come to Hikkaduwa for water sports, such a surfing boogies, boarding, snorkeling and scuba diving kite surfing and wind surfing are also grooving in popularity. But gradually the negative impact for socio cultural & ecological sector of Hikkaduwa has increased significantly over the past year. Since city highly popular among tourist. This collapse of both sectors can become a big problem for their visiting in future years. Therefore, considering all the above factors this problem can be listed as one of the must significance problem facing by local community in Hikkaduwa.

4) Methodology This research is carried out using a Survey Research Methodology. Survey research methods are mainly used for exploratory, explanatory and descriptive purposes. The definitions of each are as follows. Exploratory - Are a valuable means of finding out ‘What is happening ‘? To seek new insights to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light. Explanatory - Studies that establish casual relationship between variables. The emphasis here is on studying a situation or a problem in order to explain the relationship between variables. DescriptiveTo describe an exact profile of persons, event or situations. These units of analysis are individual people& organization. Other units of analysis, such as groups or interactions may be studied. But individual persons are used as informants or respondents. This is because, in a typical survey, a sample of respondents are selected and carefully prepared a standarardized questionnaire is administered to those respondents in order to obtain relevant data for the study in question.

4.1 Primary data collection Population Here researcher will be considering all the hotels and restaurant situated in Hikkaduwa area. Boat safari organization, local community (villages), religions, people & guide

Sample The sample will be selected using the convenience sample technique and sample is as follows Sample type Hotel & restaurant Boating safari organization Villages Religious people Foreign Tourist

Sample size 30 20 50 10 40



4.2 Data collection tools Primary Data collection methods Researcher will use questionnaire as data collection tool. On the other hand researcher will directly observe those parties. Further researcher will gather information through the informal discussions. Secondary data collection method • • • • •

Tourism related magazine Community based ecotourism practices in Sri Lanka, Published material of Sri Lanka Eco Tourism founder Internet Sewa Lanka news letter broachers of community based Tourism in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Tourist boarded nation’s ecotourism publication.

5) Limitations of the study

Managers do not have much time to spend on answering the research question as they are busy. Moreover most managers are will not willing to spend their Unnecessary

All questionnaires for foreign tourist and villagers were in English language and large number of tourist and villagers were unable to speak in English. Thus language problem also limited the number tourist and villages under the Sample.

Tourism businessmen were also busy on their business, so business some business man not willing to provide necessary information.

6) Reference •

Blamey, R. K. (2001) 'Principles of Ecotourism', in Weaver, D. B. (ed), 'The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism', CAB International, Wallingford,

Cooper Donald R., Schindler Pamela S. (2003) Business Research Methods, McGraw Hill.

Ceylon tourist board annual reports

Internet & magazine & news paper

7) Time Duration & Budget 7.1 Time Duration Step 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Activities Literature review Data collection Data Analysis Writing 1st chapter Writing 2nd chapter Writing 3rd chapter Submit to Department



Total Time

7.2 Budget Step 01 02 03 04 05 06

Requirement Literature Review Stationary Telephone Computer charges Traveling Print out and binding Total Amount


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