Really Summing It Up

  • July 2020
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First i must emphisize that i have never been anything but a normal human being, raised in the exact same way as you. the only difference is that i have been "educated". by the illuminate, whoever they are... this is desighned to ignite your curiosity, to explore the logic, and to expose the truth. it is gods way of sharing what they have discovered with their fellow but poorer friends who we all share this earth with. it is a way to balance nessisary evil with the inherent good that man has learnt through civility. it is coming straight from mans heart. and it is called the LITE. Outdoor sex is immbeded into our instinct by nature but is always surrounded by old age, police, death, disease, terror and dysfunction by the massmedia. if a child is put in to a room alone with her/his dog, because that child loves the dog, nature will take over and cause that child to masterbate. ALL CHILDREN play private games, yes, even you did and this is because sexual function starts in a human early in life, and just by calling it "private", the programming of sexual dysfunction is already started. the human being has been robbed of our sexuality for the three primary reasons: population minimization hide natures secret (sex and drugs) fullfill a bibleprophesy "love will grow cold" why does a person usually try to marry someone who reminds them of their parents? because nature hardwired incest into the primary instinct to which we have been deprogramed by Big Brother. Why? to hide the fact that only the Royalt knew. incest will produce geniouse (higher IQ) and normal children, not the mongloid (asian), deseased, deaf retard that Big Brother would like you to believe. you have to remember that the rennisaunce was a period of discovery controlled and written into our historybooks by the rich and powerful, (the victor always gets to write the history books) only nowadays,their realtives hold all those super hightech jobs. Purple is the subliminal color for famile love. this is why we were able to evolve intelligence in a realatively short period of time. early man DID NOT apply for marriage certificates before they had sex. they did not have laws and rules regarding their children. the bible did not exist back then! they had nothing but the same t2o strongest urges that nature provided us with. the urge to reproduce (have sex) and hunger (eat). the white mans abuse of the natives food suply continues to this very day and instead of putting smallpox (why small/pox?) on their blankets, they have the newly military bio-engineered HN51. the cause of obesity is a carefully crafted plan to maximize corporate profits, via food, and medicine and that is why almost everything we eat, (native candied salmon has 10%!, all bread 2% minimum in every SLICE!) is fortified with IRON, great for athletes, bad for couch potato! and its done legally by putting a nutrition sticker that if you were tailer parklessness enuff to study it,it would say "your volutairily destroying your pancreas!" and you cant afford wild salmon or organic bread (ironless no doubt!) the killer is LA.Y.ES potatoe chips and SUGAR. salt less so because we have salt licks in the forest and people have lived by the ocean since adam and eve, THIS STORY that has completely brainwashed the human essentiallytaking the penis rite off! vitamins do work, so does organic food but most of us cannot afford it! and the medicalestablishment goes to great lenghths to keep yourmoney in their pocket.

re: You Want to be a Dancer: they even have a foot fetish person on radio, a goofy looking guy named SEX and his mother, who look sexactly like him but the fact is, it has a negative brainwash effect on your attitude about sex and incest and is all hiddenand coreographed. the sex doll brainwash is going strong and it will only get sronger (repetitive airplay on radio of sex doll on the skytrain, heavily infused STI advertising, seperating of love and sex. why is Prozac being hammered repetitivly into our young minds who arelistening to the radio? Fact: RESPONSIBLE use of drugs enhances creativity, and isn't any worse for you than an asprin-(extract of willow) and i bet you the first cave drawings were done under the influence of cati mesculine and mushrooms! Fact: SPEED is not synthetic and it is from the Ephedra (bak fah white flower) and it is called white flower (as are antihistimines) because that is what the average chinaman thought at the time, the thought of a little white girl. (go down to science world andlook at those billboards meant for children, our children. you do not have to study them very hard to see because they are made for your children to see. so why is [her O win] called heroin (china white, the latest liquore shooter at your local goverment run lick her store?) and why is the west fighting in Afghanistan? Why does the chinese have such a complex are they generally intelligent? because use as recentlya as the 80's) and when a the children would have rather screwed a (yea! they did the mules and lamas too!)

launguage? over 5000 characters and why china had no mobility (the bycicle was family grows up isolated, do you think mule or each other as nature programmed?

Fact: footbinding, extended lips and necks, lipstic and red, are all attached to the HUMAN SEXUAL EXPERIENCE as recently as the pioneer days! why is there no written materials, and if there is, it is tainted- on: limb sex (the earliest dildoes were the finger and childrens limbs) anal information on nerves surrounding the anus, misinformation on the g spots, present in both sexes and accessible only from the rear, the highly publice breast, prostrate, colon, cancers, Chinas KID KNEE STONED tainted milk, making pink a cancer color, the list goes on and on. FACT: Healthy sex will do nothing but bind love tighter unless it is not a positive experience. so, then why in every public child-sex story is it saturated with abuse, violence, and always called rape? why is John Bonnet named after one of the major corporate names for one of the most uncomfortable pleasure blocking devices ever devised? Unkle sam wants you to abstain from sex and drugs and that is why every public rest/ur/aunt bathroom has an alcohol poster warning. so why aint everybody like you and i retarded, since these posters were not there in the older days? common sense will tell you that a small amount never did anyone any harm, regardless! Unkle sam does not want you and discourages you from genetically mixing because it produces a more perfect person. Our earth, given enuff time would eventually mix the races. too close and breeding will produce hi IQ and ugliness, too far and you get better looks, but it depends

alot on the breeding stock. an uglier can be corrected with racial mixing, wherease two good looking people will generally sire good looking children. common sense peoples. GOOD LOOKS IS A DIME A DOZEN! CATERING TO THE RICH AND FAMOUSE ARE MODELS THAT RESEMBLE DRUG ADDICTED CHILDREN! Fact: the bible (basic instructions before life ends (for you that is) is a document, written and revised as a tool to controll the masses, and to provide for an orderly acceptable cull of the earths population that will be nessisary for the survival of the human race. depopulation has already started! For the third world it will likely be the Aliens that do it. Chriss Angel technology is already well entrenched, weeping ceramics ect. For everyone, man made caused and distrubuted pestilence. For eveyone leftover, that metor or comet that is approaching earth but not before desensitizing usinthe mass media. the chances of us gettin hit in this century is nonexistent. Fact is, the new hydrogen neutron bomb being developed is going to be mounted on the US Submarine fleet in time for D Day. three major sines of the end approaching believed by most religions earthquakes (underwater and ground placed nuclearbombs) pestilence (product of the US Military Bio-Weapons Department) violence up (Virgina Tech, Colonbine engineered events) and LOVE will grow cold Fact: DNA technology and human breeding have allowed man to breed a more perfect person and have unlocked the secrets to everlasting life, only it will be shared with the brightest and the best. True or false? Nobel prize winners and all dna and seeds are all in the process being banked. Humans are no more different than Arabian horses or goldfish. Hollywood has been a carefully crafted and clevery hidden experiment since Maralyn Monro and all the perfect stars lately have unusually high IQ's check the names out of anyone who has died and is fighting cancer kneel young biff naked patric swayze (dirty dancing) the list is endless all hooked in someway to humansexualinstinct kurt cocain(shotgun suicide) court knee love spears, lohan, rob low,micheal jackson........................................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. .. david carradine,themost famouse mixed whiteasian we have lost control of our own bodies because of social conditioning and most ofusgiven the chance,would rather be in bed. Why is the oil 3000" down below the sea? because that used to be the surface. before the condensation took place and well after Noahs flood...wellknow fact isnt

it? Goole search the lyrics for: good girls go bad prophet song, queen white winged dove im on fire bruce springsteen u aint seen nothing yet i kissed a girl/ hot and cold how do you do (cant find) do the hellen keller walk this way true/False: art and music are a reflection of the human spirit or character Fact: all hi profile polygamist are either dead, have shootouts with the FBI, and have black constant legal problems, because polygamy is as instinctive to a man as a lion denning, thats why the eyes ALWAYS wander, affairs are rampant, and we have learned clever ways of disguising this, men. polygamy would lead to a much higher population, therefore the crowd management! Hollywood is as faked, coreoghraphed and contolled as Wrestling. but its not.

it looks real,

Fact: women are not naturally jelouse like the male because of the natural "denning and lesbian instinct" hardwired into their primal brains and jelousy is continuously reinforced via soap operas and hi profile (Austronaut Nowak/Novac) stories. You just have to check out the billboard at scienceworld (1st one to the left) to see the jelousy and anti-lesbian, anti-mix message. and the old chinaman with the small white child. The CREATE billboard..... fact is, an orgasm is being ripped out of our childrens god given rite to loveeach other and play because we are so stupid that we automatically hold mans mostcherishedpleasure and think thatit is just for usover 18 crowd, andsadly were old fat and cant enjoy it anyways! the parents who wont responsibly supervise a simple beer! even just for curiosity, as a society we wouldrather our kids not have sex till their married? we want then not to have what we searched constantly for as young adults! it makes no sense that we want the best for them aslong as it aint sex. isnt sex when your youthfull, smooth and full of spunk alot better than smoking a joint lookin like al bundy? nature desighned usfor reproduction and made no such a requirement to be thrown intoa niteclub as a disfunctional a virgin! Whyd the illuminatepick me to be Dr. Truth, jc, sk, me, and all that nonesense? and have to reverse the sexual brainwash that has been happening since the egyptions first thought of mummification? because i have the rite stuff and lifes experiences. im a jetpilot, theyve taught me how to act, im a ladies man, i can get along with almost everyone and im a determined go getter. and im lazy. so, how much stuff you got? im gonna need help with this 144,ooo? (not that i dont already have it) ARE you in? want a new shell? or do you just wanna go die? that my friends, are between you and god to decide. Remember, man created god, not the other way around. nature created us, nature is god and we are god. and that higher intelligence has been sitting in London the entire time! so go look at all the websites or ask your kids if they see the lite. ALL the evidence is there to back up EVERTHING than i am claiming. the human race needs a perfected attitude and that is a must for entry. your privacy will be respected and talent, youth, insurance, life extension is all being waved infront of your

face. all sorts of jobs are gonna be needed, so get crackin (not thepipe either). get informed. i was taught how to be a prophet to captureyour attention andlead you to the lite. i use facts and figures, all researchableon your own, not ask you to believe is somebible bulklshit. in the distant future, Mars will be the nextplace and we want small, intelligent, good looking natural and cloned individuals. but you have to be up for it. question: how many lifetimes can be cloned into the human brain when you have forever? sit on that for a while. because now theres a reason to life. andit has always been survival of the fittest. the killer got to livelonger! but now it is survivalof the smartest. ps, forvive for the typos, the spacebar sticksand imlazy,intentionall od not.

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