Real Solutions For Real People

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Real Solutions for Real People


Reducing the Role of Government in Business As president of the United States, I will not pursue a course of reckless government spending to “promote economic growth”. Here is what I will do:  Cut taxes on business by 50% - Businesses must have money to hire more people, to train their people, and to pay them. It stagnates the economy when the government is increasing taxes on business to a point where management has to let more jobs go, and is unable to hire. Therefore, by cutting taxes on business, we will spur economic growth, cut back on unemployment, and make it easier for people who are thinking about starting a small business to do so, without major tax hikes.  Protect Free Enterprise – By proposing a Free Enterprise Protection amendment to the constitution, which will prohibit the congress, president, or any other government agency from taking a controlling interest in any corporation with tax payer dollars. This amendment will guarantee a strong and healthy private sector of our economy.  Put General Motors in its place – As president, I will immediately dissolve the shares held by the American tax payers in General Motors, and will reconfigure the bankruptcy payments of General Motors so that the senior lenders get their due first, not the UAW.

Small Government = Big Results As president of the United States, several ineffective and unneeded government agencies, programs, and services will be removed. Several agencies will be reorganized, creating an effective, streamlined government for the citizens of the United States.  Eliminate the Railroad Retirement Board and National Labor Relations Board – Both of these FDR era programs are no longer effective or relevant to today. The National Labor Relations Board serves no purpose that is different than the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Therefore, we don’t need them taking valuable tax dollars away for programs that we could be spending elsewhere.  Increasing the Power of the Inspector General - Each agency’s Inspector General will be given the power to place departments in shut down if they cannot effectively manage funds in smart, frugal, and efficient manner.  Independent Review and Audit of Government Structure – As President, the Federal Government will contract to a private company to review the internal structure of the government, along with completion of a fully comprehensive audit of each agency and program. Their recommendations will be used for the enhancement of reducing unneeded services and spending.  Mandatory Balanced Budget Amendment – As president, I will propose another amendment to our constitution. The amendment will make a Balanced Budget for the United States Government mandatory. If a balanced budget is not submitted, then the government will be shut down until a budget can be submitted that is balanced.

Putting Veteran’s First As citizens of the United States, we owe no greater gratitude to anyone but the veterans of our armed forces who have given so much sacrifice for our freedoms. Yet, the agency responsible for helping these very people has turned into an agency that does nothing more than push paperwork. To help our veterans – this is what is going to be done:  Complete Organizational Review by an independent consultation firm – A full and independent audit and organizational review will be completed by an outside private company, and recommendations will be made on what can be done to provide more quality, efficient, and responsive services to the needs of our veterans.  Digitize All VA Records – As President, I will require that all of the records regarding our Veterans who are currently involved with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs to be digitized. In addition, all paperwork will become digitized, and will be available for online filling and submission at a new website,  Goodbye to Ineffective Programs and Policies – To ensure that our veterans get the very best that they deserve from the VA we will be eliminating ineffective programs, polices, and divisions of the Department of Veterans Affairs. We will remove barriers to effective and affordable programs.

Reform Welfare Welfare has been out of control in this country for many years, and to avoid going the ways of Great Britain, who became bankrupt on the principle of the Welfare state, I propose the following changes to completely overhaul the welfare system in the United States:  Welfare Expiration Period – After 25 days on Welfare, if you have yet to submit proof that you are actively engaged in searching for a new job, we will immediately cut off all welfare benefits that you or your family are receiving.  Limit Foster Care Benefit Programs – We applaud those of you who have taken a child into your home from our Foster Care program. However, many people use these children as a method of obtaining additional government funds for these children. As president, after three adopted children from a foster care program have been placed into your home, you will receive no more government funding, should you adopt more than three. Existing Foster Care parents will be given payments in the order of the first three adopted.

Repairing Education As American citizens, we should be ashamed at our education system. In a system where Standardized Testing is the focus of all educational achievement, versus actually seeing that quality teaching and learning practices are used in the classroom. As President, I will propose the following major changes to the educational system.  Use Real classroom work samples to demonstrate progress – Instead of mandating that we use a booklet with 150 questions to determine student progress and achievement, why not have samples of 20-25 student work for each subject sent in to show progress. This will show the real progress in classrooms. Teachers will randomly select the pages to be sent in. So now, you get a real sample of what is really going on in the classrooms.  Attract People to Work in Education – By offering better benefits and pay, many people will place education as a more viable field to fit their living style. I am proposing an across the board 25% increase in teacher pay for all non-union teachers from the rate of the highest paid teachers in America.  Customize Learning Paths for all students – Every student is different. Therefore, I propose the use of Custom Learning Paths for all students. If a student in one subject needs more skills improvement, but is excelling well beyond normal in another area, we need to ensure that skills are improved where needed, but redundant learning in the area that they are excelling at is not.  Eliminate Unfunded Federal Mandates – A comprehensive and full review of the federal mandates issued to the states for the educational system will be undertaken. The mandates that are no longer needed or failing to achieve results will be removed. Those that are working, or are still needed will be given full and complete funding to ensure that they are carried through in the best manner possible.  Smaller Class Sizes – It is easier for students to focus when they do not have 30 people running around in a classroom, and it’s easier for teachers to give one on one help and manage a class of a smaller size. Instead of a class being full at thirty, a class will be considered full at 18 students.

Energy Independence Americans love being independent people. So why should we be held hostage to imports of foreign oil from countries that don’t like us very much? As president, each of the following goals pursued on the road to energy independence:  Allow Offshore & ANWAR Drilling --- By allowing offshore drilling and drilling in ANWAR, not only will jobs be created, we will also rely less upon those foreign nations that do not like us for our oil.  Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Energy is one of the most cleanest, efficient, and environmentally friendly ways of generating energy. As president, I will authorize building of new nuclear facilities across the USA, and we will ensure safe and environmentally responsible disposal of refuse.  Biofuel Technology – Finally, by using Biofuel technology, we will be able to get more from our oil, in a more environmentally responsible method. The fuel will be generated by Algae Fuel technology. The algae used will not only prevent the issue of food supply shortages, but the type of alga also eats the ozone depleting Carbon emissions from traditional fuel.

Fiscal Responsibility We’ve got spend wiser as a government. As President the following will be proposed:  Pork = Veto The Bill – Any legislation regardless of initial intent that contains pork barrel / special interests spending will be vetoed immediately. Regardless.  Responsible Spending – Any agencies, programs, and or offices administered by the Executive Branch of the US Government that serve no necessary purpose will be eliminated. Congress will also be pressured to do the same.

Real Ethics In a government where many view the political appointee system as a “gang of the good ol boys” its time for major reform. Effective from day 1 my administration will ensure each of the following has been done to the fullest and most extensive capability.

 Ethics NOT Exceptions – Any and all cabinet appointees will be screened for ethical standards, ethical histories, and so on. If you don’t make the grade, then you do not serve in my administration. If you don’t pay your taxes, you don’t serve. You will NOT be given any exception, just because I need you. There are other people out there who are also highly qualified and ethical individuals.

Straightforward Communication We don’t want answers from our elected officials that amount to nothing more than highly “fluffed up” versions of an inconspicuous, generic answer for what you are really doing.  To The Point Answers – I will not tolerate any spin, any bullcrap response. My press secretary and myself will both put a straightforward and to the point answer of what is going on.  Internet Services – New econnect online service technologies allow citizens to get easy point and click access to any information they want. And ecitizen communication service allows people to send questions to the US government.

Ensuring a Safe and Secure Future for Americans As president, I will not conduct a “koombya” and “America is arrogant” foreign policy. In the short this means:  Support for Democracy – Nations that are young, developing, or already established democracies will be ensured that the United States Government will stand firmly behind anyone and everyone across the globe who is working for democracy.  Harmful Nations Get Bad Relations – America will not tolerate nations that do things for the sole purpose of tormenting the global community. America will firmly stand on her principals and will NOT budge.

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