Ready For Posting.14.06

  • November 2019
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Slokam #(18)…. Maataa Devi! Tvam Asi Bhagavaan: ...……..…!!!! [p] [blue] Maataa Devi! Tvam Asi Bhagavaan VaasuDeva: Pitaame [p] Jaata: Soham Janani yuvayor: Eka-Lakshyam Dayaayaa: [p] Datto Yushmat Parijanatayaa Deshikair-Apyat STvam [p] [u] Kim Te Bhuya: Priyamiti Kila Smeravaktraa Vibhaasi...! [/u] [i][/blue] [p] [red] ! : [p] :




[p] [p] [u] [/u]…!!! [/i][/red] [p]



[red]….LINE..1..[/red] [1blue][u] [b] Ureekartum [/b] [/blue][/u] ---2 [blue][u] [b] Kushalam [/b] ----[/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Akhilam [/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Jetum [/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Aadeen [/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Araateen [/b] [/blue][/u] ……….Contd………. [p]…… Stanza #(15)….Contd….. 3 4 5 6


[blue][u] [b] Durikartum [/b]


[/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Durita Nivaham [/b] [/blue][/u]


[red]LINE..2..[/red] --------


[blue][u] [b] Tyaktum [/b]



[/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Aadyaam- [/b]



[/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Avidyaam [/b]


[/blue][/u] [p] [red]LINE... 3..[/red] 1 [blue][u] [b] Amba [/b]



[/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Stambaavadhika



[/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Janana [/b]


[/blue][/u] 4 [blue][u] [b] Devi [/b] [/blue][/u] 5 [blue][u] [b] Drishti [/b] [/blue][/u] [p]

(Stamba avadhika)


[red]LINE..4..[/red] 1 [blue][u] [b] Tasyaam Tasyaam



[/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Ahamahamikaam



[/b] [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Tanvate [/b] [/blue][/u]



[blue][u] [b] Sampadoghaa: [/b]


[/blue][/u] ……….Contd………. [p] …… Stanza # (15)….Contd… This slokam is one of the Key slokams of sristuti(one of the best among the best) [i][u]Devi. Maha Lakshmi:-[/i][/u] You have taken a viratam [blue][u] [b]( Vratibhi) [/b] [/blue][/u] to save[blue][u] [b](Traana) [/b] [/blue][/u] the bakhtas from the miseries[blue][u] [b]( Aarta) [/b] [/blue][/u] of this world. [p] Compare.:- in the slokams # (10) in which we already studied that Bagawan Sriman Naryanan has made a sankalpam/Promise [blue]( “BaddhaDeekshasya”)[/blue] to save his bakhtas from the miseries of this world;

[p] Our Acharyan says like her hubby Maha Vishnu, Pirati also taken this viratam of saving us from the worldly miseries. [p] Maha Lakshmi Your beautiful eyes resembles[blue][u] [b]( Antarangai) [/b] [/blue][/u] that of early morning blossoming[blue][u] [b](Ushasi Mishataam) [/b] [/blue][/u] LOTUS [blue][u] [b]( Ambhojaanaam) [/b] [/blue][/u]. [p] Your beautiful eyes resembles that of Beautiful (karmegam) dark blue clouds [blue][u] [b] (Neelaambuvahai) [/b] [/blue][/u] *** which showers Amrita vaarsham[blue][u] [b] (Amritaasaara) [/b] [/blue][/u]/ karuna kataksham on her Bhaktas. [p] Your eyes are full of compassion towards chetanas & you want to relive them of their miseries. [p] Whichever direction[blue][u] [b]( Yasyaam Yasyaam Dishi Viharate Devi Drishti) [/b] [/blue][/u] your auspicious vision- roams , all the sampad$$( prosperity) want to go in that [blue][u] [b] (Tasyaam Tasyaam) [/b] [/blue][/u] Direction(##), competing with each other by saying I will go first, I will go first ,in that direction. [p] Not full open eyed glance is needed just glancing from the corner of your eyes [blue][u] [b]( Apaangai )[/b] [/blue][/u]} is enough, for all prosperity to compete with each other to alleviate our problem. [p] . …….Contd………. [p] …… Stanza # (15)….Contd… (###)[i] In the HINDI FILM HARIVAMSAM I remember this particular scene. -Kuselar swamin prompted by his wife, gone to meet his childhood friend Lord Krishna for help. he took some AVAL-(Chidwa in Hindi- I don’t know the English name For AVAL)as an offering. bagwan eagerly eats that AVAL. Devi Rukmani (as if innocently) enquires Bagawan where from this pious Brahmanan come from?. Bagawan by saying from this direction only he came here, indicate the direction to her. On Devi’s glance all the iswaryam fills up in the Kusalers residence transforming the house from Hut to bunglow etc..[/i] [p] [i](***)1.[red]swami Thirupaanazhwar[/red] In His (last stanza) [red]Amalanadipiran[/red] says [b] [red]Kondal vannanai[/red].[/b] (Kondal means dark clouds). Wherever the dark clouds goes there must be some rain occurs that particular place. It’s surely going to rain there. [p] Like wise Bagawan, Forgiving all our transgressions, having compassion also showers Vatsalyam on us/his devotes like the above said dark clouds ( where as the other type of clouds like cirrus/cumulus are just for looking only... ah we can write many Kavitais(poems/lyrics) about them..Ada thavira 8 Anaku(50Paisa ku ) proyojanam kidayadu[:)] .)

[p] In VSN(1000names of Vishnu ) also we have already studied about the Thirunamam[b] [red] Parjanyan[/b] [/red] (Stanza #87) [p] . Remember [blue] swami Desikan already said( in Sristuti sloakm #(9)}- If one studies the shrutis deeply, it becomes clear that the [i] inner meaning of the Vedas is about revering you both as equal [/i]. . Therefore, we consider[i] Both (Perumal & Maha Lakshmi) of you as Supreme deity (पर दे वतै) [/i]. Swami Desikan in another way here reiterates the same point.[/blue] [p] $$ 4. Sarveswari,Maha Lakshmi as you haven’t commanded a particular Iswaryam to go in that direction where your auspicious Vision roams, all prosperities are competing with each other to go first in that particular Direction..[/i] ………….Slokam #(15)………..!!!!!

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