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  • Words: 1,459
  • Pages: 5
MATA NUI ONLINE GAME OFFLINE EDITION - READ ME IMPORTANT NOTICE Do not rename, rearrange, move, or delete any of the files or folders for this game. Doing so can cripple the game. It is recommended that this game be played with the executable files for your operating system in order to use the automatic saving feature. Other methods require a manual process for saving. Details on how to play below. The game utilizes your system's clipboard to temporarily store your game progress. When played with the executable files, it will automatically write the progress on the clipboard to your progress file and erase the clipboard (if not played with the executables, you will have to save the clipboard to your progress file manually with the instructions below). Note that every time the game saves, your clipboard will be replaced and/or erased. The Flash Player detection error has been disabled and will not inform you if your Flash Player is out of date (when played with the executable files, the game does not rely on your Flash Player).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR LINUX USERS (This section only applies to Linux operating system users.) The Linux version of the automatic save feature requires that Java be installed on your computer. Because your operating system most likely will not set the proper file permissions by default, it is recommended that you run the file "" (inside the "matanui" folder) to automatically give all of the executable files executable file permissions. To do this, from the command-line, change directory to the "matanui" folder, and enter "sh" (without the quotes).

DIFFERENCES FROM THE ONLINE VERSION THAT LEGO HAD The Flash Player detection error has been disabled. Some files were changed to make the game close to the original, online state. The save feature is not original but a rework for offline saving.

METHODS OF PLAY This game can be played on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems by the included executables (recommended for automatic saving). Alternately, this game can be played from your Internet browser (requires Flash Player) or stand-alone Flash Player. Instructions for all methods below.

Flash Player version requirements when played without the recommended executables are Flash Player 7 or higher (Flash Player 5 and 6 will also play the game but will not be able to save progress to the clipboard). This game has been tested to work in Flash Players 8 through 10.

HOW TO PLAY WITH THE EXECUTABLE FILES (This method will automatically save your progress.) - WINDOWS INSTRUCTIONS: Run "LauncherWindows.exe" (Application). Alternately, open the "matanui" folder then run "matanuionlinegame.exe".

- MAC INSTRUCTIONS: Run "" (Application). Alternately, open the "matanui" folder then run "".

- LINUX INSTRUCTIONS: Run "" (Shell Script). Alternately, open the "matanui" folder then run "matanuionlinegame".

HOW TO PLAY WITH AN INTERNET BROWSER (This method will not automatically save your progress to a file, only to the clipboard. You will have to save the clipboard to your progress file manually.) Open "LauncherBrowser.html" (HTML Document). Alternately, open the "matanui" folder then open "Launcher.html".

HOW TO PLAY WITH A STAND-ALONE FLASH PLAYER (This method will not automatically save your progress to a file, only to the clipboard. You will have to save the clipboard to your progress file manually.) Open the "matanui" folder, and open "player.swf" (Shockwave Flash Object) in your stand-alone Flash Player.

TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND POTENTIAL ISSUES - HOW THE SAVE FEATURE WORKS: The save feature works by copying your progress to your system's clipboard, then executing an additional program to evaluate the clipboard's contents for validity before writing it to a file and erasing the clipboard. The game will repeatedly execute an additional program to handle the file saving. The name of this program is "setstate.exe" on Windows, "" on Mac, and "setstate" on Linux. In the case of the Linux automatic save, the additional program calls a Java program ("setstate.jar") to handle the progress saving.

- HOW TO MANUALLY SAVE YOUR PROGRESS TO A FILE: When playing without the executable files the additional save handler program will not launch so the game progress will remain on the clipboard. To manually save the progress to the save file, open the "matanui" folder, open "getstate.txt" in a text editor, erase everything inside the file, paste the clipboard into the file, then save the file.

- YOUR OPPERATING SYSTEM MAY ASK YOU TO ALLOW THE PROGRAM(S) TO RUN: If the game asks you to allow it to run, choose the option to allow it to run. If it repeatedly asks to allow the program to run, you may have to manually unblock all the executable files for your operating system.

- WHEN RUNNING THE GAME FROM "LauncherWindows.exe", "", OR "", IT SAYS THAT THE FILE IS NOT FOUND OR NOTHING HAPPENS: Make sure the launcher is in the folder above the "matanui" folder and that that's where it was run from. Also make sure that the file path it mentions (if it meantions one) exists. It may also be that your system has not yet discovered the executable it is trying to launch, so try launching the game from the executable inside the "matanui" folder.

- HOW TO DISABLE AUTOMATIC SAVING If you wish to disable automatic saving, open the "matanui" folder and rename the folder "fscommand" to something else. To re-enable automatic saving, rename the folder back to "fscommand".

- THE GAME LAUNCHES AT AN ODD SCALE OR RATIO Sometimes Flash projectors can launch at the incorrect size. The window can manually be scaled back to the proper size.

- HOW TO RESTART THE GAME: Open the folder "matanui" then the "Restart" folder, then run "Restart.exe" (Windows), "" (Mac), or "" (Linux). Alternately, open the file "getstate.txt" (from inside the "matanui" folder) in a text editor, replace all contents with "&nostate=1&" (without the quotes), and then save the file.

- HOW TO SWITCH THE GAME LANGUAGE: Open the folder "matanui" then the "Restart" folder, then run "SetLang.exe" (Windows), "" (Mac), or either "" for English or "" for Deutsch (Linux). Alternately, open the file "getlanguage.txt" (from inside the "matanui" folder) in a text editor, replace all contents with "&language=eng&" for English or "&language=deu&" for Deutsch (both without the quotes), and then save the file.

PROBLEMS TO WATCH OUT FOR (Please note that these problems may not affect you.) The game will sometimes freeze up. The only cure is to reload the game. The audio will sometimes drop out. The only cure is to reload the game. If your pack disappears you will have to reload the game. The elevator in the Great Mine in Onu-Koro will sometimes act as if you have entered it from the other level and carry you back to where you started. You will have to ride the elevator again.

INTERESTING NOTES The floating gold Kanohi Hau beneath the Great Sundial was a part of a contest run in 2001. Contestants were to find words, written in the Matoran script, online or in print, under gold masks such as this one, decode them, write down the words on an official entry form, and then mail the form in for a chance at a 14-karat solid gold Kanohi Hau. There are many extraneous files that were included in the "matanui" folder. These files include various forms of concept art. Some files have unused images inside of them.

The music played during the Nui-Rama swarm is Ride of the Valkyries, by Richard Wagner. The walls of the Sanctum include packaging information from a LEGO set; "Made by LEGO. Produktion AG. CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland. Distributed by The LEGO Group. DK7190 Billund, Denmark C2001 LEGO Group". The walls of the Sanctum include a quote from Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series: "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" The map you use to tell Turaga Nuju where you will lead the alliance reads "KoKoro" where it should read "Po-Koro".

CREDITS Thanks to alpha123 for a huge amount of help with porting this game to Linux and to everyone else who helped make this possible.

PLEASE NOTE This offline version of Mata Nui Online Game is NOT official and was not made available by The LEGO Group or the producers of this game. This game was assembled almost entirely from the official offline version made available by The LEGO Group and Templar Studios. This game was produced for The LEGO Group by Templar Studios; all of the files for this game are the property of The LEGO Group and possibly Templar Studios, and as such please treat the game with respect. Some files were modified for file name corrections, restoration purposes, and making the save feature possible. This copy was created to preserve this game for the future. Assembled by JrMasterModelBuilder.

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