Read 3226 Whole Group Lesson

  • October 2019
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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template Central Focus: Comprehension: Students will apply their new knowledge of comparing and contrasting to analyze two texts on the same topic.

Subject: ELA Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: RI.2.9: Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic

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Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to work with a partner to compare and contrast different types of animal life cycles with 80% accuracy. 21st Century Skills: Communication: Students will communicate Academic Language Demand (Language Function and with a partner when completing their venn Vocabulary): diagram. Language Function: Compare and Contrast Collaboration: Students will collaborate with their partner on the articles to find the Vocabulary: Compare, contrast, venn diagram similarities and the differences between life cycles Prior Knowledge: Students should be familiar with the life cycles of: chickens, frogs, and butterflies. Students should also be able to identify the main idea of a text and find supporting details within the text.

Activity 1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of Objective for Student

3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting We will begin by reviewing the different types of life cycles that the students have been going over in science. They have learned about the life cycle of butterflies, frogs, and chickens. Using the call and response method, I will have the students repeat the lesson objective written on the board.

Time 1 minute

1 minute

By the end of today, I will be able to compare and contrast the key details of two texts about life cycles. I will begin by telling the students that we’re going to dig a little deeper 3 minutes into life cycles today. We are going to be comparing two different life cycles to each other. “When you compare two things, you find things that are similar or the same about them.” I will also tell them that we’re going to be contrasting them as well. “Contrasting is when you identify things that are different between two or more things” I will then introduce the graphic organizer, venn diagram. I will draw a venn diagram on the board and show them that it’s used to compare two different things. I will show them an example with an apple and an orange. I will label the tops of both sides with the appropriate label and show them how the parts that aren’t overlapped are where you write things that are different. For instance, in our case of apples and oranges,

I could write that an apple is red, and an orange is orange. I will then show them the center, overlapping part of the venn diagram. I will explain how in this part, you write all the things that are the same about the two things that you’re comparing. In my example on the board, I will write that they are both fruit. I will also explain that in a venn diagram, you can use bullet points to jot your thoughts rather than writing an entire sentence.

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent Practice

6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills:

7. Closure

As a way for the class to practice together, we will compare humans and animals as a class on the board. I will call on a student and they will tell me which category they want to put their idea into- humans, animals, or both. I will ask the class if they agree or disagree and will write it in the appropriate section on the venn diagram. I plan on taking 3-5 answers unless I see that students are struggling with where their idea belongs in the graphic organizer or are struggling to understand.

10 minutes

For the independent practice, I’m going to send the students back to their desks. Each of them will get to choose from one of three articles I’ve provided on life cycles. There will be an article for the frog life cycle, chicken life cycle, and the butterfly life cycle. They will read their article independently and find the main idea and some supporting details. They will record their findings in a main idea chart in their reading notebooks. Following this, they will partner up with someone who has a different article than they do. They will discuss their findings in the articles and fill in a venn diagram worksheet comparing the two life cycles of their animals. I will circulate around the room and offer support as needed.

20 minutes

I will skim through the students’ notebooks to see that they were able to find that the main idea of each article was the life cycle of that particular animal. I will also check for supporting details that note different stages of each life cycle. Students will also turn in their venn diagram worksheet that they complete in pairs. To check for comprehension, I will say a few statements and have 5 minutes students give me a thumbs up if they agree with what I said or a thumbs down if they disagree. If they disagree, I will have them explain why. If they are right, we will move on. If they are wrong, we will do a review in a follow up lesson. Examples of statements:  If two topics have something the same, it goes in the middle (or both) section of the venn diagram  Key details that support your main idea do not belong in your bubbles  You write things that are different in the side that is labeled with your topic inside the bubble. (I will point to this on an empty venn diagram on the board)

The students did really well with this lesson. They were able to correctly identify both the similarities between two different life cycles and the differences. 17 students out of a total of 18 were able to correctly use the venn diagram in the class. 8. Assessment Results of The 18th student came in late to the lesson and therefore missed out on the all objectives/skills: introduction of the venn diagram. I will work with this student individually on another day.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations - If a child is struggling to find the main idea and supporting details of a passage, they are able to ask a buddy for help. - For my ELL, she is able to work with a partner during the GP and IP if needed. - During the time on the carpet, a student with ADHD will be placed right beside where I will be standing so that I can call on them and ensure they are staying on task.

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations - During the IP, I will provide students with a venn diagram worksheet with it already drawn out and spots where they can write their labels. - During the IP, students are able to work in partners to collaborate to find the similarities and differences between their life cycles - During the IP, students are able to choose the article that they are more interested in and feel more confident reading.

Materials/Technology: Large poster paper, markers, venn-diagram worksheet, articles on life cycles, reading notebooks Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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