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Name: Mohammad Daud, Aisha P.

Words: 373

Subject: Chemistry

Pages: 2

Date: October 11, 2018 Reaction Paper on the Science Week Celebration 2018 The Science Week Celebration was organized properly by the Science Teachers. It is the Science Week Celebration that I enjoyed the most, by this it can help a lot of students to continue what they want to do. The Science Week Celebration features the different events like the Mr. and Ms. Innovation which it was the most awaited event in the whole celebration. The judges for that event were so nervous because most of the contestants were all good in the pageant. The Pageant shows the hardships of those contestants that they went also through the stressful practice. There are several life lessons being taught in the Science Week Celebration. Personally, among the lessons, the most important are the pursuit of excellence through passion and not just the pursuit of success, the importance of Science in our lives, and the significance of hard work. If inculcated, will not lead to successful life but will also lead to a life that is worth living. The Science Week Celebration showed also the importance of Science in our lives. It encouraged the students to create their own invention. Further, the importance of making your own invention is a good help in our lives. The different events are the most highlights in the celebration. First, The Mural painting. It shows how the students of RC-AKIC SLS are so incredibly artistic because their paintings are unexplainable. Second, the Quiz Show. The students were also excited for this event because it also helps their brains to improve especially to explore more about the Science. Third, the Paper Tower. The students were enjoyed because this is one of the challenging event of the Program, the materials needed to make the paper tower are papers, scissors, and scotch tape. The event which is sort of a game was being one of the memorable event for this Science Week Celebration. Fourth, the Robot Making. This event is worth good because all the students were experienced how to invent their own robot by using Cartoons, Scotch tape, and a color art like a spray for the beautification of their Robots. Fifth, the Chandelier Making. For this event, it shows how to recycle the recyclable materials like plastic cups, rope, and things that can be recycled to make a different sizes and shapes of the Chandelier. The student were all amazed when their product is done because they did not expected that they can do different kinds of chandelier especially when their products is lighted to the bulb which it makes the chandelier more beautiful and Wonderful that every pupils and students wants to take picture of it, they can really say that most of the Khwarizmian enjoyed for this event. The Egg Parachute was also happened in the first day of the Science Week Celebration. For this event, many students were attracted for the products of each contestants because it is the first Science Week Celebration that has an Egg Parachute event which the students really wants to see what will be the egg parachute is. When the Products are done, the contestants went to the Elementary department and prepared their Egg Parachutes. This will be the highlights for this event because the contestants will let go of their egg parachute and then observe the more slow egg parachutes that will going down the floor. In the first try of the contestants, all the parachutes went down so fast that is why they cannot say who won the contest, but suddenly the judges plan that there will be a second chance for the all contestants because it will make so unfair that none of the contestant have never won. The contestants are really excited for the next try for their upcoming products. When the time is up, they went again in the Elementary Department and trying to make their parachute looks good. The judges as well as the audience counted one to three and

the contestants prepared their Egg Parachutes to let it go and observe again who will be the slower parachute that can touch the floor. Luckily, many contestants won the contest because their parachute are slower than the others. The Landscaping is more exciting than the students really expected because the students show how really the khwarizmian united as one. Before the celebration, landscaping was started days ago. For this event, the students show how hardships they went all through. Even if the sun is so hot the students continued to design and prepared their own landscaping. The khwarizmian really say that “Even if it shines or rain as well as our landscaping is designated properly”. The hardships of the students show how the unity is created themselves. The outcomes of the landscaping like what the students really expected, their landscaping is excellent. In the Second day of Science Week Celebration, the high school students are preparing their exhibit in each level. For the grade 7 students, Integrated Science is their theme for their exhibit. For the grade 8 students, their theme in their exhibit is Biology. For the grade 9 students, their theme for their exhibit is chemistry. Last but definitely not the least, for the grade 10 students, their theme is physics. The pupils for the elementary department was excited for the exhibit that was prepared by their seniors. In each room, the beautification of their exhibit is amazingly beautiful especially their products and different games that will entertain the judges as well as the pupils and students. The Ms. and Mr. Innovation Coronation day for the elementary was also happened in the Second day of the Science Week Celebration. This event was the highlight for the second day celebration. The preparation of each contestants was all unexpected, the audience were all shocked for their Innovative Attire. It can show the confidence of each contestants on how they walked and talked for the audience. The event went good because of the organizer in this event. The Grade 5 students were all happy because they won the Ms. and Mr. Innovation 2018. In the third day of the Science Week Celebration, the most awaited day of the high school students. The events for this day was the best among the rest. The preparation of the students give their very best because it is the last day of the Celebration. The exhibit is opened for the pupils and other students and it shows the different life of Science. Their own exhibit went successful and worth it for each students and advisers. In the whole morning for this event is so hard because each students were all busy for the exhibit and preparation also for the Ms. and Mr. Innovation Coronation day. The Ms. and Mr. Innovation Coronation day for the High school department was the most awaited event for all the events because it features the contestants that were wearing their School uniform, want to be attire (Wanna Be), and lastly their Innovative attire. The contestants were all nervous because it might disappointed their classmates if they went wrong, but luckily the Coronation day went good so far. The awaited portion of this event is the Question and Answer Portion. Like what the students observed in the Ms. and Mr. Innovation Coronation day of the elementary is the big percentage of the Q and A so the contestants in high school must ready and well prepared for their Answers. The Audience were all enjoyed the event because of the different chemistry in each contestants and also their brightest mind in answering the Questions. Overall view, The Science Week Celebration 2018 was different from the past years that were celebrated. The student learned a lot of lessons like how they communicate with each other to make their outcomes or products more beautiful and fabulous. The Hardships and Unity of the Students, Faculties, and staffs were went through in a good outcome for this Science week Celebration. The Science Week Celebration also created a different good memories that will be treasured in their hearts and minds of the Khwarizmian.

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