Re Surging

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,954
  • Pages: 31
1852 ad earth 2043 ags dwarf pheniox galaxy

In the phienox dwarf galaxy, in the planet of celetude In the peaceful city of Patonia a monster is submerging from the ground. Its name is barney!!!

But thats not the only beast that comes to destroy the city. Godzilla the enemy of Barney also comes to weak havoc.

In an underground base of Patonia... Oh no the evil Beasts are attacking, we mucst fight them!!

But the military Barracks were already destroyed!!!

Come on men lets go fight these things!!!

Godzilla and Barney start to fight it out!

Godzilla is killed!!

Oh no there is only one thing we can do right Now!!!

At this time there is only one hope for the destroyed city of Patonia. That hope lies 200 miles in the sprawling metropolis called Nogarap. The hope were superheroes!!!

The damage is continuingthough..

The Mystic Ranger shoots his arrow at Barney...

Suprisingly Godzilla Falls over. But then his body forms into seperate monster.

these monsters are almost as hideos An they are many of them

A samll Handful of weak superheroes are killed in a few minutes but the rest fight on!!!

What caused the emegence of Barney and Godzilla?

The Invasion of the Horde Ants and the Horde Bees must have awakned them

The superheroes fight them

Oh no the deep space scanners sense that an imperial fleet is coming!!!

lead by officer Patrick Stewart

Oh no the Robots clones are coming! Fight them

Die!!! Scienctis Scum Die!!! Oh no save me!!!

The Imperial Fleet has arrived at Celetude

Now Patonia is under even more threat. The remaining superheroes who acutally care are fighting too hard.

I'll save you!!!

But then the greatest superhero of all comes, mooseman

The imperial fleet must be here!!

Stop evil Doers!!Get ready to be destroyed.

Die Moose Guy!!!

Mooseman's trusty plasma rifle is always handy.

Brute Chief uses his sonic boom!!!

Mystic Ranger tries to fight back

Mooseman my nemesis I'll get you today!

With brute reinforcements superheroes are falling left and right.

A c0mbined attack makes it even!

a huge battle follows!

Sun attack!!! Go!!! what should we do now!

Have we won?

The villans start to retreat

Commence fire on city!!

The once flourishing city is now a wastlelande, Mooseman and a few other people only escaped.

The devilish admiral orders his fleet to Aqueel, capital of Aquinite

While in a refugee camp

Mooseman looks at his 300 soilders and 23 superheroes. Yeah!!!

What are we going now mooseman!

Seargent YelNif looks at 50,000 soilders and 2000 supervillans

We defend Aqueel!!!

with thousands of more reinforcements coming from the Dark Coalition and an imperial aramada up overhead, victory seems certain and with the capital city Aqueel close to fallen the kingdom of aquinite will fall to the dark coalition as well. Meanwhile the valiant Mooseman and allies rush to the rescue in their spaceship.

Our heroes land in Aqueel to defend the city alongside the Aquinite royal fleet

The Coalition along with their Persian allies are ready to siege!

Monsters of Barney are ready to destroy!

The Brute Republic stands ready for fight as well

Goblin horde is at bay as well.

Imperial Fleet circles around ahead.

in total coalition has 10 million troops and 75000 supervillians.

RUSH the line!!!

Charge Attack!!!

Were too heavily matched, we can't hold on for long!

keep on fighting men!

Oh no they've reached the walls!

protect the walls, and chase them out.



thank you my allies! Now combined sun attack!

Even with all of this the allies are losing, until reinforcements from Blood Gulch arrive.

blood Gulch soilders join in the fray as well

We are taking heavy hits on the right flank!

Navy isn't doing so well either

Charge The line!

Sir our second line has been defeated!

release the Berserkers!


The new berserkers have joined the fray helping to take down the wall. They got their power from badger blood and titanium

These fools won't know what hit them!

Sam Smith leader of Blood Gulch takes down the berserkers and the Brute general but is brutally wounded in the process! Mooseman attacks in revenge!

Persians attack!

Were being smashed by the flanking Persians! Oh wait!

A combined sun attack chases the coalition out of the walls

I'm fully healed now, ready to fight!

The valiant spartans from sparta have arrived to lend a helping hand!

They are regrouping, attack them before they can!

The two factions meet on open battlefield!

Sir were losing many men, I think we should go regroup in the city

Along with Sam Smith and his blood Gulch army!

That will give them time to regroup then it is all over!

Aquinite Troops fight bravely as well.

The valiant Spartans, spartans give it tonight we their best shot and turn the tide dine in Hell!!!

They Cannot win!

Troops this is our last stand and attack, charge!

Charge men of Aquinite!!!

huge explosions follow.

the smoke settled and mooseman and his his troops are the winner!

we need to attack and destroy the coalition fleet up ahead!

The weak Aquinite fleet is under the brilliant admiral Kratos.

The reality is grim though, the remaining 13,000 coalition ground troops routed, the officals all killed, the aquinites went from 10,000 including reinforcments to 2345.

attacking availiable in 3 hours!

along with Elite Allies

the ally fleet zooms to battle outnumbered 15,000 to 700,000.

The brutes and the elites use to be together 158 years ago, but a civil war divided them from a fledging empire to two separate republics

Coalition forces are ready for battle!

sir our front three lines are taking heavy casualties!

run alpha manuever with beta evasive and retreat 5 miles with line 3, also show no mercy

perfect all dead, now run the same plan again on their second fleet!

Sir your genius, the remaining fleets are regrouping 9000000 miles away!

But this time try to be more brutal!

pursue and kill!

I would't do that if I were you! there is a nubuela that the fleet could be hding in!

I'm military leader in space, your leader in ground, I hope we have that clear!

the heroes get to the nuebla.

coalition forces are there to greet them! I told you mooseman it'll work, there were quantum mines there!

but then! take that coalition scum!

what do you think about the that! Sam Smith thinks you lost!

Now get in your fighter and take those small squadrons down!

what was that?

oh no my friends!

it is the coalition flagship the twilight, most powerful ship in the galaxy!

the captain of this devillish vessel is no other than patrick stewart himself!

with few ships left, mooseman makes his descent to the twilight.

its a shame you left the ship early so i couldn't kill you along with your friends, oh well I'll kill you here and now the way i killed them!

you'll pay for that!

an aquinite battlecruiser is destroyed almost instantly!

a message from the Elites comes. Mooseman this is the zebra, our fleet is taking heavy hits! The remaining Coalition forces are devastating us

you know what to do men, charge!

Quickly Mooseman goes into the flagship of aquinite, the ultimate

intercept the moose!

This is Mooseman, I think I have found a weakness in the invincible vessel!

Mooseman makes his final descent!

The chances of you doing that is 1 in 514,200,000

with 95% of the fleet destroyed, and the might elite fleet 93% crushed mooseman is all alone in this fight.

If I don't try, are chances of surivival are zero!

he lets out his best shot!

it is succesful and the twilight is destroyed!

when our champion mooseman returns to celetude he collaspes!

it must be from all the emotional stress, the killings, the exhaustion and of course injuries!

quickly get him to a hospital!!!

after two weeks of rest, mooseman is all healed!

my name is iron necromancer , greetings!

Mooseman sir, someone is here to see you!

may I ask why you are here?

have you ever heard of the history of the 5'1f civilization?

Iron Necromancer unravels his story. "There once lived a thriving civilization called the 5'1f. They were reptilian people who had a fledging dominace over this half of the galaxy 5000 years back."


"One day a race of humanoids called the blumini came. 5'1f tried to establish a peaceful relationship with them like they did to all races they encountered, but diaster stuck and there was a war."

"it took them 2000 years but the blumini conquered every single one of our planets, conjururing half the galaxy, 1000 years later the blumini cut off their alliance with the horde insects and had a civil war which cut them into the Aquinite kingdom and the dark coalition."

"the 5'1f rode valiantaly with their godzillas and their barnies. But there were so many blumini and blumini superheroes with their horde insect allies that 5'1f were overwhelmed even though 5'1f were 750 years ahead of them in technology"

how do you know all of this?

because i'm the last of the 5'1f, come to get revenge!

"It was i who unleashed the godzilla and barney, it was i who convinced the coalition to attakc you. Now all four weakened factions the aquinites, the coalition, the horde bees, and the horde ants will pay for their crimes against 5'1f!"

"after i conquer you all, i'll enslave all of you and populate the galaxy once more with 5'1f. There is no way to stop me!"

you now see my true from!

i've faced more powerful than you! charge!

prepare to die!

even if you beat me here, your only one person!


now i'm pissed!

i have a clone army about to be unleashed in one hour, mixed up of girls and boys. Also you are the last major hero left in the four governments!

if thats all you got then even green cape will be able to beat you!

you'll pay for that mammal!

i got a beam of my own!

looks like were evenly matched lizard!

on the contary! Thats not even close to my full strenght!

he lets out a blazing inferno! oh crap...

I summon thy godzilla my warbeast!

that hurt real bad!!! time to return the favor!!!!

hitting a pressure point the gigantic beast collaspes!

that was my favortie war monster, you will pay for that!

the beam hit a nuclear powerplant, triggering a great explosion!

mooseman goes unconsious.

i was hoping to kill more, but then again less slaves!

remembering his days as a regular human, as statesman, remembering the dead souls because of the fiend in front of him he lets out his dire rage!

this was clearly the most difficult fight mooseman has ever faced! He focused his rage!


you beast there were 1.5 million people living in that area!

the reptilian fiend vaporizes in the sky, finishing a long struggle.

it would take 25 years for the four factions to fully recover from the war, the capital moved from a crushed aqueel to opotan.

after that mooseman destroys the clone facility

but the damage is done, mooseman orginally statesman who went into a genetic accident is the olny war hero left in the galaxy, only 88% of superheores eist in the galaxy.

mooseman continues his fight against evil and protects the weak and the fair against the strong who are vile.

Aquinite kingdom homeland: celetude Dark Coaliton Homeworld: dracosi Elite homeworld: Elitusil Spartan homeworld: Sparta Blood gulch amry homeworld: Blood Gulch 5'1f homeworld: 7'8x Galaxy: Dwarf Phinoex galaxy Horde bee Homeworld: ritoruis horde ant homeworld: yitu

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