Raven Basit - Template Studio Habits Of Mind

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 303
  • Pages: 12
Studio Habits of Mind Habitos de estudio de la mente

Drawing Portfolio Cartera de dibujo


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Read through the Studio Habits of Mind (Lea los hábitos de la mente de Studio)


Select three of the Studio Habits and Alter the three slides with examples of your work that demonstrates the Studio Habit. (Seleccione tres de los hábitos de estudio y modifique las tres diapositivas con ejemplos de su trabajo que demuestren el hábito de estudio.)

I improved my technique by paying attention to the value of the shadows. I started off with an intense pencil stroke and slowly made it lighter. I made sure to also be careful with the amount of value I put so that I don’t make the whole thing dark. Comparing my rough sketch of the apple and bottle, to my final drawing, you can definitely tell I paid more attention to the detail of the objects.

We first practiced observing the still life by doing a blind drawing where we weren’t allowed to look at what we were drawing. That exercise helped me look at each and every detail of the set up. It also allowed me to look at my perspective of the set up and how the light played a part in the value of the shadows.

While working on this piece of still life, I learned different techniques on how to show the true value of the object and their textures. Something I would’ve done differently if I did this again, I would make my outlines less harsh. I also would’ve put more texture on my apple as well as my seashell. I feel that this is a strong piece of work because I was able to capture all the objects in my perspective view.

Final Drawing

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