Raspunsuri Algoritmica Grafurilo Sem 1 Adunate

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 191
  • Pages: 2
Multiple choice 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.b 12.c 13.c 14.c 15.e 16.b 17.c 18.d 19.d 20.b 21.a 22.c 23.a 24.a 25.c 26.b 27.c 28.d 29.b 30.a 31.d 32.b 33.c 34.b 35.a 36.c 37.d 38.c 39.c 40.c 41.c 42.c 43.b 44.a 45.d 46.c 47.b 48.a 49.b 50.c 51.c 52.d 53.b 54.c 55.c 56.d 57.c 58.d 59.d 60.c 61.e 62.b 63.b 64.d 65.d 66.c 67.d 68.c 69.d 70.c 71.a 72.b 73.b 74.aYes/No 75.no 76.yes 77.yes 78.no 79.no 80.yes 81.no 82.no 83.no 84.no 85.yes 86.no 87.no 88.yes 89.yes 90.no 91.yes 92.yes Completion 93.arbore 94.saturat 95.gradul 96.terminal 97.izolat 98.par 99.graf partial 100.subgraf 101.lant 102.elementar 103.simplu 104.ciclu 105.conex 106.componenta conexa 107.complet 108.regulat 109.k-regulat 110.n-1 111.cubic 112.bipartit 113.bipartit complet 114.stea 115.cicluri impare 116.grad exterior 117.grad interior 118.drum 119.simetric 120.tare conex 121.frunze 122.arbore partial 123.varfuri terminale 124.n-1 125.arbore partial 126.cost minim 127.drumurilor minime 128.matricea drumurilor 129.egala cu 130.sa depaseasca 131.taietura 132.minima 133.= 134.n-1 135.bipartit 136.complet 137.mn 138.orientat 139.simetrica 140.n-1 141.n-p 142.conex 143.2 144.n-1 145.matricea drumurilor 146.Kruskal 147.Kruskal 148.matricea 149.Floyd 150.minime 151.temporala 152.taieturi 153.Ford 154.taieturi 155.minima 156.hamiltonian 157.eulerian 158.Fleury 159.eulerian 160.coarde 161.conex 162.2 163.planar 164.2 165.Euler 166.neplanare 167.Kuratowski 168.maxim 169.maxim 170.digrafurilor 171.fara bucle

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