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  • Pages: 8
Re: Q1: What is RAS ? is RAS and VPN the same ? Q2: How do i determine that my computer is connected to the right network and is getting a valid ip ? A server that is dedicated to handling users that is not on a LAN but need remote access to it. The remote access server allows users to gain access to files and print services on the LAN from a remote location. For example, a user who dials into a network from home using an analog modem or an ISDN connection will dial into a remote access server. Once the user is authenticated he can access shared drives and printers as if he were physically connected to the office LAN. Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built-in NT remote access tools, RAS was a service provided by Windows NT which allows most of the services which would be available on a network to be accessed over a modem link. The service includes support for dialup and logon, and then presents the same network interface as the normal network drivers (albeit slightly slower). It is not necessary to run Windows NT on the client there are client versions for other Windows operating systems. A feature built into Windows NT that enables users to log into an NTbased LAN using a modem, X.25 connection or WAN link. RAS works with several major network protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX, and NetBEUI. To use RAS from a remote node, you need a RAS client program, which is built into most versions of Windows, or any PPP client software. For example, most remote control programs work with RAS. Over the years, many vendors have provided both hardware and software solutions to gain remote access to various types of networked information. In fact, most modern routers include a basic RAS capability that can be enabled for any dial-up interface.


Is RAS and VPN the same? A virtual private network (VPN) is a private communications network often used by companies or organizations, to communicate confidentially over a public network. VPN traffic can be carried over a public networking infrastructure (e.g. the Internet) on top of standard protocols, or over a service provider's private network with a defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider. A VPN can send data (e.g., voice, data or video, or a combination of these media) across secured and encrypted private channels between two points. There is a lot of difference in RAS and VPN ... the vpn can be compared to a local area connection spread over a large distance. A RAS is a truly local area connection between two connections. A VPN is a dedicated service while RAS is not Ras: Talking to your best friend in a small private chat room. VPN: Talking to your best friend in a big crowded hall using your own secret language.


Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built-in NT remote access tools, RAS was a service provided by Windows NT which allows most of the services which would be available on a network to be accessed over a modem link. The service includes support for dialup and logon, and then presents the same network interface as the normal network drivers (albeit slightly slower). It is not necessary to run Windows NT on the client - there are client versions for other Windows operating systems. A feature built into Windows NT that enables users to log into an NTbased LAN using a modem, X.25 connection or WAN link. RAS works with several major network protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX, and NBF. To use RAS from a remote node, you need a RAS client program, which is built into most versions of Windows, or any PPP client software. For example, most remote control programs work with RAS. Over the years, many vendors have provided both hardware and software solutions to gain remote access to various types of networked information. In fact, most modern routers include a basic RAS capability that can be enabled for any dial-up interface.


Hardware Requirements Microsoft Proxy Server has the same hardware requirements as Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0. Software Requirements The following programs must already be installed on the server computer before Microsoft Proxy Server can be installed: • • •

Microsoft Internet Information Server version 2.0 Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 1 (provided on the Microsoft Proxy Server compact disc)

The server computer can be configured as a stand-alone server, a primary domain controller (PDC), or a backup domain controller (BDC). However, for the highest security level and the best performance, it

is recommended that you install Microsoft Proxy Server on a computer configured as a stand-alone server. For best cache performance, it is strongly recommended that at least one disk drive on the server computer be configured as a Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume. Before you install Microsoft Proxy Server, complete the following tasks: Verify your software configuration: 1. Verify that Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 1 is installed. 2. Verify that Microsoft Internet Information Server 2.0 is installed. 3. Verify that TCP/IP is installed on the server. Verify your hardware configuration: 1. Setting Up the Disk Drives Microsoft Proxy Server can be installed on computers that have their hard disks configured as file allocation table (FAT) or NTFS volumes. However, for 4

security and performance, it is recommended that at least one of the server's hard disks be configured as an NTFS volume.

2. Setting Up the Network Adapter Cards Before you install Microsoft Proxy Server, verify that network adapter cards are installed and configured properly. To create a secure configuration, the Microsoft Proxy Server computer must have at least one network adapter card connected to the private network, plus one network adapter card, modem, or integrated services digital network (ISDN) adapter to connect to the Internet.

3. You should install the network adapter cards in your server computer before installing Microsoft Proxy Server Once the adapter cards are installed, you can use the Network Control Panel to configure each card.

4. To configure additional network adapter cards, perform the following steps: 1.Open

Control Panel. 2.Double-click the Network icon, and then click the Adapters tab. 3.Click the Add button to add the additional network adapter card.

2. Set TCP/IP protocol bindings for the external network adapter card. Set the binding to TCP/IP, so that it can communicate over the Internet. When binding this network card to TCP/IP, you are prompted for the card's Internet Protocol address. This address is usually supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the external network adapter card will be used to connect to the Internet, it must be bound only to the TCP/IP protocol. In 5

particular, do not bind IPX/SPX or NetBEUI to the externally connected cards. 3. Set protocol bindings for the internal network adapter card. If the server will be running the Web Proxy service, the network adapter card connected to the private network must be bound to TCP/IP. If the server will be running the WinSock Proxy service, the network adapter card connected to the private network can be bound to TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, or both. NOTE: You can choose to implement Microsoft Proxy Server on a server that has only one network adapter card. You can use this configuration primarily to provide limited proxy service in the following ways:  Caching service for internal Web Proxy clients.  n IP application-level gateway to support internal IPX clients that use the WinSock Proxy service. 2.Use one default IP gateway. A Microsoft Proxy Server computer should have only one IP default gateway. The IP address of the default gateway should be configured on the external network adapter card only. 3.Disable dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) for the adapter cards. Use static IP addresses on the adapter cards. DHCP will attempt to reset the IP default gateway you selected for Microsoft Proxy Server. 4. Setting Up a Modem or ISDN Adapter RAS and Microsoft Proxy Server With Microsoft Proxy Server, you can use the Windows NT Server Remote Access Service (RAS) dial-out client to connect to an ISP. RAS dial-out requires the use of at least one of the following on the Server computer: o


Modem - You can install one or more modems. Highspeed modems, such as 28.8 Kbps modems, are recommended. ISDN adapter - If you are using an ISDN line and have signed up for the ISDN service option with an ISP, install an ISDN adapter. 6

When selecting any hardware for use with a dial-up network connection, check the Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List to confirm that the modem or adapter you are purchasing is supported. Microsoft has tested the modems and ISDN adapters on this list for use with RAS. Also, try to select a modem or ISDN adapter that is the same or very close to the one that is used by the ISP you are using. This helps to ensure optimal performance and the highest possible connection rates. For information about selecting and installing a modem or ISDN adapter, see your documentation for Windows NT Server 4.0 or documentation provided with your modem or ISDN adapter. Setting Up a Modem To set up a modem on the server computer, perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3.

Install the modem and start the server computer. In Control Panel, double-click the Modems application icon. Follow the on-screen instructions for installing a new modem.

For information about installing a modem, see your documentation for Windows NT Server 4.0 and the documentation provided with your modem. Setting Up an ISDN Adapter ISDN offers a much faster communication speed than ordinary telephone service that uses analog equipment. ISDN can operate at speeds of 64 or 128 Kb per second. Unlike most available modems, not all ISDN hardware uses the same signaling technology. This may introduce connection problems between your ISDN provider (the local telephone company) and your hardware adapter. In some cases, the adapter may not work at all with service in your area. For this reason it is important to consult with both telephone and Internet service providers you will be working with in your local area before making a final selection on ISDN adapters. As with modems, obtaining an adapter that is supported by Microsoft 7

and on the Hardware Compatibility List is also highly recommended. To install an ISDN adapter, perform the following steps: 4. 5. 6.

Install an ISDN card and start the server computer. In Control Panel, double-click the Network application icon, click the Adapters tab, and click Add. Follow the on-screen instructions to select or install a device driver for the ISDN adapter.

You must restart the computer after you have installed the ISDN drivers. Otherwise, not all of the available ISDN ports may be listed on the screen when you configure Remote Access for ISDN. Setting Up RAS You can install RAS either during or after the initial Windows NT Server Setup. To install and configure RAS after Windows NT Server has been installed, use the Network Control Panel. You will need to log on as a member of the Administrators group. Also, because you are connecting to an ISP, you need to have the TCP/IP protocol installed before installing RAS. To install the RAS client with Microsoft Proxy Server, perform the following steps: 7. 8. 9.

In Control Panel, double-click Network, click the Services tab, and click Add. In the Network Service box, select Remote Access Service, and then click OK. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of the Remote Access Service.

Select Dial out only for port usage to configure RAS for dialoutonly connection to an ISP. Port usage can be set by clicking Configure in the Remote Access Service Setup dialog box. Network protocol settings should include TCP/IP only (the IPX/SPX and NetBEUI check boxes should be cleared). You can set the network protocols by clicking Network in the Remote Access Service Setup dialog box.


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