Racsim Edited By Mua

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  • Words: 1,121
  • Pages: 14
Definition: The belief that some races are more superior than others. Consequently, racial discrimination ensues.

Sojourner Truth(Isabelle Baumfree)

Sojourner was born as a New York slave in 1797 She was freed by a New York law which proclaimed that all slaves twenty-eight years of age and over were to be freed.

She changed her name to Sojourner Truth after being inspired by god. She joined the Anti-Slavery Society and became a speaker for women's rights for both black and white. Her biography "A Narrative of Sojourner Truth: a Northern Slave“ help her earned money. She also sold postcards with her picture and her motto below which said, "We Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance".

After the Civil War, she spoke for equal rights. Her determination to help her people was fearless and confident Truth never gave up when she was being over looked during her speeches. Truth took many risks to achieve her goal of releasing the blacks. Although she was threatened to be murdered by a few Southerners, she stood tall and firm. Some people said she would never approach her goal of freeing her people, but she did. Many lives were changed because of her influence. Her daring personality, strong will, and courage helped her make a great and lasting difference in the United States of America.

Abraham Lincoln He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending Slavery. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the Confederate slaves. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as sl av es" with in th e r ebelli ous st ates "are, and henceforward shall be fr ee ." Many critics interpret the order freeing Southern slaves during the Civil War as a mil itar y measure, not a humanitarian one. Besides, he hated slavery but equivocated in public statements about racial equality.

Emancipation Proclamation


the Emancipation Proclamation eventually led to the proposal of the Thi rte en th Amend me nt to the Con sti tut io n of USA, which formally abol ished sla ver y throughout the land.

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Jack Johnson •

The first black Heavyweight Champion of the World (1908-1915).

The ‘Fight of the century’ triggers off race riots . This occur because he have won Jeffries (white) and had dashed the dreams of white of finding a great white hope to defeat him . Due to this, the white felt humiliated by the defeat of Jeffries and were incensed by Johnson's comment Due to Jack Johnson’s success of beating Jeffries, the blacks were jubilant and celebrated Johnson victory . And this had resulted in racial riots.

The Blacks celebrated Johnson's great victory as a victory for the entire race . Black poet William Waring Cuney later highlighted the African-American reaction to the fight in his poem "My Lord, What a Morning“ . All around the country, blacks held spontaneous parades, gathered in prayer meetings, and purchased goods with winnings from backing Johnson at the bookmakers . These celebrations often drew a violent response from the White .

My Mo Lord , rni ng Wha t

O my Lord What a morning, O my Lord, What a feeling, When Jack Johnson Turned Jim Jeffries' Snow-white face to the ceiling.


Martin Luther King 

Martin Luther King led the Montgomery Bus Boycott after a woman named Rosa Parks was denied a seat because of the color of her skin. For his troubles, his home was bombed and his family's life was put in great danger. However, this led to the end of racial segregation being allowed on all public transport. Black Americans and their White American supporters kept the boycott alive for more than a year, and bankrupted a company. Hooray! He fought southern racism with all his might and effort, and finally it culminated in the march on Washington to demand civil rights for Americans of African Slave Ancestry, who had been called Negroes, and later became known as black Americans and finally African Americans.

Reverend King believed in non-violence and used Ghandi as an example to lead his campaign for the rights of people who were being oppressed because of their skin color. Before he was brutally murdered for his attempts to bring about fairness, unity and the creation of a nation undivided, he was granted the Nobel Peace Prize. His "I Have A Dream" speech is the finest speech in the entire history of USA in its unabashed desire for a nation of ideals. He summed up what this nation's forefathers claimed this country would one day become. He did not live to see his dream, and it still hasn't come close to being true. His most important contribution was being humble enough to offer up his life for people without a voice or a country.

In a nutshell, •

From the racism on skin colour, blacks were treated as slaves and thus the standard of the blacks were low . This always made the blacks on the lowest in the hierarchy chart and the whites always being on the top . Therefore, the blacks will always be associated with being poor & the whites being the rich & the powerful one . Hence ,this mentality of people will go on & the blacks cannot break out from this poverty cycle due to racial discrimination .

From the summary above, a lot of people had died and had suffered a lot of hardship due to racism . We, as the new generation should make a difference ! We should not make the same mistake as people in the past had made . In our opinion,we should always respect and understand one another to avoid misunderstanding . If everyone were to work together like this, riots and wars would be avoidable .

Racism is still a problem. However, now things have changed as the problems on racism is improving as Mr Barrack Obama who is a black is now the president of United States Of America which consists mostly of white people.This shows that most people have change their mindset. Other than that Mr Obama is also trying to change this problems so that the discrimination of skin colour and race is being eliminated and everyone will be treated equally. The overwhelming response from the white people had made Mr Barrack Obama the presidents of United States of America

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