Racist Statements In The Book Of Mormon .

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A COMMUNITY NOTICE By Watchman<7 Ministries N.S.W., Sydney Australia THE BIBLE REGARDS MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN OF ALL RACES AS EQUAL ! DOES THE BOOK OF MORMON ??? THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN RACE IS CONSISTANTLY AFFIRMED THROUGHOUT TRUE SCRIPTURE (THE HOLY BIBLE ) IN: --Creation [Genesis 1:27-28; 5:1-2] ALL RACES OF MANKIND ARE CREATED EQUAL ! --The sin problem [Romans 3:23; 5:12 ] ALL HAVE SINNED ! --God`s Love is for ALL mankind [John 3:16-17] GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD ! --The scope of Salvation *[Gen 12:3] ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH ! *[MATT 28:19] ALL THE WORLD ! *[COL 3:11]WHETHER JEW or GREEK etc.etc !! ACTS 17:26 teaches that God, ''..hath made OF ONE BLOOD all nations of men TO DWELL on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the bounds of their habitation..'' WE ARE ALL DESCENDANTS OF ADAM & NOAH ! *CAIN-WHO LIVED BEFORE THE FLOOD, was cursed by God for murdering his brother Abel. God also set a mark upon Cain so that if any man find him, they should not kill him.[Genesis 4:1-26]. NO-WHERE IN GENESIS CHAPTER 4 , OR EVEN IN THE WHOLE BIBLE DOES GOD SAY WHAT THE MARK WAS !. *NOAH- was the son of LAMECH the son of METHUSELAH who was the son of ENOCH . ENOCH was the son of JARED; JARED was the son of MAHALALEEL,who was the son of CAINAN- the son of ENOS. ENOS WAS THE SON OF SETH ,and SETH WAS THE THIRD SON OF ADAM. (Cain was the oldest son who killed Abel, and SETH was by God appointed to Adam & Eve as, ''...another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew [ i.e. murdered].--READ GENESIS 4:25-26. ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE; IN GENESIS CHAPTER 5 ( O.T ) & LUKE CHAPTER 3, VERSES 36-38, AS WELL AS GENESIS 6:9 & 7:1, NOAH WHO IS THE FATHER OF SHEM , HAM, & JAPHETH IS ONLY OF THE DESCENDANT LINE OF SETH ( not Cain whose male descendants were destroyed in the flood. ). READ GENESIS 7:13,23 ! *CANAAN THE SON OF HAM - WAS CURSED BY GOD BECAUSE HE MADE FUN OF HIS FATHER ( NOAH ) WHEN IN A DRUNKEN STATE. Since HAM made fun of Noah`s drunkeness & nakedness, God cursed Ham by cursing his son CANAAN. ( Genesis 9:18-29 ). CANAAN was cursed to be the servant of SHEM ( GENESIS 9:25-27 ), BUT NO-WHERE IN THAT CHAPTER DOES IT SAY ANYTHING ELSE REGARDING THAT CURSE. ACCORDING TO DEUTERONOMY 27:16,'' Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother. And all the people shall say AMEN.'' ( This concerns anyone who makes fun of either or both of their parents ). **GOD blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply, and of SHEM, HAM, & JAPHETH the whole earth was overspread (GEN 9:18-19) but after the flood, men disobeyed God when the whole earth was of one language & one speech (GEN 11:1) SO GOD SCATTERED THEM BY CONFOUNDING THEIR LANGUAGE (GEN 11:7-8).

THE BIBLE SAYS; -that the earth was given for the abode of the children of men (which all races are); -that GOD loves all mankind (JN 3:16-17 ) -ACTS 17:26 (See top of Pg 1 ) -God`s redeemed will come from,''..every kindred,and tongue and nation.'' ( REVELATION 5:9; 7:9; & 21:24 ) -The Jews were chosen out of all the nations to be a light pointing to God for the surrounding nations ( Gen 12:3 ),

though they were the fewest of all people (Deuteronomy 7:7 ). Sadly they failed (Amos 3:1-3 ) but God has not cast away His chosen nation of Israel ( ROM 11:1-6 ), & GOD is still bringing them back into their own land ISRAEL. ( Ezekiel 36:16-24; 37:11-14; 37:20-23. ). Israel became a nation again in 1948 A.D.after 2000 year of being scattered abroad without a homeland. God has gathered the Jews to their homeland in-spite of their unbelief against JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH. After their gathering , in time to come they shall shall be saved (ROMANS 11:25-32.). [ This is THE REVERSE OF THE BOOK OF MORMON IN WHICH THE FALSE PROPHECY OF 2 NEPHI 10:7 which says, '' When the day cometh that they shall believe in me, that I am Christ, THEN have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh, upon the earth, unto the lands of their inheritance.'' - The Levites were ( in the Old Testament ) the only ones out of the Jewish race to serve in the Jewish Temple BUT THAT DID NOT MEAN THAT THE REST OF THE JEWS WERE UNDER A CURSE FROM GOD. -The Jews in the Old Testament were forbidden by God to intermarry with the other races whether NEGROID, CAUCASIAN, MALAY, INDIAN, OR MONGOLIAN ONLY FOR THE MAINTAINING OF THEIR NATIONAL IDENTITY [ BUT THIS BY NO MEANS MAKES NON-JEWISH RACES INFERIOR] ! THERE IS NO RESPECT OF PERSONS WITH GOD [ Gen 1:26-28; Deut 10:17; 2Chon 19:7; Luke 20:21; Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11; Gal 2:6 ]! ## NO-ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TWIST WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS TO MAKE THE BIBLE SAY THAT ANY ONE RACE IS INFERIOR TO ANOTHER !!!!!!!!! ## *****************************************************************************

BUT ********************************************************************************* JOSEPH SMITH JR. WAS A RACIST!!! Joseph Smith in Doctrine & Covenants 1:29 claims Divine inspiration for the Book of Mormon, and in the same section in verse 35 claims that the Mormon `god` is no respecter of persons ( i.e. has no favorites ). IF one reads the Book of Mormon,however, one really has to wonder why people need to pray to confirm if it is from God when it contains statements to the effect of saying that dark / black skin is a curse from God. The Book of Mormon has many other errors in it that not only contradict THE BIBLE, but also contradict the many various teachings of the Mormon `prophets` & `apostles`. Even within its pages there are internal contradictions. RACIST STATEMENTS IN THE BOOK OF MORMON [ B.O.M.] In ALMA 3:6,9-10,14-16; & JACOB 3:3-9; & 2 NEPHI 5:20-25 teach that black skin is a curse from `God`. {Note also the following references which suggest that black skin is inferior to white skin ( RACISM ):- 1 NEPHI 11:13; 12:23; 13:15; 2 NEPHI 30: 6 ( CHANGED TO ''PURE AND DELIGHTSOME'' IN 1981 ); ALMA 23:18; 3NEPHI 2:14-16; 19:25,30; MORMON 5:15-17. RACIST STATEMENTS IN `PEARL OF GREAT PRICE [P.G.P.] In one of Joseph Smith`s other books [P.G.P.]MOSES 7:8 says that, ''...a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan...'' *MOSES 7:12 says that, ''...Enoch continued to call upon all the people, save it were [ EXCEPT ] the people of Canaan, to repent...'' *MOSES 7:22 says, ''..for the seed of Cain were black...'' [ OTHER EXAMPLES- ABRAHAM 1:21-26,27 ]. ''..MANY SHALL FOLLOW THEIR PERNICIOUS WAYS..'' { READ THE HOLY BIBLE IN 2 PETER 2:1-3 }.

The Holy Bible said that in the last days many will follow false prophets, and there have been many successors of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith`s successor as `prophet` of the Mormon religion was Bringham Young , and it was his job to take over after the death of Joseph Smith, what Joseph Smith handed to him. Bringham Young also FALSELY TAUGHT that black people were descendants of Cain,and note what he said in his [JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, Vol 10, pg 110]. READ IT & SEE FOR YOURSELF / LOOK IT UP. He said, '' Shall I tell you the law of `God` in regard to the African Race ? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of `God`, is DEATH ON THE SPOT. THIS WILL ALWAYS BE SO.'' Bringham Young also `prophesied` , ''WHEN ALL THE OTHER CHILDREN OF ADAM HAVE HAD THE PRIVILAGE OF RECIEVING THE PRIESTHOOD,and coming into the kingdom of `God`, AND OF BEING REDEEMED from the four quarters of the earth, AND HAVE RECIEVED THEIR RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD, THEN IT WILL BE TIME ENOUGH TO REMOVE THE CURSE FROM CAIN AND HIS POSTERITY.'' { JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, Vol 2, page 143 }. Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie in his book Mormon Doctrine on page 108-109 says, '' The Lord placed on Cain a mark of a dark skin , and he became the ancestor of the black race.''[ see also page 428-429 about the LAMANITE CURSE ]. ## BASED ON THE BOOK OF MORMON & THE TEACHINGS OF EARLIER MORMON `PROPHETS` WHICH LABLED BLACK PEOPLE AS INFERIOR, LOATHESOME, & FILTHY, BRUCE R. McCONKIE ADMITS THAT THE MORMON RELIGION TEACHES, '' IN ALL PAST AGES AND UNTIL RECENT TIMES IN THIS DISPENSATION, THE LORD DID NOT OFFER THE PRIESTHOOD TO THE NEGROES.'' { M.D. pg526-527 }. In the Book Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce R. McConkie - Under the title of the subject of HAM ( one of the sons of Noah, we read: HAM- Abr 1:20-27 supposedly married Egyptus, a descendant of Cain. "Hams descendants include the Negroes, who were originally barred from the `priesthood` but have now been able to so since June 1978 (m.d. pgs 343 ). MORMONISM`S FOUNDER, Joseph Smith, as well as all of his successors, up to June 1978 were all unbiblically RACIST. Also note that these racist statements are still found in the Book Of Mormon. "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."( Mt 7:19 ) THEREFORE COME TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE FOR SALVATION & LEAVE THE MORMON CULT TODAY !!! COME TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! DO NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE MORMON CULT! Visit these Christian Web-sites: www.answersbook.org (Go to Chapter 114), www.utlm.org www.macgregorministries.org

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