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  • Words: 710
  • Pages: 3
Big Butterfly’s Race It was spring in Rainbowland, the environment was very peaceful, with beautiful tulips, daffodils, lilies, wisteria and jasmine and all the inhabitants were waiting for the beginning of the knowledge race. In this tranquil setting came a butterfly and it landed on a tree, stopped her big beautiful wings and gave the warning of the beginning of the race. Then a snail arrives and announced that a changing occurred in this race, the Nightingale Betty and the Butterfly James got in love and didn’t come to the race. So Kangaroo Maggie and Butterfly Frederick were the only two competitors in this race. Then the race started, explained Mom Mummy. The winner of the race of last year explained the rules to the two competitors. The rules were: - There were 10 questions; - Each competitors only could fail 1 question or it will be eliminated; - The questions were about cultural challenges. Here are the questions of the knowledge race: 1- The book Blindness (“Ensaio sobre a cegueira”) was written by: a) Luís Sepúlveda b) Fernando Pessoa c) José Saramago 2- The painting “Looking out “was painted by: a) Júlio Resende b) Paula Rêgo c) Júlio Pomar

À janela (Looking out)

3- The painting “winter” was painted by: a) Amadeu de Sousab) Almada Negreiros c) Vieira da Silva


4- This building in Lisbon was designed by the Portuguese architect: a) Siza Vieira b) Souto Moura c) Alcino Soutinho

5- The seaway to India was discovered by:

Pavillion of Portugal

a) Vasco da Gama b) Pedro Alvares Cabral c) Cristovão Colombo 6- Portugal was ruled in the xx century by a fascist dictator called: a) Franco b) Pinochet c) Salazar

7- The Tower of the Clergymen (“Torre dos Clérigos”), a baroque church, in Oporto was designed in 1732 by the Italian architect : a) Gustav Eiffel b) Nicolau Nasoni c) Edgar Cardoso

8- This Tower, called “Torre de Belém” can be seen in a Portuguese city. Which one? a) Oporto b) Viseu c) Lisbon

9- What is the most traditional dish in Portugal ? a) Fried sardines b) Codfish with cream c) Boiled meat and vegetables(“Cozido à Portuguesa”)

10- This is a famous Portuguese singer. What kind of music does she sing?

a) Hip Hop b) Fado c) Opera

Solutions: 1-c; 2-b; 3-c; 4-a; 5-a; 6-c; 7-b; 8-c; 9-c;10-b Kangaroo Maggie had more experience than Butterfly Frederick, so she won the race. Everyone was expecting this result, because the first dot of butterfly Frederick only appeared on its wings lately. Will Kangaroo Maggie win the last race? – asked Mom Mummy to the children. - No!! – Exclaimed the little children. The next competition is drinking juice of the flowers. Butterfly Frederick was very nervous about the next race because he wanted to win it. All the inhabitants were excited about the next race, because they thought Butterfly Frederick was very young to win the competition. The same butterfly gave the warning of the beginning of the race. This time, a bee explained the rules, because the bees have more experience in drinking flowers juice. The rules were: - That was a garden with lots of flowers. This garden was divided in two pieces and each competitor had one of the parts for him; - The competitors couldn’t land in the flowers to drink the juice; - The winner is the one who drinks more juice in fifteen minutes; Then the race started. Butterfly Frederick can fly, so, he can drink the juice of flowers and doesn’t need to land in the flower, and more than this, a butterfly is small, with the same size as flowers. As the kangaroo is so big, she crushed the flowers and she couldn’t drink any juice, so, Butterfly Frederick won. - And now? Who has won the Big Butterflies Competition? – asked Mom Mummy. The little children were confused, so, they didn’t answer this question. - We have a draw! – said a snake. Then the organizer of the competition said that it would be thrown a coin in the air and each competitor will choose a side of the coin. Face down would be the winner and Kangouroo Maggy won just by pure luck! 8º A and 8º E

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