Ra Ro 5 Methods (en)

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,225
  • Pages: 4
225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Project “Curriculum for Adult Education in Rural Areas - CAERA”

Rural Activization/ Community Development - Romania

Training methods examples Community actors and relationship map • Competence •Identifying main actors from a community, which can support an addressed / objective

action (person, groups, institutions) •Making a clear and relevant presentation in front of a group (some participants only)


5 min instructions, 15 min small group work, 10-15 min x number of small groups


Flipchart paper, markers

Size of the group

Max 25 participants working in small groups of 3-5 members


Each small group is given flip-chart paper and markers. The group has to draw groups and institutions from their community in general and the relationship between all of them or, if all group members are from one institution, to represent the outside entities affecting their institution. The relationships are represented with the following symbols: - - - - - weak relationship ______ good relationship ====== very good relationship /\/\/\/\/\/\/ conflictual relationship -€--€--€- relationship bringing financial resources (other symbols for other types of resources)


A representative from each small group presents the drawings in the plenary and all the group discusses the results.

Suggestion for the trainer

The trainer can encourage the discussion using some of the following questions: - did the small group represented all the relevant actors? - what did we discover doing this drawing? - what can we do to strengthen certain relationships? Diminish certain conflicts? - what do we do to motivate those bringing resources? Etc.

225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Project “Curriculum for Adult Education in Rural Areas - CAERA”

The Donnor („Frau Bertha Müller din Dortmund”) Competence •Using in an efficient manner various sources of information. (other

addressed / objective

people, printed and electronic sources) •Making a clear and relevant presentation in front of a group (some participants only)


10 min instructions, 1 hour small group work, 10-15 min x number of small groups


One computer with Internet access for each small group, local Yellow Pages, access to a phone.

Size of the group

Max 25 participants working in small groups of 3-5 members


The group is told the following situation: a lady born in their town/village has emigrated to a foreign country where she has a comfortable financial situation. This person announced an old school friend still living in the town/village that she will contribute with all needed money for the writing and printing of a book/brochure describing the native place – history, special stories, fotos, etc. The group shall write a letter to the lady with as many concrete details as possible in order to convince her to donate the amount. Some ideas would be: - a proposal for the content of the book/brochure and who can write each chapter / where shall the information be found - how much are the lay-out & printing costs (3 different options) - how long would take to make the book/brochure - to whom shall be book/brochure be distributed and how much are these costs


How was the necessary information found? Which sources did they used and what did they preferred? (e.g. Internet versus asking acquaintances). If small groups used different ways – what are the arguments for certain methods?

Suggestion for the trainer

The scenario shall be creatively adapted to the situation of the local group and profile of potential informal donors in the area.

225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Project “Curriculum for Adult Education in Rural Areas - CAERA”

The Galery •

Competence addressed / objective

•Elaborating a collective petition •Addressing feed-back


10 min instructions, 30-45 min small group work, 5 min x number of posters min feed-back, 30 min plenary conclusions


Flipchart paper, markers, post-it paper

Size of the group

Max 25 participants working in small groups of 3-5 members



Suggestion for the trainer

Each small group identifies a problem they want to address and writes a letter / petition to one institution who could fix the situation. The letter is written on a poster and then hanged on the wall. After the posters are ready the trainer explains the principles for a constructive feed-back and gives all participants post-it paper to write comments about the way the letter / petition was written. The trainer then reads the post-its and draws conclusions together with the participants. Additionally, the participants can be asked on the written evaluation form at the end of the day what were the things learned from this exercise.

Letter to myself • • • • •

• •

Competence addressed / objective Timing Materials Size of the group Instructions

Analysis Suggestion for the trainer

Reminding key training ideas and insights to participants 10-20 min A4 paper, pens, envelopes Unlimited Each participant shall write a memo to oneself with main ideas and learning of the training, special insights during the training, action plans (if the case). After the letter is written, the paper is put in an enveloped with own post-address on it and sealed. Send the sealed self addressed letters to the participants within 3-12 months after the training.

225352-CP-1-2005-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-G1 Project “Curriculum for Adult Education in Rural Areas - CAERA”

Action plan •

Elaborating and respecting an action plan with tasks and deadlines

Competence addressed / objective Timing


Working sheet, flipchart paper, markers

20 min presentation of the method, 30 min small group work, 15 min x number of small groups, 10 min plenary

working sheet

Planning an activity Objective



Responsible / human resources

Material resources

Financial resources

Size of the group

Max 25 participants working in small groups of 3-5 members


After several community problems were identified, the trainer asks the small groups to choose one problem they would like to work on. The issue shall be agreed by all small group members and most important, it shall be a realistic and achievable one so they can get results in few weeks time. Then the working sheet is introduced by the trainer with an example that is familiar to the participants (e.g. organising a party or painting a children playground). The small group is given 30 min time to plan the activity with their own contributions and commitments. The outcome shall be presented then on a large flipchart sheet for the plenary. After each presentation from the small group is made, the other members are encourage to contribute with improvements and constructive criticism of the presented plans.


The analysis of the exercise can be done in a plenary or using written evaluation sheets at the end of the session. Suggested questions to trigger insights: - What are the advantages of planning - How does the planning of the responsibilities among the members of the group influences the team work?

Suggestion for the trainer

It is important to be present in the discussion of each small group during the choosing of the topic – to ensure the selection of an issue the group can realistically achieve. However, if the trainer disagree with a topic, the worries shall be expressed with questions to raise insights rather than direct criticism (e.g. How long do you thing your group would need for this? How will you raise the necessary resources for this action? etc)

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