R5320202 Microprocessors And Micro Controllers

  • April 2020
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Code No: R5320202

III B.Tech II Semester(R05) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May 2009 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Discuss about the interface signals of the 8086 processor in maximum mode? (b) Draw the block diagram of 8288 bus controller and explain it?


2. (a) Write short notes on Assembler? (b) Write an assembly language program to arrange a list of numbers in ascending order (with out using the assembler)? [6+10] 3. Explain the interfacing of key board controller with 8086.


4. Explain the pin diagram of 8257 controller with a neat diagram.


5. (a) Explain the interfacing of 8251 with 8086 with an example circuit. (b) Explain the following pins of 8251. i. DT R ii. CT S iii. C/D


6. (a) Draw the oscillator circuit and also draw the 8051 timing diagram. (b) Discuss in detail about parallel I/O ports in 8051 micro controller and explain how these ports are accessible for specific applications. [8+8] 7. (a) Give the priority of the interrupts in 8051? How we can give highest priority to serial interrupt? (b) Discuss the internal and external interrupts in 8051?


8. (a) Draw the circuit diagram to interface the DAC to the microcontroller and explain. (b) Give the differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers? ?????



Code No: R5320202

III B.Tech II Semester(R05) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May 2009 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Describe the functions of the following pins of 8086 i. ii. iii. iv. v.


(b) Discuss about any three arithmetic instructions of 8086.


2. (a) Write a program to implement WHILE condition using 8086 instrctions (b) Write a program to generate a delay of 1 ms.


3. (a) Explain the steps involved in the Interfacing of an I/O device (b) Explain various methods of interfacing of I/O devices.


4. Design the interface between 8086 CPU and two chips of 16 K X 8 EPROM and two chips of 32 K X 8 RAM. Select the starting address of the EPROM suitably. The RAM address must start at 00000 H. [16] 5. (a) Draw the circuit of TTL to RS232 conversion and explain the necessity of this interface. (b) Draw necessary circuit to interface 8251 to an 8086 based system with an address A0H. Write the sequence of instructions to initialize 8251 for synchronous transmission with odd parity, single SYNC character, 8 bit data character. [6+10] 6. (a) Draw the oscillator circuit and also draw the 8051 timing diagram. (b) Discuss in detail about parallel I/O ports in 8051 micro controller and explain how these ports are accessible for specific applications. [8+8] 7. (a) Give the format of PCON register in 8051 and explain each bit. (b) Explain mode-1 baud rates and serial data mode-2 multiprocessor mode.


8. (a) Explain with a neat diagram how push button and LED can be connected to 8051 (b) Mention any application of electromagnetic relay and explain how a electromagnetic Relay is connected to a 8051 microcontroller with diagram. [8+8] ?????


Code No: R5320202

III B.Tech II Semester(R05) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May 2009 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Discuss the physical memory organization of 8086 processor. (b) Explain any four memory transfer instructions of 8086.


2. (a) Write an ALP to find the smallest of a given array of 16 bit numbers? ( assume suitable array length) (b) Define a MACRO ”SQUARE” that calculates the Square of number.


3. (a) Write the pin diagram of DAC0800 (b) Write an assembly language program to generate a triangular wave of frequency 500 Hz by interfacing it with 8086.The 8086 system operates at 8 MHz. The amplitude of the triangular wave should be at + 5 V. [4+12] 4. (a) Bring out the differences between static and dynamic RAM (b) Explain the principle and operation of EEPROM.


5. (a) Draw the internal block diagram of 8251 and explain about each block in detail. (b) Distinguish between Synchronous and Asynchronous data formats.


6. (a) Discuss in detail about memory and I/O interfacing of 8051. (b) Describe salient features of 8051 family of microcontrollers.


7. (a) Write 8051 program as an example of interrupt call to a routine, timer 0 is used in mode 0 to overflow and set the timer 0 interrupt flag. When the interrupt is generated, the program vectors to the interrupt routine, resets the timer 0 interrupt flag, stops the timer, and returns. (b) Discuss the bit format of IP register of 8051?


8. (a) What are the advantages of digital processing over analog processing? (b) Draw the circuit diagram for ADC AD571 and DAC Interfacing with microcontroller 8051. (c) Discuss on selecting an Analog-to-digital converter? ?????



Code No: R5320202

III B.Tech II Semester(R05) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May 2009 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Discuss the register organization of 8086 processor. (b) Describe the function of 8086 instruction queue. How does the queue speed up the processing? [10+6] 2. Write an 8086 Assembler program to perform the addition of two matrices. The matrices are stored in the form of lists(Row wise). State the result of the addition in third list. [16] 3. Interface an 8X8 key board using two 8255 ports and write a program to read key closure.


4. (a) Explain the bus structure of 8086 system (b) Explain the differences between memory and I/O interfacing.


5. (a) Discuss the serial data transmission standards and their specifications. (b) Draw the block diagram of 8251 and explain about each block.


6. (a) Draw the oscillator circuit and also draw the 8051 timing diagram. (b) Discuss in detail about parallel I/O ports in 8051 micro controller and explain how these ports are accessible for specific applications. [8+8] 7. (a) Give the sequence of events that takes place when the interrupt occurs in 8051. (b) Draw the bit formats of IE and IP registers of 8051?


8. (a) Explain the interfacing of external data memory to 8051 using 74LS573 latch with a neat diagram and draw the waveforms. (b) Draw the pin diagram of 74LS573 latch and explain how you can demultiplex the address and data bus using this latch. [10+6] ?????

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