R B Min Feb 2, 2009

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REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, February 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre 4th Floor, 20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Mayor Green Councillors J. Bateman, B. Dornan, S. Ferguson, M. Kositsky, B. Long, K. Richter, and G. Ward M. Bakken, P. Catlin, R. Seifi, H. Tsikayi, and C. Wright S. Carneiro

A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Regular Council Meeting - January 19, 2009 Moved by Councillor Dornan, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on January 19, 2009. CARRIED


BYLAWS FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING 1. Permanent Road Closure, Highway Dedication Removal 101 Avenue / 207 Street (Township of Langley) Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council give first, second and third readings to Highway Closing and Dedication Removal (Township) Bylaw 2009 No. 4721. CARRIED

February 2, 2009 Regular Council Meeting Minutes G. BYLAWS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THIRD READING H. BYLAWS FOR FINAL ADOPTION 1. Rezoning Application No. 100211 (Randhawa) Bylaw No. 4420 Report 05-106 File CD 08-35-0234 Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Randhawa) Bylaw 2005 No. 4420”. CARRIED

2. Township of Langley Procedure Bylaw 1997 No. 3694 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4717 Bylaw No. 4717 Report 09-08 File CORPADM 0550-01 Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give final reading to "Township of Langley Procedure Bylaw 1997 No. 3694 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4717". REFERRAL Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Long, That the matter be referred to staff to amend the bylaw to read the commencement times for regular meetings of Council from 4:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. DEFEATED Opposed by Mayor Green, Councillors Bateman, Dornan, Richter and Ward The question was called on the Main Motion and it was DEFEATED Opposed by Mayor Green, Councillors Bateman, Dornan, Ferguson and Long





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February 2, 2009 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

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K. MAYOR'S REPORT The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Tingley regarding the help received from Chad Loewen (a Township employee) when he was attacked by pit bulls and requested that the letter be distributed to the staff concerned. The Mayor attended a number of meetings including: ● a breakfast meeting for Mayors South of the Fraser ● Livability Accord update session ● Community Advisory Committee meeting ● MetroVancouver orientation sessions for new board members. ● spoke to 30 business owners in Aldergrove and discussed plans regarding establishing an Aldergrove Task Force and a Community Planning Committee. ● met with the Paul Weme and Dr. Jonathan Raymond of Trinity Western University ● attended the Sport/Field User Group meeting to hear first-hand the issues and opportunities available to the Township Councillor Kositsky attended the opening a Flip City Gymnastics competition on behalf of the Mayor. L.

METRO VANCOUVER REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT Councillor Long attended the Metro Vancouver meeting on behalf of Mayor Green. The main topic of discussion was the decision on the procurement of Canfor lands. Staff staff were negotiating its purchase for solid waste management initiatives, however, the Board rejected the proposed expropriation of the property.

M. ITEMS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS N. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS The following information was brought forward from the January 19, 2009 Special Closed Council Meeting: 1. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Board of Directors Appointment That Helen Sparkes be reappointed to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Board of Directors. Section 90(1) (a) Personnel

2. Greater Vancouver Regional District Municipal Directors Appointment of Alternate That Councillor Long be appointed as an Alternate to the Greater Vancouver Regional District Municipal Directors for the interim period while Councillor Fox is away. Section 90(1) (a) Personnel

February 2, 2009 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

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O. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION P. ITEMS HAVING PRIOR NOTICE OF MOTION Q. OTHER BUSINESS At the January 19, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council Councillor Richter provided the following Notice of Motions: 1. Paul Houweling Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Kositsky, That Council refer Mr. Houweling’s delegation request to the RCMP to address his concerns as best as they can and report back to Council. DEFEATED Opposed by Mayor Green, Councillors Bateman, Dornan, Ferguson, Long and Ward

2. Brown Pit Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Kositsky, Whereas opening the Brown Pit for gravel extraction will create considerable difficulties in the surrounding neighbourhood and could significantly and adversely impact water quality and quantity in the Hopington aquifer; Therefore Be it resolved that the material from the Brown Pit delegations of January 19, 2009 be referred to staff for a report and a recommended action plan to stop the re-opening of this pit for gravel extraction including legal advice as to the jurisdiction of the Township on this matter. CARRIED

3. Metro Vancouver Board of Directors Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Ward, Whereas representation on the Metro Vancouver (Greater Vancouver Regional District) Board of Directors increases when a community passes the 100,000 mark in population; and Whereas UBCM now lists the Township of Langley as having a population of 100,575 people calculated using population estimates (December 2007 release) provided by BC STATS, the central statistical agency of the Province of British Columbia; Be it resolved that the Township of Langley formally apply to the regional district to increase its representation on the Board of Directors. CARRIED

February 2, 2009 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

4. Emergency Response Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, Whereas members of Council expressed concern at the January 12, 2009 Council meetings regarding the service provided by our emergency personnel during the snow and flood period of December 13, 2008 to January 12, 2009; and Whereas there were no representatives in the Council Chamber to respond to remarks and questions; Be it resolved that Township of Langley Council direct staff to write to the heads of police, fire and ambulance services in the Township of Langley requesting a written report from each party and asking for comments on: • Any emergency incidents which occurred during this period; • What challenges were experienced due to road conditions; • What suggestions they can offer for improvements and coordination between public works and emergency services. CARRIED

5. Traffic Concerns - 7300 Block of 201 Street Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, Whereas residents of the 7300 block of 201 Street have written to Council regarding concerns of speeding and road safety; Be it resolved that Council direct staff to hold a neighbourhood meeting with RCMP, School District officials, and other agencies to help find positive solutions to the issues raised by the residents of that neighbourhood. CARRIED

R. ADDITIONAL DELEGATIONS S. TERMINATE Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Long, That the meeting terminate at 7:45 p.m. CARRIED



Deputy Township Clerk

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