Quran E9 Falaq

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 989
  • Pages: 3
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Message for Lesson No. 9 Start Understanding Qur’an – The Easy Way (Ramadan Short Course). Dear Brothers/Sisters! Jazakumullahu khairan for the feedback from many of you. I have already implemented some suggestions in this lesson (providing English translations at more places; giving more emphasis on almost similar words which are absolutely different in meanings such as ‘min’ and ‘man’). Teachers (as well as students) may find additional notes for some of the slides. To look at them, you have to change the extension from .pps to .ppt and then select View from the menu bar and select “Notes page”. You can also view these notes in “Normal View” by just dragging the lower line of the slide box a little above, if they are not visible. As teachers, you can add to these notes for your own records (and send me too!). I will try to implement other suggestions too, inshaAllah as much as I can. Note that your one suggestion may go a long way in helping others. So, don’t hesitate and please spare the time to type a few words the moment you feel something. Please send your comments/ feedback at [email protected]. IN THIS LESSON, YOU WILL LEARN THE FOLLOWING: FROM QUR’AN:

Surah Al-Falaq

IN GRAMMAR: Learn the six past tense forms using TPI. Note that almost 5,000 words of the Qur’an are in these forms. LEARNING / MEMORY TIP: Learn an extremely important secret of keeping the memory alive. May Allah give us Tawfeeq to fulfill all the rights of the Qur’an.

Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem Understand Qur’an Academy, Hyderabad. P.S.: PLEASE INSTALL THE FONTS TO WATCH ARABIC IN PPT FILES. You must have received the .ppt and the pdf for this lesson along with this email. To get full explanations, please download the .wmv file and watch it. To download wmv files, 3gp files, mp3 etc. click on the link below : http://www.understandquran.com/Ramadan_SC_eng.html

Lesson – 9

SURAH 113: AL-FALAQ *********************       :  

Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak



From the evil of that which He created;



(the) evil



And from the evil of darkness when it is intense,


And from the evil of those who blow in the knots,


And from the evil of the envier when he envies.”




(of) the daybreak,



in (the) Lord

“I seek refuge







(of) darkness

(the) evil

And from


( ) *  + ,

in the knots,





He created;




(of) those who blow

And from (the) evil

( .  -

he envies.

 (of) that which



it becomes intense,


( -



(of) the envier

And from the evil

GRAMMAR (Revision of what you learnt in Lesson 6): 1. When you say ََ َ (He has done), point the index finger of the right hand towards your right as if that person is sitting on your right. When you say ‫( َ َ ُا‬They did), point all the four fingers of your right hand towards your right. In a class, both the teacher and the student should practice this together. 2. When you say َ ْ َ َ (You did), point the index finger of your right hand towards your front. When you say ْ ُ ْ َ َ (All of you did), point all the four fingers of your right hand towards your students. In a class, the teacher should point his fingers towards the students and the students should point their fingers towards the teacher. 3. When you say ُ ْ َ َ (I did), point the index finger of your right hand towards yourself. When you say َ ْ َ َ (we did) point all the four fingers of your right hand towards yourself.

Past Tense


He did.


They all did.


You did.


You all did.


I did.


We did.









        Depending upon the person (3rd, 2nd, or 1st), gender (masculine or feminine), and number (singular or plural), ending words

of the corresponding forms of the past tense change. By this change we know whether this verb (past tense) is singular or plural, 3rd, 2nd or 1st person, and feminine or masculine. To remember this feature, here is an example. If you are standing on a road, you can see the backside of a departed car, truck or jeep. A look at the backside is enough for you to tell which    


). type of car has gone. So, remember the endings for past tense forms: (  

Worksheet for Lesson – 9


After studying the lesson thoroughly, fill up this worksheet. Translate the following.

*********************       :  


   ! (4)



    ( ) *  + , (5)

( .  -






 $%&'  !







(  -


GRAMMAR: Translate the following Past Tense



 * ,


* ,


/  * ,


012* ,


/  * ,


'* ,




1st dl., pl.


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