Quran E23 Misc2

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 669
  • Pages: 3
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Message for Lesson No. 23 Start Understanding Qur’an – The Easy Way (Short Course). Dear Brothers/Sisters! A standard reply that people have for not studying Qur’an is: “I am busy.” For them, here is an example. Suppose our company announces, “If you do 15 minutes overtime everyday, you will get 25 % Salary increase.” All of us will GRAB the opportunity. No one will say, “I AM BUSY.” If we earn 2000 units (Dollar, Euros, Dirhams, …) per month. 25% of it will be 500, and per day it will come to 20. If I am ready for this job but not for Al-Qur’an, then in practical life, in a sense, the value of Qur’an near me is not even 20!!! There are some people who do study Qur’an but at a snail’s pace. For them, here is another example. Suppose our company announces, “If you do 200 extra hours of work in your service, you will get 200,000 (whatever units of money). Do it 1 hr/day or 1 hr/week. Get 200,000 when you complete 200 hours. Each one of us will try to complete 200 hours asap! No one will complain of any time! We will say: Let us do it asap, get the money, buy a house or car, and enjoy the rest of life. Understanding Qur’an requires almost 200 hours of dedication. Once we do that, we can live the rest of life in full Qur’anic light. Should we not complete it asap so that we can live the rest of our lives in full Qur’anic light, under Allah’s LIVE guidance? Please send your suggestions, comments, or feedback at [email protected]. IN THIS LESSON, YOU WILL LEARN THE FOLLOWING: Supplications: Miscellaneous verses (Set – 2). These verses are included in this course because they contain words which occur frequently in the Qur’an. IN GRAMMAR: Apply the fa’ala table on three verbs with weak letters (Da’aa: He called out; Shaa’a: He willed; jaa’a: He came). Motivational TIP: What is the value of the Qur’an in my life? May Allah give us Tawfeeq to fulfill all the rights of the Qur’an. Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem Understand Qur’an Academy, Hyderabad. P.S.: To download wmv files, 3gp files, mp3 etc. click on the link below : http://www.understandquran.com/Ramadan_SC_eng.html

Lesson – 23 Miscellaneous-2    



in the earth.

and whatever is

in the heavens

whatever is

Glorifies Allah


&'( ) #$%


except Him.

any deity for you

(there is) not

worship Allah;

O my people,

'45 6,7  

#$% $123

#$%  0

! . /

in the path of Allah.

and your selves

with your wealth

And strive

GRAMMAR: Practice the following 21 forms of َ‫ َد‬197 , 14 forms of ‫ َ َء‬277 , and 7 forms of ‫ َ َء‬236 َْ








"!8 =







‫ ِ ْ َُرِع‬

َِ ْ ِ








َِ ْ ِ

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‫ ِ ْ َُرِع‬


Other forms are not common in the Qur’an. ‫ َ َء‬: he came)


( >@ /  .) >    



Worksheet for Lesson – 23

Miscellaneous -2

After studying the lesson thoroughly, fill up this worksheet.

Translate the following





( ) *


! " #$


6  7 -8  

%'&  2 3& 45

%'& 1

#/ 0


Write the 21 forms of the verb َ‫َد‬


, 14 forms of ‫ َ َء‬277, and 6 forms of ‫ َ َء‬236

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