Quotes For Everyday Life

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] what that might mean in terms of financial crisis ahead. Bill Gates - Challenges - Worry - Finance - Crisis

QUOTES FOR LIFE Finance Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Finances, financial information and resources.

It has been my experience that competency in mathematics, both in numerical manipulations and in understanding its conceptual foundations, enhances a person's ability to handle the more ambiguous and qualitative relationships that dominate our dayto-day financial decision-making Alan Greenspan - Money - Investing - Knowledge - Finance Any informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse Alan Greenspan - Money - Dishonesty - Knowledge - Finance -

::: Business Quotes> Financial Quotes I believe that I was lucky to have suffered. Some people don’t realize that in suffering there is great potential, because if you are deprived for any reason.. politically, financially, socially or otherwise.. and if you set your mind in the right direction, you will find that the only way to survive is for you to excel, by being better so you can be treated better. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Belief - Luck - Inspirational - Politics Finance - Social - Best - Pain - Challenges Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it’s not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it’s all of us. David Bach - Rich - Learning - Finance - Money Before you can really start setting financial goals, you need to determine where you stand financially. David Bach - Finance - Goals The basic prescription for preventing deflation is straightforward, at least in principle: Use monetary and fiscal policy as needed to support aggregate spending, in a manner as nearly consistent as possible with full utilization of economic resources and low and stable inflation. In other words, the best way to get out of trouble is not to get into it in the first place. Ben Bernanke - Problems - Economy - Finance The sources of deflation are not a mystery. Deflation is in almost all cases a side effect of a collapse of aggregate demand.. a drop in spending so severe that producers must cut prices on an ongoing basis in order to find buyers. Ben Bernanke - Finance - Economy - Products There’s no denying that a collapse in stock prices today would pose serious macroeconomic challenges for the United States. Consumer spending would slow, and the U.S. economy would become less of a magnet for foreign investors. Economic growth, which in any case has recently been at unsustainable levels, would decline somewhat. History proves, however, that a smart central bank can protect the economy and the financial sector from the nastier side effects of a stock market collapse. Ben Bernanke - Problems - Economy - Finance - Stock Market Mr. Greenspan did a very good job in the early 1990’s. But recently he’s fallen prey to this crazy theory that prosperity causes inflation. So they’re trying to slow the economy down by raising interest rates. It’s like a doctor saying you’re in great health, so we have to make you sick a little bit. It’s a bizarre theory. It’s going to hurt our economy. Steve Forbes - Economy - Finance I'm quite worried about the fiscal imbalances that we've got and

To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education--literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills. Alan Greenspan - Success - Knowledge - Finance The reason I entered the election race was to promote reforms. For us who engage in business, we will be severely affected if financial and structural reforms don't proceed. Takafumi Horie - Politicians - Business - Change - Finance A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life. Suze Orman - Life - Stress - Freedom - Finance Owning a home is a keystone of wealth.. both financial affluence and emotional security. Suze Orman - Assets - Real Estate - Finance After you marry, every asset either of you acquires is jointly held. That's why you both need to be in sync on your long-term financial goals, from paying off the mortgage to putting away for retirement. Ideally, you should talk about all this before you wed. If you don't, you can end up deeply frustrated and financially spent. Suze Orman - Relationships - Assets - Goals - Retirement Finance - Frustration In all realms of life it takes courage to stretch your limits, express your power, and fulfill your potential.. it's no different in the financial realm. Suze Orman - Life - Finance - Power A weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, and a weak economy leads to a weak nation. Ross Perot - Capitalism - Money - Finance Debt has become a part of who we are. Dave Ramsey - Money - Finance The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit.. a reputation, character. John D. Rockefeller - Responsibility - Finance Business is not financial science, it's about trading.. buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it. Anita Roddick - Business - Finance - Selling The pace at eBay was frantic and urgent. We knew that if we didn't move fast, somebody would come into the market and quash us. Participant doesn't make a lot of sense from a financial investment perspective, so it's unlikely that other people will be



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] approaching the business in the same way. So you see less urgency; you see a thoroughness and willingness to spend extra time to get things right. Which I think is really important. Jeff Skoll - Competition - Finance - Business - Important

their potential. That’s because the person who owns the business doesn’t truly know how to build a company that works without him or her.. which is the key. Michael Gerber - Business - Achievement - Failure

Whenever there is a a financial crisis, it is always the banks that get hit. Gordon Wu - Crisis - Banks - Finance

Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. Vince Lombardi - Determination - Leadership - Achievement Goals - Hard Work

Achievement Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Achievement, being a high achiever, and how to achieve success.

We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. Vince Lombardi - Optimistic - Achievement - Thinking

I'm realising my dream of owning a top football club. Some will doubt my motives, others will think I'm crazy. Roman Abramovich - Passions - Achievement

Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will be judged by only one thing. the result. Vince Lombardi - Life - Achievement - Jobs

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. Mary Kay Ash - Belief - Motivational - Ambition

Part of the issue of achievement is to be able to set realistic goals, but that's one of the hardest things to do because you don't always know exactly where you're going, and you shouldn't. George Lucas - Goals - Challenges

I'm a big believer in growth. Life is not about achievement, it's about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us. Jack Canfield - Learning - Goals - Belief - Growth - Achievement Compassion - Persistence - Patience - Love

A government cannot be expected to allow independence to its central bank unless that bank is also accountable to it and to the wider public. That is, the central bank must be able to be judged on whether or not it has achieved its agreed objective. Ian Macfarlane - Banks - Government - Achieve

I believe the true road to preeminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources, and in my experience I have rarely if ever met a man who achieved preeminence in money making.. certainly never one in manufacturing.. who was interested in many concerns. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Success - Commitment If you have a task to perform and are vitally interested in it, excited and challenged by it, then you will exert maximum energy. But in the excitement, the pain of fatigue dissipates, and the exuberance of what you hope to achieve overcomes the weariness. Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Achievement - Inspirational I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile. Walter Chrysler - Work - Achievement - Jobs - Satisfaction The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. Thomas Edison - Work - Commitment The only question to ask yourself is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve this success? Larry Flynt - Questions - Self Control - Success Satisfaction does not come with achievement, but with effort. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi - Winning - Achievement - Action If they don’t fail outright, most businesses fail to fully achieve

A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. Ralph Nader - Leadership - Inspirational - Achievement For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Action - Strength - Achievement - Life Ambition You ask me if we are going to hold the sword all our lives. If we have to do it we will do it, but I hope that it won’t be necessary. There are those among the Palestinians who understand that they will not be able to achieve anything by force. Those that are ready to speak peace, I am ready to talk and negotiate with, as a matter of fact I am in contact with them now. Ariel Sharon - War - Peace - Achievement The present moment has always been available to spiritual seekers, but as long as you are seeking you are not available to the present moment. "Seeking" implies that you are looking to the future for some answer, or for some achievement, spiritual or otherwise. Everybody is in the seeking mode, seeking to add something to who they are, whether it be money, relationships, possessions, knowledge, status.. or spiritual attainment. Eckhart Tolle - Now - Spiritual - Achievement - Money Relationships - Knowledge - Assets You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile. Brian Tracy - Goals - Work - Achievement People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Brian Tracy - Goals - Achievement I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Learning - Goals - Problems Solutions - Belief One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Leadership - Commitment - Self Control Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life. The most effective men and women in every area are those who can quite competently organize the cooperation and assistance of other people toward the accomplishment of important goals and objectives. Brian Tracy - Goals - Leadership - Achievement The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It is for you to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important, and nothing that works faster than for you to cast off your own limitations than for you to begin dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you can become, have, and do. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Planning - Success - Goals You must master your time rather than becoming a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on your time. And you must organize your life to achieve balance, harmony, and inner peace. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Planning - Time One of the marks of excellent people is that they never compare themselves with others. They only compare themselves with themselves and with their past accomplishments and future potential. Brian Tracy - Self Help - Achievement Sometimes, we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve. Stuart Wilde - Achievement - Knowledge - Goals I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants. Zig Ziglar - Action - Power - Focus - Achievement Ambition Quotes from some of the leaders in economics, business, and finance. Includes quotes about the Ambition, being ambitious and striving to be better. I wanted to be the exception to the other kids, but in the right way. We have a lot of suffering in our part of the world, but that suffering is, in a way, a blessing. Obviously, I could not afford to go to school without a scholarship, so that meant I had to excel in order to get one. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Inspirational - Pain - Challenges - Ambition - School It is hope in this wider sense which enabled my father to build, from scratch, one of India's largest modern enterprises. His was

an undertaking powered by hard work, initiative, self-belief but, above all else, the capacity, as he would often say, "to dream with your eyes wide open". Anil Ambani - Ambition - Belief - Goals - Commitment - Work I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times. Mukesh Ambani - Ambition - Change - Business Growth The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So if I lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the organization will go on, the growth will go on. Mukesh Ambani - Ambition - Change - Partnership - Business Growth Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. Mary Kay Ash - Belief - Motivational - Ambition We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared. Mary Kay Ash - Ambition - Goals - Life We're going to try and recruit the very best people we can and produce the best papers we can, and publish them to the highest standards we can. Conrad Black - Ambition - Optimistic Don't quack like a duck.. soar like an eagle. Ken Blanchard - Ambition - Motivational We must have an expansionary vision, one that captures the imagination and diversity of the whole community, one which befits a nation which has moved beyond the basics of literacy and numeracy and which wants to develop a learning culture, to affirm its democratic traditions and give expression to the diversity and vibrance of its community through its public education system. Putting optimism for everyone back into Australia’s future depends on it. Bob Brown - Learning - Ambition The Greens will continue to champion a fairer society rather than simply the economy and to champion the parliament rather than simply the stock exchange. Bob Brown - Politicians - Ambition - Stock Market - Economy I'm probably never going to be satisfied with anything we do. I think there's always the possibility of doing better. And I'd say we're doing better than we were a year ago, in terms of delivery and quality of service, but nowhere near what we should be doing. Steve Case - Ambition - Desire If you believe that some day it's going to happen, some day it probably will happen. You just have to make sure you're there when it's happening, and ideally you're at the front of the parade, and the principle beneficiary of when it happens, but it's not a kind of thing where you just sort of sit back and wait. Steve Case - Belief - Ambition - Action I like to build things, I like to do things. I am having a lot of fun.



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Walter Chrysler - Inspirational - Fun - Ambition - Action To succeed in life in today's world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job. Chin-Ning Chu - Ambition - Success - Job I'd always had a childhood ambition to go into the investment capital business, and spent twenty-odd years in it. But the thought of spending the second half of my career in the same business was boring, so I looked around for other opportunities. Chris Corrigan - Business - Investing - Ambition - Opportunity Job What great changes have not been ambitious? Melinda Gates - Ambition - Change - Great In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm.. in the real world all rests on perseverance. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Ideas - Commitment - Ambition

To implement a true urban renaissance, you first need a Grand Design elaborated by strong leadership. Minoru Mori - Leadership - Real Estate - Innovation - Ambition We could make a difference just by holding our emissions steady as our businesses continue to grow. But that doesn't seem to be enough: we want to go all the way to zero. Today, I am announcing our intention to be carbon neutral, across all our businesses, by 2010. Rupert Murdoch - Climate Change - Carbon - Growth - Ambition I was just pursuing what I enjoyed doing. I mean, I was pursuing my passion. Pierre Omidyar - Passions - Ambition Like most business people, I want every aspect of my business to be perfect. I know that this goal is unachievable, but it is nevertheless what I strive to achieve. Bob Parsons - Ambition - People - Business

Businesses are made by people. We've proven time and time again that you can have wonderful shop, and put a bloke in there who's no good, and he'll stuff it up. Put a good bloke in, and it just turns around like that. Gerry Harvey - Companies - Management - Ambition

I want Wipro to be among the top ten IT companies in the world. Azim Premji - Companies - Technology - Ambition

I went to the brink many times. A couple of times I thought "I'm gone.. This is it." But then you would just keep working. I think if you're close to the brink and just make sure that you work twice as hard and put twice as much effort into everything and the people around you and everything, you should come through. Gerry Harvey - Management - Ambition - Challenges

My father’s vision was to see the Pilbara developed in a way that would benefit his beloved north, and West Australia and he wanted to see Australia become a stronger economy benefiting from the development of our north. His life was spent pursuing that vision. Gina Rinehart - Economy - Australia - Ambition

Well I DO want to go up into space, but more than that, I'm dissatisfied with the fact that humans have only gone to the moon. I want to go to Mars! I want to eventually go beyond the solar system! Takafumi Horie - Ambition - Optimistic

I never expected to be in the papers. I personally never expected to be in the papers. The height of my ambition for these books was, well frankly, to get reviewed. A lot of children's books don't even get reviewed.. forget good review, bad review. Personally, no, I never expected to be in the papers so it's an odd experience when it happens to you. J. K. Rowling - Success - Ambition - Book - Media - Famous

It was our duty to expand. Those who cannot or will not join us are to be pitied. What we want to do, we can do and will do, together. A glorious future! Ingvar Kamprad - Growth - Partnership - Ambition When you're a self-made man you start very early in life. In my case it was at nine years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that's a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited. Kirk Kerkorian - Motivational - Family - Ambition Encouragement - Strength Presidential ambition is a disease that can only be cured by embalming fluid. John McCain - Ambition - Politician If you want more, you have to require more from yourself. Dr Phil - Self Help - Ambition - Encouragement I don't believe you are simply born with the ambition of becoming chancellor. But if you want to make a difference, if you enjoy putting ideas into practice, then the post of chancellor has to be the one presenting the biggest opportunity of all. Angela Merkel - Change - Politicians - Ambition - Ideas Enjoyment - Opportunity

An ambitious horse will never return to its old stable. Chinese Proverbs - Ambition - Improvement

I do not know whether I will be in this place for a short or a long time. That is for others to decide. But what I do know is that I have no intention of being here for the sake of just being here. Together with my colleagues it is my intention to make a difference. Kevin Rudd - Politicians - Change - Ambition - Improvement Lots of ambitious work by young artists ends up in a dumpster after its warehouse debut. So an unknown artist's big glass vitrine holding a rotting cow's head covered by maggots and swarms of buzzing flies may be pretty unsellable. Until the artist becomes a star. Then he can sell anything he touches. Charles Saatchi - Art Collecting - Ambition - Selling My friends thought I was crazy, that I should wait until I was dead. But I was determined. It is easy to promise but action is different. Sakip Sabanci - Action - Commitment - Ambition For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Action - Strength - Achievement - Life Ambition



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Attitude - Education - Ethics I tell you that as long as I can conceive something better than myself I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it. George Bernard Shaw - Ambition - Motivational - Goals The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw - Ambition - Change - Growth As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death. George Bernard Shaw - Life - Goals - Ambition We are taking an aggressive stance looking at the future of Percept, not just in numbers, but in terms of market share and size. The challenge is to continuously sustain our growth on a year-on-year basis. The 2010 figure of US$1 billion is just a benchmark figure. Looking at the market opportunities and our strengths, I am sure we will be well past this figure, come 2010. Harindra Singh - Growth - Ambition - Strength - Challenges I am a hero worshiper. I love the number one tennis player. I love the number one baseball player. I want to see those records broken. Martha Stewart - Success - Ambition High expectations are the key to everything. Sam Walton - Encouragement - Ambition We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde - Inspirational - Ambition

Business Ethics Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Business Ethics, corporate responsibility, and being ethical If the firms that employ an increasing majority of the population are driven solely to satisfy the owner's greed at the expense of working conditions, of the stability of the community, and of the health of the environment, chances are that the quality of our lives will be worse than it is now. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Environment - Business Ethics - Greed - Profits - Companies - Jobs Many business leaders today view their jobs as entailing responsibility for the welfare of the wider community. These individuals do not define themselves as profit-making machines whose only reason for existing is to satisfy escalating expectation for immediate gain. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Leadership - Business - Profits - Jobs - Responsibility A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or service that contributes to happiness in all of its forms. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Success - Business Products - Happiness I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. Albert Einstein - Values - Knowledge - Belief - Intelligence -

The scientists are virtually screaming from the rooftops now. The debate is over! There's no longer any debate in the scientific community about this. But the political systems around the world have held this at arm's length because it's an inconvenient truth, because they don't want to accept that it's a moral imperative. Al Gore - Environmental - Crisis - Responsibility - Politicians Ethics - Truth We have to shift our emphasis from economic efficiency and materialism towards a sustainable quality of life and to healing of our society, of our people and our ecological systems. Janet Holmes a Court - Economy - Environmental - Life A man does what he must.. in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers, and pressures.. and that is the basis of all human morality. John F. Kennedy - Risk - Challenges - Ethics If you don't have integrity, you have nothing. You can't buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing. Henry Kravis - Buying - Money - Business Ethics - Integrity Values If you build that foundation, both the moral and the ethical foundation, as well as the business foundation, and the experience foundation, then the building won't crumble. Henry Kravis - Companies - Business Ethics - Integrity Experience Many business leaders are asking fundamental questions about what business they’re in, why they are doing it and how it can be used as a means of healing human and natural communities. Amory Lovins - Life - People - Questions - Business Ethics Leadership I do not believe maximizing profits for the investors is the only acceptable justification for all corporate actions. The investors are not the only people who matter. Corporations can exist for purposes other than simply maximizing profits. John Mackey - Profits - Investing - Business Ethics I think the hardest thing about my job is the way Whole Foods Market views itself philosophically is that we are a business dedicated to meeting all the various stakeholders of the company's best interests. And by stakeholders we mean customers, team members, stockholders, community, and the environment. Sometimes what is in the best interest of one stakeholder may not be in the best interest of another stakeholder, and as the CEO, I have to balance the various interests of the different constituencies and stakeholders to create win, win, win scenarios, and that can sometimes be very difficult to do. Everybody wants something from the CEO. John Mackey - Stocks - Customers - Business Ethics Management - Environmental - Challenges - Companies Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own. John Mackey - Business Ethics - Responsibility - Leadership Entrepreneurial - Companies



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] I became a vegan and at the same time I realized, gosh, Whole Foods has got to create a higher standard here. I think it will ultimately be a good business decision because I think our customers expect us, want us to pave this path. John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics Responsibility - Decisions I think one of the most misunderstood things about business in America is that people are either doing things for altruistic reasons or they are greedy and selfish, just after profit. That type of dichotomy portrays a false image of business. It certainly is a false image of Whole Foods. The whole idea is to do both: The animals have to flourish, but in such a way that it'll be cheap enough for the customers to buy it. John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics - American - Greed - Profits We don't think of ourselves as do-gooders or altruists. It's just that somehow we're trying our best to be run with some sense of moral compass even in a business environment that is growing. Craig Newmark - Business Ethics - Best - Growth Participant (Productions) is the only production company in town that has a double bottom line: social good plus financial returns. It's too early to tell how our returns are going to look though all signs are promising - but social good is what we're really after. Jeff Skoll - Media - Profits - Companies - Business Ethics - Social Earnings I believe that Silicon Valley is truly a place of excellence and the impact of this tiny community on the world is completely disproportionate to its size. We are the undisputed leaders of technological change. But with our abundance of talent and resources, we also have the opportunity to be the pioneers of social change and, ultimately, this may be our greatest contribution. Jeff Skoll - Business Ethics - Social - Belief - Change - Silicon Valley - World - Technology - Talent - Opportunity Ethics or simple honesty is the building blocks upon which our whole society is based, and business is a part of our society, and it's integral to the practice of being able to conduct business, that you have a set of honest standards. And it's much easier to do business with someone when you look them in the eye and say, "This is what we're going to do," and you understand what you each mean, and you can go away and get it done. Kerry Stokes - Business - Social - Business Ethics - Trust - Deals The fact of the matter is that today, stuff-selling megacorporations have a huge influence on our daily lives. And because of the competitive nature of our global economy, these corporations are generally only concerned with one thing.. the bottom line. That is, maximizing profit, regardless of the social or environmental costs. David Suzuki - Companies - Profits - Products - Business Ethics Social - Earnings - Influential - Environmental - Consumer Business Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about running businesses, starting a business, and the benefits of owning a business. I like to tell people that all of our products and business will go through three phases. There's vision, patience, and execution. Steve Ballmer - Products - Business

Everybody makes business mistakes. I mean, I take the responsibility, and I did. I was the captain of the ship and I took that responsibility. Alan Bond - Mistakes - Business - Responsibility I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling, especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer. Richard Branson - Accounting - Customers - Business A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. Richard Branson - Business - Fun Family, religion, friends.. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. Monty Burns - Family - Friends - Success - Business Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem you face, especially if you are in business. Yes, and that is also true if you are a housewife, architect or engineer. Dale Carnegie - People - Business - Customers - Problems I'm not sure I knew what an entrepreneur was when I was ten, but I knew that starting little businesses and trying to sell greeting cards or newspapers door-to-door or just vending machine kind of thing is.. there's just something very intriguing to me about that. Steve Case - Entrepreneur - Business - Selling They say a year in the Internet business is like a dog year.. equivalent to seven years in a regular person's life. In other words, it's evolving fast and faster. Vinton Cerf - Internet - Business - Innovation Business is recognizing the role it can play in combatting climate change. Thank God, is all I can say, for there is a desperately urgent need for business to play that role. Your lobbying influence can be substantial, but together, united and in large enough numbers it could prove decisive in turning the tide. Prince Charles - Environment - Power - Encouragement - Climate Change - Business - Influential - God We have to make America the best place in the world to do business. Dick Cheney - America - Best - Business A culture of discipline is not a principle of business; it is a principle of greatness. Jim Collins - Great - Discipline - Business - Culture We must reject the idea.. well-intentioned, but dead wrong.. that the primary path to greatness in the social sectors is to become "more like a business." Most businesses.. like most of anything else in life.. fall somewhere between mediocre and good. Jim Collins - Society - Business - Wrong - Ideas - Great - Good I think the most important CEO task is defining the course that the business will take over the next five or so years. You have to have the ability to see what the business environment might be like a long way out, not just over the coming months. You need to be able to both set a broad direction, and also to take particular decisions along the way that make that broad direction unfold correctly. Chris Corrigan - Management - Decisions - Business - Planning




You can't overestimate the need to plan and prepare. In most of the mistakes I've made, there has been this common theme of inadequate planning beforehand. You really can't over-prepare in business! Chris Corrigan - Planning - Business - Mistakes I'm a firm believer that to really understand a business takes years, not months. As an investment analyst you think you understand a business from the outside, but the reality is that, once you are inside, you can go on learning for five or ten years. Chris Corrigan - Management - Business - Investing - Learning I was always acting primarily with shareholder interests in mind. It's also true I've always had a fairly moralistic attitude to business, and would not do anything that I considered improper. As a consequence, I have occasionally pursued issues during my career that other people might have avoided. Chris Corrigan - Management - Stocks - Business - Challenges Job I'd always had a childhood ambition to go into the investment capital business, and spent twenty-odd years in it. But the thought of spending the second half of my career in the same business was boring, so I looked around for other opportunities. Chris Corrigan - Business - Investing - Ambition - Opportunity Job I think Virgin Blue is still a very promising and exciting business. Now, I know that's not a view that's widely held in the market but I think the market is simply throwing it into the too-hard basket at the present time because of the oil price events. But we think it is still a very exciting business. Chris Corrigan - Business - Optimistic - Stock Market - Challenges Many business leaders today view their jobs as entailing responsibility for the welfare of the wider community. These individuals do not define themselves as profit-making machines whose only reason for existing is to satisfy escalating expectation for immediate gain. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Leadership - Business - Profits - Jobs - Responsibility A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or service that contributes to happiness in all of its forms. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Success - Business Products - Happiness Since the purpose of business is to satisfy existing desires, or stimulate new ones, if everyone were genuinely happy, there would be no need for business any longer. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Happiness - Business It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. It doesn’t matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because... All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are. Mark Cuban - Business - Luck - Failure In business, one of the challenges is making sure that your product is the easiest to experience and complete a sale. Mark Cuban - Products - Challenges - Business

The NBA (National Basketball Association) is never just a business. It’s always business. It’s always personal. All good businesses are personal. The best businesses are very personal. Mark Cuban - Business Creating a close connection to those you do business with has its many risks, rewards and consequences. There are few things in business I have encountered that are more difficult than firing someone, particularly if that someone has always been, or has become a friend. On the flipside, I have been rewarded with many friends Mark Cuban - Challenges - People - Business - Partnership Our business is about technology, yes. But it's also about operations and customer relationships. Michael Dell - Customers - Technology - Business The corporation is the “master”, the employee is the “servant”. Because the corporation owns the means of production without which the employee could not make a living, the employee needs the corporation more than vice versa. Peter Drucker - Business - Capitalism - Work It is rare to find a business partner who is selfless. If you are lucky it happens once in a lifetime. Michael Eisner - Luck - Partnership - Business The movie business has always been like the wild-catting oil business. Everyone wants a gusher. Michael Eisner - Luck - Business Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other. Bill Gates - Internet - Technology - Business Why is it that with all the information available today on how to be successful in small business, so few people really are? Michael Gerber - Business - Success If your thinking is sloppy, your business will be sloppy. If you are disorganized, your business will be disorganized. If you are greedy, your empoyees will be greedy, giving you less and less of themselves and always asking for more. Michael Gerber - Business - Thinking - Employee - Greed The entrepreneur is not really interested in doing the work; he is interested in creating the way the company operates. In that regard, the entrepreneur is an inventor. He or she loves to invent, but does not love to manufacture or sell or distribute what he or she invents. Michael Gerber - Entrepreneurs - Work - Business If they don’t fail outright, most businesses fail to fully achieve their potential. That’s because the person who owns the business doesn’t truly know how to build a company that works without him or her.. which is the key. Michael Gerber - Business - Achievement - Failure The message from Wal-Mart today to the rest of the business community is there need not be any conflict between the environment and the economy. We will find the way not only to reconcile (those), but to find new profits and new opportunities as we do the right thing. Al Gore - Environmental - Economy - Business - Profits -



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Opportunities I could have closed down bits of British Home Stores to make more money but it’s not my style. I want to make my money as a retailer, not by putting people out of work. Philip Green - Commitment - Jobs - Work - Money - Business I have been quoted saying that, in the future, all companies will be Internet companies. I still believe that. More than ever, really Andrew Grove - Companies - Internet - Business Basically we get confused a bit about what retail is. It is really just buying things, putting them on a floor and selling them. Gerry Harvey - Selling - Business I think one of the big errors people are making right now is thinking that old-style businesses will be obsolete, when actually they will be an important part of this new civilization. Some retail groups are introducing e-commerce and think that the "bricks" are no longer useful. But they will continue to be important. Carlos Slim Helu - Technology - Mistakes - Business - Internet The reason I entered the election race was to promote reforms. For us who engage in business, we will be severely affected if financial and structural reforms don't proceed. Takafumi Horie - Politicians - Business - Change - Finance Elections are a kind of business. I have to present myself: 'I can do this and that for this area so please give me your vote'. People vote for the politicians who can best understand and contribute to their region or country. In a business you can choose your clients, and the message is targeted to them only. But politics is universal; no matter what age the audience, you have to send the same message to everyone. Takafumi Horie - Politicians - Business It's not that I'm not interested in politics, but rather, I think that the people who become politicians in Japan are not very dynamic. Honestly, I find business much more interesting than politics. Takafumi Horie - Politicians - Business - Interesting Remarks such as ‘great Australian’, ‘larger than life’ are sometimes used where they are not appropriate. But in the case of Kerry Packer both of those descriptions are entirely appropriate. He was a great Australian, he was a larger than life character and in so many ways he left his mark on the Australian community over a very long career in business, particularly in the media and also that other great passion of his, Australian sport John Howard - Media - Passions - Business - Australia

In life and business, there are two cardinal sins.. The first is to act precipitously without thought and the second is to not act at all. Carl Icahn - Business - Life - Mistakes - Action You learn in this business.. If you want a friend, get a dog. Carl Icahn - Business - Learning It takes a lot more to run a good business than just trailing commissions or kickbacks otherwise everybody would succeed, wouldn't they? John Ilhan - Business - Success I work with wonderful people who support me. And, my beliefs are that the business needs to serve the family rather than the family serve the business. Kathy Ireland - Help - Family - Work - Belief - Business I viewed it as a business, but I always viewed it as a game. An opportunity to show my skills, my basketball skills, amongst the best in the world. Michael Jordan - Business - Opportunity - Skill - Best - Sports We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else. Ray Kroc - Business - Commitment There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting. David Letterman - Accounting - Business My first six years in the business were hopeless. There are a lot of times when you sit and you say "Why am I doing this? I'll never make it. It's just not going to happen. I should go out and get a real job, and try to survive." George Lucas - Business - Commitment - Challenges - Jobs Go for a business that any idiot can run - because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it. Peter Lynch - Management - Business - Investing For us, our most important stakeholder is not our stockholders, it is our customers. We're in business to serve the needs and desires of our core customer base. John Mackey - Stocks - Customers - Business There can be little doubt that a certain amount of corporate philanthropy is simply good business and works for the longterm benefit of the investors. John Mackey - Business - Long Term Investing - Philanthropy

In business, I loved cars. I couldn’t wait to get to work in the morning. Only in America can you decide to get a good education and pursue what you like. Lee Iacocca - Business - Jobs - Learning - Passions

I became a vegan and at the same time I realized, gosh, Whole Foods has got to create a higher standard here. I think it will ultimately be a good business decision because I think our customers expect us, want us to pave this path. John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics Responsibility - Decisions

In business, you’re trying to make a buck. God was good to me and blessed me. I made some money and started this foundation years ago, and it has grown in size. With the foundation it’s a lot different, because the bottom line isn’t how you can make more money or get a better return, it’s helping the projects that you feel strongly about move forward. Lee Iacocca - Business - Money - Philanthropy - God - Profits

I think one of the most misunderstood things about business in America is that people are either doing things for altruistic reasons or they are greedy and selfish, just after profit. That type of dichotomy portrays a false image of business. It certainly is a false image of Whole Foods. The whole idea is to do both: The animals have to flourish, but in such a way that it'll be cheap enough for the customers to buy it.



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics - American - Greed - Profits If you stop building stars, which we never do, you wouldn't be in business. Vince McMahon - Business - Rich - Products Regardless of how well a studio is run, it's only as good as the product it produces. Vince McMahon - Business - Management - Products The motivation for war is simple. The U.S. government started the war with Iraq in order to make it easy for U.S. corporations to do business in other countries. They intend to use cheap labor in those countries, which will make Americans rich. Michael Moore - Greed - America - War - Business - Rich Government In my experience, in the real-estate business past success stories are generally not applicable to new situations. We must continually reinvent ourselves, responding to changing times with innovative new business models. Akira Mori - Real Estate - Success - Change - Innovation Business We intend to conduct our business in a way that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our customers, business partners, shareholders, and creditors, as well as the communities in which we operate and society at large. Akira Mori - Management - Business - Customers - Society Partnership - Stocks Today the strategies of many companies in the real estate industry are premised on low interest rates, an assumption that has resulted in the rapid expansion of the real estate securitization business. This trend could be regarded as a risk factor, as it exposes the real estate sector to at least three potential problems: first, interest rate hikes; second, revisions to securitization business accounting standards; and third, overheating in the real estate market. Akira Mori - Growth - Real Estate - Business - Strategies Accounting - Debt - Problems I believe my concepts are more than just business, they are about our culture. Minoru Mori - Management - Business - Belief - Culture We both (He and Warren Buffett) insist on a lot of time being available almost every day to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. We read and think. So Warren and I do more reading and thinking and less doing than most people in business. We do that because we like that kind of a life. Charlie Munger - Smart - Thinking - American - Business You have to know accounting. It's the language of practical business life. It was a very useful thing to deliver to civilization. I've heard it came to civilization through Venice which of course was once the great commercial power in the Mediterranean. However, double entry bookkeeping was a hell of an invention. Charlie Munger - Accounting - Business - Power Good journalism is good business practice; good business supports great journalism. Lachlan Murdoch - Journalism - Good - Business - Support

The industry is littered with self-styled purists who believe the business of media.. the requirement to make a profit.. somehow corrupts the craft. Lachlan Murdoch - Business - Media - Belief - Profits I have been privileged to grow up retaining the love of good journalism, the craft, while learning its business: the dollars and cents. I have learnt that they are not mutually exclusive but integrally self-reliant. Each dependent on the other. Lachlan Murdoch - Journalism - Business - Media - Profits Money - Learning We're starting with our own carbon footprint. Not nothing. But much of what we're doing is already, or soon will be, little more than the standard way of doing business. We can do something that's unique, different from just any other company. We can set an example, and we can reach our audiences. Our audience's carbon footprint is 10,000 times bigger than ours. That's the carbon footprint we want to conquer. Rupert Murdoch - Carbon - Responsibility - Business - Media Influential - Encouragement - Companies I wasn't running toward the theater but running away from the sporting goods store. Of course now that I'm selling spaghetti sauce (with Newman's Own), I begin to understand the romance of business.. the allure of being the biggest fish in the pond and the juice you get from beating out your competitors. Paul Newman - Career - Selling - Business - Competition When the idea came up, (Newman's Own) I said, "Are you crazy? Stick my face on the label of salad dressing?" And then, of course, we got the whole idea of exploitation and how circular it is. Why not, really, go to the fullest length, and the silliest length, in exploiting yourself and turn the proceeds back to the community? Paul Newman - Business - Ideas - Branding - Philanthropy I feel that one of the best things a person can do for another is to create a job. So you do OK commercially, and then you try to make a difference of some sort. Craig Newmark - Best - Jobs - Business That is the true genius of America, a faith in the simple dreams of its people, the insistence on small miracles. That we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door. That we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe or hearing a sudden knock on the door. That we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, and that our votes will be counted-or at least, most of the time. Barack Obama - America - Politicians - Dreams - Fear - Miracles - Thinking - Ideas - Hope - Business eBay's business is based on enabling someone to do business with another person, and to do that, they first have to develop some measure of trust, either in the other person or the system. Pierre Omidyar - Technology - People - Business When I started eBay, it was a hobby, an experiment to see if people could use the Internet to be empowered through access to an efficient market. I actually wasn't thinking about it in terms of a social impact. It was really about helping people connect around a sphere of interest so they could do business. Pierre Omidyar - People - Internet - Business - Power



[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Like most business people, I want every aspect of my business to be perfect. I know that this goal is unachievable, but it is nevertheless what I strive to achieve. Bob Parsons - Ambition - People - Business Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings. Bob Parsons - Problems - Challenges - People - Business Products A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship. John D. Rockefeller - Business - Partnership Business is not financial science, it's about trading.. buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it. Anita Roddick - Business - Finance - Selling For me, campaigning and good business is also about putting forward solutions, not just opposing destructive practices or human rights abuses. Anita Roddick - Business - Philanthropy To be successful, you have to be able to relate to people; they have to be satisfied with your personality to be able to do business with you and to build a relationship with mutual trust. Business Solution Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about business solutions, solving problems and being able to find a solution.

Jack Canfield - Questions - Wealth - Goals - Problems - Books Teaching - Solutions There is a certain degree of satisfaction in having the courage to admit one's errors. It not only clears up the air of guilt and defensiveness, but often helps solve the problem created by the error. Dale Carnegie - Courage - Solutions - Problems - Mistakes We will have an unchallenged, open, panoramic opportunity on a global scale to demonstrate the finest aspects of what we know in this country: peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, benevolent sharing, love, the easing of human suffering. Is that going to be our list of priorities or not? Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Freedom - Solutions When you confront a problem you begin to solve it. Rudy Giuliani - Solutions - Challenges - Problems If we did not take action to solve this crisis, it could indeed threaten the future of human civilization. That sounds shrill. It sounds hard to accept. I believe it's deadly accurate. But again, we can solve it. (talking about the environamental crisis) Al Gore - Environmental - Crisis - Solutions - Action I drive a hybrid. Tipper and I got a Lexus hybrid. And we have a couple of Priuses in the family with our children. And I encourage people to make environmentally conscious choices because we all have to solve this climate crisis. Al Gore - Environmental - Crisis - Solutions - Encouragement Not all problems have a technological answer, but when they do, that is the more lasting solution. Andrew Grove - Technology - Problems - Solutions

You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them. Jay Abraham - Success - Solutions - Ideas

As a tither you automatically become solution-oriented rather than problem-oriented. Mark Victor Hansen - Philanthropy - Solutions - Problems

In order to stave off covetouness, greed, and spite, citizens world over must be educated. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - Learning - Knowledge - Solution

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Abraham Maslow - Problems - Solutions

The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential. Steve Ballmer - Technology - Learning - Innovation - Solutions

Becoming carbon neutral is only the beginning. The climate problem will not be solved by one company reducing its emissions to zero, and it won't be solved by one government acting alone. The climate problem will not be solved without mass participation by the general public in countries around the globe. Rupert Murdoch - Climate Change - Responsibility - Carbon Problems - Companies - Solutions - World

We may need to solve problems not by removing the cause but by designing the way forward even if the cause remains in place. Edward de Bono - Problems - Solutions Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists. Edward de Bono - Problems - Solutions - Ideas - Change I teach something called The Law of Probabilities, which says the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work. The more books you read, the more likely one of them will have an answer to a question that could solve the major problems of your life.. make you wealthier, solve a health problem, whatever it might be.

People don't expect government to solve all their problems. But they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better. Barack Obama - America - Government - Solutions - Problems Priorities - Change - Life - Opportunity I've got a passion for solving a problem that I think I can solve in a new way. And that maybe it helps that nobody has done it before as well. Pierre Omidyar - Passions - Problems - Solutions

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Try handling problems in the office as dispassionately as you can and I guarantee you will have a better time of it; not least because when you bring emotion into the conversation, you furnish your colleagues with an easy “out” for dismissing you. If you are able to strip out the emotion, however, people have to deal with you based on the facts. Suze Orman - Jobs - Problems - Emotional - Solutions Whenever you’re confronted with a tough work situation, stop for a second and try to honestly answer this question: Am I approaching this emotionally or am I approaching this professionally? Suze Orman - Emotional - Solutions - Questions - Challenges I now know that I learn by solving problems as they arise. Rarely do we learn significant lessons, or significantly improve, any other way. Bob Parsons - Learning - Problems - Solutions When I hear bad news I look at it as another leadership test that will determine how successful Go Daddy will become. So I no longer dread it. Instead, I enjoy the game of finding the very best way to deal with it, and take great satisfaction in having a hand in resolving the issues that come my way. Bob Parsons - Problems - Solutions - Leadership - Successful Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds. Norman Vincent Peale - Problems - Solutions Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Chinese Proverbs - Solutions - Criticism We still have a great amount of work to do in social development, including resolving one of the biggest challenges we face in this area, namely, reducing the gap between highincome earners and people, citizens of our country, who are still living on very modest means indeed. But we cannot, of course, adopt the solution used 80 years ago and simply confiscate the riches of some to redistribute among others. We will use completely different means to resolve this problem, namely, we will ensure good economic growth. Vladimir Putin - Society - Russia - Challenges - Solutions Problems - Rich - Economy - Growth

confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way. Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Problems - Solutions Capitalism Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about capitalism, money making, capital, and famous capitalists. It's very difficult to be continuously charitable in a capitalistic society. You've also got to make sure that you can pay everyone who works for you. Felix Dennis - Difficult - Philanthropy - Society - Wages Capitalism - Charity The corporation is the “master”, the employee is the “servant”. Because the corporation owns the means of production without which the employee could not make a living, the employee needs the corporation more than vice versa. Peter Drucker - Business - Capitalism - Work The Internet will help achieve "friction free capitalism" by putting buyer and seller in direct contact and providing more information to both about each other. Bill Gates - Internet - Capitalism - Customers One of the most ironic things about capitalism is that the capitalist will sell you the rope to hang himself with. Actually they will give you the money to make a movie that makes them look bad, if they believe they can make money off it. Michael Moore - Capitalism - Greed - Profits - Money For all of its faults (capitalism), it gives most hardworking people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. Bill O'Reilly - Rich - Capitalism - Improvement A weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, and a weak economy leads to a weak nation. Ross Perot - Capitalism - Money - Finance Globalization has gone wrong, as it has no rules. Multinationals are almost above the law. They are so huge they are bigger than governments. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Business - Companies

Mr Howard's problem is for so long he's been a climate change sceptic, how can he, therefore, put himself to the country as part of a climate change solution for the future. Kevin Rudd - Australia - Politicians - Criticism - Problems Climate Change - Solutions

If we are not careful, capitalism will self-destruct. We will destroy it as the companies have no conscience and do not really compete. They are so big they can't go broke, so they simply acquire everything. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Growth - Companies

I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Learning - Goals - Problems Solutions - Belief

Marx was right when he said capitalism would destroy itself as capitalist would eat capitalist until they became so big they could not compete. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Growth - Competition

You have to seek the simplest implementation of a problem solution in order to know when you've reached your limit in that regard. Then it's easy to make tradeoffs, to back off a little, for performance reasons. You can simplify and simplify and simplify yet still find other incredible ways to simplify further. Steve Wozniak - Computers - Solutions - Problems - Improvement When we can identify a problem and face the problem with

Poverty has been created by the economic and social system that we have designed for the world. It is the institutions that we have built and feel so proud of, which created poverty them. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Economy - Capitalism Challenge Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Challenges, adversity and overcoming challenging situations. I believe that I was lucky to have suffered. Some people don’t

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] realize that in suffering there is great potential, because if you are deprived for any reason.. politically, financially, socially or otherwise.. and if you set your mind in the right direction, you will find that the only way to survive is for you to excel, by being better so you can be treated better. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Belief - Luck - Inspirational - Politics Finance - Social - Best - Pain - Challenges

shaking peanuts. Jimmy Carter - Power - Responsibility - Jobs - Challenges

I wanted to be the exception to the other kids, but in the right way. We have a lot of suffering in our part of the world, but that suffering is, in a way, a blessing. Obviously, I could not afford to go to school without a scholarship, so that meant I had to excel in order to get one. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Inspirational - Pain - Challenges - Ambition - School

I think we're going to find, with climate change and everything else.. things like global warming and goodness knows what else and the cost of fuel for a start.. that things are going to become very complicated. Prince Charles - Environment - Climate Change - Challenges Global Warming

Despite the immense challenges that we have faced and continue to face, we refuse to indulge in negativity or pessimism. We are an organization that believes in empowering people to be their best. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Arab - Power - Encouragement - Belief Challenges - Negative - Best I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able help. Mohamed Al-Fayed - Philanthropy - Challenges We're getting hurt, but I'm a long-term investor. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud - Challenges - Commitment Long Term Investing I've got the greatest job in the world. There's no other job in government where cause and effect is so tightly coupled where you can make a difference every day in so many different ways and in so many different people's lives. It's a great challenge. Michael Bloomberg - Optimistic - Politicians - Change - Job Challenges It is clear that global challenges must be met with an emphasis on peace, in harmony with others, with strong alliances and international consensus. Imperfect as it may be, there is no doubt that this can best be done through the United Nations.. not merely to preserve peace but also to make change, even radical change, without violence. Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Change - Improvement We will have an unchallenged, open, panoramic opportunity on a global scale to demonstrate the finest aspects of what we know in this country: peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, benevolent sharing, love, the easing of human suffering. Is that going to be our list of priorities or not? Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Freedom - Solutions If you have a task to perform and are vitally interested in it, excited and challenged by it, then you will exert maximum energy. But in the excitement, the pain of fatigue dissipates, and the exuberance of what you hope to achieve overcomes the weariness. Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Achievement - Inspirational People would ask me how I could stand the long campaigning, how I could stand being charged with the responsibilities of a great nation, one of the most powerful and difficult jobs in the world. It wasn't any more difficult than picking cotton all day or

Climate change should be seen as the greatest challenge to face man and treated as a much bigger priority in the United Kingdom. Prince Charles - Climate Change - Challenges - Britain - Priorities

Never give in.. never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force.. never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill - Strength - Challenges - Encouragement War We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender! Winston Churchill - Strength - Challenges - Encouragement War The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Challenges - Change - Responsibility America - Encouragement The challenge is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Challenges - Politicians - Optimistic A warrior of light who trusts too much in his intelligence will end up underestimating the power of his opponent. Paulo Coelho - Knowledge - Challenges A lot of compelling stories in the world aren't being told, and the fact that people don't know about them compounds the suffering. To me, there is value in bearing witness to what is happening to people who are living their lives with great dignity in the face of horror. Anderson Cooper - Knowledge - Values - Challenges - News I was always acting primarily with shareholder interests in mind. It's also true I've always had a fairly moralistic attitude to business, and would not do anything that I considered improper. As a consequence, I have occasionally pursued issues during my career that other people might have avoided. Chris Corrigan - Management - Stocks - Business - Challenges Job I think Virgin Blue is still a very promising and exciting business. Now, I know that's not a view that's widely held in the market but I think the market is simply throwing it into the too-hard basket at the present time because of the oil price events. But we think it is still a very exciting business. Chris Corrigan - Business - Optimistic - Stock Market - Challenges

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] In business, one of the challenges is making sure that your product is the easiest to experience and complete a sale. Mark Cuban - Products - Challenges - Business

badly broken. And it can no longer support the weight it must bear. Melinda Gates - Education - Strength - Challenges

Creating a close connection to those you do business with has its many risks, rewards and consequences. There are few things in business I have encountered that are more difficult than firing someone, particularly if that someone has always been, or has become a friend. On the flipside, I have been rewarded with many friends Mark Cuban - Challenges - People - Business - Partnership

There are many qualities that make a great leader. But having strong beliefs, being able to stick with them through popular and unpopular times, is the most important characteristic of a great leader. Rudy Giuliani - Leadership - Belief - Challenges - Strength

I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life.. it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. Walt Disney - Challenges - Money Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. Albert Einstein - True - Great - Challenges - Spirit Understanding - Opinions - Courage When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts. Larry Ellison - Innovation - Challenges The Net as a whole is not that reliable, so our blips in service don't cause major problems. However, we are certainly working on improving our own reliability as well as those sites that we depend on. David Filo - Challenges - Internet - Problems When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall.. think of it, always. Mahatma Gandhi - Challenges - Truth - Love - Winning - Power We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make strong progress towards it. Mahatma Gandhi - Challenges - Strength - Thinking - Goals We're responsible for the creation of the PC industry. The whole idea of compatible machines and lots of software.. that's something we brought to computing. And so it's a responsibility for us to make sure that things like security don't get in the way of that dream. Bill Gates - Internet - Technology - Responsibility - Challenges

When you confront a problem you begin to solve it. Rudy Giuliani - Solutions - Challenges - Problems I went to the brink many times. A couple of times I thought "I'm gone.. This is it." But then you would just keep working. I think if you're close to the brink and just make sure that you work twice as hard and put twice as much effort into everything and the people around you and everything, you should come through. Gerry Harvey - Management - Ambition - Challenges The good things take care of themselves. We want to find all the negatives. Wayne Huizenga - Challenges - Negative - Improvement I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga - Problems - Challenges - Confidence Partnership It was quite tough, not many opportunities. I remember in primary school, one of my teachers said, "As for you young man, you haven't got much of a future." John Ilhan - Criticism - Opportunity - Challenges It's a very, very tough market. So unless you do a really good job, you buy the right products from the manufacturers, you service the customer, they keep coming back, they bring their friends in, it's all about numbers, numbers, numbers. John Ilhan - Challenges - Job - Customers - Marketing Don't let anyone say you can't do it. John Ilhan - Criticism - Challenges My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do. Kathy Ireland - Family - Values - Challenges - Inspirational - God

We're at the point now where the challenge isn't how to communicate effectively with e-mail, it's ensuring that you spend your time on the e-mail that matters most. Bill Gates - Internet - Challenges

A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets. Steve Jobs - Marketing - Challenges - Customers

I'm quite worried about the fiscal imbalances that we've got and what that might mean in terms of financial crisis ahead. Bill Gates - Challenges - Worry - Finance - Crisis

A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships. Helen Keller - Life - Encouragement - Happiness - Challenges

Think, for a moment, about our educational ladder. We’ve strengthened the steps lifting students from elementary school to junior high.. and those from junior high to high school. But, that critical step taking students from high school into adulthood is

It is a mistake always to contemplate the good and ignore the evil, because by making people neglectful it lets in disaster. There is a dangerous optimism of ignorance and indifference. Helen Keller - Challenges - People - Mistakes - Optimistic

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If I regarded my life from the point of view of the pessimist, I should be undone. I should seek in vain for the light that does not visit my eyes and the music that does not ring in my ears. I should beg night and day and never be satisfied. I should sit apart in awful solitude, a prey to fear and despair. But since I consider it a duty to myself and to others to be happy, I escape a misery worse than any physical deprivation. Helen Keller - Life - Encouragement - Happiness - Challenges Optimistic Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was. Helen Keller - Challenges - Knowledge - Learning The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises.. it is a set of challenges. It sums up not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. John F. Kennedy - Encouragement - America - Challenges A man does what he must.. in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers, and pressures.. and that is the basis of all human morality. John F. Kennedy - Risk - Challenges - Ethics The trouble in America is not that we are making too many mistakes, but that we are making too few. Philip Knight - Mistakes - Challenges Today we have a temporary aberration called “industrial capitalism” which is inadvertently liquidating its two most important sources of capital.. the natural world and properly functioning societies. No sensible capitalist would do that. Amory Lovins - Economy - Challenges - Environmental If you ask the wrong question, of course, you get the wrong answer. We find in design it’s much more important and difficult to ask the right question. Once you do that, the right answer becomes obvious. Amory Lovins - Questions - Challenges

interests of the different constituencies and stakeholders to create win, win, win scenarios, and that can sometimes be very difficult to do. Everybody wants something from the CEO. John Mackey - Stocks - Customers - Business Ethics Management - Environmental - Challenges - Companies I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela - Challenges - Inspirational - Learning - Courage - Fear - Brave The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Nelson Mandela - Inspirational - Great - Challenges Determination Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear and frustration. Dr Phil - Fear - Challenges Everyone experiences tough times, it is a measure of your determination and dedication how you deal with them and how you can come through them. Lakshmi Mittal - Challenges - Commitment - Problems I remember the difficulty we had in the beginning replacing magnetic cores in memories and eventually we had both cost and performance advantages. But it wasn't at all clear in the beginning. Gordon Moore - Technology - Challenges With engineering, I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly. Gordon Moore - Learning - Technology - Challenges - Failure If you don't have enemies, you don't have character. Paul Newman - Criticism - Challenges Whenever you’re confronted with a tough work situation, stop for a second and try to honestly answer this question: Am I approaching this emotionally or am I approaching this professionally? Suze Orman - Emotional - Solutions - Questions - Challenges

My first six years in the business were hopeless. There are a lot of times when you sit and you say "Why am I doing this? I'll never make it. It's just not going to happen. I should go out and get a real job, and try to survive." George Lucas - Business - Commitment - Challenges - Jobs

We need to make sure we have the best people we can in our operations, and that is a constant challenge. There is always room to improve. James Packer - Employee - Challenges

Part of the issue of achievement is to be able to set realistic goals, but that's one of the hardest things to do because you don't always know exactly where you're going, and you shouldn't. George Lucas - Goals - Challenges

We are imperfect beings in a very imperfect world, and the one thing we can count on is that things will go wrong, and that each and every one of us will have problems. Bob Parsons - Problems - Challenges - People

I think the hardest thing about my job is the way Whole Foods Market views itself philosophically is that we are a business dedicated to meeting all the various stakeholders of the company's best interests. And by stakeholders we mean customers, team members, stockholders, community, and the environment. Sometimes what is in the best interest of one stakeholder may not be in the best interest of another stakeholder, and as the CEO, I have to balance the various

Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings. Bob Parsons - Problems - Challenges - People - Business Products The early years were more about learning than about acting. I

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] had to carry on my father’s work, which was a big challenge. Azim Premji - Companies - Learning - Challenges Character is one factor that will guide all our actions and decisions. We invested in uncompromising integrity that helped us take difficult stands in some of the most difficult business situations. Azim Premji - Truth - Decisions - Actions - Challenges A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials. Chinese Proverbs - Challenges - Improvement We still have a great amount of work to do in social development, including resolving one of the biggest challenges we face in this area, namely, reducing the gap between highincome earners and people, citizens of our country, who are still living on very modest means indeed. But we cannot, of course, adopt the solution used 80 years ago and simply confiscate the riches of some to redistribute among others. We will use completely different means to resolve this problem, namely, we will ensure good economic growth. Vladimir Putin - Society - Russia - Challenges - Solutions Problems - Rich - Economy - Growth One doesn't accept bad challenges. Part of it is always the risktaking without seeing that the risks are rational and the rewards are commensurate.. are more than commensurate.. with the risks. Sumner Redstone - Challenges - Risk We all have to decide how we are going to fail.. by not going far enough or by going too far. Sumner Redstone - Decisions - Challenges - Risk - Failure Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration. Sometimes its built on catastrophe. Sumner Redstone - Challenges - Failure - Success - Frustration Our company was mortgaged to the hilt, and that did restrain us, and it's why we had to take in partners. Gina Rinehart - Companies - Partnership - Challenges It was very difficult. We don't advertise this much, but those years that we went through were hell. I don't want to overstate the situation, but everything was mortgaged to the hilt, cash was a real problem, and it did limit what we were able to do. Gina Rinehart - Challenges - Problems When the people become involved in their government, government becomes more accountable, and our society is stronger, more compassionate, and better prepared for the challenges of the future. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Government - People - Strength Challenges - Compassion Great men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war. Seneca - War - Challenges - Success I believe that Jews and Arabs can live together. It’s not an easy thing but I believe we can reach an agreement. Ariel Sharon - Partnership - Belief - Challenges If we are to reach a situation of true peace, real peace, peace for

generations, we will have to make painful concessions. Not in exchange for promises, but rather in exchange for peace. Ariel Sharon - War - Peace - Challenges We are taking an aggressive stance looking at the future of Percept, not just in numbers, but in terms of market share and size. The challenge is to continuously sustain our growth on a year-on-year basis. The 2010 figure of US$1 billion is just a benchmark figure. Looking at the market opportunities and our strengths, I am sure we will be well past this figure, come 2010. Harindra Singh - Growth - Ambition - Strength - Challenges I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. Mother Teresa - Challenges - God - Trust It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start. Mother Teresa - Challenges - Love - Philanthropy - Family Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world. Mother Teresa - Challenges - Family - Peace - Rich Most people treat the present moment as if it were an obstacle that they need to overcome. Since the present moment is Life itself, it is an insane way to live. Eckhart Tolle - Now - Life - Insanity - Challenges Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you, no humility, no compassion. Eckhart Tolle - Spiritual - Compassion - Challenges I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. Brian Tracy - Goals - Problems - Challenges - Solutions Ever notice how your senses are heightened when you are in challenging situations? You're experiencing an adrenaline rush that gives you extra energy. If you see every day as a challenge, you’d be surprised how efficient you can become, and how much can be accomplished. Donald Trump - Challenges - Motivational - Interesting In bad times, the rich usually get richer. Stuart Wilde - Rich - Challenges I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out. Muhammad Yunus - Banks - Change - Poverty - Challenges - Rich - Entrepreneurs - Opportunity The reality is that I need to be challenged and interested, as long as the risk and reward is in line. Sam Zell - Challenges - Interested - Risk

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Michael Bloomberg - Change - Politicians - Business - Truth Change Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Change, making positive changes, and changing with the times. We can never be certain about the future and therefore we must continue to be flexible and adaptable so that we can react quickly to the needs of our clients and our market place. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Change - Flexible Concentration can be cultivated. One can learn to exercise will power, discipline one's body and train one's mind. Anil Ambani - Focus - Learning - Change - Power As long as we place millions of Indians at the canter of our thought process, as long as we think of their welfare, their future, their opportunities for self realization we are on the right track. For India can grow, prosper, flourish only if they grow, prosper, flourish. We cannot grow by any esoteric strategies. Our purchasing power, our economic strength, our marketplace all depends on the prosperity of our people. Mukesh Ambani - Growth - Change - Economy - Encouragement

I've got the greatest job in the world. There's no other job in government where cause and effect is so tightly coupled where you can make a difference every day in so many different ways and in so many different people's lives. It's a great challenge. Michael Bloomberg - Optimistic - Politicians - Success - Change Job - Challenges It is clear that global challenges must be met with an emphasis on peace, in harmony with others, with strong alliances and international consensus. Imperfect as it may be, there is no doubt that this can best be done through the United Nations.. not merely to preserve peace but also to make change, even radical change, without violence. Jimmy Carter - Challenges - Change - Improvement I've worked for four presidents and watched two others up close, and I know that there's no such thing as a routine day in the Oval Office. Dick Cheney - President - Change - Government - Work

I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times. Mukesh Ambani - Ambition - Change - Business Growth

Inertia is comforting, and Americans will be extremely reluctant to make any change that might affect their high standard of living. Deepak Chopra - America - Change - Priorities

The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So if I lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the organization will go on, the growth will go on. Mukesh Ambani - Ambition - Change - Partnership - Business Growth

The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Challenges - Change - Responsibility America - Encouragement

It is a transition, from modelling to singing, but for me it's a natural progression. The modelling was something I did to travel the world and make some money and end up doing what I want to do. It was a way for me to go gather the experience to write an album and now sing about it. Erica Baxter - Change - Money - Career

For many people a job is more than an income – it's an important part of who we are. So a career transition of any sort is one of the most unsettling experiences you can face in your life. Paul Clitheroe - Jobs - Change - Life

Over the years, the U.S. economy has shown a remarkable ability to absorb shocks of all kinds, to recover, and to continue to grow. Flexible and efficient markets for labor and capital, an entrepreneurial tradition, and a general willingness to tolerate and even embrace technological and economic change all contribute to this resiliency. Ben Bernanke - Change - Economy - Entrepreneurs - Technology The blunt truth about the politics of climate change is that no country will want to sacrifice its economy in order to meet this challenge, but all economies know that the only sensible long term way of developing is to do it on a sustainable basis. Tony Blair - Truth - Politicians - Environmental - Economy Change We can debate this or that aspect of climate change, but the reality is that most people now accept our climate is indeed subject to change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Tony Blair - Environmental - Change I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've just changed to say whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers.

I'm not a fan of facts. You see, the facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are. Stephen Colbert - Facts - Change - Opinions When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday.. no matter what happened Tuesday. Stephen Colbert - Change - President - Belief - Stupid A visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable. A visionary company doesn't simply balance between preserving a tightly held core ideology and stimulating vigorous change and movement; it does both to an extreme. Jim Collins - Companies - Idealism - Vision - Profitable - Change We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. Stephen Covey - Change - Life - Responsibility - Decisions It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Charles Darwin - Knowledge - Strength Lateral thinking is concerned not with playing with the existing pieces but with seeking to change those very pieces. It is concerned with the perception part of thinking. This is where we

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] organise the external world into the pieces we can then ‘process’. Edward de Bono - Thinking - Change Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists. Edward de Bono - Problems - Solutions - Ideas - Change It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference. Michael Dell - Success - Opportunity Almost everybody today believes that nothing in economic history has ever moved as fast as, or had a greater impact than, the Information Revolution. But the Industrial Revolution moved at least as fast in the same time span, and had probably an equal impact if not a greater one. Peter Drucker - Technology - Change What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. Wayne Dyer - Goals - Change - Self Control When you're the first person whose beliefs are different from what everyone else believes, you're basically saying, "I'm right, and everyone else is wrong." That's a very unpleasant position to be in. It's at once exhilarating and at the same time an invitation to be attacked. Larry Ellison - Innovation - Belief - Change Think not of yourself as the architect of your career but as the sculptor. Expect to have to do a lot of hard hammering and chiselingand scraping and polishing. BC Forbes - Change - Work - Self Help In their late 40s, Forbes mens' hormones seem to change. Pop started riding motorcycles. I would say running for president qualifies. Steve Forbes - Change - Politicians It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft was starting and realize how work has been transformed. We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyle. Bill Gates - Technology - Improvement - Change What great changes have not been ambitious? Melinda Gates - Ambition - Change - Great Everyone agrees that the failure of our high schools is tragic. It’s bad business, and it’s bad policy. But we act as if it can’t be helped. It can be helped. We designed these high schools; we can redesign them. Melinda Gates - Help - Failure - Change - Education It's really one of my all-time favorite things to do. To go out and really see the kids and visit the moms who are in these programs because I think I really get to see what happens on the ground and connect with them about what changes are that happen in their lives because of some of the giving that we're able to do. Melinda Gates - Philanthropy - Change A leaf that is destined to grow large is full of grooves and wrinkles at the start. Now if one has no patience and wants it smooth offhand like a willow leaf, there is trouble ahead.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Change - Success - Goals What changed in the United States with Hurricane Katrina was a feeling that we have entered a period of consequences. Al Gore - Environmental - Change - America I'm a great believer in particularly being alert to changes that change something, anything, by an order of magnitude, and nothing operates with the factors of 10 as profoundly as the Internet. Andrew Grove - Change - Internet The Internet doesn't change everything. It doesn't change supply and demand. It doesn't magically allow you to build businesses by turning investors' money into operating expenses indefinitely. The money always runs out eventually.. the Internet doesn't change that, as we have seen. Andrew Grove - Change - Internet - Investing - Money A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation. Andrew Grove - Change - Companies - Focus I think that the major message of my life and what I hope to be remembered for is someone who managed to change the social sexual values of his time absolutely. Hugh Hefner - Life - Change - Values The reason I entered the election race was to promote reforms. For us who engage in business, we will be severely affected if financial and structural reforms don't proceed. Takafumi Horie - Politicians - Business - Change - Finance I haven't changed. If it seems I'm becoming more mainstream, doesn't that mean instead that Japan is aligning itself with me? I haven't changed one bit. Takafumi Horie - Change I always had faith in the internet. I believed in it and thought it was obviously going to change the way the world worked. I really did not understand why others were selling their stock. As stock prices plunged, I just bought them, one after another, since I had the money. I guess I was rather lucky. Takafumi Horie - Change - Money - Internet - Stocks We react very quickly in the market. We can make quick changes. John Ilhan - Marketing - Change Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy - Change - Life - Motivational There is an immutable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant battle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success. Philip Knight - Work - Life - Success - Change I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious. David Letterman - Change I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. Abraham Lincoln - Belief - Mistakes - Success - Change Synergies are something that the CEO basically has to force to happen, because organizations are, generally, like bodies in motion that tend to stay in motion. It's very hard to get big organizations to change. And it takes really a very powerful mandate to force things to happen. John Malone - Management - Change - Power Synergy is the driver. There are two levels of synergy: there are operating synergies, which, you know, you'd have to be stupid not to try to take advantage of, and then there are strategic synergies. In other words, in what positions you would be more sustainable, more long term, and so on. John Malone - Change - Improvement - Long Term Investing College totally changed my life. It changed what I believe and what I think about everything. I majored in philosophy. Steve Martin - School - Education - Belief - Thinking - Change In my experience, in the real-estate business past success stories are generally not applicable to new situations. We must continually reinvent ourselves, responding to changing times with innovative new business models. Akira Mori - Real Estate - Success - Change - Innovation Business We all are learning, modifying, or destroying ideas all the time. Rapid destruction of your ideas when the time is right is one of the most valuable qualities you can acquire. You must force yourself to consider arguments on the other side. Charlie Munger - Learning - Ideas - Change We all have to expand our capabilities to encompass the changing world, its growing diversity and, indeed, its complexity. Lachlan Murdoch - Growth - Diversity - Change - World I think transitions are never that noticeable, but they are always on their way. It has to do with distance and accessibility. People call it mellowing, but I think it's how available you are toward other people, or how much you distance yourself. Paul Newman - Change - People You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Dr Phil - Self Help - Change The question is not whether we are able to change but whether we are changing fast enough. Angela Merkel - Questions - Change I don't believe you are simply born with the ambition of becoming chancellor. But if you want to make a difference, if you enjoy putting ideas into practice, then the post of chancellor has to be the one presenting the biggest opportunity of all. Angela Merkel - Change - Politicians - Ambition - Ideas Enjoyment - Opportunity It is extremely unlikely that anyone coming out of school with a technical degree will go into one area and stay there. Today's students have to look forward to the excitement of probably having three or four careers. Gordon Moore - Learning - Change - Jobs - Technology

With engineering, I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly. Gordon Moore - Learning - Technology - Challenges - Failure The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals. Gordon Moore - Learning - Knowledge - Change - Technology Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Companies - Media - Growth The Internet has been the most fundamental change during my lifetime and for hundreds of years. Someone the other day said, "It's the biggest thing since Gutenberg," and then someone else said "No, it's the biggest thing since the invention of writing." Rupert Murdoch - Change - Internet - Technology I think we've been an agent for change, everywhere, and I think change frightens people. They're going nicely in what seems like a settled industry, and someone comes in and says: "I can do this better. It doesn't matter how nice that other one is." That's one of the distinguishing points of our acquisitions. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Fear - Improvement As with all politically lead governments, foreign investment is the slowest in the media section. Politicians are somewhat paranoid about the media but we still think it’s worthwhile. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Media - Government - Competition Investments I'm a catalyst for change … You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Success The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Innovation People don't expect government to solve all their problems. But they sense, deep in their bones, that with just a slight change in priorities, we can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life, and that the doors of opportunity remain open to all. They know we can do better. Barack Obama - America - Government - Solutions - Problems Priorities - Change - Life - Opportunity We have recognized that the world is changing. How your children are behaving, how their friends are behaving. What they consume and what they watch. James Packer - Change - Advertising - Customers I'm a great believer in new technology and I think new technology is very scary for newspaper companies. James Packer - Change - Companies - Technology The fact that I have entered into IT-related business is proof that businesses have to evolve and keep with time. One has to reinvent continuously. Kerry Packer - Change - Technology -

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It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness. Bob Proctor - Change - Greatness - Action Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. Anthony Robbins - Decisions I do not know whether I will be in this place for a short or a long time. That is for others to decide. But what I do know is that I have no intention of being here for the sake of just being here. Together with my colleagues it is my intention to make a difference. Kevin Rudd - Politicians - Change - Ambition - Improvement Technology is always evolving, and companies.. not just search companies.. can't be afraid to take advantage of change. Eric Schmidt - Technology - Change - Improving - Companies I'm able to bring business expertise but, more importantly, operating experience. The people here at Google are young. Every day there are lots of new challenges. I keep things focused. The speech I give everyday is: "This is what we do. Is what you are doing consistent with that, and does it change the world?" Eric Schmidt - Internet - Management - Change - Focus The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw - Ambition - Change - Growth I'm not a politician. I only want to help relieve the suffering in communities, and I want to help people see their community in each other. Russell Simmons - Change - Politicians - Help - Poverty I want to fight poverty and ignorance and give opportunity to those people who are locked out. Russell Simmons - Change - Help - Poverty - Opportunity America, you know, they always separate people because of race. They've been able to convince, 'The niggers are coming.' You know, the diversity that America has is so special. It's starting to really become a cool thing for young people. Not only because there are more mixes of people, but because people are more open-minded about each other. So I think in the future, America has a great, great opportunity, and mostly because of hip-hop. Russell Simmons - Change - Opportunity - America The conditions of suffering that exist today in our impoverished communities are not acceptable. The reflection of those conditions are less concerning to me. And I work everyday about changing the conditions. Russell Simmons - Change - Poverty - Hard Work Philanthropy is all about making a positive difference in the world by devoting your resources and your time to causes you believe in. In my case, I like to support causes where "a lot of good comes from a little bit of good," or, in other words, where the positive social returns vastly exceed the amount of time and

money invested. Jeff Skoll - Philanthropy - Positive - World - Belief - Social Money - Change I believe that Silicon Valley is truly a place of excellence and the impact of this tiny community on the world is completely disproportionate to its size. We are the undisputed leaders of technological change. But with our abundance of talent and resources, we also have the opportunity to be the pioneers of social change and, ultimately, this may be our greatest contribution. Jeff Skoll - Business Ethics - Social - Belief - Change - Silicon Valley - World - Technology - Talent - Opportunity Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success. Martha Stewart - Change - Success People.. especially people in positions of power.. have invested a tremendous amount of effort and time to get to where they are. They really don't want to hear that we're on the wrong path, that we've got to shift gears and start thinking differently. David Suzuki - People - Power - Wrong - Change - Thinking Your income is a direct reward for the quality and quantity of the services you render to your world. Whatever field you are in, if you want to double your income, you simply have to double the quality and quantity of what you do for that income. Or you have to change activities and occupations so that what you are doing is worth twice as much. Brian Tracy - Goals - Work - Wages - Jobs - Change Life is meant for living.. I know that sounds simplistic, but how many days do you let slip by without really doing something, accomplishing something, making a life change, a lifestyle change? Ivana Trump - Life - Motivational - Change Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while. Jack Welch - Change In fact, at this point in history, the most radical, pervasive, and earth-shaking transformation would occur simply if everybody truly evolved to a mature, rational, and responsible ego, capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual selfesteem. There is the 'edge of history.' There would be a real New Age. Ken Wilber - Change - Self Help - Improvement Perhaps the best place to begin with an integral approach to business is with.. oneself. In the Big Three of self, culture, and world, integral mastery starts with self. How do body and mind and spirit operate in me? How does that necessarily impact my role in the world of business? And how can I become more conscious of these already operating realities in myself and in others? Ken Wilber - Change - Self Help - Spiritual - Business If you don't change, reality in the end forces that change upon you. Stuart Wilde - Change Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Oprah Winfrey - Rich - Change

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. Winston Churchill - Commitment - Work - Politicians

I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out. Muhammad Yunus - Banks - Change - Poverty - Challenges - Rich - Entrepreneurs - Opportunity

If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through. How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things? George Clason - Commitment - Goals - Encouragement

Each individual person is very important. Each person has tremendous potential. She or he alone can influence the lives of others within the communities, nations, within and beyond her or his own time. Muhammad Yunus - Motivational - Change - Important Potential

The kind of commitment I find among the best performers across virtually every field is a single-minded passion for what they do, an unwavering desire for excellence in the way they think and the way they work. Genuine confidence is what launches you out of bed in the morning, and through your day with a spring in your step. Jim Collins - Commitment - Passion - Confidence - Motivational Thinking - Work

Just by being private, the culture will change. We won't be forced to make decisions that are 90 days in relevance. Sam Zell - Companies - Culture - Change - Decisions You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. Zig Ziglar - Change - Motivational Commitment Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Commitment, making commitments, and staying committed to a goal. We’ve had some tough times, but we’ve hung in there. Paul Allen - Commitment If I’m going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don’t do it at all. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud - Action - Commitment It is hope in this wider sense which enabled my father to build, from scratch, one of India's largest modern enterprises. His was an undertaking powered by hard work, initiative, self-belief but, above all else, the capacity, as he would often say, "to dream with your eyes wide open". Anil Ambani - Ambition - Belief - Goals - Commitment - Work

I'm convinced that we can write and live our own scripts more than most people will acknowledge. I also know the price that must be paid. It's a real struggle to do it. It requires visualization and affirmation. It involves living a life of integrity, starting with making and keeping promises, until the whole human personality the senses, the thinking, the feeling, and the intuition are ultimately integrated and harmonized. Stephen Covey - Commitment - Decisions - Goals - Life - Self Help You look for stars. You look for the makeup of artists who can have long lasting careers and who could be headliners. Clive Davis - Commitment - Jobs - Long Term Investing The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. Thomas Edison - Work - Success The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do. Thomas Edison - Failure - Commitment - Success Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. Thomas Edison - Work - Commitment - Success - Inspirational

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better. Jeff Bezos - Customers - Commitment

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. Albert Einstein - Determination - Commitment - Strength - True

So much of politics is about the daily grind of political business: the people to see, the myriad different facets of government, the remorseless agenda of this part of the media or that. Tony Blair - Politicians - Commitment - People

We're not in this for the fast money. Really, what we want is to be part of this industry. David Filo - Commitment - Money - Internet

I believe the true road to preeminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources, and in my experience I have rarely if ever met a man who achieved preeminence in money making.. certainly never one in manufacturing.. who was interested in many concerns. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Success - Commitment The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it. Andrew Carnegie - Commitment - Success

In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm.. in the real world all rests on perseverance. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Ideas - Commitment - Ambition I could have closed down bits of British Home Stores to make more money but it’s not my style. I want to make my money as a retailer, not by putting people out of work. Philip Green - Commitment - Jobs - Work - Money - Business Long shots do come in and hard work, dedication and perseverance will overcome almost any prejudice and open almost any door. John H. Johnson - Work - Encouragement - Commitment

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I would tell young people to start where they are with what they have and that the secret of a big success is starting with a small success and dreaming bigger and bigger dreams, I would tell them also that a young Black woman or a young Black man can't dream too much today or dare too much if he or she works hard, perseveres and dedicates themselves to excellence. John H. Johnson - Motivational - Work - Success - Commitment It's easy to have principles when you're rich. The important thing is to have principles when you're poor. Ray Kroc - Rich - Poverty - Commitment We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else. Ray Kroc - Business - Commitment The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. Vince Lombardi - Life - Commitment It's easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you're a winner, when you're number one. What you've got to have is faith and discipline when you're not yet a winner. Vince Lombardi - Winning - Determination - Goals - Optimistic Commitment - Discipline My first six years in the business were hopeless. There are a lot of times when you sit and you say "Why am I doing this? I'll never make it. It's just not going to happen. I should go out and get a real job, and try to survive." George Lucas - Business - Commitment - Challenges - Jobs If you want to be successful in a particular field of endeavor, I think perseverance is one of the key qualities.It's very important that you find something that you care about, that you have a deep passion for, because you're going to have to devote a lot of your life to it. George Lucas - Commitment - Success - Passions Friends, Comrades and fellow South Africans. I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands. Nelson Mandela - Freedom - Peace - Democracy - Commitment Inspirational Everyone experiences tough times, it is a measure of your determination and dedication how you deal with them and how you can come through them. Lakshmi Mittal - Challenges - Commitment - Problems Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve. Lakshmi Mittal - Commitment - Work I enjoy my work so much that I have to be pulled away from my work into leisure. Ralph Nader - Work - Commitment

It wasn't as though I really made a commitment to it; there wasn't anything else around. So I wasn't driven to become an actor.. it just seemed to be the thing that I managed to do best. Paul Newman - Career - Commitment - Best I always wanted to be the best I could be at whatever I did. I didn't want to be the number one golfer in the world. I just wanted to be as good as I could be. I work hard, I push myself hard, and I probably even expect too much of myself. Greg Norman - Work - Commitment - Success I was at the end of my tether when my first book was published. For eight years I didn't make a penny, I worked so hard, didn't drink, didn't enjoy life. Orhan Pamuk - Work - Commitment - Focus I work seven days a week, from 9 in the morning till 8 at night. I have the titles of the next eight novels I want to write. I feel myself pitiable, degraded on a day that I don't write. Orhan Pamuk - Work - Commitment Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Norman Vincent Peale - Success - Motivational - Self Control Commitment Visy Industries' past, present and future are linked by a commitment to growth, through meeting our customers' needs and the wise use and reuse of scarce resources. Richard Pratt - Business Growth - Customers - Commitment Our most productive investment remains our people. It is through the dedication, skills and initiative of our people that Visy Industries has prospered and will continue to move ahead. Richard Pratt - Company Growth - Commitment - People Employees Encourage your people to be committed to a project rather than just be involved in it. Richard Pratt - Commitment - People - Encouragement Employee The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. Anthony Robbins - Commitment My friends thought I was crazy, that I should wait until I was dead. But I was determined. It is easy to promise but action is different. Sakip Sabanci - Action - Commitment - Ambition I quickly learned that if I kept at it and plowed right through the rejections I would eventually get somebody to buy my wares. Charles Schwab - Commitment - Success One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Leadership - Commitment - Self Control When employees and employers, even coworkers, have a commitment to one another, everyone benefits. I have people who have been in business with me for decades. I reward their

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] loyalty to the organization and to me. I know that they'll always be dedicated to what we're trying to accomplish. Donald Trump - Business - Employee - Commitment Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community Sam Walton - Customers - Commitment I think women have proved themselves beyond a shadow of doubt that they are as capable and as confident in delivering results. The "B" word.. babies or biology is a complicated one. Because it doesn't mean that women can't do the work, it means that women have a point, a period in their life of maybe.. depending on how many children they have, of 5 to 10 years where they have a lessened amount of availablity. And in many many corporate settings you have to be available for face time in the office and travel. And when you make the choice to have a kid you also make the choice to be not available as much. Suzy Welch - Woman - Confidence - Family - Time - Commitment I have never left the company. I keep a tiny residual salary to this day because that's where my loyalty should be forever. I want to be an "employee" on the company data base. I won't engineer, I'd rather be basically retired, due to my family. (talking about his relationship with Apple Inc) Steve Wozniak - Employee - Commitment - Retirement

Today, many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills. Bill Clinton - Knowledge - Companies - Skill If we only have great companies, we will merely have a prosperous society, not a great one. Economic growth and power are the means, not the definition, of a great nation. Jim Collins - Great - Society - Companies - Economy - Power A visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable. A visionary company doesn't simply balance between preserving a tightly held core ideology and stimulating vigorous change and movement; it does both to an extreme. Jim Collins - Companies - Idealism - Vision - Profitable - Change If the firms that employ an increasing majority of the population are driven solely to satisfy the owner's greed at the expense of working conditions, of the stability of the community, and of the health of the environment, chances are that the quality of our lives will be worse than it is now. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Environment - Business Ethics - Greed - Profits - Companies - Jobs

Company Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Companies, owning a company, large corporations, and managing a company.

In large organizations the dilution of information as it passes up and down the hierarchy, and horizontally across departments, can undermine the effort to focus on common goals. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Companies - Management - Focus Goals

We call ourselves a “capacity building” organization; selfmotivated and self-initiated capacity building. For example, in 30 years, I don’t think I have signed a check for the company. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Employee - Motivational - Management Companies - Leadership

There are a lot of things that go into creating success. I don't like to do just the things I like to do. I like to do things that cause the company to succeed. I don't spend a lot of time doing my favorite activities. Michael Dell - Company - Success - Work - Action

If you look at the top 20 companies of the world, 19 of them are still brick-and-mortar companies. I have nothing against tech companies. What I am saying is that if you have a car manufacturer or an oil and gas manufacturer, you won’t get the supply over the Net. Anil Ambani - Companies - Internet - Tech

A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others. Larry Ellison - Money - Goals - Taxes - Companies

People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn't make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps. Mary Kay Ash - Companies - Assets - Management A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. Jeff Bezos - Branding - Companies Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine. Sergey Brin - Technology - Internet - Companies At Revolution Health Group we will put consumers back at the center of the system by giving them more choice, control and convenience.. while building the first comprehensive, consumerdriven health care company. Steve Case - Customers - Companies -

It's not enough to make time for your children. There are certain stages in their lives when you have to give them the time when they want it. You can't run your family like a company. It doesn't work. Andrew Grove - Family - Companies I have been quoted saying that, in the future, all companies will be Internet companies. I still believe that. More than ever, really Andrew Grove - Companies - Internet - Business A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation. Andrew Grove - Change - Companies - Focus Businesses are made by people. We've proven time and time again that you can have wonderful shop, and put a bloke in there who's no good, and he'll stuff it up. Put a good bloke in, and it just turns around like that. Gerry Harvey - Companies - Management - Ambition I've always said that the better off you are, the more

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] responsibility you have for helping others. Just as I think it's important to run companies well, with a close eye to the bottom line, I think you have to use your entrepreneurial experience to make corporate philanthropy effective. Carlos Slim Helu - Responsibility - Philanthropy - Help Entrepreneurial - Companies It's not a question of arriving and putting in a whole new administration, but instead, arriving and "compacting" things as much as possible, reducing management layers. We want as few management layers as possible, so that executives are very close to the operations. We also don't believe in having big corporate infrastructures. Carlos Slim Helu - Companies - Management - Improving The faster we grew, the more stores we had open, the more money we made. Employees move quickly up the ranks of a company that's growing fast. Shareholders made a lot of money. If you invested $25,000 from January 1987 to January 1994, you'd have more than a million dollars. I get a lot of personal satisfaction from that. Wayne Huizenga - Growth - Employee - Money - Stocks Companies We're looking for something where we can make something happen: an industry where the competition is asleep, hasn't taken advantage. It's going to be hard to find another Blockbuster, but that doesn't mean you can't have three good companies growing. The point is, we're going to be busy. Wayne Huizenga - Growth - Companies - Competition We have bloated bureaucracies in Corporate America. The root of the problem is the absence of real corporate democracy. Carl Icahn - Politics - Management - Companies - Problems A great company in the media business needs visionary leaders, not a conglomerate structure headquartered in Columbus Circle that second guesses. Carl Icahn - Companies - Leadership With some exceptions, the wrong people are running U.S. companies. It's been that way for years, and it hasn't gotten much better. Carl Icahn - Management - Companies - Criticism The mission statement of my company, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, is to find solutions for families, especially busy moms. I'm reaching out to busy moms because that's what I am. That's what I know, and I know this woman has been underserved. Kathy Ireland - Customers - Knowledge - Help - Companies Family - Busy My job is to listen to ideas, maybe cook up a few of my own, and make decisions based on what's good for the shareholders and for the company. Philip Knight - Jobs - Decisions - Business Ideas - Companies To understand KKR, I always like to say, don't congratulate us when we buy a company. Any fool can buy a company. Congratulate us when we sell it and when we've done something with it and created real value. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Selling - Improvement In the large buy out space, which is where we (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) focus our efforts, there are relatively few firms with the

capital, experience, infrastructure and networks to compete effectively with the large complex companies that we seek to acquire. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Assets - Experience Competition Our industry expertise (at KKR) enables the firm not only to make better investment choices but also to win the confidence of senior management and sellers, which has enabled us to purchase many companies on an exclusive basis. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Selling - Experience Decisions - Investing - Management - Confidence We've got a portfolio of companies that range all the way from hotels to television stations and cable TV companies, oil and gas, consumer products, and industrial products. If there's anything that I want to know more about, I have the opportunity. It's right in our portfolio. I can spend time at the factory or with the manangement and learn as much as I want. You can't get bored doing that. Henry Kravis - Companies - Management - Opportunity Learning - Bored If you build that foundation, both the moral and the ethical foundation, as well as the business foundation, and the experience foundation, then the building won't crumble. Henry Kravis - Companies - Business Ethics - Integrity Experience The trouble, in my opinion, with corporate America today, is that everything is thought of in quarters. Henry Kravis - Companies - America - Stock Market I always took my role as a leader, and certainly chairman and CEO of a major company very seriously as to our employees and trying to create opportunities for them and create opportunities where they could even, as I said many times, could realize their God-given potential and maybe realize more potential than even they realize they had. Kenneth Lay - God - Companies - Employee - Opportunity In the model that we grew up with, governments rule physical territory in which national economies function, and strong economies support hegemonic military power. In the new model, already emerging under our noses, economic decisions don’t pay much attention to national sovereignty in a world where more than half of the one hundred or two hundred largest economic entities are not countries but companies. Amory Lovins - Politics - Economy - Government - Companies Power I think you have to learn that there's a company behind every stock, and that there's only one real reason why stocks go up. Companies go from doing poorly to doing well or small companies grow to large companies. Peter Lynch - Companies - Stocks I think the hardest thing about my job is the way Whole Foods Market views itself philosophically is that we are a business dedicated to meeting all the various stakeholders of the company's best interests. And by stakeholders we mean customers, team members, stockholders, community, and the environment. Sometimes what is in the best interest of one stakeholder may not be in the best interest of another stakeholder, and as the CEO, I have to balance the various

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] interests of the different constituencies and stakeholders to create win, win, win scenarios, and that can sometimes be very difficult to do. Everybody wants something from the CEO. John Mackey - Stocks - Customers - Business Ethics Management - Environmental - Challenges - Companies Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own. John Mackey - Business Ethics - Responsibility - Leadership Entrepreneurial - Companies Whole Foods is dedicated to helping people be healthier and live lives with more vitality and greater sense of well being. John Mackey - Life - Companies - Help Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Companies - Media - Growth Size and synergies between the different segments of the company matter. As far as we are concerned, the Internet is broadening our opportunity, as well as for other big media companies with huge resources in sports, entertainment and news. There's just more opportunity. Rupert Murdoch - Media - Internet - Company - Opportunity We're starting with our own carbon footprint. Not nothing. But much of what we're doing is already, or soon will be, little more than the standard way of doing business. We can do something that's unique, different from just any other company. We can set an example, and we can reach our audiences. Our audience's carbon footprint is 10,000 times bigger than ours. That's the carbon footprint we want to conquer. Rupert Murdoch - Carbon - Responsibility - Business - Media Influential - Encouragement - Companies Becoming carbon neutral is only the beginning. The climate problem will not be solved by one company reducing its emissions to zero, and it won't be solved by one government acting alone. The climate problem will not be solved without mass participation by the general public in countries around the globe. Rupert Murdoch - Climate Change - Responsibility - Carbon Problems - Companies - Solutions - World News Corporation, today, reaches people at home and at work... when they're thinking... when they're laughing... and when they are making choices that have enormous impact. The unique potential.. and duty.. of a media company are to help its audiences connect to the issues that define our time. Rupert Murdoch - Responsibility - Media - Influential Encouragement - Companies - Thinking - Help While we reduce our own carbon footprint we will encourage the companies who truck our DVDs and newspapers, sell us paper, and provide an enormous range of products and services.. to all contribute. Rupert Murdoch - Global Warming - Carbon - Influential Leadership - Companies - Encouragement We're not a manufacturer, or an airline, but we do use energy. Printing and publishing newspapers, producing films, broadcasting television signals, operating 24-hour newsrooms. It all adds carbon to the atmosphere.

Rupert Murdoch - Climate Change - Responsibility - Carbon Media - Companies - News If the boss is a jerk, get over it. First of all, don’t you think there’s a good chance that your boss’s boss knows what’s going on? If so, just keep your head down and do the work. Usually, if you put in maximum effort and produce excellent results, someone in the company is going to take notice. Either you will get promoted or your jerky boss will get the heave-ho. It happens all the time. Suze Orman - Jobs - Management - Hard Work - Companies We just have to go at 100 miles an hour in all our businesses, be they television broadcasting, be they magazine publishing, be they subscription television, be they online, be they gaming. We just have to go at one hundred miles an hour.. James Packer - Business Growth - Companies I'm a great believer in new technology and I think new technology is very scary for newspaper companies. James Packer - Change - Companies - Technology You can say on one hand the market is crazy but it's not 1999. People have had their medicine from overexuberance. I find it really interesting that those two businesses, Yahoo! and Google, which are just online advertising businesses, are valued at more than the media behemoths in America. James Packer - Advertising - Companies - Stock Market If you can run the company a bit more collaboratively, you get a better result, because you have more bandwidth and checking and balancing going on. Larry Page - Companies - Partnership You don't need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea. Larry Page - Companies - Ideas Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You'd be amazed how many companies don't listen to their customers. Ross Perot - Customers - Companies Successful enterprises are usually led by a proven chief executive who is a competent benevolent dictator. Richard Pratt - Companies - Leadership - Management As you get bigger, you have to learn to delegate. It’s also an excellent way to get staff involved in the company’s operations. Azim Premji - Companies - Learning - Priorities The early years were more about learning than about acting. I had to carry on my father’s work, which was a big challenge. Azim Premji - Companies - Learning - Challenges I want Wipro to be among the top ten IT companies in the world. Azim Premji - Companies - Technology - Ambition Our company was mortgaged to the hilt, and that did restrain us, and it's why we had to take in partners. Gina Rinehart - Companies - Partnership - Challenges When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company? Rene Rivkin - Stocks - Investing - Companies Technology is always evolving, and companies.. not just search

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] companies.. can't be afraid to take advantage of change. Eric Schmidt - Technology - Change - Improving - Companies We don’t have a traditional strategy process, planning process like you’d find in traditional technical companies. It allows Google to innovate very, very quickly, which I think is a real strength of the company. Eric Schmidt - Technology - Companies - Planning - Innovation Search companies, which I won't mention by name, tried to do so many things at the same time, they forgot all about search. They either missed the next revolution of search or they created an opening for a Google to enter. Eric Schmidt - Companies - Internet - Focus I grew up in a working class family where there was no health insurance. I saw first hand the fracturing of the American dream and the bitterness that comes when there is no hope and a lot of despair. So I wanted to build the company, in a sense, that my father never got a chance to work for. Howard Schultz - Employee - Family - America - Inspirational Poverty - Companies - Hope Hiring people is an art, not a science, and resumes can't tell you whether someone will fit into a company's culture. When you realize you've made a mistake, you need to cut your losses and move on. Howard Schultz - Employee - Management - Jobs - Decisions - Art - Companies - Culture - Mistakes In the 1960s, if you introduced a new product to America, 90% of the people who viewed it for the first time believed in the corporate promise. Then 40 years later if you performed the same exercise less than 10% of the public believed it was true. The fracturing of trust is based on the fact that the consumer has been let down. Howard Schultz - Lies - Truth - Trust - Customers - Companies Products - America Participant (Productions) is the only production company in town that has a double bottom line: social good plus financial returns. It's too early to tell how our returns are going to look though all signs are promising - but social good is what we're really after. Jeff Skoll - Media - Profits - Companies - Business Ethics - Social Earnings Globalization has gone wrong, as it has no rules. Multinationals are almost above the law. They are so huge they are bigger than governments. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Business - Companies If we are not careful, capitalism will self-destruct. We will destroy it as the companies have no conscience and do not really compete. They are so big they can't go broke, so they simply acquire everything. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Growth - Companies This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as the cost of a barrel of crude is a whopping $44.34. Wow, it seems shocking that a product of finite supply gets more expensive the more we use it. Now the terror alert means higher oil prices, which oddly enough means higher profits for oil companies giving them more money to give to politicians whose policies may favor the oil companies such as

raising the terror alert level. As Simba once told us: "It's the circle of life." Jon Stewart - Politicians - Profits - Products - Companies The fact of the matter is that today, stuff-selling megacorporations have a huge influence on our daily lives. And because of the competitive nature of our global economy, these corporations are generally only concerned with one thing.. the bottom line. That is, maximizing profit, regardless of the social or environmental costs. David Suzuki - Companies - Profits - Products - Business Ethics Social - Earnings - Influential - Environmental - Consumer My dream was actually just to have a computer some day. If I'd imagined that it meant starting a company to sell them, I probably would have avoided the whole thing. Steve Wozniak - Dreams - Computers - Companies Just by being private, the culture will change. We won't be forced to make decisions that are 90 days in relevance. Sam Zell - Companies - Culture - Change - Decisions When all is said and done, what must be remembered is a newspaper is a business. It used to be a fabulous business that made extraordinary margins. It's now a very good business with appropriate margins. Sam Zell - Companies - News - Business - Media - Profits Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company. Zig Ziglar - Employee - Interesting - Jobs - Companies Many companies have long contended that stress in the home causes productivity loss in the market place.. and it does. But research now reveals that stress on the job causes stress at home. In other words, they feed off each other. Zig Ziglar - Employee - Jobs - Stress - Companies Competitive Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Competition, being competitive and competing. If you're attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn't, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income. Jay Abraham - Marketing - Competition - Success New Yorkers are predatory about real estate. When they sense softening, they move in for the kill. Anderson Cooper - Real Estate - Competition - America I have always loved the competitive forces in this business. You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, "Hey, we can do better than this. How come we are not out ahead on that?" Thats what keeps my job one of the most interesting in the world. Bill Gates - Internet - Innovative - Improvement - Competition Encouragement Competition is always a fantastic thing, and the computer industry is intensely competitive. Whether it's Google or Apple or free software, we've got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes. Bill Gates - Technology - Competition

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They might be a good friend, but they are also a bitter commercial rival. Let’s not kid ourselves.. The American wheat industry has done everything it possibly can to criticize the Australian wheat industry in order to take the Iraqi wheat market from us. John Howard - America - Competition - Friendship - Australia Our philosophy has been to be fiscally conservative, so we can be operationally aggressive. We're not using borrowed money to grow. So we'll put up a store just to get there before the competition. If it doesn't work, we'll close it and lose a little equity. It won't kill us. Wayne Huizenga - Growth - Money - Competition We're looking for something where we can make something happen: an industry where the competition is asleep, hasn't taken advantage. It's going to be hard to find another Blockbuster, but that doesn't mean you can't have three good companies growing. The point is, we're going to be busy. Wayne Huizenga - Growth - Companies - Competition

kick boxing. Emo Philips - Funny - Competition - Computers If you know your strength it never becomes a weakness. If the market knows your strength then it becomes a weakness. Shailendra Singh - Strength - Weakness - Competition Knowledge The pace at eBay was frantic and urgent. We knew that if we didn't move fast, somebody would come into the market and quash us. Participant doesn't make a lot of sense from a financial investment perspective, so it's unlikely that other people will be approaching the business in the same way. So you see less urgency; you see a thoroughness and willingness to spend extra time to get things right. Which I think is really important. Jeff Skoll - Competition - Finance - Business - Important Marx was right when he said capitalism would destroy itself as capitalist would eat capitalist until they became so big they could not compete. Dick Smith - Capitalism - Growth - Competition

I just feel that my competitive drive is far greater than anyone else that I’ve met, and I think that I thrive on that. Michael Jordan - Competitive - Great - Motivational

An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. Jack Welch - Action - Learning - Competition

In the large buy out space, which is where we (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) focus our efforts, there are relatively few firms with the capital, experience, infrastructure and networks to compete effectively with the large complex companies that we seek to acquire. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Assets - Experience Competition

I can't deny that Jerry Springer supposedly beating us didn't affect me. There was a point where I felt like, Golly, you work so hard, you try so hard and the people say they want meaningful television and then Jerry Springer ends up beating you. It was disturbing. Oprah Winfrey - Work - Competition -

Bill Maher and I are on against each other, and we're friends. He can do my show any time he wants, and I've done Politically Incorrect several times. There's no reason to think competition has to be adversarial. Jay Leno - Competition - Friends - Political Banks and other providers of credit to households have been competing vigorously to expand or protect their market share. In the process, lending standards have been progressively eroded so that lenders are now engaging in practices that would have been regarded as out of the question five or ten years ago. Ian Macfarlane - Banks - Competition - Risk - Growth You've got to look for a gap, where competitors in a market have grown lazy and lost contact with the readers or the viewers. Rupert Murdoch - Growth - Competition - Lazy - Customers As with all politically lead governments, foreign investment is the slowest in the media section. Politicians are somewhat paranoid about the media but we still think it’s worthwhile. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Media - Government - Competition Investments I wasn't running toward the theater but running away from the sporting goods store. Of course now that I'm selling spaghetti sauce (with Newman's Own), I begin to understand the romance of business.. the allure of being the biggest fish in the pond and the juice you get from beating out your competitors. Paul Newman - Career - Selling - Business - Competition A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at

This is a business that thrives on competition (Casino Resorts). For 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the strip hosts the most violent competition in business in America. Steve Wynn - Competition - Business On the outside, Yahoo is a fun and irreverent place, but on the inside we are extremely competitive. Jerry Yang - Competition - Fun Confidence Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Confidence, being a confident person, and acting confidently. People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you've figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence. Jack Canfield - Confident - Questions - People The kind of commitment I find among the best performers across virtually every field is a single-minded passion for what they do, an unwavering desire for excellence in the way they think and the way they work. Genuine confidence is what launches you out of bed in the morning, and through your day with a spring in your step. Jim Collins - Commitment - Passion - Confidence - Motivational Thinking - Work Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it. Felix Dennis - Rich - Optimistic - Positive - Confidence -

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Determination - Motivational - Belief You have to pretend you're 100 percent sure. You have to take action; you can't hesitate or hedge your bets. Anything less will condemn your efforts to failure. Andrew Grove - Failure - Action - Confidence I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga - Problems - Challenges - Confidence Partnership Our industry expertise (at KKR) enables the firm not only to make better investment choices but also to win the confidence of senior management and sellers, which has enabled us to purchase many companies on an exclusive basis. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Selling - Experience Decisions - Investing - Management - Confidence When everyone feels that risks are at their minimum, overconfidence can take over and elementary precautions start to get watered down. Ian Macfarlane - Risk - Confidence It's like my mother says: I have a gift of the words. Maybe I'm charming. But it is a gift. I have seven brothers, and they're introverts. I'm an extrovert. I love people. Mr T - Optimistic - Confidence A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. Brian Tracy - Goals - Planning - Power - Confidence When you allow yourself to begin to dream big dreams, creatively abandon the activities that are taking up too much of your time, and focus your inward energies on alleviating your main constraints, you start to feel an incredible sense of power and confidence. Brian Tracy - Confidence - Planning - Power - Time - Focus Confidence can get you where you want to go, and getting there is a daily process. It’s so much easier when you feel good about yourself, your abilities and talents. Donald Trump - Confidence - Skills - Action Even if you haven’t encountered great success yet, there is no reason you can’t bluff a little and act like you have. Confidence is a magnet in the best sense of the word. It will draw people to you and make your daily life.. and theirs.. a lot more pleasant. Donald Trump - Confidence - Success - Self Help The old saying that “success breeds success” has something to it. It's that feeling of confidence that can banish negativity and procrastination and get you going the right way. Donald Trump - Success - Negative - Focus - Confidence Procrastination

admit one's errors. It not only clears up the air of guilt and defensiveness, but often helps solve the problem created by the error. Dale Carnegie - Courage - Solutions - Problems - Mistakes Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. Albert Einstein - True - Great - Challenges - Spirit Understanding - Opinions - Courage Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. Helen Keller - Courage - Life - Risk - Encouragement You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. Abraham Lincoln - Encouragement - Freedom I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela - Challenges - Inspirational - Learning - Courage - Fear - Brave An act of heroism, of extraordinary courage, the grandeur of it, won't easily inspire us to act in imitation, but it can inspire us to emulate its author. For that, we should learn what we can of the whole experience of the subject, the hero's life, as it was before and after, and believe that trying to emulate the character it reveals is one tried way to prepare for the tests that might await us and gain hope that our courage will not be wanting in the moment. John McCain - Action - Inspiration - Politician - Courage We are taught to understand, correctly, that courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for action despite our fears. John McCain - Courage - Action - Fear Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. J. K. Rowling - Optimistic - Courage Criticism Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Criticism, being criticized, critics, and to be critical. Sandwich every bit of criticism between two thick layers of praise. Mary Kay Ash - Optimistic - Leadership - Criticism Look at them, Smithers. Goldbrickers.. Layabouts.. Slug-a-beds! Little do they realise their days of suckling at my teat are numbered Monty Burns - Work - Criticism - Jobs - Laziness

Courage Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Courage, being courageous, and how to use your courage inspite of your fears.

I would like to thank all you Canadians for your warm welcome at the airport. Especially those of you who waved... with all 5 fingers. George Bush - Funny - Criticism

There is a certain degree of satisfaction in having the courage to

The resentment that criticism engenders can demoralize

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] employees, family members and friends, and still not correct the situation that has been condemned. Dale Carnegie - Criticism - Employee - Family Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain.. and most fools do. Dale Carnegie - Criticism It is now 14 years since I first suggested that organic farming might have some benefits and ought to be taken seriously. I shall never forget the vehemence of the reaction.. much of it coming from the sort of people who regard agriculture as an industrial process, with production as the sole yardstick of success. Prince Charles - Criticism - Farming - Food - Organic - Success I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration. Hillary Rodham Clinton - America - Encouragement - Criticism I welcome opposing viewpoints, but I should warn you that you'll be facing off against the 2nd-place finisher at the 1981 Charleston County High-School Debate Tournament. And whatever became of that county champ who argued in favor of tractor safety modifications? Last time I checked, she didn't have her own show. Stephen Colbert - Funny - Criticism I've stopped caring about skeptics, but if they libel or defame me they will end up in court. Uri Geller - Famous - Criticism The Prime Minister seems now to be basing his re-election campaign on this plot line. He is saying to the Australian people, look out, the baddies behind you - hiss, boo and whatever you do, don’t vote Labor. This political parody of pantomime is looking and sounding desperate. Julia Gillard - Criticism - Australia - Politics We've got the most prosperous culture in human history and we've also got the biggest spiritual hole in human history. People are saying, "I can't fill the hole with money. I can't fill it with alcohol, or drugs, or sex, so what do I need to fill it with?" Mark Victor Hansen - Life - Criticism - Money With some exceptions, the wrong people are running U.S. companies. It's been that way for years, and it hasn't gotten much better. Carl Icahn - Management - Companies - Criticism It was quite tough, not many opportunities. I remember in primary school, one of my teachers said, "As for you young man, you haven't got much of a future." John Ilhan - Criticism - Opportunity - Challenges Don't let anyone say you can't do it. John Ilhan - Criticism - Challenges If you're a car salesman, and someone says "This is a terrible car, I'm not buying it," it doesn't mean they hate you. They just don't like your product. I think that's a mistake a lot of people in show business make.. they're so tied to their act they take everything personally. Jay Leno - Selling - Products - Criticism - Mistakes

Reviews for someone like me come in three packages. One is justifiable praise, the second is justifiable criticism, and the third is, "This is only published because he’s a celebrity." Steve Martin - Famous - Criticism - Book - Praise I'm 48. For a while after 'The Jerk' (movie) I had a feeling of failure. I was a little scared. First people discover you and they love you. You get big and then you fail. And people are glad that you fail. But I've always come back and I've started to trust myself. Steve Martin - Famous - Criticism - Failure - Trust I think the biggest frustration about reviews is when they criticize your best bit. And then you go, “What the ****?” I remember when I was a comedian, I’d get a bad review and they’d always fail to say that the audience was dying laughing. Steve Martin - Criticism - Funny - Best - Frustration These b**tards who run our country are a bunch of conniving, thieving, smug pricks who need to be brought down and removed and replaced with a whole new system that we control. Michael Moore - America - Politicians - Criticism - Government The self-anointed media elite among us believe, somewhat selfservingly, that not only the act, or process of making a profit is positively sinister, but also that the very desire to do so is. Lachlan Murdoch - Media - Belief - Profits - Criticism If you don't have enemies, you don't have character. Paul Newman - Criticism - Challenges Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Chinese Proverbs - Solutions - Criticism Mr Howard's problem is for so long he's been a climate change sceptic, how can he, therefore, put himself to the country as part of a climate change solution for the future. Kevin Rudd - Australia - Politicians - Criticism - Problems Climate Change - Solutions We want a national emissions trading scheme, the Government does not and has rejected one for years. We want to boost the mandatory renewable energies target, the Government has failed to do that. We want a national demand side management strategy for the country to reduce electricity consumption and the Government, up until now, has done very little on that score. Kevin Rudd - Australia - Criticism - Environment - Government Energy - Global Warming I just don't really get into all that sort of personal negative stuff. My job is to outline some positive plans for the country's future and perhaps Mr. Howard and the Government don't like the fact that I'm putting out some positive alternatives. What's their preference.. for me to be a negative carping opposition leader? Kevin Rudd - Australia - Politicians - Criticism - Government Negative - Positive - Planning The art critics on some of Britain's newspapers could as easily have been assigned gardening or travel, and been cheerfully employed for life. Charles Saatchi - Criticism - Employee If you can't take a good kicking, you shouldn't parade how much luckier you are than other people. Charles Saatchi - Criticism - Luck - People

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I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism. Charles Schwab - Management - Leadership - Work - Criticism When I was on my way to the podium a gentleman stopped me and said I was as good a politician as I was an actor. What a cheap shot. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Fun - Politicians - Criticism Donald Rumsfeld. Love him or hate him, you've gotta admit: a lot of people hate him. Jon Stewart - Politicians - Funny - Love - Criticism No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work. Mother Teresa - Work - Criticism - Encouragement I’m not nearly the saint some of my fans imagine and I’m nowhere near the devil my detractors wish, so you simply take both of those with a grain of salt. Ken Wilber - Critics Deals Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Deals, business dealing, making good deals, and famous deal makers. I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well. Alan Greenspan - Success - Truth - Profits - Partnership I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga - Problems - Challenges - Confidence Partnership Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated. Nelson Mandela - Freedom - Negotiation - Deals I don't mind paying people more for something if we're getting more. But just to change a deal because you're greedy and you want more? No. I'm not gonna go along with that. Vince McMahon - Work - Greed We don't have much in the way of a business strategy. Like no business plan. Which I say to torment all my friends who are VCs or MBAs. That's always entertaining. The deal is, it's a mixture of luck and persistence. Craig Newmark - Persistence - Strategies - Planning - Luck Deals A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship. John D. Rockefeller - Business - Partnership Ethics or simple honesty is the building blocks upon which our whole society is based, and business is a part of our society, and it's integral to the practice of being able to conduct business,

that you have a set of honest standards. And it's much easier to do business with someone when you look them in the eye and say, "This is what we're going to do," and you understand what you each mean, and you can go away and get it done. Kerry Stokes - Business - Social - Business Ethics - Trust - Deals People get caught up in wonderful, eye-catching pitches, but they don't do enough to close the deal. It's no good if you don't make the sale. Even if your foot is in the door or you bring someone into a conference room, you don't win the deal unless you actually get them to sign on the dotted line. Donald Trump - Selling - Winning When I started out in business, I spent a great deal of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making. I still do the same today. People often comment on how quickly I operate, but the reason I can move quickly is that I’ve done the background work first, which no one usually sees. I prepare myself thoroughly, and then when it is time to move ahead, I am ready to sprint. Donald Trump - Business - Work - Research - Planning Believe in yourself.. in all you can do.. and for you, the deals will start to work in your favor. You need to be open to such deals, and they will come, I assure you. Ivana Trump - Work - Belief - Deals Decision Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Decisions, deciding to do things, and comments on decisions made. Money is one of the most important subjects of your entire life. Some of life's greatest enjoyments and most of life's greatest disappointments stem from your decisions about money. Whether you experience great peace of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control. Robert G Allen - Money - Life - Decisions I made a conscious decision to earn enough to be able to choose my husband rather than not have a career and marry someone who would have to earn enough for us both to live on. Sarah Beeny - Money - Decisions - Earnings - Relationships Career The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes. Tony Blair - Leadership - Decisions My job is a job to make decisions. I'm a decision.. if the job description were, what do you do.. it's decision maker. George Bushism - Jobs - Decisions - Stupid - Leadership President We believe ranchers and farmers and family business owners can make better decisions about the future than the government can. George Bush - Politics - Belief - Government - Taxes - Farming Decisions There are only two words that will always lead you to success. Those words are yes and no. Undoubtedly, you’ve mastered saying yes. So start practicing saying no. Your goals depend on it! Jack Canfield - Goals - Success - Decisions Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle. Jack Canfield - Success - Goals - Feelings - Decisions - Focus Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline. Jim Collins - Great - Discipline - Decisions I think the most important CEO task is defining the course that the business will take over the next five or so years. You have to have the ability to see what the business environment might be like a long way out, not just over the coming months. You need to be able to both set a broad direction, and also to take particular decisions along the way that make that broad direction unfold correctly. Chris Corrigan - Management - Decisions - Business - Planning You know in politics you are dealing in the realm of choices. You don't always have clear-cut decision between a thoroughly principled position and a thoroughly unprincipled one. You're making snap decisions with paucity of information, generally trying to do the best that you can, but you will make errors, and sometimes it's a decision between a bad and a worse alternative. It has to be done, because we need to order our society, and of politics it can literally be said: Bad job, but someone's got to do it. Peter Costello - Decisions - Social - Politics - Jobs I'm convinced that we can write and live our own scripts more than most people will acknowledge. I also know the price that must be paid. It's a real struggle to do it. It requires visualization and affirmation. It involves living a life of integrity, starting with making and keeping promises, until the whole human personality the senses, the thinking, the feeling, and the intuition are ultimately integrated and harmonized. Stephen Covey - Commitment - Decisions - Goals - Life - Self Help We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals. Stephen Covey - Life - Self Help - Decisions We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. Stephen Covey - Change - Life - Responsibility - Decisions Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. Peter Drucker - Decisions - Skill Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake. Peter Drucker - Decisions - Mistakes - Management Checking the results of a decision against its expectations shows executives what their strengths are, where they need to improve, and where they lack knowledge or information. Peter Drucker - Leadership - Strength - Management - Decisions I am brave, but I take a view. It is an educated view. I am careful. I am not reckless. Philip Green - Decisions - Intelligent

Because I'm thinking in a broader way, I feel like I am able to make better decisions. Takafumi Horie - Thinking - Decisions If I am wrong and you are right then the democratic process of the Australian community will vindicate you and condemn me. John Howard - Politicians - Decisions - Australia Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Aldous Huxley - Decisions - Responsibility What is it that you like doing? If you don’t like it, get out of it, because you’ll be lousy at it. You don’t have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don’t like it you’ll never be successful in it. Lee Iacocca - Jobs - Life - Successful - Decisions - Passions My job is to listen to ideas, maybe cook up a few of my own, and make decisions based on what's good for the shareholders and for the company. Philip Knight - Jobs - Decisions - Business Ideas - Companies Our industry expertise (at KKR) enables the firm not only to make better investment choices but also to win the confidence of senior management and sellers, which has enabled us to purchase many companies on an exclusive basis. Henry Kravis - Companies - Buying - Selling - Experience Decisions - Investing - Management - Confidence I became a vegan and at the same time I realized, gosh, Whole Foods has got to create a higher standard here. I think it will ultimately be a good business decision because I think our customers expect us, want us to pave this path. John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics Responsibility - Decisions You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety. Abraham Maslow - Growth - Decisions - Encouragement Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right. Dr Phil - Decisions - Encouraging Today, whether it is a student who holds a sit-in to get the army recruiters off his campus, or the mother of a dead soldier who refuses to leave the front gate of the president's ranch, we continue to be saved by brave people who risk ridicule and rejection but end up turning huge tides of public opinion in the direction of righteousness. We owe them enormous debts of gratitude. It is not easy to stand up for what is right, especially when everyone else is afraid to leave the comfortable path of conformity. Michael Moore - Influential - Decisions - Encouragement President - Gratitude - Action If you took our top fifteen decisions out, we’d have a pretty average record. It wasn’t hyperactivity, but a hell of a lot of patience. You stuck to your principles and when opportunities came along, you pounced on them with vigor Charlie Munger - Investing - Best - Decisions - Opportunity You can't build a strong corporation with a lot of committees and a board that has to be consulted every turn. You have to be able to make decisions on your own.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Rupert Murdoch - Strength - Decisions There is no discussion inside this boardroom to say we've got to get into this or that. We look at every growth opportunity on its merits. James Packer - Growth - Decisions - Opportunity Character is one factor that will guide all our actions and decisions. We invested in uncompromising integrity that helped us take difficult stands in some of the most difficult business situations. Azim Premji - Truth - Decisions - Actions - Challenges We need to make a game out of earning money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited. Bob Proctor - Earnings - Money - Good - Decisions - Poverty Russia has made its choice in favor of democracy. Fourteen years ago, independently, without any pressure from outside, it made that decision in the interests of itself and interests of its people.. of its citizens. This is our final choice, and we have no way back. There can be no return to what we used to have before. Vladimir Putin - Society - Russia - Democracy - History Decisions I listen to my daughter. I listen to Paula, but I make the decisions. The decision to say goodbye to Cruise was mine. Sumner Redstone - Decisions - Advice We all have to decide how we are going to fail.. by not going far enough or by going too far. Sumner Redstone - Decisions - Challenges - Risk - Failure Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Anthony Robbins - Decisions - Action Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. Anthony Robbins - Decisions - Change Nobody can give you advice after you've been collecting for a while. If you don't enjoy making your own decisions, you're never going to be much of a collector anyway. Charles Saatchi - Art Collecting - Investing - Decisions Hiring people is an art, not a science, and resumes can't tell you whether someone will fit into a company's culture. When you realize you've made a mistake, you need to cut your losses and move on. Howard Schultz - Employee - Management - Jobs - Decisions - Art - Companies - Culture - Mistakes Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action. Jose Silva - Action - Decisions - Success Finding your purpose may be a lifelong pursuit or you may have discovered it when you were 5 years old. There’s no absolute timeline for anyone. That’s a good reason never to give up, to keep on discovering things every day. Donald Trump - Decisions - Life

I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it's time America was run like a business. Donald Trump - Accounting - Business - Decisions Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have. Oprah Winfrey - Decisions - Power - Action It's much easier for me to make major life, multi-million dollar decisions, than it is to decide on a carpet for my front porch. That's the truth. Oprah Winfrey - Life - Decisions - Money One of the biggest lessons I've learned recently is that when you don't know what to do, you should do nothing until you figure out what to do because a lot of times you feel like you are pressed against the wall, and you've got to make a decision. You never have to do anything. Don't know what to do? Do nothing. Oprah Winfrey - Decisions - Learning - Action Just by being private, the culture will change. We won't be forced to make decisions that are 90 days in relevance. Sam Zell - Companies - Culture - Change - Decisions In my case, if one out of five opportunities is interesting enough to work on, maybe one in five of those ends up being worth doing. That might be a function of risk. That might be a function of price. There are all the variables. But you have to be constantly sorting and choosing and prioritizing. Sam Zell - Decisions - Opportunity - Interested - Risk - Buying Determination Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Determination, learning to be determined, and to determine facts. I swore I was going to exclusively collect assets and not liabilities for the rest of my life. I swore never to take gambles I couldn’t back up, or that I couldn’t afford to lose. And, I’ve stuck with that ever since. Tim Blixseth - Assets - Loss - Investing - Determination - Life I find myself born into this particular position. I'm determined to make the most of it. And to do whatever I can to help. And I hope I leave things behind a little bit better than I found them. Prince Charles - Power - Determination - Help You would have to say of John Howard's government that he has tended to go after things with a fair degree of determination, and I would have thought.. I don't see any reason why that should suddenly disappear now that he has control of both houses. Chris Corrigan - Government - Determination - Power Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it. Felix Dennis - Rich - Optimistic - Positive - Confidence Determination - Motivational - Belief What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. Wayne Dyer - Goals - Change - Self Control

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self. Albert Einstein - Values - True - Determination - People - Self Control - Freedom Along with a strong belief in your own inner voice, you also need laser-like focus combined with unwavering determination. Larry Flynt - Instinct - Belief - Self Control There are many who still do not believe that global warming is a problem at all. And it's no wonder: because they are the targets of a massive and well-organized campaign of disinformation lavishly funded by polluters who are determined to prevent any action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming out of a fear that their profits might be affected if they had to stop dumping so much pollution into the atmosphere. Al Gore - Environmental - Profits - Problems - Fear Determination I will be fighting every minute of every day of the campaign because I am determined to win and I think it's important that we have a strong experienced Government that knows it's own mind in these more difficult times. John Howard - Determination - Winning - Government - Strength Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Vince Lombardi - Winning - Habits - Losing - Determination Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. Vince Lombardi - Determination - Leadership - Achievement Goals - Hard Work The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. Vince Lombardi - Losing - Determination - Hard Work - Success Winning It's easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you're a winner, when you're number one. What you've got to have is faith and discipline when you're not yet a winner. Vince Lombardi - Winning - Determination - Goals - Optimistic Commitment - Discipline The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Nelson Mandela - Inspirational - Great - Challenges Determination When I hear bad news I look at it as another leadership test that will determine how successful Go Daddy will become. So I no longer dread it. Instead, I enjoy the game of finding the very best way to deal with it, and take great satisfaction in having a hand in resolving the issues that come my way. Bob Parsons - Problems - Solutions - Leadership - Successful My friends thought I was crazy, that I should wait until I was dead. But I was determined. It is easy to promise but action is different.

Sakip Sabanci - Action - Commitment - Ambition I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know. Colonel Sanders - Hard Work - Determination - Money - Winning - Best I knew I was going to be a journalist, and that was it.. full stop. Suzy Welch - Journalism - Determination Donald Trump Biography : Billionaire Real Estate Developer Famous for : Being a billionaire, Reality show "The Apprentice", and the term "You're fired!" Trump details : Born - USA June 14, 1946 Lives - USA More Information : Donald Trump Biography - Donald Trump Books - Trump University - Ivanka Trump - Ivana Trump Quotes I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. Donald Trump - Goals - Thinking I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. Perhaps it's time America was run like a business. Donald Trump - Accounting - Business - Decisions You can't know it all. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience, there is simply no way to acquire all the wisdom you need to make your business thrive. Donald Trump - Learning - Business - Knowledge Watch, listen, and learn. You can't know it all yourself.. anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity. Donald Trump - Learning - Business One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government. Donald Trump - Politicians - Problems Well, yes, I've fired a lot of people. Generally I like other people to fire, because it's always a lousy task. But I have fired many people. Donald Trump - Management - Work I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. "You're fired" is a very strong term. Donald Trump - Management It's tangible, it's solid, it's beautiful. It's artistic, from my standpoint, and I just love real estate. Donald Trump - Real Estate Well, real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned. Donald Trump - Real Estate - Investing Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken. Donald Trump - Life – People get caught up in wonderful, eye-catching pitches, but they don't do enough to close the deal. It's no good if you don't make the sale. Even if your foot is in the door or you bring someone into a conference room, you don't win the deal unless you

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] actually get them to sign on the dotted line. Donald Trump - Selling - Winning In business, I’ve discovered that my purpose is to do my best to my utmost ability every day. That’s my standard. I learned early in my life that I had high standards. Donald Trump - Business - Life I’m a busy guy but I set aside quiet time every morning and every evening to keep my equilibrium centered on my own path. I don’t like being swayed by anything that might be negative or damaging. Donald Trump - Negative - Planning - Self Control Every day, you'll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it's a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that's when you reap the biggest rewards. Donald Trump - Business - Real Estate - Opportunity - Risk I've always told people that to be successful you have to enjoy what you're doing and right now I really enjoy what I'm doing. I'm having too much fun with my life. Why would I want to do something else? Why would I want to run for governor? Donald Trump - Success - Enjoyment - Life It's always interesting to watch people who have been incredibly successful in their own businesses work in a group made up of equally strong personalities. It takes a special kind of leader who can effectively manage a team of veritable strangers and find the best way to get strong, winning performances from them. Donald Trump - Success - Interesting - Leadership - Winning Leaders are people who can discern the inevitable and act accordingly. When people talk about business acumen, discernment is a big part of it. It’s a bit like gut instinct, but a little more developed. Donald Trump - Business - Leadership - Instinct Take the pains required to become what you want to become, or you might end up becoming something you’d rather not be. That is also a daily discipline and worth considering. Donald Trump - Goals - Focus What matters is where you want to go. Focus in the right direction! Donald Trump - Goals - Focus The old saying that “success breeds success” has something to it. It's that feeling of confidence that can banish negativity and procrastination and get you going the right way. Donald Trump - Success - Negative - Focus - Confidence Procrastination Confidence can get you where you want to go, and getting there is a daily process. It’s so much easier when you feel good about yourself, your abilities and talents. Donald Trump - Confidence - Skills - Action Even if you haven’t encountered great success yet, there is no reason you can’t bluff a little and act like you have. Confidence is a magnet in the best sense of the word. It will draw people to you and make your daily life.. and theirs.. a lot more pleasant. Donald Trump - Confidence - Success - Self Help

The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That’s what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own. Donald Trump - Thinking - Negative - People Ever notice how your senses are heightened when you are in challenging situations? You're experiencing an adrenaline rush that gives you extra energy. If you see every day as a challenge, you’d be surprised how efficient you can become, and how much can be accomplished. Donald Trump - Challenges - Motivational - Interesting Finding your purpose may be a lifelong pursuit or you may have discovered it when you were 5 years old. There’s no absolute timeline for anyone. That’s a good reason never to give up, to keep on discovering things every day. Donald Trump - Decisions - Life When I started out in business, I spent a great deal of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making. I still do the same today. People often comment on how quickly I operate, but the reason I can move quickly is that I’ve done the background work first, which no one usually sees. I prepare myself thoroughly, and then when it is time to move ahead, I am ready to sprint. Donald Trump - Business - Work - Research - Planning Thoreau said: “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” That is not only an encouraging statement, it is also an empowering one. It means you can accomplish a lot by applying your brainpower and then moving forward with it. Donald Trump - Encouragement - Improvement - Power When employees and employers, even coworkers, have a commitment to one another, everyone benefits. I have people who have been in business with me for decades. I reward their loyalty to the organization and to me. I know that they'll always be dedicated to what we're trying to accomplish. Donald Trump - Business - Employee - Commitment If you really want to succeed, you’ll have to go for it every day like I do. The big time isn’t for slackers. Keep up your mental stamina and remain curious. I think that bored people are unintelligent people. Donald Trump - Success - Laziness - Intelligent Business is full of complexities. That’s what makes it so interesting. Anyone who thinks it’s boring hasn’t given it much thought. Donald Trump - Business - Interesting Encouragement Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Encouragement, being encouraging and how to encourage others. Despite the immense challenges that we have faced and continue to face, we refuse to indulge in negativity or pessimism. We are an organization that believes in empowering people to be their best. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Arab - Power - Encouragement - Belief -

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Challenges - Negative - Best As long as we place millions of Indians at the canter of our thought process, as long as we think of their welfare, their future, their opportunities for self realization we are on the right track. For India can grow, prosper, flourish only if they grow, prosper, flourish. We cannot grow by any esoteric strategies. Our purchasing power, our economic strength, our marketplace all depends on the prosperity of our people. Mukesh Ambani - Growth - Change - Economy - Encouragement America is an idea, but it's an idea that brings with it some baggage, like power brings responsibility. It's an idea that brings with it equality, but equality even though it's the highest calling, is the hardest to reach. The idea that anything is possible, that's one of the reasons why I'm a fan of America. It's like hey, look there's the moon up there, let's take a walk on it, bring back a piece of it. That's the kind of America that I'm a fan of. Bono - Action - America - Ideas - Responsible - Power Encouragement I'm tired of dreaming. I'm into doing at the moment. It's, like, let's only have goals that we can go after. Bono - Action - Encouragement - Now - Goals The world is more malleable than you think and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape. Bono - Action - Encouragement - World Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them. Rhonda Byrne - Thinking - Mind - Life - Attraction - Gratitude Encouragement Business is recognizing the role it can play in combatting climate change. Thank God, is all I can say, for there is a desperately urgent need for business to play that role. Your lobbying influence can be substantial, but together, united and in large enough numbers it could prove decisive in turning the tide. Prince Charles - Environment - Power - Encouragement - Climate Change - Business - Influential - God Never give in.. never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force.. never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill - Strength - Challenges - Encouragement War We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender! Winston Churchill - Strength - Challenges - Encouragement War If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through. How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things? George Clason - Commitment - Goals - Encouragement Part of our essential humanity is paying respect to what God

gave us and what will be here a long time after we're gone. Bill Clinton - Responsibility - Encouragement Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. Bill Clinton - Responsibility - Encouragement - Motivational The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Challenges - Change - Responsibility America - Encouragement I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration. Hillary Rodham Clinton - America - Encouragement - Criticism Complacency with our traditional judgement based thinking methods is not enough. Our existing thinking habits are excellent just as the rear wheel of a motor car is excellent but not enough. We need to put far more emphasis on creative and design thinking. Judgement and analysis are not enough. Edward de Bono - Thinking - Change - Encouragement The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich.. Felix Dennis - Rich - Money - Inspirational - Encouragement Education - Mistakes - Poverty America has the potential for the greatest economic boom and spiritual renewal in our history. But we're being held back by Washington politics as usual. It's time we move forward. Steve Forbes - Politicians - Economic - Spiritual - Encouragement I have always loved the competitive forces in this business. You know I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, "Hey, we can do better than this. How come we are not out ahead on that?" Thats what keeps my job one of the most interesting in the world. Bill Gates - Internet - Innovative - Improvement - Competition Encouragement I drive a hybrid. Tipper and I got a Lexus hybrid. And we have a couple of Priuses in the family with our children. And I encourage people to make environmentally conscious choices because we all have to solve this climate crisis. Al Gore - Environmental - Crisis - Solutions - Encouragement One of my goals is to inspire people to be all that they can be and, hopefully, be a good example and teach some useful, interesting principles. Perhaps I can be the key that turns on the engine in their life, and then they can take their car where they want. Mark Victor Hansen - Life - Goals - Inspirational Encouragement Perhaps my most important goal is to create a million millionaires. Mark Victor Hansen - Goals - Encouragement

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I do believe that it is extremely important that each one of us is a participant in life and what's going on around us rather than being a spectator to it and if you do that, if you participate in the world, in your community, your school, your company, or your country, whatever.. they you will be useful and hopefully leave the planet a little better. Janet Holmes a Court - Environmental - Life - Encouragement The company was quite hierarchical. I often think it was like a pyramid with Robert (husband Robert Holmes à Court) at the top and lots of us paying homage to him. I try to turn the pyramid upside down so that I'm at the bottom and bubbling away and encouraging people and energising them so that they are all empowered so that they can do what they need to do, now that's the dream. Janet Holmes a Court - Encouragement - Leadership - Employees I just know that there are a lot of people out there who are younger than I am, and I wish to be a role model for them. If they have a dream, I want to help them keep that motivation high, so that they can realize their dream. I want to show people that they CAN have fun in life. Takafumi Horie - Motivational - Help - Encouraging I'm not a banner. I am an encourager and a persuader and an advocate. John Howard - Encouragement - Leadership Long shots do come in and hard work, dedication and perseverance will overcome almost any prejudice and open almost any door. John H. Johnson - Work - Encouragement - Commitment Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. Helen Keller - Courage - Life - Risk - Encouragement A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships. Helen Keller - Life - Encouragement - Happiness - Challenges It was my teacher's genius, her quick sympathy, her loving tact which made the first years of my education so beautiful. It was because she seized the right moment to impart knowledge that made it so pleasant and acceptable to me. Helen Keller - Encouragement - Knowledge - Learning If I regarded my life from the point of view of the pessimist, I should be undone. I should seek in vain for the light that does not visit my eyes and the music that does not ring in my ears. I should beg night and day and never be satisfied. I should sit apart in awful solitude, a prey to fear and despair. But since I consider it a duty to myself and to others to be happy, I escape a misery worse than any physical deprivation. Helen Keller - Life - Encouragement - Happiness - Challenges Optimistic And so, my fellow Americans.. Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy - Action - America - Questions - Encouragement The New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises.. it is a

set of challenges. It sums up not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. John F. Kennedy - Encouragement - America - Challenges When you're a self-made man you start very early in life. In my case it was at nine years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that's a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited. Kirk Kerkorian - Motivational - Family - Ambition Encouragement - Strength We had the same doomsday people when we were building the MGM Grand, same people, same doomsday. You have to ask a lot of questions and listen to people, but eventually, you have to go by your own instincts. Kirk Kerkorian - Encouragement - Negative - Instinct - Questions You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. Abraham Lincoln - Encouragement - Freedom You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety. Abraham Maslow - Growth - Decisions - Encouragement I have learned the novice can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is not to be afraid of making mistakes, or of appearing naive. Abraham Maslow - Management - Learning - Fear - Mistakes Encouragement Today, whether it is a student who holds a sit-in to get the army recruiters off his campus, or the mother of a dead soldier who refuses to leave the front gate of the president's ranch, we continue to be saved by brave people who risk ridicule and rejection but end up turning huge tides of public opinion in the direction of righteousness. We owe them enormous debts of gratitude. It is not easy to stand up for what is right, especially when everyone else is afraid to leave the comfortable path of conformity. Michael Moore - Influential - Decisions - Encouragement President - Gratitude - Action We're starting with our own carbon footprint. Not nothing. But much of what we're doing is already, or soon will be, little more than the standard way of doing business. We can do something that's unique, different from just any other company. We can set an example, and we can reach our audiences. Our audience's carbon footprint is 10,000 times bigger than ours. That's the carbon footprint we want to conquer. Rupert Murdoch - Carbon - Responsibility - Business - Media Influential - Encouragement - Companies News Corporation, today, reaches people at home and at work... when they're thinking... when they're laughing... and when they are making choices that have enormous impact. The unique potential.. and duty.. of a media company are to help its audiences connect to the issues that define our time. Rupert Murdoch - Responsibility - Media - Influential Encouragement - Companies - Thinking - Help While we reduce our own carbon footprint we will encourage the companies who truck our DVDs and newspapers, sell us paper, and provide an enormous range of products and services.. to all contribute.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Rupert Murdoch - Global Warming - Carbon - Influential Leadership - Companies - Encouragement Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself.. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. Barack Obama - Focus - Ambition - Money - Poverty Encouragement - Life - Inspirational In my heart I know you didn't come here just for me, you came here because you believe in what this country can be. In the face of war, you believe there can be peace. In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of a politics that's shut you out, that's told you to settle, that's divided us for too long, you believe we can be one people, reaching for what's possible, building that more perfect union. Barack Obama - War - Encouragement - America - Politics Belief My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success. They imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren't rich, because in a generous America you don't have to be rich to achieve your potential. Barack Obama - Encouragement - Inspirational - America Belief - Hope - Family - Love - Success - School - Rich - Generous I'm calling for all responsible Americans to fight back and punish Pepsi for using a man who degrades women, who encourages substance abuse, and does all the things that hurt particularly the poor in our society. I'm calling for all Americans to say, hey Pepsi, I'm not drinking your stuff. You want to hang around with Ludacris (a rap singer that Pepsi planned to use for advertising), you do that, I'm not hanging around with you. Am I wrong to do that? Bill O'Reilly - Poverty - Responsible - America - Encouragement Advertising Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you. Dr Phil - Responsibility - Encouraging Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right. Dr Phil - Decisions - Encouraging If you want more, you have to require more from yourself. Dr Phil - Self Help - Ambition - Encouragement You only get out of it what you put into it. If you are a sheep in this world, you're not going to get much out of it. Greg Norman - Action - Encouragement - Work If a working class Englishman saw a bloke drive past in a RollsRoyce, he'd say to himself "Come the social revolution and we'll take that away from you, mate". Whereas if his American counterpart saw a bloke drive past in a Cadillac he'd say "One day I'm going to own one of those". To my way of thinking the first attitude is wrong. The latter is right. Kerry Packer - Inspirational - Encouragement Encourage your people to be committed to a project rather than

just be involved in it. Richard Pratt - Commitment - People - Encouragement Employee There are millions of children today who don’t attend school. However, education is the only way to get ahead in this country. Azim Premji - Learning - Encouragement - Poverty Entrepreneur Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurial spirit and being an entrepreneur. The link between my experience as an entrepreneur and that of a politician is all in one word: freedom. Silvio Berlusconi - Entrepreneurs - Politicians - Freedom Over the years, the U.S. economy has shown a remarkable ability to absorb shocks of all kinds, to recover, and to continue to grow. Flexible and efficient markets for labor and capital, an entrepreneurial tradition, and a general willingness to tolerate and even embrace technological and economic change all contribute to this resiliency. Ben Bernanke - Change - Economy - Entrepreneurs - Technology I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going. Richard Branson - Entrepreneur I'm not sure I knew what an entrepreneur was when I was ten, but I knew that starting little businesses and trying to sell greeting cards or newspapers door-to-door or just vending machine kind of thing is.. there's just something very intriguing to me about that. Steve Case - Entrepreneur - Business - Selling The entrepreneur is our visionary, the creator in each of us. We're born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. It is developed, nurtured, and given space to flourish or is squelched, thwarted, without air or stimulation, and dies. Michael Gerber - Entrepreneurs - Inspirational The entrepreneur in us sees opportunities everywhere we look, but many people see only problems everywhere they look. The entrepreneur in us is more concerned with discriminating between opportunities than he or she is with failing to see the opportunities. Michael Gerber - Opportunity - Entrepreneurs - Problems The entrepreneur is not really interested in doing the work; he is interested in creating the way the company operates. In that regard, the entrepreneur is an inventor. He or she loves to invent, but does not love to manufacture or sell or distribute what he or she invents. Michael Gerber - Entrepreneurs - Work - Business The entrepreneur builds an enterprise; the technician builds a job. Michael Gerber - Entrepreneurs - Jobs I've always said that the better off you are, the more responsibility you have for helping others. Just as I think it's important to run companies well, with a close eye to the bottom line, I think you have to use your entrepreneurial experience to

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] make corporate philanthropy effective. Carlos Slim Helu - Responsibility - Philanthropy - Help Entrepreneurial - Companies A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. Henry Kravis - Entrepreneurs - Risk Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own. John Mackey - Business Ethics - Responsibility - Leadership Entrepreneurial - Companies

The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do. Thomas Edison - Failure - Commitment - Success Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience. Michael Eisner - Success - Failure - Life The man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure. BC Forbes - Rich - Failure - Greed

Most new jobs won’t come from our biggest employers. They will come from our smallest. We’ve got to do everything we can to make entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Ross Perot - Jobs - Entrepreneurs -

The man who has done his level best, and who is conscious that he has done his best, is a success, even though the world may write him down as a failure. BC Forbes - Failure - Success - Work

Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Anita Roddick - Entrepreneurs - Ideas -

Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently. Henry Ford - Failure - Opportunity

If I were born again, I would still be an industrialist. I complain because it’s very hard work with no weekends, but I would still do it. Sakip Sabanci - Work - Entrepreneurs - Business My son is now an "entrepreneur." That's what you're called when you don't have a job. Ted Turner - Entrepreneurs I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out. Muhammad Yunus - Banks - Change - Poverty - Challenges - Rich - Entrepreneurs - Opportunity Failure Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Failure, failing, adversity quotes, and how to overcome failure. There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Rich - Failure The current perception I get from the evening news is that the world is dominated by human failure, crime, catastrophe, corruption, and tragedy. We are all tuning in to see how the human mind is evolving, but the media keeps hammering home the opposite, that the human mind is mired in darkness and folly. Deepak Chopra - Media - Failure - Negative If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided all will fail. Winston Churchill - Failure - Partnership - Strength It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. It doesn’t matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because... All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are. Mark Cuban - Business - Luck - Failure

Everyone agrees that the failure of our high schools is tragic. It’s bad business, and it’s bad policy. But we act as if it can’t be helped. It can be helped. We designed these high schools; we can redesign them. Melinda Gates - Help - Failure - Change - Education If they don’t fail outright, most businesses fail to fully achieve their potential. That’s because the person who owns the business doesn’t truly know how to build a company that works without him or her.. which is the key. Michael Gerber - Business - Achievement - Failure Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive. Andrew Grove - Success - Failure You have to pretend you're 100 percent sure. You have to take action; you can't hesitate or hedge your bets. Anything less will condemn your efforts to failure. Andrew Grove - Failure - Action - Confidence I've learned so many things and a lot of things I've learned the hard way. I look at failure as education in that respect I'm very well educated. Kathy Ireland - Learning - Failure - Education Failure is a word I don't accept. John H. Johnson - Failure - Motivational There was never any fear for me, no fear of failure. If I miss a shot, so what? Michael Jordan - Sports - Fear - Failure I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot.. when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result. Michael Jordan - Sports - Failure - Negative - Positive The collapse of Enron and the subsequent collapse of Arthur Andersen were tremendous tragedies. But as I stated at the time of my indictment on July 8, 2004, failure does not equate to a crime. Kenneth Lay - Failure

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Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed. Abraham Lincoln - Politicians - Failure - Success Let it never be said by future generations that indifference, cynicism or selfishness made us fail to live up to the ideals of humanism which the Nobel Peace Prize encapsulates. Let the strivings of us all, prove Martin Luther King Jr. to have been correct, when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war. Nelson Mandela - Peace - Inspirational - Human Rights - Selfish Failure - Ideals - War I'm 48. For a while after 'The Jerk' (movie) I had a feeling of failure. I was a little scared. First people discover you and they love you. You get big and then you fail. And people are glad that you fail. But I've always come back and I've started to trust myself. Steve Martin - Famous - Criticism - Failure - Trust With engineering, I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly. Gordon Moore - Learning - Technology - Challenges - Failure Intelligent media companies strive to provide both intellectual and comedy programs, groundbreaking and reflective articles, art house and popular movies. Not to be open minded in providing a full range of quality media would be a failure to serve the breadth and depth of the communities we live in. Lachlan Murdoch - Media - Culture - Products - Failure Intelligent - Diversity All forms of government ultimately are not going to succeed in trying to control or censor the Internet. Rupert Murdoch - Government - Internet - Fail All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the longrunning debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama - Environmental - Global Warming - Climate Change - World - Fear - Failure Today we're seeing that climate change is about more than a few unseasonably mild winters or hot summers. It's about the chain of natural catastrophes and devastating weather patterns that global warming is beginning to set off around the world.. the frequency and intensity of which are breaking records thousands of years old. Barack Obama - Environmental - Global Warming - Climate Change - Failure - World The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril. There may still be disputes about exactly how much we're contributing to the warming of the earth's atmosphere and how much is naturally occurring, but what we can be scientifically certain of is that our continued use of fossil fuels is pushing us to a point of no return. And unless we free ourselves from a dependence on these fossil fuels and chart a new course on

energy in this country, we are condemning future generations to global catastrophe. Barack Obama - Environmental - Global Warming - Action Climate Change - World - Freedom - America - Failure We all have to decide how we are going to fail.. by not going far enough or by going too far. Sumner Redstone - Decisions - Challenges - Risk - Failure Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration. Sometimes its built on catastrophe. Sumner Redstone - Challenges - Failure - Success - Frustration Happy is the man who can endure the highest and lowest fortune. He who has endured such vicissitudes with equanimity has deprived misfortune of its power. Seneca - Happiness - Failure - Success Some people are destroyed by their first failure, while others are destroyed by their first major success. So let's have successes in small amounts, leading up to being able to be successful. Jose Silva - Failure - People - Success Sometimes when a person is too successful too rapidly, he goes off in all directions, and doesn't know how to cope with it. We say do not be ruined by your first failure, or spoiled by your first success. Jose Silva - Failure - Success Mistake Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Mistakes, making a mistake, being mistaken, and errors.. Everybody makes business mistakes. I mean, I take the responsibility, and I did. I was the captain of the ship and I took that responsibility. Alan Bond - Mistakes - Business - Responsibility There is a spiritual side to our connection with the planet. And in this material world, that's anathema. It is somewhat worrying. What I say.. it makes life. It gives us fulfilment. It makes us whole human beings. And without it, we make mistakes. And, boy, are the leaders of the world making mistakes at the moment. Bob Brown - Life - Mistakes - Politicians As you begin to take action toward the fulfillment of your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect. Not every action will produce the desired result. Not every action will work. Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right. Jack Canfield - Improvement - Action - Dreams - Mistakes There is a certain degree of satisfaction in having the courage to admit one's errors. It not only clears up the air of guilt and defensiveness, but often helps solve the problem created by the error. Dale Carnegie - Courage - Solutions - Problems - Mistakes The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip; to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people's opinions.. Paulo Coelho - Mistakes - Opportunity - Action -

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] You can't overestimate the need to plan and prepare. In most of the mistakes I've made, there has been this common theme of inadequate planning beforehand. You really can't over-prepare in business! Chris Corrigan - Planning - Business - Mistakes The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich.. Felix Dennis - Rich - Money - Inspirational - Encouragement Education - Mistakes - Poverty Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake. Peter Drucker - Decisions - Mistakes - Management I think one of the big errors people are making right now is thinking that old-style businesses will be obsolete, when actually they will be an important part of this new civilization. Some retail groups are introducing e-commerce and think that the "bricks" are no longer useful. But they will continue to be important. Carlos Slim Helu - Technology - Mistakes - Business - Internet Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Conrad Hilton - Success - Quitting - Mistakes - Action In life and business, there are two cardinal sins.. The first is to act precipitously without thought and the second is to not act at all. Carl Icahn - Business - Life - Mistakes - Action I have to say I've made many mistakes, and been humbled many, many times. But you know what? It's never too late to learn. Kathy Ireland - Learning - Mistakes Only those who are asleep make no mistakes. Ingvar Kamprad - Mistakes It is a mistake always to contemplate the good and ignore the evil, because by making people neglectful it lets in disaster. There is a dangerous optimism of ignorance and indifference. Helen Keller - Challenges - People - Mistakes - Optimistic Russia on its path has oftentimes discussed and overdiscussed what had happened earlier, instead of moving forward. The result is always the same: It is very difficult to move forward when you're looking backward. Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Goals - Mistakes -

I don't fear jail because I know I'm not guilty. I know I did nothing wrong. I did nothing criminal and I also believe my God will get me through this. Kenneth Lay - Fear - God - Mistakes I take responsibility for what happened at Enron, both good and bad. But I cannot take responsibility for criminal conduct that I was unaware of. Kenneth Lay - Responsibility - Mistakes I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. Abraham Lincoln - Belief - Mistakes - Success - Change I have learned the novice can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is not to be afraid of making mistakes, or of appearing naive. Abraham Maslow - Management - Learning - Fear - Mistakes Encouragement Forgetting your mistakes is a terrible error if you are trying to improve your cognition. Charlie Munger - Learning - Mistakes - Improvement Your best teacher is your last mistake. Ralph Nader - Mistakes - Learning Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they're going to make mistakes. Ross Perot - Mistakes - Action After losing everything, I went on a quest to find out how money really works, how I could get control of it, and how I could have confidence in handling it. Dave Ramsey - Poverty - Problems - Money - Mistakes Hiring people is an art, not a science, and resumes can't tell you whether someone will fit into a company's culture. When you realize you've made a mistake, you need to cut your losses and move on. Howard Schultz - Employee - Management - Jobs - Decisions Companies - Culture - Mistakes I've learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success. Jack Welch - Mistakes - Learning - Success Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Oscar Wilde - Mistakes - Learning

The trouble in America is not that we are making too many mistakes, but that we are making too few. Philip Knight - Mistakes - Challenges

Money Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about money, currency and comments on money.

If you're a car salesman, and someone says "This is a terrible car, I'm not buying it," it doesn't mean they hate you. They just don't like your product. I think that's a mistake a lot of people in show business make.. they're so tied to their act they take everything personally. Jay Leno - Selling - Products - Criticism - Mistakes

The goal is to win. It's not about making money. I have many much less risky ways of making money than this (buying Chelsea football club). I don't want to throw my money away, but it's really about having fun and that means success and trophies. Roman Abramovich - Goals - Winning - Money - Fun Money is one of the most important subjects of your entire life.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Some of life's greatest enjoyments and most of life's greatest disappointments stem from your decisions about money. Whether you experience great peace of mind or constant anxiety will depend on getting your finances under control. Robert G Allen - Money - Life - Decisions I think you have to work with people, and when I talk about managing relationships, don’t think the derogatory ‘‘managed relationships’’. It is a question of sharing emotion and feelings. The common denominator of everything can’t be money, and it should not be money. Anil Ambani - Work - Management - Money - People Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it’s not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it’s all of us. David Bach - Rich - Learning - Finance - Money It is a transition, from modelling to singing, but for me it's a natural progression. The modelling was something I did to travel the world and make some money and end up doing what I want to do. It was a way for me to go gather the experience to write an album and now sing about it. Erica Baxter - Change - Money - Career Energy efficiency should be on the priority list for all home improvement work these days. Canny builders will be able to provide homeowners with energy efficient measures which help them to save money and the planet. Sarah Beeny - Real Estate - Energy - Environmental - Money I made a conscious decision to earn enough to be able to choose my husband rather than not have a career and marry someone who would have to earn enough for us both to live on. Sarah Beeny - Money - Decisions - Earnings - Relationships Career It is once your ideas have been transformed into enough money, and if all failed, you would still live your lifestyle, and you understand that just because you have made more money than most, you are not better than the common person. We are all going to die broke. (Blixseth's definition of success) Tim Blixseth - Success - Ideas - Money - Death - Life - Wealth Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa – and it’s about getting a balance. Richard Branson - Life - Philanthropy - Money Australia must prioritise education spending. It is not a question of whether or not we have the money, it is a question of how we choose to spend it. Bob Brown - Priorities - Learning - Money With a small fraction of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on the Iraq war, the US and Australia could ensure every starving, sunken-eyed child on the planet could be well fed, have clean water and sanitation and a local school to go to. Bob Brown - Money - Poverty - War One dollar for eternal happiness? I'd be happier with the dollar. Monty Burns - Happiness - Money

What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man? Monty Burns - Money - Power We believe the American people can spend their money better than the government can spend it. George Bush - Politics - America - Belief - Government - Taxes Money To attract money, you must focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring more money into your life when you are noticing you do not have enough, because that means you are thinking thoughts that you do not have enough. Rhonda Byrne - Thinking - Attraction - Wealth - Focus - Money Negative - Positive There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Rich - Failure I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Responsibility - Philanthropy I believe the true road to preeminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources, and in my experience I have rarely if ever met a man who achieved preeminence in money making.. certainly never one in manufacturing.. who was interested in many concerns. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Success - Commitment We lose money on signing up the customers where there's some marketing costs associated with giving them a free month. It doesn't much matter whether you make a little bit or lose a little bit.. as you well know, because you lose a ton on every copy of The Washington Post (newspaper). Steve Case - Money - Marketing - Customers - Profits Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition. George Clason - Money - Rich Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible. George Clason - Money - Rich - Power You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don't they? They just get on those shows, and they talk away. There's nothing I can do. And that's one of the great lessons I try to convey in my book, which my mother implanted in me as a young girl.. Is you can either be an actor in your own life, or a reactor in somebody else's. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Life - Money - Famous - Motivational The amount of money you have has got nothing to do with what you earn.. people earning a million dollars a year can have no money and.. People earning $35,000 a year can be quite well off. It's not what you earn, it's what you spend. Paul Clitheroe - Money - Assets - Rich There are plenty of ways to get ahead. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: spend less than you earn. Paul Clitheroe - Money - Rich - Self Control I've lost tremendous amounts of money in various markets and I think that that's something that makes you better at my job, not

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] worse. Jim Cramer - Money - Stock Market - Jobs - Losing I just can't stop myself; I'm addicted to making you money. I should be spending all day in a country club or never getting out of my pajamas like Hugh Hefner. Jim Cramer - Money - Retirement - Enjoyment As long as you enjoy investing, you'll be willing to do the homework and stay in the game. That's why I try to make the show so entertaining, because if you aren't interested, you'll either miss the opportunity to make money in the market or not pay enough attention and end up losing your shirt. Jim Cramer - Money - Stock Market - Losing - Enjoyment Investing - Opportunity I wish it grew on trees, but it takes hard work to make money. Jim Cramer - Money - Hard Work Picking the right stocks is one of the hardest parts of investing, and every night on Mad Money, I try to take some of that burden off your shoulders. Jim Cramer - Money - Investing - Stocks Twenty years and $40 billion. They seem like good round numbers. Michael Dell - Money - Success People who grow rich almost always improve their sex life. More people want to have sex with them. That’s just the way human beings work. Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac. Money did not make me happy. But it definitely improved my sex life. Felix Dennis - Rich - Improvement - People - Money - Power Happy Rich people always have a certain degree of debt. Apparently it helps to reduce taxes. I'm not so hot on the bean-counting side. Felix Dennis - Rich - People - Money - Debt - Taxes - Accounting If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it.. it’s cheaper in the long run. Felix Dennis - Funny - Money - Frugal The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich.. Felix Dennis - Rich - Money - Inspirational - Encouragement Education - Mistakes - Poverty I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life.. it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. Walt Disney - Challenges - Money I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure characters is the only thing that can produce fine ideas and noble deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness and always tempts its owners irresistibly to abuse it Albert Einstein - Wealth - Money - Ideas - Selfish A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's

primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others. Larry Ellison - Money - Goals - Taxes - Companies Partnership Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Partnership, working together, being partners, and partnering. The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So if I lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the organization will go on, the growth will go on. Mukesh Ambani - Ambition - Change - Partnership - Business Growth In the past a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people.. they no longer can lead solely based on positional power. Ken Blanchard - Leadership - Partnership - Power The political tradition of ancient thought, filtered in Italy by Machiavelli, says one thing clearly: every prince needs allies, and the bigger the responsibility, the more allies he needs. Silvio Berlusconi - Responsibility - Partnership - Politicians One of the problems we have as a government is our inability to keep secrets. And it costs us, in terms of our relationship with other governments, in terms of the willingness of other intelligence services to work with us, in terms of revealing sources and methods. And all of those elements enter into some of these leaks. Dick Cheney - Politicians - Government - Work - Intelligent Problems - Partnership If a fox is unable to befriend a tiger, then the fox should create an illusion of close association with the tiger by carefully trailing behind the cat while boasting of the deep friendship they share. In this way, he creates an impression that his well being is of great concern to the tiger. Chin-Ning Chu - Partnership - Power If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided all will fail. Winston Churchill - Failure - Partnership - Strength Creating a close connection to those you do business with has its many risks, rewards and consequences. There are few things in business I have encountered that are more difficult than firing someone, particularly if that someone has always been, or has become a friend. On the flipside, I have been rewarded with many friends Mark Cuban - Challenges - People - Business - Partnership It is rare to find a business partner who is selfless. If you are lucky it happens once in a lifetime. Michael Eisner - Luck - Partnership - Business The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market. And that's why it's so essential to preserving individual freedom. Milton Friedman - Freedom - Economy - Partnership The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Milton Friedman - Freedom - Economy - Partnership - Profits At the end of the day government is about teamwork and partnership and we will be proving that by working together. Julia Gillard - Government - Partnership - Politics The man who occupies the first place seldom plays the principal part. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Leadership - Partnership - Success I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well. Alan Greenspan - Success - Truth - Profits - Partnership In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances. Carlos Slim Helu - Technology - Partnership I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga - Problems - Challenges - Confidence Partnership If you treat staff as your equal, they'll roll their sleeves up to get the job done. John Ilhan - Leadership - Job - Partnership It was our duty to expand. Those who cannot or will not join us are to be pitied. What we want to do, we can do and will do, together. A glorious future! Ingvar Kamprad - Growth - Partnership - Ambition People say New Yorkers can't get along. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine. David Letterman - Funny - Partnership There's an old saying that the government is your partner from birth, but they don't get to come to all the meetings. John Malone - Government - Partnership - Taxes You need to surround yourself with quality human beings that are intelligent and have a vision. Vince McMahon - Intelligent - Partnership We intend to conduct our business in a way that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our customers, business partners, shareholders, and creditors, as well as the communities in which we operate and society at large. Akira Mori - Management - Business - Customers - Society Partnership - Stocks If you can run the company a bit more collaboratively, you get a better result, because you have more bandwidth and checking and balancing going on. Larry Page - Companies - Partnership Our company was mortgaged to the hilt, and that did restrain us, and it's why we had to take in partners. Gina Rinehart - Companies - Partnership - Challenges

A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship. John D. Rockefeller - Business - Partnership To be successful, you have to be able to relate to people; they have to be satisfied with your personality to be able to do business with you and to build a relationship with mutual trust. George Ross - Success - Negotiation - Business - Partnership Trust I believe that Jews and Arabs can live together. It’s not an easy thing but I believe we can reach an agreement. Ariel Sharon - Partnership - Belief - Challenges We can also reassure our Palestinian partners that we understand the importance of territorial contiguity in the West Bank for a viable Palestinian state. Ariel Sharon - Partnership What I know for sure is that behind every catastrophe, there are great lessons to be learned. Among the many that we as a country need to get is that as long as we play the "us and them" game, we don't evolve as people, as a nation, as a planet. Oprah Winfrey - Partnership - Learning Anybody who doesn’t think that Hong Kong has to depend on the PRC (China) must be the biggest idiot on earth because you are talking about getting access to a 1.3 billion people market. Gordon Wu - Partnership - Customers - People Persistence Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Persistence, the value of being persistent, and being able to persist during challenging times. This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve. (said during "Perseverance Month") George Bushism - Funny - Stupid - Persistence - President I'm a big believer in growth. Life is not about achievement, it's about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us. Jack Canfield - Learning - Goals - Belief - Growth - Achievement Compassion - Persistence - Patience - Love There's no genius behind it. It's persistence and listening to people. Craig Newmark - Improvement - Listening - Persistence - People We don't have much in the way of a business strategy. Like no business plan. Which I say to torment all my friends who are VCs or MBAs. That's always entertaining. The deal is, it's a mixture of luck and persistence. Craig Newmark - Persistence - Strategies - Planning - Luck Deals Through persistence, self-knowledge, prayer, commitment, optimism, a resolute trust in God and the building of your own personal moral strength, you can enjoy the blessings of a deeper faith and face the difficulties of life with courage and confidence. Norman Vincent Peale - Life - Work - Problems - Self Control Strength

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Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Norman Vincent Peale - Success - Motivational - Self Control Commitment Planning Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Planning, business plans, planners, and preparing a plan. Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined. Deepak Chopra - Life - Thinking - Planning My view is that, you know, life unfolds at its own rhythm. You know, I have never lived a life that I thought I could plan out. And I'm just trying to do the best I can every day. I find I have a lot to get done between the time I get up and the time I go to bed. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Life - Planning - Action - Busy I think the most important CEO task is defining the course that the business will take over the next five or so years. You have to have the ability to see what the business environment might be like a long way out, not just over the coming months. You need to be able to both set a broad direction, and also to take particular decisions along the way that make that broad direction unfold correctly. Chris Corrigan - Management - Decisions - Business - Planning You can't overestimate the need to plan and prepare. In most of the mistakes I've made, there has been this common theme of inadequate planning beforehand. You really can't over-prepare in business! Chris Corrigan - Planning - Business - Mistakes We don't have much in the way of a business strategy. Like no business plan. Which I say to torment all my friends who are VCs or MBAs. That's always entertaining. The deal is, it's a mixture of luck and persistence. Craig Newmark - Persistence - Strategies - Planning - Luck Deals I just don't really get into all that sort of personal negative stuff. My job is to outline some positive plans for the country's future and perhaps Mr. Howard and the Government don't like the fact that I'm putting out some positive alternatives. What's their preference.. for me to be a negative carping opposition leader? Kevin Rudd - Australia - Politicians - Criticism - Government Negative - Positive - Planning We don’t have a traditional strategy process, planning process like you’d find in traditional technical companies. It allows Google to innovate very, very quickly, which I think is a real strength of the company. Eric Schmidt - Technology - Companies - Planning - Innovation

you to cast off your own limitations than for you to begin dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you can become, have, and do. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Planning - Success - Goals You must master your time rather than becoming a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on your time. And you must organize your life to achieve balance, harmony, and inner peace. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Planning - Time When you allow yourself to begin to dream big dreams, creatively abandon the activities that are taking up too much of your time, and focus your inward energies on alleviating your main constraints, you start to feel an incredible sense of power and confidence. Brian Tracy - Confidence - Planning - Power - Time - Focus When I started out in business, I spent a great deal of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making. I still do the same today. People often comment on how quickly I operate, but the reason I can move quickly is that I’ve done the background work first, which no one usually sees. I prepare myself thoroughly, and then when it is time to move ahead, I am ready to sprint. Donald Trump - Business - Work - Research - Planning I’m a busy guy but I set aside quiet time every morning and every evening to keep my equilibrium centered on my own path. I don’t like being swayed by anything that might be negative or damaging. Donald Trump - Negative - Planning - Self Control The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. Sun Tzu - Leadership - Planning Becoming wealthy is not a matter of how much you earn, who your parents are, or what you do.. it is a matter of managing your money properly. Noel Whittaker - Rich - Family - Planning At home we have always regarded the dining table as the prime seat of learning. We planned it so it was impossible to see or hear a TV from the table, and it has paid dividends in the volume of ideas that have been shared over the evening meal. Noel Whittaker - Family - Planning - Learning - Ideas Life is full of uncertainties. Future investment earnings and interest and inflation rates are not known to anybody. However, I can guarantee you one thing.. those who put an investment program in place will have a lot more money when they come to retire than those who never get around to it. Noel Whittaker - Life - Planning - Long Term Investing If you don't have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer. Zig Ziglar - Planning - Action

A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. Brian Tracy - Goals - Planning - Power - Confidence

If you wait until all the lights are "green" before you leave home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top. Zig Ziglar - Planning - Action - Procrastination

The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It is for you to dream big dreams. There is nothing more important, and nothing that works faster than for

Unless you have a definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you. Zig Ziglar - Planning - Focus - Goals

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You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal. Zig Ziglar - Planning - Goals - Life Poverty Quotes from some of the leaders in economics, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Poverty, poor people struggling to live, and helping those with no money, food, or resources. The more I study the wealthy.. in an effort to learn how to help more people around the world become one of them.. I’m stunned by how many people are actually not rich. David Bach - Rich - Learning - Poverty With a small fraction of the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on the Iraq war, the US and Australia could ensure every starving, sunken-eyed child on the planet could be well fed, have clean water and sanitation and a local school to go to. Bob Brown - Money - Poverty - War Terrorism isn't insanity. It grows out of social conditions that are well known: poverty, social oppression, dictatorship, and a void of meaning in the lives of ordinary people. Deepak Chopra - Life - Poverty - People - Problems The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich.. Felix Dennis - Rich - Money - Inspirational - Encouragement Education - Mistakes - Poverty My major problem with the world is a problem of scarcity in the midst of plenty ... of people starving while there are unused resources ... people having skills which are not being used. Milton Friedman - Poverty - Greed As our economy faces up to potential labour shortages due to our ageing population and as it moves to a new level of sophistication to compete with the rest of the world, we’re going to need every Australian on board pulling their weight, rejoining the workforce, gaining new skills. Writing off individuals and communities suffering from poverty just creates a dead weight for our economy to drag along. Julia Gillard - Jobs - Australia - Economy - Education - Skills Poverty The concept of social inclusion in essence means replacing a welfarist approach to helping the underprivileged with one of investing in them and their communities to bring them into the mainstream market economy. It’s a modern and fresh approach that views everyone as a potential wealth creator and invests in their human capital. My reason for adopting such an approach is simple: at a time when Australia needs more skilled people and has an ageing population, we simply can’t afford to have one in ten or more of our people out of the workforce due to unemployment, low skills or the effects of chronic poverty. Social inclusion is an economic imperative. Julia Gillard - Social - Australia - Economy - Wealth - Skills Poverty - Help - Employment Money is human kind's greatest invention. Money doesn't

discriminate. Money doesn't care whether a person is poor, whether a person comes from a good family, or what his skin color is. Anybody can make money. Takafumi Horie - Money - Poor - Motivational It's easy to have principles when you're rich. The important thing is to have principles when you're poor. Ray Kroc - Rich - Poverty - Commitment Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself.. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. Barack Obama - Focus - Ambition - Money - Poverty Encouragement - Life - Inspirational It's hard to do it because you have got to look people in the eye and tell them they're irresponsible and lazy. And who's going to want to do that? Because that's what poverty is, ladies and gentlemen. In this country (USA), you can succeed if you get educated and work hard. Period. Bill O'Reilly - Poverty - Responsible - Lazy - America - Success Education I'm calling for all responsible Americans to fight back and punish Pepsi for using a man who degrades women, who encourages substance abuse, and does all the things that hurt particularly the poor in our society. I'm calling for all Americans to say, hey Pepsi, I'm not drinking your stuff. You want to hang around with Ludacris (a rap singer that Pepsi planned to use for advertising), you do that, I'm not hanging around with you. Am I wrong to do that? Bill O'Reilly - Poverty - Responsible - America - Encouragement Advertising There are millions of children today who don’t attend school. However, education is the only way to get ahead in this country. Azim Premji - Learning - Encouragement - Poverty We need to make a game out of earning money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited. Bob Proctor - Earnings - Money - Good - Decisions - Poverty Broke is normal. Why be normal? Dave Ramsey - Poverty - Motivational After losing everything, I went on a quest to find out how money really works, how I could get control of it, and how I could have confidence in handling it. Dave Ramsey - Poverty - Problems - Money - Mistakes I grew up in a working class family where there was no health insurance. I saw first hand the fracturing of the American dream and the bitterness that comes when there is no hope and a lot of despair. So I wanted to build the company, in a sense, that my father never got a chance to work for. Howard Schultz - Employee - Family - America - Inspirational Poverty - Companies - Hope It is not the man who has little, but he who desires more, that is poor. Seneca - Poverty - Greed - Desire Lack of money is the root of all evil.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] George Bernard Shaw - Money - Poverty I'm not a politician. I only want to help relieve the suffering in communities, and I want to help people see their community in each other. Russell Simmons - Change - Politicians - Help - Poverty I want to fight poverty and ignorance and give opportunity to those people who are locked out. Russell Simmons - Change - Help - Poverty - Opportunity The conditions of suffering that exist today in our impoverished communities are not acceptable. The reflection of those conditions are less concerning to me. And I work everyday about changing the conditions. Russell Simmons - Change - Poverty - Hard Work Most of the poverty and misery in the world is due to bad government, lack of democracy, weak states, internal strife, and so on. George Soros - Poverty I wanted to win to feed the hungry people of my community. I didn't want to win to buy a diamond.. I didn't have no diamonds then. I didn't want to win to buy a car, I didn't want to win to bring a couple of chicks downtown to a hotel. I wanted to win to feed the poor people of the community. Mr T - Values - Winning - Philanthropy - Poverty Poverty is restriction and as such, it is the greatest injustice you can perpetrate upon yourself. Stuart Wilde - Poverty I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. Oprah Winfrey - Responsibility - Motivational - Self Help - Rich Poverty

make assumptions about us and others. We accept the fact that we will always have poor people around us. So we have had poor people around us. If we had believed that poverty is unacceptable to us, and that it should not belong to a civilized society, we would have created appropriate institutions and policies to create a poverty-free world. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Belief I have come to believe, deeply and firmly, that we can create a poverty free world if we want to. I came to this conclusion not as a product of a pious dream, but as a concrete result of experience gained in the work of the Grameen Bank. Muhammad Yunus - Experience - Banks - Poverty - Belief Dreams Poverty has been created by the economic and social system that we have designed for the world. It is the institutions that we have built and feel so proud of, which created poverty them. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Economy - Capitalism The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world.. all we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Encouragement - Motivational Opportunity - Potential Profit Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Profits, good earnings, making a business profitable, and positive cashflow or investments. We lose money on signing up the customers where there's some marketing costs associated with giving them a free month. It doesn't much matter whether you make a little bit or lose a little bit.. as you well know, because you lose a ton on every copy of The Washington Post (newspaper). Steve Case - Money - Marketing - Customers - Profits

I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read about it. I knew there were other places, and there was another way of being. Oprah Winfrey - Life - Knowledge - Poverty - Encouragement Self Control

A visionary company doesn't simply balance between idealism and profitability: it seeks to be highly idealistic and highly profitable. A visionary company doesn't simply balance between preserving a tightly held core ideology and stimulating vigorous change and movement; it does both to an extreme. Jim Collins - Companies - Idealism - Vision - Profitable - Change

My experience working in the Grameen Bank has given me faith; an unshakable faith in the creativity of human beings. It leads me to believe that humans are not born to suffer the misery of hunger and poverty. They suffer now as they did in the past because we turn our heads away from this issue. Muhammad Yunus - Experience - Banks - Poverty - Creativity Belief - Potential

If the firms that employ an increasing majority of the population are driven solely to satisfy the owner's greed at the expense of working conditions, of the stability of the community, and of the health of the environment, chances are that the quality of our lives will be worse than it is now. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Environment - Business Ethics - Greed - Profits - Companies - Jobs

One day our grandchildren will go to museums to see what poverty was like. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Optimistic

Many business leaders today view their jobs as entailing responsibility for the welfare of the wider community. These individuals do not define themselves as profit-making machines whose only reason for existing is to satisfy escalating expectation for immediate gain. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Leadership - Business - Profits - Jobs - Responsibility

I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out. Muhammad Yunus - Banks - Change - Poverty - Challenges - Rich - Entrepreneurs - Opportunity

The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit. Milton Friedman - Freedom - Economy - Partnership - Profits

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] The message from Wal-Mart today to the rest of the business community is there need not be any conflict between the environment and the economy. We will find the way not only to reconcile (those), but to find new profits and new opportunities as we do the right thing. Al Gore - Environmental - Economy - Business - Profits Opportunities There are many who still do not believe that global warming is a problem at all. And it's no wonder: because they are the targets of a massive and well-organized campaign of disinformation lavishly funded by polluters who are determined to prevent any action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming out of a fear that their profits might be affected if they had to stop dumping so much pollution into the atmosphere. Al Gore - Environmental - Profits - Problems - Fear Determination I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well. Alan Greenspan - Success - Truth - Profits - Partnership

One of the most ironic things about capitalism is that the capitalist will sell you the rope to hang himself with. Actually they will give you the money to make a movie that makes them look bad, if they believe they can make money off it. Michael Moore - Capitalism - Greed - Profits - Money The self-anointed media elite among us believe, somewhat selfservingly, that not only the act, or process of making a profit is positively sinister, but also that the very desire to do so is. Lachlan Murdoch - Media - Belief - Profits - Criticism The profit motive is not only fundamental to our ability to reward shareholders and pay employees; it's fundamental to excellent journalism. Far from corrupting the craft, profits enhance it. Expansion drives diversity and diversity protects and strengthens our craft. Lachlan Murdoch - Growth - Journalism - Media - Profits Employee - Stocks - Strength - Diversity The industry is littered with self-styled purists who believe the business of media.. the requirement to make a profit.. somehow corrupts the craft. Lachlan Murdoch - Business - Media - Belief - Profits

In business, you’re trying to make a buck. God was good to me and blessed me. I made some money and started this foundation years ago, and it has grown in size. With the foundation it’s a lot different, because the bottom line isn’t how you can make more money or get a better return, it’s helping the projects that you feel strongly about move forward. Lee Iacocca - Business - Money - Philanthropy - God - Profits

I have been privileged to grow up retaining the love of good journalism, the craft, while learning its business: the dollars and cents. I have learnt that they are not mutually exclusive but integrally self-reliant. Each dependent on the other. Lachlan Murdoch - Journalism - Business - Media - Profits Money - Learning

Never be frightened to take a profit. Better in your pocket then theirs. Michael Levy - Fear - Profits

The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun. Ralph Nader - Environmental - Innovation - Profits

When stocks are attractive, you buy them. Sure, they can go lower. I've bought stocks at $12 that went to $2, but then they later went to $30. You just don't know when you can find the bottom. Peter Lynch - Stocks - Profits -

Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth. Jim Rohn - Self Help - Growth - Profits - Assets

For equity markets, the combination of low interest rates, strong economic growth and low inflation has proved very beneficial, with global share markets rising solidly in each of the past three years. This has been underpinned by strong growth in profits so that, notwithstanding the rise in share prices, P/E ratios have been declining on average. Ian Macfarlane - Growth - Economy - Stock Market - Profits

The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men. Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain, but unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as for the integrity and humanity of mankind. Li Ka Shing - Motivational - Profits - Encouragement

I do not believe maximizing profits for the investors is the only acceptable justification for all corporate actions. The investors are not the only people who matter. Corporations can exist for purposes other than simply maximizing profits. John Mackey - Profits - Investing - Business Ethics I think one of the most misunderstood things about business in America is that people are either doing things for altruistic reasons or they are greedy and selfish, just after profit. That type of dichotomy portrays a false image of business. It certainly is a false image of Whole Foods. The whole idea is to do both: The animals have to flourish, but in such a way that it'll be cheap enough for the customers to buy it. John Mackey - Customers - Business - Business Ethics - American - Greed - Profits

I don’t care about awards and public image. We know the business of entertainment. We worship our work, we worship our clients and we worship profitability. Shailendra Singh - Work - Business - Profits - Passions Harry is my elder brother. He is the wiser one who leads Percept, he shows us the path. My job is to run it, create the relationships, and run the business as profitably as I can. Harry acquires, merges, expands he is responsible for Percept’s growth. Shailendra Singh - Growth - Wise - Leadership - Business - Profits - Relationships Participant (Productions) is the only production company in town that has a double bottom line: social good plus financial returns. It's too early to tell how our returns are going to look though all signs are promising - but social good is what we're really after.

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Jeff Skoll - Media - Profits - Companies - Business Ethics - Social Earnings This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as the cost of a barrel of crude is a whopping $44.34. Wow, it seems shocking that a product of finite supply gets more expensive the more we use it. Now the terror alert means higher oil prices, which oddly enough means higher profits for oil companies giving them more money to give to politicians whose policies may favor the oil companies such as raising the terror alert level. As Simba once told us: "It's the circle of life." Jon Stewart - Politicians - Profits - Products - Companies The fact of the matter is that today, stuff-selling megacorporations have a huge influence on our daily lives. And because of the competitive nature of our global economy, these corporations are generally only concerned with one thing.. the bottom line. That is, maximizing profit, regardless of the social or environmental costs. David Suzuki - Companies - Profits - Products - Business Ethics Social - Earnings - Influential - Environmental - Consumer If you buy all the stocks selling at or below two times earnings, you will lose money on half of them because instead of making profits they will actually lose money, but you will only lose a dollar or so a share at most. Then others will be mediocre performers. But the remaining big winners will go up and produce fabulous results and also ensure a good overall result. John Templeton - Stocks - Profits The essence of a successful business is really quite simple. It is your ability to offer a product or service that people will pay for at a price sufficiently above your costs, ideally three or four or five times your cost, thereby giving you a profit that enables you to buy and to offer more products and services. Brian Tracy - Success - Business - Products - Profits When all is said and done, what must be remembered is a newspaper is a business. It used to be a fabulous business that made extraordinary margins. It's now a very good business with appropriate margins. Sam Zell - Companies - News - Business - Media - Profits Rich Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about being Rich , being wealthy, having a lot of money, and richest people lists. I love this game, I love this sport, I love this league. Why don't I get my own team? (English Premiership football club) Roman Abramovich - Love - Passions - Rich The more I study the wealthy.. in an effort to learn how to help more people around the world become one of them.. I’m stunned by how many people are actually not rich. David Bach - Rich - Learning - Poverty Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it’s not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it’s all of us. David Bach - Rich - Learning - Finance - Money While few judges or prosecutors would be afraid to exercise their perfectly legitimate discretion in favour of an ordinary man, not

to mention a minority group member, most would be terrified to exercise the same discretion for someone politically, financially or socially powerful. Conrad Black - Rich - Politicians - Power I made 50 million bucks yesterday. That's a flameout I could get used to. Conrad Black - Luck - Rich I teach something called The Law of Probabilities, which says the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work. The more books you read, the more likely one of them will have an answer to a question that could solve the major problems of your life.. make you wealthier, solve a health problem, whatever it might be. Jack Canfield - Questions - Wealth - Goals - Problems - Books Teaching - Solutions There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Rich - Failure Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition. George Clason - Money - Rich Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible. George Clason - Money - Rich - Power The amount of money you have has got nothing to do with what you earn.. people earning a million dollars a year can have no money and.. People earning $35,000 a year can be quite well off. It's not what you earn, it's what you spend. Paul Clitheroe - Money - Assets - Rich There are plenty of ways to get ahead. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: spend less than you earn. Paul Clitheroe - Money - Rich - Self Control People who grow rich almost always improve their sex life. More people want to have sex with them. That’s just the way human beings work. Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac. Money did not make me happy. But it definitely improved my sex life. Felix Dennis - Rich - Improvement - People - Money - Power Happy Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it. Felix Dennis - Rich - Optimistic - Positive - Confidence Determination - Motivational - Belief Rich people always have a certain degree of debt. Apparently it helps to reduce taxes. I'm not so hot on the bean-counting side. Felix Dennis - Rich - People - Money - Debt - Taxes - Accounting The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich.. Felix Dennis - Rich - Money - Inspirational - Encouragement Education - Mistakes - Poverty

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The man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure. BC Forbes - Rich - Failure - Greed The real source of wealth and capital in this new era is not material things.. it is the human mind, the human spirit, the human imagination, and our faith in the future. Steve Forbes - Rich - Spirit - Innovation Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so exciting. Bill Gates - Internet - Funny - Rich Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out, we'd want to get involved. Bill Gates - Philanthropy - Life - Rich - Helping I no longer want to be rich because I am rich. Uri Geller - Rich You cannot spend money in luxury without doing good to the poor. Nay, you do more good to them by spending it in luxury, than by giving it; for by spending it in luxury, you make them exert industry, whereas by giving it, you keep them idle. Samuel Johnson - Money - Rich - Work It is generally agreed, that few men are made better by affluence or exaltation. Samuel Johnson - Money - Rich Fortunes are made, and disappear, over the lifetime of a single generation. Today, a person in essence takes his wealth from society just for the duration of his or her lifetime. The next generation has to create it anew. Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Rich - Money - Life I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer. Robert Kiyosaki - Money - Investing - Rich It's easy to have principles when you're rich. The important thing is to have principles when you're poor. Ray Kroc - Rich - Poverty - Commitment What you really are afraid of is that you're competing against somebody who is rich and irrational. I mean, it used to be a given, a saying in the industry: Don't ever bid against Rupert Murdoch for anything Rupert wants, because if you win you lose. You will have paid way too much. John Malone - Winning - Losing - Rich - Assets The motivation for war is simple. The U.S. government started the war with Iraq in order to make it easy for U.S. corporations to do business in other countries. They intend to use cheap labor in those countries, which will make Americans rich. Michael Moore - Greed - America - War - Business - Rich Government I need to make an okay living. The people who work for us need to. But after you make a comfortable living, how much more do you need? It's like I make a joke about nerd values, because I'm

very much in the rich nerd tradition. And you know, we say, like, hey, people pay us for this stuff, like programming. You know, what else do we need? Craig Newmark - Technology - Money - Earnings - Rich - Jobs My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success. They imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren't rich, because in a generous America you don't have to be rich to achieve your potential. Barack Obama - Encouragement - Inspirational - America Belief - Hope - Family - Love - Success - School - Rich - Generous For all of its faults (capitalism), it gives most hardworking people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. Bill O'Reilly - Rich - Capitalism - Improvement We still have a great amount of work to do in social development, including resolving one of the biggest challenges we face in this area, namely, reducing the gap between highincome earners and people, citizens of our country, who are still living on very modest means indeed. But we cannot, of course, adopt the solution used 80 years ago and simply confiscate the riches of some to redistribute among others. We will use completely different means to resolve this problem, namely, we will ensure good economic growth. Vladimir Putin - Society - Russia - Challenges - Solutions Problems - Rich - Economy - Growth I think one can achieve a very pleasant lifestyle by treating human beings, fellow human beings, very well.. Rene Rivkin - Rich - Life Everything we would ever need to become rich and powerful and sophisticated is within our reach. The major reason that so few take advantage of all that we have is simply, neglect. Jim Rohn - Self Help - Rich - Laziness I get angry when someone calls me only rich.. I am happy with my social personality and my generosity. Sakip Sabanci - Happiness - Philanthropy - Rich There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business from there. Colonel Sanders - Business - Money - Rich - Death All programming for prosperity should be built on spiritual foundations. The first step is to enter the spiritual dimension, the alpha level, and determine what your purpose in life is. Find out what you are here for, what you are supposed to do with your life. Jose Silva - Focus - Rich - Success - Life President Bush announced his new economic plan. The centerpiece was a proposed repeal of the dividend tax on stocks, a boon that could be worth millions of dollars to average Americans. Well, average stock-owning Americans. Technically, Americans who own a significant amount of shares in dividenddealing companies. Well, rich people, that's what I'm trying to say. They're going to do really well with this. Jon Stewart - Politicians - America - President - Taxes - Rich -

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Stocks Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world. Mother Teresa - Challenges - Family - Peace - Rich I've never lived in a building without my name on it. Ivanka Trump - Branding - Rich - Real Estate As I started getting rich, I started thinking, 'what the hell am I going to do with all this money?'... You have to learn to give. Ted Turner - Philanthropy - Money - Rich Over a three year period, I gave away half of what I had. To be honest, my hands shook as I signed it away. I knew I was taking myself out of the race to be the richest man in the world. Ted Turner - Philanthropy - Money - Rich Becoming wealthy is not a matter of how much you earn, who your parents are, or what you do.. it is a matter of managing your money properly. Noel Whittaker - Rich - Family - Planning Becoming wealthy is like playing Monopoly.. the person who can accumulate the most assets wins the game. Noel Whittaker - Rich - Assets The property boom has made us all feel wealthy, but unfortunately it has lulled many of those nearing retirement into a false sense of security. Noel Whittaker - Rich - Assets - Real Estate In bad times, the rich usually get richer. Stuart Wilde - Rich - Challenges There is no amount of money in the world that will make you comfortable if you are not comfortable with yourself. Stuart Wilde - Rich - Money - Self The rich get richer. Not only because they have surpluses with which to invest, but because of the overriding emotional release they experience from having wealth. Stuart Wilde - Rich - Investing - Optimistic I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. Oprah Winfrey - Responsibility - Motivational - Self Help - Rich Poverty

people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out. Muhammad Yunus - Banks - Change - Poverty - Challenges - Rich - Entrepreneurs - Opportunity The greatest good we can do for others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs. Zig Ziglar - Encouragement - Rich Robert Kiyosaki Biography (Robert Toru Kiyosaki) : Author, Public Speaker and Investor Famous for : The Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of books and resources. Kiyosaki details : Born - Hawaii April 8, 1947 Lives - USA More Details : Robert Kiyosaki Biography - Rich Dad, Poor Dad Book Review I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer. Robert Kiyosaki - Money - Investing - Rich A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, to say no. That's where toughness comes into play. Toughness is not being a bully. It's having backbone. Robert Kiyosaki - Truth - Fear - Leadership - Strength Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them. Robert Kiyosaki - Knowledge - Learning Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it's a subject below their social standing. Robert Kiyosaki - Money - Knowledge - Learning We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them. Robert Kiyosaki - Money - Investing - Rich - Knowledge – Rupert Murdoch Biography (Keith Rupert Murdoch) : Chairman of News Corporation Famous for : Rising to lead the global News Corporation Media Empire after coming from a small town in Australia Murdoch details : Born - March 11, 1931 Australia / Lives - USA (became US citizen in 1985) More Information : Rupert Murdoch Biography - Rupert Murdoch Companies - MySpace.com Profile - Wendi Deng Murdoch Goes Green

Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes. Oprah Winfrey - Rich - Change

I'm a catalyst for change … You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Success -

Lots of people want to ride with you in the Limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the Limo breaks down. Oprah Winfrey - Friendship - Rich

There is so much media now with the Internet and people, and so easy and so cheap to start a newspaper or start a magazine, there’s just millions of voices and people want to be heard. Rupert Murdoch - Internet - Technology - Media

I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All

You can't build a strong corporation with a lot of committees and a board that has to be consulted every turn. You have to be

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] able to make decisions on your own. Rupert Murdoch - Strength - Decisions - Management The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Innovation Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive. Rupert Murdoch - Change - Companies - Media - Growth All forms of government ultimately are not going to succeed in trying to control or censor the Internet. Rupert Murdoch - Government - Internet - Fail News.. communicating news and ideas, I guess.. is my passion. And giving people alternatives so that they have two papers to read and alternative television channels. Rupert Murdoch - Media - Ideas - Passion The Internet has been the most fundamental change during my lifetime and for hundreds of years. Someone the other day said, "It's the biggest thing since Gutenberg," and then someone else said "No, it's the biggest thing since the invention of writing." Rupert Murdoch - Change - Internet - Technology Stephen R. Covey Biography : Author and Public Speaker Famous for : The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Covey details : Born - United States of America October 24, 1932 Lives - USA More Information : Stephen Covey Biography I'm convinced that we can write and live our own scripts more than most people will acknowledge. I also know the price that must be paid. It's a real struggle to do it. It requires visualization and affirmation. It involves living a life of integrity, starting with making and keeping promises, until the whole human personality the senses, the thinking, the feeling, and the intuition are ultimately integrated and harmonized. Stephen Covey - Commitment - Decisions - Goals - Life - Self Help We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. Stephen Covey - Change - Life - Responsibility - Decisions Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them. Stephen Covey - Goals - Life - Self Help It's a fact that more people watch television and get their information that way than read books. I find new technology and new ways of communication very exciting and would like to do more in this field. Stephen Covey - Technology - Learning Actually I did not invent the seven habits, they are universal principles and most of what I wrote about is just common sense. I am embarrassed when people talk about the Covey Habits, and dislike the idea of being some sort of guru. Stephen Covey - Life - Self Help We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.

Stephen Covey - Life - Self Help - Decisions – Success Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Success, being successful and succeeding. If you're attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn't, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income. Jay Abraham - Marketing - Competition - Success Understand that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence and income. Jay Abraham - Marketing - Success - Selling You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them. Jay Abraham - Success - Solutions - Ideas The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that's the only person that does believe in your success but you. Tim Blixseth - Motivational - Belief - Success - Self Help It is once your ideas have been transformed into enough money, and if all failed, you would still live your lifestyle, and you understand that just because you have made more money than most, you are not better than the common person. We are all going to die broke. (Blixseth's definition of success) Tim Blixseth - Success - Ideas - Money - Death - Life - Wealth Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world Sergey Brin - Success - Innovation - Truth Family, religion, friends.. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business. Monty Burns - Family - Friends - Success - Business There are only two words that will always lead you to success. Those words are yes and no. Undoubtedly, you’ve mastered saying yes. So start practicing saying no. Your goals depend on it! Jack Canfield - Goals - Success - Decisions Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle. Jack Canfield - Success - Goals - Feelings - Decisions - Focus I believe the true road to preeminent success in any line is to make yourself master in that line. I have no faith in the policy of scattering one's resources, and in my experience I have rarely if ever met a man who achieved preeminence in money making.. certainly never one in manufacturing.. who was interested in many concerns. Andrew Carnegie - Money - Success - Commitment The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] and stuck to it. Andrew Carnegie - Commitment - Success -

clean as you can keep it, keep it friendly. Walt Disney - Customers - Success

Even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15% of one's financial success is due one's technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skill in human engineering, to personality and the ability to lead people. Dale Carnegie - Skill - Technology - People - Knowledge - Success

The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do. Thomas Edison - Failure - Commitment - Success

The remarkable social impact and economic success of the Internet is in many ways directly attributable to the architectural characteristics that were part of its design. The Internet was designed with no gatekeepers over new content or services. Vinton Cerf - Internet - Success It is now 14 years since I first suggested that organic farming might have some benefits and ought to be taken seriously. I shall never forget the vehemence of the reaction.. much of it coming from the sort of people who regard agriculture as an industrial process, with production as the sole yardstick of success. Prince Charles - Criticism - Farming - Food - Organic - Success

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. Thomas Edison - Work - Commitment - Success - Inspirational The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. Thomas Edison - Work - Commitment Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience. Michael Eisner - Success - Failure - Life

To succeed in life in today's world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job. Chin-Ning Chu - Ambition - Success - Job

Once I began following my own instincts, sales took off and I became a millionaire. And that, I think, is a key secret to every person's success, be they male or female, banker or p0rnographer:Trust in your gut. Larry Flynt - Instinct - Belief - Success

A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one's own path, not chasing after the dreams of others. Chin-Ning Chu - Passions - Success - Life - Goals

The only question to ask yourself is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve this success? Larry Flynt - Questions - Self Control - Success

A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or service that contributes to happiness in all of its forms. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Business Ethics - Success - Business Products - Happiness

You will encounter many distractions and many temptations to put your goal aside: The security of a job, a wife who wants kids, whatever. But if you hang in there, always following your vision, I have no doubt you will succeed. Larry Flynt - Belief - Goals - Success

To be successful you have to enjoy doing your best while at the same time contributing to something beyond yourself. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Success - Enjoyment - Best If we agree that the bottom line of life is happiness, not success, then it makes perfect sense to say that it is the journey that counts, not reaching the destination. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Success - Happiness - Life - Goals The winner is the chef who takes the same ingredients as everyone else and produces the best results. Edward de Bono - Success - Innovation There are a lot of things that go into creating success. I don't like to do just the things I like to do. I like to do things that cause the company to succeed. I don't spend a lot of time doing my favorite activities. Michael Dell - Company - Work - Action It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference. Michael Dell - Change - Opportunity Twenty years and $40 billion. They seem like good round numbers. Michael Dell - Money - Success

The man who has done his level best, and who is conscious that he has done his best, is a success, even though the world may write him down as a failure. BC Forbes - Failure - Success - Work It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn. BC Forbes - Work - Success Microsoft has had its success by doing low-cost products and constantly improving those products and we've really redefined the IT industry to be something that's about a tool for individuals. Bill Gates - Products - Technology - Improvement - Success My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things. Bill Gates - Success - Focus I love building the products, seeing people use the products but you know along with success comes the need for a dialogue with the government. Bill Gates - Products - Success - Customers - Government Why is it that with all the information available today on how to be successful in small business, so few people really are? Michael Gerber - Business - Success

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] The man who occupies the first place seldom plays the principal part. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Leadership - Partnership - Success The deed is everything, the glory naught. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Philanthropy - Success A leaf that is destined to grow large is full of grooves and wrinkles at the start. Now if one has no patience and wants it smooth offhand like a willow leaf, there is trouble ahead. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Change - Success - Goals I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well. Alan Greenspan - Success - Truth - Profits - Partnership The true measure of a career is to be able to be content, even proud, that you succeeded through your own endeavors without leaving a trail of casualties in your wake. Alan Greenspan - Success - Truth - Happiness - Dishonesty I do not deny that many appear to have succeeded in a material way by cutting corners and by manipulating associates, both in their professional and in their personal lives. But material success is possible in this world and far more satisfying when it comes without exploiting others. Alan Greenspan - Success - Life - Dishonesty To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education--literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills. Alan Greenspan - Success - Knowledge - Finance Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive. Andrew Grove - Success - Failure Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Conrad Hilton - Success - Quitting - Mistakes - Action What is it that you like doing? If you don’t like it, get out of it, because you’ll be lousy at it. You don’t have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don’t like it you’ll never be successful in it. Lee Iacocca - Jobs - Life - Successful - Decisions - Passions It takes a lot more to run a good business than just trailing commissions or kickbacks otherwise everybody would succeed, wouldn't they? John Ilhan - Business - Success Time Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about managing time, time saving, and using time wisely. As Vice President one of the things I spend time on is the continuity of government; that's the main reason I'm here is a back up for the President if anything happens to him. Dick Cheney - President - Government - Time To have passion, to have a dream, to have a purpose in life. And there are three components to that purpose, one is to find out who you really are, to discover God, the second is to serve other

human beings, because we are here to do that and the third is to express your unique talents and when you are expressing your unique talents you lose track of time. Deepak Chopra - Life - Passions - God - Skill - Time A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life. Charles Darwin - Life It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time. Henry Ford - Action Having kids has been a fantastic thing for me. It's meant that I'm a little more balanced. In my twenties I worked massively, hardly took vacation at all. Now, I, with the help of my wife, I'm always making sure I've got a good balance of how I spend my time. Bill Gates - Work - Family - Time You can do so much in 10 minutes' time .Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good.. Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Ingvar Kamprad - Time - Action - Life Time is our most precious asset, we should invest it wisely. Michael Levy - Time - Assets I learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything.. at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything. Dan Millman - Action - Time - Priorities I am aware that success is more than a good idea. It is timing too. Anita Roddick - Ideas - Success - Time Information and communications technology unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and multi-that. Li Ka Shing - Technology - Time Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, “what is the most valuable use of my time right now?” Brian Tracy - Questions - Time You must master your time rather than becoming a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on your time. And you must organize your life to achieve balance, harmony, and inner peace. Brian Tracy - Achievement - Planning - Time When you allow yourself to begin to dream big dreams, creatively abandon the activities that are taking up too much of your time, and focus your inward energies on alleviating your main constraints, you start to feel an incredible sense of power and confidence. Brian Tracy - Confidence - Planning - Power - Time - Focus I think women have proved themselves beyond a shadow of doubt that they are as capable and as confident in delivering results. The "B" word.. babies or biology is a complicated one. Because it doesn't mean that women can't do the work, it means that women have a point, a period in their life of maybe.. depending on how many children they have, of 5 to 10 years

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] where they have a lessened amount of availablity. And in many many corporate settings you have to be available for face time in the office and travel. And when you make the choice to have a kid you also make the choice to be not available as much. Suzy Welch - Woman - Confidence - Family - Time - Commitment Trust Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Trust, earning the trust of others, being trusted, and trustworthy. Trust the Universe. Trust and believe and have faith. I truly had no idea how I was going to bring the knowledge of The Secret onto the movie screen. I just held to the outcome of the vision, I saw the outcome clearly in my mind, I felt it with all my might, and everything that we needed to create The Secret came to us. Rhonda Byrne - Trust - Belief - Faith - Mind - Optimistic - Create Self Help A warrior of light who trusts too much in his intelligence will end up underestimating the power of his opponent. Paulo Coelho - Knowledge - Challenges - Power I must confess that I've never trusted the Web. I've always seen it as a coward's tool. Where does it live? How do you hold it personally responsible? Can you put a distributed network of fiber-optic cable "on notice"? And is it male or female? In other words, can I challenge it to a fight? Stephen Colbert - Internet - Responsible - Trust - Funny Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a product or a service that the customer does not and cannot have, and does not need if he can trust the brand. This explains the profitability of brands. Peter Drucker - Branding - Customers I don't want to be just a voice on the phone. I have to get to know these guys face-to-face and develop a sincere relationship. That way, if we run into problems in a deal, it doesn't get adversarial. We trust each other and have the confidence we can work things out. Wayne Huizenga - Problems - Challenges - Confidence Partnership I'm 48. For a while after 'The Jerk' (movie) I had a feeling of failure. I was a little scared. First people discover you and they love you. You get big and then you fail. And people are glad that you fail. But I've always come back and I've started to trust myself. Steve Martin - Famous - Criticism - Failure - Trust eBay's business is based on enabling someone to do business with another person, and to do that, they first have to develop some measure of trust, either in the other person or the system. Pierre Omidyar - Technology - People - Business Through persistence, self-knowledge, prayer, commitment, optimism, a resolute trust in God and the building of your own personal moral strength, you can enjoy the blessings of a deeper faith and face the difficulties of life with courage and confidence. Norman Vincent Peale - Life - Work - Problems - Self Control Strength To be successful, you have to be able to relate to people; they have to be satisfied with your personality to be able to do business with you and to build a relationship with mutual trust.

George Ross - Success - Negotiation - Business - Partnership Trust In the 1960s, if you introduced a new product to America, 90% of the people who viewed it for the first time believed in the corporate promise. Then 40 years later if you performed the same exercise less than 10% of the public believed it was true. The fracturing of trust is based on the fact that the consumer has been let down. Howard Schultz - Lies - Truth - Trust - Customers - Companies Products - America Ethics or simple honesty is the building blocks upon which our whole society is based, and business is a part of our society, and it's integral to the practice of being able to conduct business, that you have a set of honest standards. And it's much easier to do business with someone when you look them in the eye and say, "This is what we're going to do," and you understand what you each mean, and you can go away and get it done. Kerry Stokes - Business - Social - Business Ethics - Trust - Deals I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. Mother Teresa - Challenges - God - Trust Understanding Quotes from some of the leaders in investing, business, and finance. Includes quotes about Understanding, being understood by others, and to learn to understand things more clearly. An amazing thing, the human brain. Capable of understanding incredibly complex and intricate concepts. Yet at times unable to recognize the obvious and simple. Jay Abraham - Knowledge - Ideas Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing. Warren Buffett - Stock Market - Investing Smart people instinctively understand the dangers of entrusting our future to self-serving leaders who use our institutions.. whether in the corporate or social sectors.. to advance their own interests. Jim Collins - Smart - Society - Understanding - Leadership Management I think if you've suffered, if you've experienced loss, you're probably more open to understanding it and more comfortable talking about it and experiencing it. Anderson Cooper - Loss - Knowledge - Experience Understanding The world reacts very strangely to people they see on TV, and I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you're not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you're special and begin to expect it. For a reporter, that's the kiss of death. Anderson Cooper - Understanding - Famous - Power - News Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. Albert Einstein - True - Great - Challenges - Spirit -

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[QUOTES:THE POWER OF WORDS ] Understanding - Opinions - Courage Understanding how to be a good investor makes you a better business manager and vice versa. Charlie Munger - Management - Investing - Understanding I see, I forget. I hear, I remember. I do, I understand. Chinese Proverbs - Learning - Understanding Leaders are made, not born. You learn to become a leader by doing what other excellent leaders have done before you. You become proficient in your job or skill, and then you become proficient at understanding the motivations and behaviors of other people. Brian Tracy - Learning - Leadership - Skill - Jobs - Motivational Warren Buffett Biography (Warren Edward Buffett) : Famous American Investor - Stock Market Guru Famous for : The successful Berkshire Hathaway Company, 2nd Richest man in the world, and Philanthropist Buffet details : Born - August 30, 1930 Omaha, Nebraska / Lives - United States of America - Omaha More Information : Warren Buffett Biography - Warren Buffett's Philanthropy Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing. Warren Buffett - Stock Market - Investing - Knowledge Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years. Warren Buffett - Stock Market - Long Term Investing We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful. Warren Buffett - Greed - Fear - Investing Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful". Warren Buffett - Investing - Assets Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business. Warren Buffett - Branding Our favourite holding period is forever. Warren Buffet - Long Term Investing

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