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Pursuing Professional Development Quiz 1 This is a multiple-choice test. Please use your mouse to click the small round option button preceding the best answer to each question. Then, use the scroll bar on the right side of your screen to scroll down to the next question. Repeat as needed until you have answered all questions. Then, click the small gray 'Submit' button at the bottom of this page. Please click the button once only. Within 1-2 minutes, you will receive an evaluation of your answers. Note: You can take this quiz as many times as you wish. Use the quizzes to test your knowledge of each lesson before you take your final exam. Your quiz scores do not have any impact on your eligibility for a completion letter. Your final exam score alone determines your eligibility to receive a completion letter. Because you only have one opportunity to take the final exam, we strongly recommend that you prepare for the final by doing as well as you can on these quizzes. Quiz 1 1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of training? Related to a specific task Clearly defined time limits Questions based on 'what' Questions based on 'why' 2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of development? No clearly defined time limits Questions based on 'why' Questions based on 'how' A constant and continuous process 3. In relation to Lange's definition, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of professional growth? Intellectual

Physical Experiential Attitudinal 4. Which of the following is NOT part of experience and 'accumulated wisdom' based on three different sets of learning? Learning from theorizing Learning from our mistakes Learning from our successes Learning from each other 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of professional development given above? Awareness Decision Making Flexibility Training Quiz 2 1. What is the most commonly identified challenge of engaging in professional development? Time Energy Motivation Support 2. What is the second most commonly identified challenge of engaging in professional development? Time

Energy Motivation Support 3. 'Burnout' is the result of... too much sunshine. too little sunshine. physical/psychological exhaustion. smoking cigarettes. 4. What is a 'fad'? A fad is a type of animal. A fad is a type of fruit. A fad is something of long-term interest. A fad is something of short-term interest. 5. We naturally resist change because... we are not able to change. we do not want to change. we avoid risk and the unknown. we do not know how to change. Quiz 3 1. 'Engage', as it used in this lesson, means... to marry someone. to divorce someone. to hold someone's attention.

to hold someone's hand. 2. According to the lesson notes... how we teach is not important. how we teach is less important than what we teach. how we teach is more important than what we teach. how we teach is just as important as what we teach. 3. 'Routinization' refers to... the route we take to go to school. the route we take to go to home. repetitive 'automated' procedures. creative original procedures. 4. What is sometimes referred to as 'the E-word'? Engagement Electronic Education Empowerment 5. According to the lesson, 'burnout' commonly occurs in which of the following professional groups? Teachers Taxi Drivers Airline Pilots Artists Quiz 4 1. According to Vivian Paley, school classrooms are...

the most complex society ever assembled in a single place. the most fun society ever assembled in a single place. the most complete society ever assembled in different places. the most incomplete society ever assembled in a single place. 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the lesson: It is possible to think without writing. It is not possible to write without thinking. It is not possible to think without writing. Writing is an important tool for thinking. 3. To write journal entries all you need is... a quiet place. a noisy place. a computer screen and keyboard. something to write with and something to write on. 4. Critical Incident or Critical Moment Writing is based on... writing about everything that happens in a classroom. writing about everything that students do in class. writing about everything the teacher does in class. writing selectively about what happened in the classroom. 5. You should NOT share your journal entries with another teacher if... you know them well. they simply want to know more about you and won't help you in your professional development. you trust them.

they want to show you their journal entries. Quiz 5 1. Which of the following responses is NOT a common initial reaction from a teacher seeing themselves on video for the first time? "What a great professional development opportunity." "Do I really sound like that?" "Do I really look like that?" "Is that really me?" 2. 'Acclimatization' literally means to... get used to flying. get used to a particular climate. get used to traveling by bus. get used to traveling by car. 3. Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of using video in your professional development? Modern video recorders are easy to operate. Video recordings capture non-verbal communication. Video recorders are non-judgmental. Video recorders are inexpensive. 4. In placing the video camera in the classroom... it is best to have the video camera at the back of the room the whole time. it is best to have the video camera at the front of the room the whole time. it is best to move the camera or to have two cameras (one at the front and one at the back). it is best to have the video camera on one side of the room the whole time.

5. According to the Observer's Paradox, only teachers can observe classrooms clearly and without bias. only students can observe classrooms clearly and without bias. an event is changed by being observed. an event is not changed by being observed. Quiz 6 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? Evaluation of teaching effectiveness is an important part of program evaluation. Peer observation with focused feedback can help teachers develop professionally. Some teachers feel nervous, self-conscious or uncomfortable with peer observation. Peer observation should only be used for evaluative purposes. 2. Which of the following statements is true? Peer observation is the best way to engage in professional development. Peer observation should only be used for developmental purposes. What is observed should be discussed and agreed upon before the observation. Peer observers should always decide what to observe. 3. Thinking about pre-observation and post-observation discussion, which of the following statements is NOT true? Pre- and post-observation discussions are not important. The sooner feedback is given and received, the better. Pre-observation discussion is essential. Post-observation discussion is essential.

4. The Observer's Paradox might be one drawback of peer observation because... peer observers can change what they are observing. peer observers do not know what to look for. peer observers must be senior teachers. peer observers must be junior teachers. 5. Which of the following is NOT required for effective developmental peer observation? Trust Specialized equipment Mutuality Reciprocity Quiz 7 1. Which of the following might be a more accurate term for 'team teaching'? Duet teaching Pre-teaching Pair teaching Double teaching 2. How many types of team teaching are there? Three Four Five Seven 3. How many phases can any English language lesson be divided into?

Three Four Five Seven 4. Which is the LEAST effective model of collaboration for team teaching? Phase one only (before) Phase two only (during) Phase three only (after) Phase one and two only (before and during) 5. Which is the MOST effective model of collaboration for team teaching? Phase three only (after) Phase one and two only (before and during) Phase one and three only (before and after) All three phases (before, during and after) Quiz 8 1. The word 'mentor' comes from a character in... a poem. a movie. a non-fiction book. a painting. 2. The first recorded use of the word 'mentor' in French and English was in 1750, meaning... a good friend. a trusted ally.

a strong protector. a wise counsellor. 3. How is mentoring similar to an apprenticeship? Mentoring and apprenticeships are similar because they both involve physical work. Mentoring and apprenticeships are similar because they both involve two experienced workers sharing their ideas. Mentoring and apprenticeships are similar because they both involve a novice working with an experienced professional. Mentoring and apprenticeships are similar because they both involve two novices. 4. According to the writer, Oscar Wilde, what is the name we give to our mistakes? Triumphs Failures Successes Experience 5. Which of the following is NOT an essential factor in creating successful mentoring relationships? Equality Trust Respect Time Quiz 9 1. In which domain is 'coaching' most commonly found? Teaching

Sports Nursing Legal Studies 2. In business contexts, coaches have become increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional approaches to what? Leadership Management Peer relationships Coaching is not important in business. 3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of peer coaching (in the ASCD description)? Teachers discuss and share teaching practices Teachers observe one another's classrooms Teachers promote collegiality and support Teachers always agree with their peer coach 4. What is a key factor of peer coaching (in the ASCD description)? Money Space Time Age 5. In addition to trust, respect, and time, which of the following is also an essential requirement to create a successful peer coaching partnership? Openness Shyness Politeness

Agreeability Quiz 10 1. Action Research' differs from some other kinds of research because the results must be... published. presented. acted upon. written about. 2. Research written as 're-search' can mean... seeing our classrooms again with 'fresh eyes'. doing the same thing repeatedly. doing something different every time. looking for something that is not there. 3. The first step in action research is to... carefully observe the present situation and gather some information. identify an area of change you would like to bring about in your classroom. form a hypothesis or theory which states why you think the present situation is like this. assess how successfully you and your students have been in bringing about the desired change 4. The second step in action research is to... carefully observe the present situation and gather some information. identify an area of change you would like to bring about in your classroom. form a hypothesis or theory which states why you think the present situation exists.

develop and design one or more ways to intervene. 5. One of the main benefits of action research is that it is... systematic and structured. quick and easy. inexpensive. not time consuming. Quiz 11 1. Which of the following definitions of 'portfolio' is most applicable to English language teachers? A thin, flat case for carrying drawings, maps or other documents Creative work intended to demonstrate a person's ability A range of financial investments Portfolios are not applicable to the field of ELT. 2. What is the most important document within a language teacher's portfolio? A teaching philosophy Peer observations notes Video recordings Journal entries 3. What should be included with all documents in a teaching portfolio? Diagrams Notes Charts Pictures

4. Regarding student feedback, what should be included in a teaching portfolio? Only open-ended student feedback Only closed response student feedback Both open-ended and closed response student feedback No student feedback 5. In terms of readership, a teacher making a portfolio does NOT need to ask... who will be the main reader of my teaching portfolio. what are the main purpose and function of my portfolio. what is the goal in creating this portfolio. how can I make my portfolio as big as possible. Quiz 12 1. What is the main factor you should use to determine what type of professional development to use? What you want to achieve How much money you have to spend on professional development How long you have been teaching What country you teach in 2. The word 'fit' comes from old English verb, originally meaning... the fastest. the strongest. the biggest. suited to the circumstances. 3. 'Triangulation', a method of gathering and interpreting information or data, relies on...

getting two different perspectives of the same event. getting three different perspectives of the same event. getting four different perspectives of the same event. getting as many different perspectives of the same event as possible. 4. Which of the following factors is NOT necessary for successful professional development? Choice Trust Time Money 5. Which of the following conditions are also NOT necessary for successful professional development? Many years of experience Reciprocity/mutuality Better teaching and learning Support

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