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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 437
  • Pages: 2
NAME: _____________________________ SECTION: CE 4L I.



_______________1. defined as the amount of water that a drainage basin/reservoir

can provide during both wet and dry periods. _______________2. the movement of saltline water into freshwater aquifers. the primary cause of saltwater intrusion. _______________3. Represent the soil moisture at the time that plants cannot extract water from the soil. _______________4. consists of a porous ceramic cup buried in the soil. _______________5. The cup is filled with water and connected to a manometer _______________6. the movement of water through the soil surface into the soil _______________7. Defined as the moisture content of soil after gravity drainage is


_______________8. Is the process by which the ground water is augmented at a

rate much higher than those under natural condition of percolation. _______________9. an underground layer which holds groundwater under pressure. _______________10. is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rocks. _______________11. are separated from the ground surface by an impermeable layer confined aquifer. _______________12. are those into which water seeps from the ground surface directly above the aquifer. _______________13. direction that Water generally flows. _______________14. Device use to determine permeability. _______________15. The ability of a substance to allow another substance to pass through it. _______________16. water that exists in the pore spaces and fractures in rocks and sediments beneath the Earth’s surface. _______________17. the locus of points (in unconfined material) where hydrostatic pressure equals atmospheric pressure. _______________18. soil pores may contain either air or water _______________19. interstices are filled with water. _______________20. Also known as fringe water region II.


21-24. Causes of groundwater contamination 25-26. Typical method of Safe Yield 27-30. Sources of groundwater III.

Draw the schematic cross section showing the OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER (10 POINTS)

ANSWERS KEY: 1. Safe yield ` 2. Saltwater intrusion 3. Groundwater extraction 4. Wilting point 5. Tensiometer 6. Infiltration 7. Field capacity 8. Artificial recharge 9. Artesian aquifer 10. Aquifer 11. Confined aquifer 12. Unconfined aquifers 13. Hydraulic gradient/slope of the water table 14. Permeameters 15. Permeability

16. Subsurface water or groundwater 17. Water table 18. Zone of aeration 19. Zone of saturation 20. Capillary Water Region

21-24. Causes of groundwater contamination

   

direct indirect natural man made

25-26. Typical method of Safe Yield  SPECIFIC CAPACITY  LONG TERM PUMPING TEST 27-30. Sources of groundwater  Juvenile Water  Connate Water  Meteoric Water  Codensational Water Draw the schematic cross section showing the OCCURRENCE OF GROUND WATER (20 POINTS) (LAND SURFACE, ZONE OF ROCK FRACTURE, ZONE OF AERATION, SOIL WATER, INTERMEDIATE VADOSE WATER, FRINGE WATER, WATER TABLE, ZONE OF SATURATION, GROUNDWATER, INTERNAL WATER )

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