
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 429
  • Pages: 14
The Indian dish “Vada” is in the shape of a : a) b) c) d)

Cylinder Torus Circle Ellipsoid

Ans. (b) 1

What is the brick called in geometrical term : a) b) c) d)

Cuboid Prism Rectangle Cube

Ans. ( b ) 2

Of the following curves , tell which one of resemble the heart : a) b) c) d)

Hypocycloid Trochoid Cardioid Epicycloid

Ans. ( c ) 3

“ Two wrongs do not make a right” What does this proverb says a) b) c) d)

Mathematics does not hold true in ethics Ethics is wrong mathematics Ethics does not hold true in mathematics Mathematics and ethics are pole apart

Ans. ( a ) 4

The symbols ε , κ , λ , µ ,ν , belongs to a) b) c) d)

Greek numeral system Brahmi numeral system Coptic numeral system Arabic numeral system

Ans. (a)


The symbols X , M , V, L etc. are : a) b) c) d)

Arabic numerals Roman numerals Greek numerals Moorish numerals

Ans. ( b ) 6

Zero is denoted by several names in ancient India . Tell which one is the old one out of the following: a) b) c) d)

Gagana Sunya Gati Kha

Ans. ( c ) 7

Which is the number that is the perimeter and area of a same square a) b) c) d)

25 16 64 121

Ans. (b) 8

Which is the number – other than 0 & 1 whose square root is equal to the sum of its digits a) b) c) d)

144 36 121 81

Ans. ( d ) 9

Which is the highest award of the I.M.U bestowed on a person for his outstanding contributions to mathematics a) b) c) d)

Copley medal Field’s medal Fisher’s medal Russel’s medal

Ans. ( b ) 10

Which is the (other than 1 & 2) that is sum of the factorial of its digits a) b) c) d)

92 246 145 347

Ans. ( c ) 11

Where is the Ramanujan Institute of Mathematics located ? a) b) c) d)

Tiruchirapalli Trivandrum Lucknow Madras

Ans. ( d ) 12

A point on the wheel of a bicycle draw one of the following curve : a) b) c) d)

Logarithmic spiral Ellipsoid Cycloid Hyperbola

Ans. ( a ) 13

Which decimal number is equivalent to the Roman numeral “C” a) b) c) d)

50 1000 10 100

I (one) , V (five), X (ten), L (fifty) , C (one hundred), D ( five hundred ), M (one thousand) Ans. ( d )


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