Questions & Answers

  • Uploaded by: Zailda Coirano
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 346
  • Pages: 10
Questions & Answers “Yes/No” questions “W/H” questions “OR” questions

YES / NO Questions When a questions starts with a verb, it is a yes/no question and its answer starts with yes or no + short answer. Examples: Are you my student? – Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Is your mother a good cook? – Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Am I late? – Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

W / H Questions Questions starting with interrogative pronouns (starting with letter W or H), you cannot answer yes/no. You have to give a complete answer. Examples: What is your name? – It’s Mary. Where are you from? – I’m from Brazil. Who is that woman? – She’s my teacher. Whose car is that? – It’s the Gibsons’ car. How are you? – I’m fine, thanks.

OR Questions When answering questions with or, you have to choose one of the elements. Don’t use yes / no. Examples: Are you a student or a teacher? – I’m a teacher. Is your mother here or at home? – She’s at home. Am I late or early? – You are late.

What  object / animal Answer questions with what with object or animal. What is that over there? It’s a book. What is this? It’s my dog.

Who  person Answer questions with who with a person. Who is that woman? She’s my teacher. Who is that boy? That’s Mike.

Where  place Answer questions with where with a place. Where is your book? It’s on my desk. Where are you from? I’m from Brazil.

How  manner, way Answer questions with how with manner, way. How is your mother? She’s fine. How is the cake? It’s delicious.

How old  age Answer questions with how old with someone’s age. How old are you? I’m 16. How old is your sister? She’s 1.

Whose  owner or possessive Answer questions with whose with the owner of something or with possessive. Whose jeep is that? It’s Mr. Strickland’s. Whose backpack is this? It’s my backpack.

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