Questionnaire Plastic Bags

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 409
  • Pages: 2
Survey: The Usage of Plastic Bags. This survey is part of our research for a Multidisciplinary Approach to a Sustainable Environment project. It is to help us determine the problem and awareness of the usage of plastic bags in Brunei Darussalam. Therefore your cooperation is highly appreciated. Please tick  where appropriate. Gender: M




< 20


Profession: Student Status: Single




1. Do you use plastics bags?

Other (Please Specify____________________)




2. How often do you use plastic bags? Always


3. In a week, how many plastic bags do you use or obtain? <5

Seldom 6-10

Never >10

4. Where do you usually obtain your plastic bags? (You may tick more than 1) Buying from shops for own use From shopping at shops (i.e. supermarkets, convenience stores and department stores). During Bruneian functions (e.g. weddings)

Others (Please Specify ________)

5. Rank 1- 6 where you think most plastic bags is used? (1 being the most used and 6 being the least) __ Supermarkets

__Markets (i.e. Fish markets)

__ Convenience stores (i.e. Kedai Runcit)

__ Department stores

__ Bruneian Functions

__ Garbage Disposal

__ Others (Please specify_____) 6. Do you bring your own shopping bags during shopping? Always




7. What do you do with plastic bags? (You may tick more than one) Reuse for rubbish bins

Reuse for shopping

Reuse for storing and carrying things

Kept being recycled later


Throw away

Other (Please Specify _________) 8. Do you think plastic bags are useful or a nuisance? (You may tick more than 1) Useful


Helps to carry things easily

Gets into our sewer system and rivers

It is light and affordable

Animals mistaken it as food

Helps to store things

Can suffocate children

9. Do you think we should use biodegradable plastic bags?

Yes | No

10. Do you know if plastic bags can be recycled in Brunei? If yes, please state where? Yes, Where? ____________ | No 11. What are your views? SA A not sure People in Brunei are not disposing of their plastic bags appropriately There is too much plastic bags being used in Brunei Shops in Brunei should stop using plastic bags and introduce bringing your own shopping bags for shopping. Shops should use paper bags instead of plastic bags. A law should be passed to stop people using plastic bags at all. Other opinions (Please specify)  Thank you 


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