Questionnaire Library Infrastructure

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 549
  • Pages: 4
QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT LIBRARY INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure, space, areas Surface of the school library: __ Nº of places: • Library setting:

m2 Ground floor □

Upstairs □



If upstairs, are there access ramps or elevators? • Is there direct access from street? • In the last two years, has accessibility been improved? •

• In the last two years, has any enlargement work been carried out? • In the last two years, has computer wiring been installed? • Mark the areas available in the school library: □ management and borrowing □ general and cultural information □ newspaper archive □ novelties □ working and study area □ youth area □ telematics area □ audiovisual area □ group working area □ others:__________________________ •

Are there signs indicating the library setting in the school?

Is there in the library, in a visible place, a chart indicating the thematic classification of books? • Is the literature section classified according to reader’s ages? • Is the literature section organized •


according to genre?

Equipment Indicate if the following equipment is available and the number of units Computer, multimedia and audiovisual equipment � Internet Connection � Computer for managemet � Printer � Scanner � Computer for Students � Headphones � Barcode Scanner � Projection Screen (fixed and/or portable) � Video-DVD Player � Digital Camera � Video Camera � Digital Projector � TV Set Furniture � Management Desk or Counter � Reading Couches � Filing Cabinet � Display Cabinet � Closed Bookcase (wooden doors) � Cabinet with shelves � Display Stand for Magazines � Trolley to Carry Documents � Notice Board � Stand for CDs/DVDs � Portable Board � Chairs � Material for Students with Special Educational Needs.



Collection YES In the library, all the existing school documental



resources are centralized, managed and collected? Is the computer application programme ABIES used? If not, indicate which one: _______ Is the access to the on line catalogue available? Are most of the shelves opened allowing in this way free access to documents? Are collection expurgations carried out? Expurgation frequency: □ monthly □ every three months □ yearly □ other: Are the library funds related to the curricular areas and teachings carried out in the school? Are there enough material and funds for students with special educational needs? Is the teacher team consulted for the fund updating? SUMMARY: Total number of registered documents:

Use and Working Is the library used during lesson hours? Is the library open during the school break?




Does the borrowing service work? Is there Internet access? Is there a library guide for students/teachers? Are reading guides elaborated? Is the publication of school magazines and newspapers coordinated from the library? Is any educational programme on information and researching abilities carried out? Is any programme on reading promotion/ reading or writer projects carried out? Are there thematic exhibitions in the library? Are there exhibitions of novelties from time to time? In the school website, is there any section devoted to the library? Is the school library working plan and use included in the School Annual Plan? Are library norms, library responsible teachers and their tasks included in Working and Organization Regulations? Is an annual evaluation report on the library working and use included in the school memory?


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