Question 3 (1)

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Question 3. Describe an aspect of your organization which could be viewed as problematic. Briefly outline 3 different action plans which could be implemented to deal with the issue involved, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (2000 Words)

Ans. Organization means “Group of people whose members work together for a shared purpose in a continuing way.” When various members work together, the behavior of the persons always differ from person to person. It is an organizational head’s responsibility to make efforts for the change in the behavior of the person working in a group. My organization /group belong to service sector that to social services through Medical & Education. What I feel about providing services, it is not necessary that all think like me. Hence, the problem starts with the initial stage of ideology. -

According to me, large and divided campus is a major problem, because of limited availability of the human and physical resources it is very difficult to manage efficient and error free work simultaneously at both the campus. This results leaving incomplete work at one or another site. Transportation of physical resources result damage of valuable assets, difficulty in maintaining records at various points, responsibilities cannot be fixed on one person in such situation. Job responsibilities are not yet clear in construction due to the limited human resources; therefore it is always possible for a person to escape from the responsibilities. The same position is applicable in maintenance department. In fact I have not yet established any maintenance/ housekeeping department separately for both the campuses. This has resulted wastage of stored material.

Due to more dependency on untrained labor or employees force, the quality of suffers adversely. - The second main problematic area is to keep proper control on the seniors. It has been observed that those who have granted authorities in their area of operation constantly misuse their power and I have to settle many issues personally. As, our institutions are situated in the remote area/rural area, some time it is very difficult to find Faculties and Directors as per the Education domain and we have to adjust such situation in all cases. It is also found that people are very much ready to take Authority but not ready to accept any responsibility. Persons granted authorities not ready to take responsibility for the work/task done by their subordinates even after delegating the work authority to their subordinate by them self. Such cases are nothing but purely concerned with misuse of granted authority. It is purely a violation of the Principle “balance between authority and responsibility.” It is also found that people often misuse the authority in utilizing Financial and Physical Resources. - Communication Gap is also a problematic area in our organization. In Huge/Large and divide Campus the intercom system is not yet installed due to the incomplete work in infrastructure sector even after a stretch of 4 years period. Though part of the communication facilities are provided in the campus but these are still incomplete. I feel that majority of the people take undue advantage of communication gap in the organization. Authorized persons do not communicate their decisions in most of the cases.

If, I evaluate my self, I can say that I am not expert in the area of Management and Engineering, because I am from

Medical field, I can judge the future requirements of my own area easily. Whereas I am fully dependent on my Principals/Directors of different institutes for their Institutional requirement/Building Plans. What is required in an Engineering institute and its different branches is entirely different if we compare it with Management Institutes requirement. I have less knowledge of all such things and I have to rely upon the Head of the Institutes. After finding out such problems, I realized that, to come out with all above issues, I must have an action plan to coordinate and reconcile my all organizational activates to PLUG THE LEAKAGE OF FINANCIAL, HUMAN AND PHYSICAL RESOURCES. Therefore, I have decided that my first action plan will be related to the completion of all projects as soon as possible. There are number of issues involve before all this, like arrangement of FUNDS on time for construction, Purchase of material/equipments for fulfilling institutions requirements etc. I feel that the losses which I am bearing due to the shifting of material from one project to another is much more than the interest cost which will be levied on further loan. At the same time when the projects will be completed on time the related cost will also decrease. The chances of malpractices, skiping the material during shifting/transfer can be eliminated. The completed project will be having much less cost of maintenance, it will attract the new generation for taking admission in our institutions. We need not to wait for various CAP rounds to complete admissions. I am sure that we can complete our admission procedure latest by 2nd CAP round. To fulfill this task I need trained staff, again this is a challenge for me. I will appoint person on the basis of “RIGHT PERSON FOR RIGHT JOB”. It is true that instead

of appointed 10 untrained personnel better to appoint 3 Trained. I know that due to the local pressure I am bound to appoint local persons, but there is always an end. So this will be my end point. I will first give them training before final appointment.

In case of misuse of authority, now the time has come to think on this issue. Pros and Cons are always present in all action plans, so here also. The first action I would like to take that if in future any person is not ready to take responsibility to the extent of the authority granted, all his/her authorities will be withdrawn. I know very well that my action will give unrest to some of my employees, but in the interest of the organization necessary actions are required. Promotion of the juniors will be implemented with immediate effect. This will boost the morale and they will feel motivated. This will develop the feeling of safety among the juniors too. Periodical assessment of the Faculties/Employees through some expert agency shall be implemented so that incompetent persons can be eliminated from the list of the employees. Periodical assessment will be done bias free and no Senior Person/Director will be involved in this assessment process. The agency will directly communicate the result to the Top authorities. The directors will not be involved in this process only their suggestions will be entertained. The advantage of this policy Implementation will be judged in future when untrained/incompetent faculties/employees will be warned on their competency and Management will be in a position to appoint experienced, qualified, and competent persons on different positions.

As we know that “MOUTH PUBLICITY IS THE BEST PUBLICITY”, our products i.e. students will publicize our name in the market. This will attract MNC’S and CORPORATE WORLD for CAMPUS PLACEMENT. By this action plan, some of the people/employees may loose their jobs, but I will have an opportunity to select new and best. The job losers may spread the wrong notions /rumors inn the market, but I am sure that it will not affect our implemented system in any case. Even the existing staff will try to improve their performance in their own and institution interest. I also feel that all members of the organization should give best of their ability, of which only few are giving their best rest feels that this is their own crop and whenever they wish to reap, they reap. Such mentality persons often create Communication Gap, this gap helps them to work with their own will, and they don’t think even any good or bad result of their action. Some adverse results are not communicated to the Management by taking the advantage of Communication Gap. If a centralized system is made for day to day reporting (MIS) we can reduce all such habits. This will be made effective to the students, faculties, junior staff non teaching staff, and subordinates. It will be applicable on the students attendance, their project work, organization projects, direct & indirect purchases, all payments directly made by the institution authorities, indirect purchases, construction sites, staff attendance, shifting of material from one place to another place and so on……… There is a possibility that such implementation may not be liked by some of the members because by implementing this, their freedom will get affected and they may start creating other problems related to the students or infrastructures therefore all action plans shall be implemented one by one seeing to the result of the previous one.

As the plans are made for the future and future is unpredictable, therefore proper control of all action plans is necessary. Review of the different plans will also become mandatory to find out their all advantages and disadvantages.

The organization has more than 600 employees. Till date we are lacking behind in making H.R. Policies. We do not have any centralized I personally feel that we should have separate common service code for our all management Institutes, Separate for all Engineering Institutes, Separate for Polytechnics, and Pharmacy too.i.e. Our all same category institutes should be govern by one service code rather than on individual Institution basis. Before appointment the service rules must be intimated to the applicants so that if the person is selected/appointed it will be clear to him. This will help us to retain the selected person and at the same time it will eliminate the problem of working with their own strategy/will. I know it is a hard task, I also have fully devoted team ready to work round the clock without asking any question on any issue, but I fear that seeing to the other’s attitude towards their work my team may not become like others. Therefore I always feel that my organization is not built by me but it is in existence and will run successfully as long as I have devoted team with me .

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