Quasi-cosmic Status.docx

  • Uploaded by: James Lewis
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 212
  • Pages: 1
Quasi-Cosmic Entity stats base adjustments Minimum Hit Dice/Levels: 20. Hit Dice: Quasi-deities have maximum hit points per die. Speed (Ex):All movement speeds tripled. Armor Class: Deflection Bonus (Ex):equal to their Charisma modifier. Cosmic Bonus (Ex):(See Divine Bonus Special Quality) Natural Armor Bonus (Ex): equal to 1/4 total Hit Dice/Levels(round any fractions down) Special Attacks: Cosmic Aura (Su): Short range (25 ft. +5 ft. per 2 Hit Dice/Levels). Portfolios (Var.): Each gains 2 Portfolios (see Chapter 3 for more details on Portfolios). Spell-like Abilities (Su): At will -sending, tongues. Caster Level equal to total Hit Dice/Levels + 4 (Cosmic Bonus). The save DCs are Charisma-based. Special Qualities: Damage Reduction (Su): Damage Reduction 10/Epic Cosmic Bonus (Ex):+4 cosmic bonus to: AC,attacks,armor class,checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks,turning checks); DC's (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Cosmic Senses (Ex): 3x superior to that of the base creature. Immortality (Ex): A quasi-cosmic does not age and will not die of natural causes. Immunities (Ex): Natural effects such as ability damage, disease, natural elements, poison and so forth. . Abilities (Ex): +8 to each Ability Score. Skills (Ex): Quasi-cosmic gain a +4 Divine Bonus to all Skills (See Cosmic Bonus Special Quality). Cosmic Abilities (Var.): 4 Divine Abilities.

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