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Quantum Cryptography Chapter  in  Lecture Notes in Physics · January 1970 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11914-9_9





2 authors, including: Dagmar Bruss Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 160 PUBLICATIONS   6,726 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE

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Quantum cryptography Dagmar Bruß Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Dusseldorf, ¨ Germany

Lecture 1: Classical cryptography and principles of quantum cryptography Lecture 2: Quantum key distribution protocols and security analysis Lecture 3: Recent developments in quantum key distribution

Quantum Statistical Physics and Quantum Information, Cergy-Pontoise, 21-22 April 2008

Quantum cryptography

I. Introduction II. Classical cryptography III. Quantum cryptography: BB84, Ekert protocol IV. Other quantum cryptography protocols V. General eavesdropping strategies, comparison of protocols VI. Unconditional security (of BB84) VII. Defence against PNS eavesdropping: recent developments VIII. Secret key rate IX. Role of entanglement in QKD

Quantum Statistical Physics and Quantum Information, Cergy-Pontoise, 21-22 April 2008

I. Introduction cryptology = science of secure communication (Greek: “kryptos” = “hidden”; “logos”= “word”)





Aim: secret or “secure” communication between sender Alice and receiver Bob, encoding/decoding via “key” “Secure”: Eavesdropper Eve has no information on message/key



plain text

encryption key A

cipher text

cipher text

decryption key B

plain text


Classical cryptography: Security relies on assumed difficulty to solve certain mathematical tasks Quantum cryptography: Security relies on laws of physics

II. Classical cryptography Examples for “simple” cryptographic techniques: Transposition: re-ordering of message

MESSAGE −→ MSAEESG Skytale, ca. 500 BC Key:









Substitution: replacement of letters in message

MESSAGE −→ NFTTBHF Caesar cipher, ca. 50 BC Key:

A → B → C → ...

Insecure! correlations between letters preserved, frequency analysis

Classical cryptography: Vernam cipher Vernam cipher (1926): add random secret key to message


plain text (message)

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

{mi } random key {ki }

13 05 19 19 01 07 05 + 17 06 14 23 04 11 04



04 11 07 16 05 16 09

cipher text

{ci = mi + ki } Conditions:

• Key and message have equal length • Key is used only once (“one-time-pad”), otherwise: get information about message (here: binary) (1)

= mi


= mi


= mi

ci ci (1)


+ ci

Secure! Perfect security


+ ki


+ ki


+ mi


⇐⇒ p(m|c) = p(m)

i.e. knowing ciphertext c yields no advantage for retrieval of message m Problem: Key distribution?!? (one key for each message and every pair of parties needed)

Classical cryptography: Public key encryption so far: symmetric cryptosystem, i.e. key A and key B are identical (or key B can be easily derived from key A) Diffie and Hellman (1976): asymmetric cryptosystem, i.e. two distinct keys (public key for encryption, private key for decryption); advantage: only one private key per party needed The idea:

• use one-way function, i.e. “easy” to compute, “difficult” to invert

• more precisely: trap-door function, i.e. with additional information “easy” to invert

• kpublic is announced, kprivate is secret Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA, 1978): based on problem of factoring large integers (∈

N P)

• public key: p1 · p2 (product of two large prime numbers) • private key: f (p1 , p2 ) Problems:

• 6 ∃ proof for security • quantum computer makes prime factorization “easy” (Shor algorithm)

The RSA-algorithm i) Choose two prime numbers p1 and p2 , calculate product N

= p1 · p2

ii) Calculate Euler function

φ(N ) = (p1 − 1) · (p2 − 1) iii) Choose e with 1

< e < φ(N ) and gcd(e, N ) = 1

iv) Calculate d such that e · d

= 1(mod φ(N ))

The keys: Public key:

N and e

Private key:


Encoding of message M :

C = M e mod N Decoding of cipher text C :

(as aed

= a mod N )

M = C d mod N Example: i)

p1 = 11, p2 = 13 ; N = 143


φ(N ) = 10 · 12 = 120

iii) choose e

= 23, public key

iv) calculate d

= 47 (Euclid’s algorithm), private key

C = M 23 mod 143, Decoding: M = C 47 mod 143


III. Quantum cryptography or better: Quantum key distribution The idea: Use the laws of quantum mechanics to establish a random secret key (Vernam cipher) Two types of protocols: | ψ> |φ >

A. Non-orthogonal quantum states:


• N-O states cannot be distinguished perfectly :-) • N-O states cannot be cloned perfectly :-) • single states (“prepare-and-measure”) :-) B. Quantum entanglement: A

1 0 0 1

| ψ−> = |01> − |10>

• perfect entanglement means perfect correlations :-) • interaction destroys entanglement :-) • entanglement difficult to produce and store :-(

1 0 0 1


Quantum cryptography: BB84 protocol C. Bennett and G. Brassard; Proc. IEEE Conf. on Comp. Syst. Signal Proc., 175 (1984)

Aim: secret random key for Alice and Bob, using four non-orthogonal quantum states quantum channel

classical channel

|1> |0> + |1>

|0> − |1>

45 o |0>

Conjugate bases:

Basis +

Basis x

(figure: photon polarization) The protocol: 0) Authentication: verify that Alice is Alice and Bob is Bob i) A sends random string (2n):

↑ րր→տ ↑→տ

ii) B measures in random basis:

→ ↑ → ↑ տր → ↑ տր տր → ↑ → ↑

iii) Compare bases (class. info),

1 r 0 0 1 r 0 r

keep matching cases:

“sifted key”

iv) subset of sifted key: estimate error rate v) classical error correction and privacy amplification

; Alice and Bob have random secret key!

Some classical tools Authentication: (check identity) Share an initial secret key Error correction: (remove errors) Simple method: A chooses random pair of bits a1 and a2 , tells Bob (a1

⊕ a2 ),

Bob compares with corresponding (b1 if agreement ; both keep 1st bit

⊕ b2 )

if no agreement ; garbage A











Privacy amplification: (reduce Eve’s info) C. Bennett et al; IEEE Trans. Inf. Theo. 41, 1915 (1995)

Simple method: A chooses random pair of bits a1 and a2 , replaces pair with (a1

⊕ a2 ),

tells Bob position of pair,

Bob replaces with corresponding (b1

⊕ b2 )

; key still error free, Eve looses info











A little detour: no-cloning theorem Perfect cloning of an unknown quantum state is impossible. W.K. Wootters and W.H. Zurek, Nature 299, 802 (1982)

Reason: Quantum mechanics is linear! Time evolution:

| ψ(t)i = U(t)| ψ(0)i;


U(t) = e− h¯ Ht ;

U † U = 1l

Action of copying transformation U on basis states:

U | 0i| ii =

U | 1i| ii =

| 0i| 0i ,

| 1i| 1i .

Action of U on unknown state, | ψi with | α |2

= α| 0i + β| 1i,

+ | β |2 = 1:

U| ψi| ii = U(α| 0i + β| 1i)| ii = α| 0i| 0i + β| 1i| 1i 6= | ψi| ψi

Consequences of the no-cloning theorem The no-cloning theorem is a fundamental difference between classical and quantum information theory. Good news: A spy cannot copy the quantum signal perfectly and send it on without disturbance

; security of quantum cryptography. Bad news: There is no simple error correction scheme and no back-up for a quantum computer.

The spy: Eve Security: Eve has to obey no-cloning theorem!

• Most simple strategy of the spy Eve: “Intercept and resend”

• Eve has correct basis in n cases; n/2 cases: Bob has correct basis and Eve has wrong basis

; Corruption of n/4 bits • Discovery of Eve by comparison of subset of bits

Trade-off between information and disturbance

Eve wins information

↔ disturbs signal

Non-orthogonal states: |1> |1>=|0>-|1>


Interaction of Eve without disturbance:

U | 0i| Ei = | 0i| E0 i

U | ¯1i| Ei = | ¯1i| E¯1 i Non-orthogonal states, unitarity:

h0| ¯1i hE| Ei = h0| ¯1i hE0 | E¯1 i ; hE0 | E¯1 i = 1 ; E0 and E¯1 are identical, no information! Interaction of Eve with disturbance:

U | 0i| Ei = | 0′ i| E0 i U | ¯1i| Ei = | ¯1′ i| E¯1 i Unitarity:

h0| ¯1i hE| Ei = h0′ | ¯1′ i hE0 | E¯1 i

; decreasing hE0 | E¯1 i means increasing h0′ | ¯1′ i ¨ maximal disturbance ; maximal information fur

|0> = |0>+|1>

Quantum cryptography: Ekert protocol A. Ekert; Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 661 (1991)

Aim: secret random key for Alice and Bob, using entanglement The protocol: 0) Authentication: verify that Alice is Alice and Bob is Bob i) A and B share a singlet state (remember: invariant under rotation of bases!) A

1 0 0 1

1 0 0 1

| ψ−> = |01> − |10>


ii) A and B make measurements (figure: Bloch sphere): 1

1 3 Alice


2 π /4

π /4 π /4

π /4



iii) Compare bases (class. info) and keep matching cases, i.e. 1 and 3:

; “sifted key”

iv) other results: check for eavesdropper via Bell inequality v) classical error correction and privacy amplification

; Alice and Bob have random secret key!

A little detour: the Bloch sphere Decomposition of any ̺ in Pauli matrices:

̺ = 12 (1l + ~s · ~σ ) with ~ σ

= {σx , σy , σz }, and ~s ≡ Bloch vector |0>

111 000 s 000 111 000 111 000 111 1 0 000 111

Reminder: pure state ⇔

| ~s | = 1 mixed state ⇔ | ~ s| < 1


Orthogonal states:

hu |vi = 0 ⇔ ϕ(~su , ~sv ) = π Examples: i) BB84

ii) six state |0>


_ |0>

_ |1>


_ |1>

_ _ |0>

000 111 111 000 000 111 000 111

_ _ |1>


_ |0>

A little detour: Bell inequality CHSH inequality: Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 880 (1969)


a, b, c, d variables with values ±1 ; (a + c)b + (−a + c)d = ±2 (ai + ci )bi + (−ai + ci )di = ±2

in each run:

; |h(a + c)b + (−a + c)di| ≤ 2


S = |habi + hbci + hcdi − hdai| ≤ 2 Quantum mechanics: β α π _ 4

π _ 4

CHSH inequality

~ · ~σB )̺] habi = Tr[(~ α · ~σA ) ⊗ (β

γ π _ 4


√ Singlet: S = 2 2 ≥ 2 Back to Ekert protocol:

√ |ha1 b3 i + ha1 b2 i + ha2 b3 i − ha2 b2 i| = 2 2 ?

• violation of Bell inequality ; existence of entanglement • no violation of Bell inequality: possibility of eavesdropper

Summary of Lecture 1

• Classical cryptography: asymmetric methods (e.g. RSA) • Quantum cryptography ≡ quantum key distribution (Vernam cipher, random secret key)

• BB84 protocol: use non-orthogonal quantum states • No-cloning theorem of quantum mechanics gives security • Ekert protocol: use entangled quantum state, test for entanglement via Bell inequality

IV. Other quantum cryptography protocols: B92 C. Bennett; Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1581 (1992)

Aim: secret random key for Alice and Bob, using two non-orthogonal quantum states |u > |v >


The protocol: 0) Authentication: verify that Alice is Alice and Bob is Bob i) A sends random string of | ui and | vi ii) B measures POVM:







M = {E¬u , E¬v , E? } (1l − | uihu |)/(1 + hu| vi) (1l − | vihv |)/(1 + hu| vi) 1l − E¬u − E¬v

iii) throw away inconclusive cases:

; “sifted key”

iv) subset of sifted key: estimate error rate v) classical error correction and privacy amplification

; Alice and Bob have random secret key!

The six-state protocol D. Bruß, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3018 (1998); H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. A 59, 4238 (1999)

Aim: secret random key for Alice and Bob, using six non-orthogonal quantum states The bases: |0>

|0> |1>

|0> z




|1> Alice’s Zustaende

Bob’s Messungen

The protocol: 0) Authentication: verify that Alice is Alice and Bob is Bob i) A sends random string (3n):

| 0x i | 1z i | 1y i | 0y i | 1z i | 0x i | 0y i | 0z i ii) B measures in random basis:

σx σz

σx σz





iii) Compare bases (class. info), keep matching cases:








; “sifted key” iv) subset of sifted key: estimate error rate v) classical error correction and privacy amplification

; Alice and Bob have random secret key!


QKD protocols with higher-dimensional quantum states H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci and W. Tittel, Phys. Rev. A 61, 062308 (2000); D. Bruß and C. Macchiavello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 127901 (2002) ; N. Cerf, M. Bourennane, A. Karlsson, and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 127902 (2002)

Aim: secret random key for Alice and Bob, using d-dimensional non-orthogonal quantum states The bases: number of bases m between 2 (BB84-like) and

d + 1 (tomographically complete) The protocol: 0) Authentication: verify that Alice is Alice and Bob is Bob i) A sends random string of qudits,

∈ {| 0ii , | 1ii , ..., | d − 1ii }, i = 1, ..., m ii) B measures in random basis (generators of SU (d)) iii) Compare bases (class. info), keep matching cases:

; “sifted key” iv) subset of sifted key: estimate error rate v) classical error correction and privacy amplification

; Alice and Bob have random secret key!

V. General eavesdropping strategies, comparison of protocols Possible eavesdropping strategies: A




det. det. E

Individual attack






Collective attack

det. E





Coherent attack



Eavesdropping Eve’s most general strategy (individual attack, qubits): √ √ U | 0i| Ei = F | 0i| Ai + 1 − F | 1i| Bi √ √ U | 1i| Ei = F | 1i| Ci + 1 − F | 0i| Di Constraint: Symmetry equal fidelity for input states | ψi i, i.e.

disturbance D


F = hψi |̺Bob | ψi i,

Mutual information:

I(X; Y ) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(X, Y ) Maximal mutual information: I AB = 1 + D log D + (1 − D) log(1 − D) I AE =

1 (1 2

+ z) log(1 + z) + 12 (1 − z) log(1 − z) with



D(1 − D)

1 I^AB I^AE, BB84

mut. Inf.





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 D

´ orner-Theorem ¨ Csiszar-K : ´ and J. Korner, ¨ I. Csiszar IEEE-IT 24, 339 (1978)

I AB > I AE ⇒ can extract secret key (up to critical D )

The six-state protocol: mutual info analysis D. Bruß, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3018 (1998); H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. A 59, 4238 (1999)

This protocol allows Eve less information than BB84!

Constraint: Transformation symmetrical for all three bases Maximal mutual information: I AB = 1 + D log D + (1 − D) log(1 − D);

D =1−F

I AE = 1+(1−D) {f (D) log f (D) + (1 − f (D)) log(1 − f (D))} mit

f (D) =

1 [1 2


mut. inf.


I^AB I^AE, six-states I^AE,BB84




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 D


1 1−D


D(2 − 3D)]

Higher-dim. protocols: mutual info analysis D. Bruß and C. Macchiavello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 127901 (2002)

Higher dimensions allow Eve less information than qubits! Protocol: Generalisation of six-state protocol to d dimensions, i.e. use

d + 1 mutually unbiased bases (b)

“Mutually unbiased bases”: let | ei

i be vector i of basis b; √ (b) (c) then hei |ej i = 1/ d for b 6= c; known to exist only for d = power of prime Constraint: Transformation symmetrical for all bases Maximal mutual information: I AB = 1+D logd (D/(d−1))+(1−D) logd (1−D); D = 1−F 1−f (D)

d IAE,d = 1+(1−D)[fd (D) logd fd (D)+(1−fd (D)) logd d−1 √ d−2D+ (d−2D)2 −d2 (1−2D)2 with fd (D) = d2 (1−D) 1


0.26 I3(AB) I3(AE) I2(AB) I2(AE)


0.24 0.22 0.2 I




0.18 0.16 0.14

0.2 0.12 0

0.1 0




0.4 D








6 d




fixed disturbance, D


= 0.1

Eavesdropping versus cloning strategies


• So far: optimal eavesdropping strategies coincide with optimal quantum cloning strategies (apart from B92)

• But: different figure of merit used (mutual info for crypto; fidelity for cloning)

• General proof for equivalence/non-equvalence missing ; Open problem Coherent attacks I. Cirac and N. Gisin, Phys. Lett. A 229, 1 (1997)

Coherent eavesdropping for BB84 H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. A 59, 4238 (1999)

Coherent eavesdropping for six-state protocol

; Coherent eavesdropping does not increase Eve’s Shannon information, but probability of Eve to guess key ¨ ; see recent work by Konig and Renner on Quantum de Finetti theorem

VI. Unconditional security (of BB84)

P. Shor and J. Preskill, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 441 (2000)

“Unconditional”: security under any attack allowed by laws of quantum mechanics “Security”: Eve has “no significant” info about key; i.e. probability that A and B agree on key about which Eve has more than exp. small info is exp. small Idea of proof: Relate security of BB84 to entanglement purification and quantum error correcting codes (CSS-codes) Outline: i) entanglement-based version of BB84 ii) CSS-codes iii) security of ent-based version of BB84 iv) equivalence of ent-based and prepare+measure scheme for BB84

Unconditional security (of BB84)

i) Ent-based version of BB84: Aim: create number m of shared perfect Bell states, + + | φ+ i⊗m = | φ i ⊗ · · · ⊗ | φ iAB AB AB

with | φ+ i where | ¯ 0i



√1 (| 00i 2

√1 (| 0i 2

+ | 11i) =

+ | 1i), | ¯ 1i =

√1 (| ¯ 0¯0i 2

√1 (| 0i 2

+ | ¯1¯1i)

− | 1i)

; perfect correlation for measurement in same basis Method: Alice creates 2n Bell states, sends subsystems to Bob; use half of pairs for a check (estimate error rate); other half: correct errors with CSS code

Trick: Alice sends half of Bob’s subsystems in basis +, half in basis ×

(; prevent eavesdropping)

A little detour: (quantum) error correction

Classical error correction:

• linear [n, k] code C is set of codewords (encoding k bits of info), each code word is binary vector of length n • (n × k)-dim generator matrix G: message x → y = Gx • ((n − k) × n)-dim parity check matrix H : Hy = 0 for all code words y • y = Gx, error e ; y ′ = y + e • Hy ′ = Hy + He = He

error syndrome

• information in error syndrome ; correct error

Quantum errors: bit flip:

σx =






combined phase-bit-error:

σz =

phase error:

σy =

0 i


−i 0






ii) quantum CSS codes: Calderbank and Shor, Phys. Rev. A 54, 1098 (1996); A. Steane, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 452, 2551 (1996).

constructed from binary [n, k1 ] code C1 and [n, k2 ] code C2 with C2

⊂ C1 , suppose C1 and C2⊥ can correct ℓ errors:

• code words (from x ∈ C1 ): P 1 | x + C2 i := √ | x + yi |C2 | y∈C 2

• if x − x′ ∈ C2 then | x + C2 i = | x′ + C2 i,

otherwise (different cosets): code words are orthogonal

• number of cosets of C2 in C1 is |C1 |/|C2 | ; m = k1 − k2 qubits can be encoded • error correction: define σαs = σαs1 ⊗ σαs2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ σαsn ∈ {x, z}, and σα0 = 1l, s = (s1 , s2 , ..., sn ) n-bit vector * measure σzs for each row vector s of H1 (parity check matrix for C1 ) ; syndrome for bit flips s for each row vector s of H2 * measure σx (parity check matrix for C2⊥ ; syndrome for phase flips where α

• important property: error correction for phase errors decoupled from bit flips!

A little detour: Cosets Let G and H be two groups with G

⊂ H.

Coset of G in H , determined by h, is

h + G = {h + g|g ∈ G} Example: additive cyclic group H

= {0, 2} Cosets of G in H : subgroup G

= {0, 1, 2, 3} = Z4 ,

0 + G = {0, 2} = G

1 + G = {1, 3}

2 + G = {2, 0} = G

3 + G = {3, 1}

; two distinct cosets, G itself, and 1+G = 3 + G. The two different cosets of G in H partition H

Ent-based version of BB84:

1. Alice creates 2n qubit pairs in state | φ+ i⊗2n . 2. Alice randomly selects n pairs, will serve as check qubits. 3. Alice selects random 2n bit string b and applies the Hadamard transformation) to her half of each qubit pair whenever b is “1.” 4. Alice sends other half of all qubit pairs to Bob. 5. Alice announces b and which pairs will serve as check qubits. 6. Bob performs Hadamard on those of his qubits where b is “1.” 7. Alice and Bob measure check qubits in the {| 0i, | 1i}

basis to estimate error rate. If more than ℓ results differ, they abort protocol.

8. Remaining qubits: Alice and Bob measure the syndromes for the codes C1 and C2 , correct errors, and obtain

| φ+ i⊗m . 9. They measure | φ+ i⊗m in basis {| 0i, | 1i} basis to obtain a shared secret key.

iii) Security of ent-based version of BB84:

a) “Eve gets exponentially small information”: H.-K. Lo and H. F. Chau, Science 283, 2050 (1999)

If for | ψi

= | φ+ i⊗m F = hψ |̺| ψi ≥ 1 − 2−s

then extractable mutual information of Eve is

S(ρ) ≤ (2m + s + 1/ ln 2)2−s + O(2−2s ) b) “Check bits are representative for real errors”: M. Nielsen and I. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press (2000)

Random n-bit check string from 2n-string: for any real positive constants δ and ǫ, the probability of finding less than δn errors on check bits, but more than (δ

+ ǫ)n errors on remaining 2 bits is smaller than e−O(ǫ n) , for sufficiently large n.

iv) Equivalence of ent-based and prepare+measure scheme for BB84: 1. Alice creates random key k and does CSS encoding into

n qubits. 2. Alice randomly selects n positions (out of 2n) as check qubits and the remaining n positions are the code qubits. 3. Alice selects a random 2n bit string b and applies Hadamard to qubit when b is “1.” 4. She sends the resulting state to Bob. 5. Alice announces b, and position and values of check qubits. 6. Bob performs Hadamard on qubit when b is “1.” 7. Bob measures the check qubits in {| 0i, | 1i} basis. If

more than ℓ results disagree with Alice’s prepared state, they abort protocol.

8. Bob decodes the key qubits, gets key k . Remark: Instead of Hadamard, Alice can send at random one of four BB84 states 4n times, Bob measures in random basis, they keep only cases of identical bases.

Summary of Lecture 2

• Other QKD protocols: B92, six-state, higher dimensions • Eavesdropping strategies (individual, collective, coherent) • Comparison of protocols: using more degrees of freedom decreases Eve’s mutual information

• Unconditional security proof for BB84 (Shor-Preskill):

relation to entanglement purification and CSS codes for quantum error correction

• Equivalence of entanglement-based and prepare+measure BB84 protocol

VII. Defence against PNS eavesdropping: recent developments Implementations: Experiment (theoretical): single polarized photons Reality: single photon sources do not exist, use weak laser pulse (each pulse contains typically ν no photon:

= 0.1 photons:

∼ 90%; one photon: ∼ 10%; more than one photon: ∼ 1% )

Poisson distribution:

p(n) = ν n e−ν /n!


prob p(n)





0 0



1.5 2 2.5 no. of photons n




Danger: Photon number splitting (PNS) attack of Eve!!! No unconditional security!!! PNS attack: (Eve replaces lossy channel by ideal channel) non-demolition measurement ; photon number

• multi-photon events: split off one photon, get full information (no noise) • one-photon event: block fraction to correct statistics, eavesdrop on others (introduce noise)

• vacuum events: forward

; need new ideas!

New ideas for defence against PNS attack:

• Decoy states: prepare additional states to detect eavesdropping (different ν ) • SARG: modify classical sifting Decoy states: W.Y. Hwang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 057901 (2003); H.-K. Lo, X. Ma, and K. Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 23054 (2005)

• introduce decoy signals at random, differ only in photon number distribution, i.e. ν , not in wavelength etc. • check loss of decoy pulses (abort if necessary) • estimate loss of signal pulses, improve key generation rate −2



Key generation rate









GLLP without decoy states













Transmission distance [km]

from: H.-K. Lo, X. Ma, and K. Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 23054 (2005) Note: GLLP refers to D. Gottesmann, H.-K. Lo, N. Lutkenhaus, ¨ and J. Preskill, QIC 4, 325 (2004)

SARG: V. Scarani, A. Ac´ın, G. Ribordy, and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 057901 (2004)

• New public announcement: two “neighbouring” signal states instead of polarization basis;

signal set: {signal, random state of other basis }

• Example: A sends | 0i, announces {| 0i, | +i} • Bob: random measurement basis, if {0, 1}: inconclusive; if {+, −} and finds | −i: sure that signal is | 0i • efficiency: after sifting only 1/4 of raw key (1/2 for BB84) • security: multi-photon events do not give Eve full info 1







BB84 new 4−states protocol









0 0







attenuation [dB]

from: V. Scarani, A. Ac´ın, G. Ribordy, and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 057901 (2004) Note: attenuation δ

= αℓ, α = 0.25dB/km, fiber losses ηδ = 10−δ/10 ,

detection rate of Bob:

Rraw (δ) ≃ ηdet ηδ ν

VIII. Secret key rate Remember QKD: i) 1st phase: Effective bipartite quantum state shared:

| ψef f iAB =

X√ i

pi | iiA | ϕi iB

Measurement in basis {| ii}

; effective preparation of | ϕi i with prob. pi ; joint classical probability distribution P (A, B) ii) 2nd phase: classical processing of correlated data, key distillation Eavesdropping:

• Eve does most general interaction: total state | ψABE i, any measurement ; extension: P (A, B) → P (A, B, E) • Mutual information between A and B, given E: X I(A; B|E) = pe [H(A|e) + H(B|e) − H(A, B|e)] e∈E

with conditional Shannon entropy

H(X|e) = −



p(x|e) log p(x|e)

Intrinsic information and bound for secret key rate U. Maurer and S. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 45, 499 (1999)

Def. Intrinsic information:

˜ I(A; B ↓ E) = inf I(A; B|E) ˜ E→E

Def. Secret key rate:

S(A; B||E)

Maximal amount of secret key bits extractable asymptotically from P (A, B, E); classical analogue of distillable entanglement Ed

Def. Information of formation:

If orm (A; B|E)

Minimal number of secret key bits needed to create P (A, B), classical analogue of entanglement cost Ec

Upper bound for secret key rate:

S(A; B||E) ≤ I(A; B ↓ E) ≤ If orm (A; B|E)

IX. Role of entanglement in QKD

Entanglement as precondition for secure key M. Curty, M. Lewenstein, and N. Lutkenhaus, ¨ Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 217903 (2004)

Theorem: Given measurements Ma and Mb and probability distribution P (A, B). Then the correlations in P (A, B) cannot lead to secret key unless one can prove the presence of entanglement in the (effective) distributed state via an


⊗ Mb , i.e. P Tr(W σ) ≥ 0 for all separable σ and a,b cab P (a, b) < 0. entanglement witness W


a,b cab Ma

Proof: Construct witnesses for QKD protocols (BB84, 6-state)

Equivalence of quantum entanglement and secret bits (If orm

6= 0)

A. Ac´ın and N. Gisin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 020501 (2005)

Theorem: Let P (A, B) be probability distribution of A and B after measuring Ma and Mb . Then P (A, B) has to originate

⇐⇒ for all | ψABE i, compatible with P (A, B), and all measurements Me for Eve, P (A, B, E) contains secret correlations. from an entangled state ̺AB

Proof: Entanglement witnesses.

Secure key from bound entanglement (1) K., M., P. Horodecki, and J. Oppenheim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 160502 (2005)

Bound entanglement: entanglement without distillability

Introduction of private states: produce one bit of secure key (equivalent of singlet for key distillation) Theorem: A state is private ⇔ it is of form + † γm = U | φ+ 2m iAB hφ2m | ⊗ ̺A′ B ′ U Pd + with | φd i = i=1 | iii, and ̺A′ B ′ arbitrary, and “twisting”




2 X


AB | ijiAB hij | ⊗ Uij

Proof: ask Paweł Example for γ1 -state:

̺ = p| φ+ ihφ+ | ⊗ ̺+ + (1 − p)| φ− ihφ− | ⊗ ̺− with | φ± i


√1 (| 00i 2

± | 11i and ̺± orthogonal

= 12 (1 + 1/d), and ̺± symmetric/antisymmetric projectors: ED ≤ log[(d + 1)/d] ; for d → ∞ we have KD ≫ ED ! Surprisingly: for p

Secure key from bound entanglement (2) K., M., P. Horodecki, and J. Oppenheim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 160502 (2005)

Result: Let ̺± be certain “hiding” states (arbitrary indistinguishable by LOCC, arbitrarily orthogonal), and introduce some errors

; certain bound entangled state, from which one secure bit can be extracted! Bounds on KD :

ED ≤ KD ≤ Er∞ ≤ Ec with regularized relative entropy of entanglement

Er∞ (̺) = limn→∞ Er (̺n )/n Possible strict inequalities:

ED < KD < Ec

ED < Er∞

The moral: Secret key distillation ↔ entanglement distillation

Classical Information Theory

Quantum Information theory

Summary of Lecture 3

• Implementations: Photon number splitting attack • New ideas: decoy state, SARG • Secret key rate: number of secret bits that can be distilled • Entanglement ⇔ secret bits in P (A, B, E) • Secret key from bound entanglement

Quantum Information Theory in Dusseldorf ¨ ¨ Dusseldorf, Institut fur ¨ Theoretische Physik III, Universitat ¨ Germany

DB (Coach), Hermann Kampermann, Razmik Unanyan [→ KL] (Postdocs), Matthias Kleinmann, Tim Meyer

[→ Industry], Zahra Shadman (PhD students)

Postdoc and PhD position available!!!

What was it all about???

• Quantum key distribution is secure, due to laws of quantum mechanics

• Protocols: BB84 and Ekert, plus derivatives of them (more non-orthogonal states, higher dimensions)

• Unconditional security proofs exist • Photon number splitting attack as danger for implementations, ; defense via new protocols • Entanglement and secret key rate • Note: exist other quantum cryptographic tasks, such as quantum bit commitment



plain text

encryption key A

cipher text

cipher text


decryption key B

plain text

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