Quantum Computers

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 384
  • Pages: 2
QUANTUM COMPUTERS A quantum computer is a computer which can perform computations that would not be done by classical computers.

CIRCUITS: Electronic circuit in classical computers use mainly three elements i.e.AND,OR,NOT gate, where we have one or two bits as o/p when two bits are i/p.Thus ,the process is IRREVERSIBLE & COMPLICATED &circuit are performed using then. Though these circuit AND,OR,NOT are also present in QC but there is another reversible gate called CNOT i.e. controlled NOT gate.

BRIEF HISTORY: The idea of a computational device based on quantum mechanics was first explored in the 1970’s &early 1980’s by physicist and computer scientists. Such as Charles H –Benett of IBM Thomas J waston research etc. 1. Paul A. Benioff of Argonne National Laboratory in. 2. David Deutsch of University of Oxford. 3. Anr Late Richard Pfeynman of California Institute of Technology(Catter).

OPERATION: As already discussed a bit is a fundamental unit of information, classically represented as a 0 or 1 in your digital computer.

While in QC the fundamental unit of information is not binary but rather more quarternery in nature. This qubit property arises from the law of quantum mechenics which differ radially from classical physics. A qubit can exist not in the state of 0 or 1 but also in the state which corresponds to the simultaneous occurrence of 0,1& this is superposition of classication state.

APPLICATION AND SCOPE: Quantum error correction has a powerful &subtle effect.Without the correctness, technically which we say fidelity of the physical qubit decays exponential & continuously with time. With it exponential error become more linear. A logical qubit encodes in a quantum error correctling code and undergoing periodic error measurement offers only linear discrete amount of error to first code.

FUTURE OUTLOOK: At present , QC & quantum information technology remains in its pioneering stage. At this very moment obstacle are being surmounted that will provide the knowledge needs to thrust quantum computer up to their rightful position as the fastest computational machine in existence. Quantum computations has its origins in highly specialized field of theoretical physics , but its future undoubtedly lies in the profound effect will have in the live of all mankind. So is it not something interesting? For further information, contact us--always ready to help u--- Aanchal Bajpai(EC-3rd yr) Harsha Tiwari(EC-3rd yr)

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