Quantitative Techniques

  • November 2019
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Correct Answer

Your Answer

Political Risks

People Resistance

People Resistance

Financial Risks



Technical Risks



Functional Risks



Select The Blank Question Set of basic variables which are not restricted to equal '0' in current basic solution & listed in solution column is termed as ________. Correct Answer Basis Your Answer

Simplex Method

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In VAM, A stands for :Correct Answer Approximation Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time spent by Service Facility to render the service to a Customer is :Correct Answer Service time Your Answer

Service time

True/False Question

A game without a saddle point is called mixed strategy game.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When an optimal solution is reached next step is to :-

Correct Answer Mark a zero in a row with exclusive zero. Your Answer

Mark a zero in a row with exclusive zero.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms relating to LP are :Correct Answer Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition Your Answer

Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When process capability of a machine does not allow allocation of a particular job on the machine, the problem can be solved by :Correct Answer Prohibited assignment method Your Answer

Prohibited assignment method

True/False Question

Value of game to player II is negative of minimax value.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A Graph can be defined as ________. Correct Answer Two-variable-linear-equation which is always a Straight Line Your Answer

Two-variable-linear-equation which is always a Straight Line

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following technique provides aid to sales staff while finalising a judgment forecast? Correct Answer Forecasting Your Answer

Linear programming

True/False Question

Events must be mutually exclusive.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question ________ is called Stepping Stone Method. Correct Answer Unoccupied cells to achieve solution Your Answer

Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

Select The Blank Question An assignment problem with machine capability constraint is an example of ________ assignment problem. Correct Answer Prohibited Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Queues are formed at :Correct Answer Bus stand , Traffic lights , Telephone booths Your Answer

Bus stand , Traffic lights , Telephone booths

Select The Blank Question To assign a task, a zero in a row/column with ________ zero is marked with square. Correct Answer Exactly one Your Answer

Exactly one

True/False Question

The graphical method is simple to understand & easy to use

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Unbounded Solution is :Correct Answer Permitted to be infinitely large Your Answer

Which does not define the boundaries of the feasible solution

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Procedural steps in VAM are :Correct Answer Selection of row or column , Allocation of number of units , Calculation of difference bet 2 element

Your Answer

Cash Flow & Fund flow statements , Selection of row or column

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are applications of quantitative techniques in financial management? Correct Answer Interpretation of financial statements , To determine optimum equipment replacement policies , To develop capital investment plans Your Answer Interpretation of financial statements , To determine optimum equipment replacement policies , To develop capital investment plans Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Graphical Method Step 4 LPP Formulation

Your Answer LPP Formulation

Graphical Method Step 1 Identify Decision Variables Identify Decision Variables Graphical Method Step 2 Equation of Objective Function

Graph Objective Function

Graphical Method Step 3 Equation of Constraints

Equation of Constraints

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Extra row or column in tableau, with zero cost in each of its cells, used to balance an unbalanced problem is :Correct Answer Dummy source or Destination Your Answer

Dummy source or Destination

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Select The Blank Question SOPs provide necessary base to select optimal solution is known as ________. Correct Answer Mechanistic Decisions Your Answer

Mechanistic Decisions

Multiple Choice Single Answer


Linear Programming find the quantity of components to be used at :Correct Answer Minimum Cost Your Answer

Minimum Cost

Select The Blank Question The ________ is a method for deciding how to meet some desired objective which may be profit maximisation or cost minimization, subject to constraints on the amounts of commodities required or resources available. Correct Answer Linear programming Your Answer

Linear programming

Select The Blank Question The ________ is concerned with situations of conflicts between two or more opposed sets of interests to devise optimum strategies prior to commencement of action. Correct Answer Games theory Your Answer

Games theory

True/False Question

Smallest element in each row is subtracted from each element in the column. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the typical areas of application of probability theory? Correct Answer Market research , Inventory control , Price movements Your Answer

Market research , Budgeting

True/False Question

By application of dominance rule final solution is affected.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Determination of Least Cost Route of Transportation of Goods from one plant to different warehouses is called :-

Correct Answer Transportation Model Your Answer

Transportation Model

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Games theory can solve :Correct Answer Two person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game Your Answer Two person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which technique replaces the age old intuitive and subjective approach of decision making by an analytical and an objective approach? Correct Answer Quantitative technique Your Answer

Quantitative technique

True/False Question

MODI Method is to evaluate water cells to achieve an optimal solution. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terminology NOT related with Linear Programming are :Correct Answer Players , Payoff , Payoff Matrics Your Answer

Players , Payoff , Payoff Matrics

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Study of Process Capability is not related to :Correct Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis Your Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis True/False Question

Under Single Queue, Multiple Servers (Series), there is one queue but several servers in the service facility. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question In waiting line, important characteristic commonly set to study is ________. Correct Answer Queue length Your Answer

Queue length

True/False Question

Quantitative techniques consider tangible as well as intangible factors. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is not a statistical technique? Correct Answer Critical path analysis Your Answer

Acceptance sampling

Select The Blank Question A game in which more than 2 strategies are available to both players is called ________ game. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Game can have :Correct Answer Mixed strategies , Pure strategies Your Answer

Mixed strategies , Pure strategies

Select The Blank Question Graphical method is used to solve problems involving ________ unknowns. Correct Answer Two Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various Quantitative Techniques are :-

Correct Answer Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory Your Answer

Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory

True/False Question

Representation of customer behavior is reactions of the typical customers when confronted with a queue before the service facility. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Expected gain to a player, if he and & his opponent use their best strategy is called ________of game. Correct Answer Value Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following concepts are not considered in Linear Programming :Correct Answer Maximum , Minimax , Saddle Point Your Answer

Saddle Point , Non-negativity Restrictions

concerned with situations of conflicts between two or more opposed sets of interests to devise optimum strategies prior to commencement

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question To assign a task, a zero in a row/column with ________ zero is marked with square. Correct Answer Exactly one Exactly one

Correct Answer Data on shipping costs Data on shipping costs

True/False Question

P iza D r F

Your Answer

T om ri

Select The Blank Question Transportation Tableau gives ________.


Your Answer


o .p m

Your Answer


In a traveling salesman problem, salesman can visit same city twice before all the cities are covered. Correct Answer False

Decision modes

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Your Answer



Select The Blank Question The ________ are the points from which decision alternatives emerges branches of the tree. Correct Answer Decision modes


Select The Blank Question Mathematical Model Construction from the given data is known as ________. Correct Answer Problem Formulation Your Answer

Problem Formulation

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which technique replaces the age old intuitive and subjective approach of decision making by an analytical and an objective approach? Correct Answer Quantitative technique Your Answer

Quantitative technique


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are applications of quantitative techniques in financial management? Correct Answer Interpretation of financial statements , To determine optimum equipment replacement policies , To develop capital investment plans Your Answer Interpretation of financial statements , To determine optimum equipment replacement policies , To develop capital investment plans

Correct Answer Maximin Maximin

P iza D r F

Your Answer

T om ri

Select The Blank Question Value of pure strategy game, to player I is ________

Correct Answer Outcomes , Payoff Your Answer

Outcomes , Payoff


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Combination of strategies of players determines :-

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of variables in Simplex Method are :-

Slack Variable , Surplus Variable , Artificial Variable


Your Answer


Correct Answer Slack Variable , Surplus Variable , Artificial Variable

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answ er Question Elements of Transportation Model are :Correct Answer Plants , Warehouses , Supply & Demand


Your Answer

Plants , Warehouses

True/False Question

In pure strategies game, maximin / minimax strategies are called optional strategies. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Feasible solution must have (m+n-1) allocations.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Transportation Tableau is a Data on :-

Demand , Capacity , Unit Shipping Cost

T om ri

Your Answer


Correct Answer Demand , Capacity , Unit Shipping Cost

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Disadvantage of Graphical Method is :Correct Answer Restricted to two variables Restricted to two variables

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Your Answer


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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What is expected to be established when facts are analysed after collection of data in the decision making process? Correct Answer Qualitative considerations to take overall view of business , The length of time to which the decision should apply , Effect of decision on other functional areas Your Answer Qualitative considerations to take overall view of business , The length of time to which the decision should apply , To check the authenticity of facts

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Study of Comparable past events & forecasting future events is related to Correct Answer Probability Theory , Correlation & Regression Analysis , Statistical Process Control Your Answer Probability Theory

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When there are restrictions to assignment of a task to particular facility :Correct Answer Very high costs are assigned to prohibited combinations Your Answer

A dummy row/column with zero costs is added

True/False Question

The decision nodes are depicted by circles.

Correct Answer False

Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Expected gain to a player, if he and & his opponent use their best strategy is called ________of game. Correct Answer Value

Correct Answer Waiting lines formed in offices and factories

Line of balance

WIP inventory control

Critical path analysis

Project scheduling

Decision theory

Site selection

Waiting lines formed in offices and factories WIP inventory control

P iza D r F

Queuing theory

Your Answer

T om ri

Match The Following Question



Project scheduling Site selection


Your Answer



Your Answer


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Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is example of personal decision? Correct Answer Works manager's decision to quit his post


Your Answer

Works manager's decision to quit his post

True/False Question

Though graphical method can deal with any number of a constraints but since each constraint is shown as a line on a graph, a large number of lines make the graph difficult to read. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision of a player to play row corresponding to maximin value is called :-

Correct Answer Maximin Pure strategy Your Answer

Maximin Pure strategy

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Optimal Solution is :-

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Correct Answer That point or points in the feasible region that gives the optimal values of the objective function Your Answer That point or points in the feasible region that gives the optimal values of the objective function Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Today's Business has constraints like :-


True/False Question

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Correct Answer Raw Material , Shortage of Production , Limitations of Warehouses Your Answer Raw Material , Shortage of Production , Limitations of Warehouses

Transportation tableau construction is to present the information in the form of transportation tableau. Correct Answer True True

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Your Answer

Balanced Transportation Problem

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Your Answer



Select The Blank Question Transportation problem in which total capacity at supply points equals total demand at the destinations is ________ Correct Answer Un-balanced Transportation Problem


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Solution satisfying supply & demand conditions & yet may not be optimal is :Correct Answer An Initial Feasible Solution Your Answer

An Initial Feasible Solution

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If Pij represent element in each column, than minimax value of game is :Correct Answer Min (max pij) Your Answer

Min Pij

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Resource Management involves :Correct Answer Man , Machines , Materials Your Answer

Man , Machines , Materials

Your Answer

Analytical decisions

True/False Question

T om ri


Select The Blank Question The ________ are those in which the outcome of the first decision affects the desirability of the choices at the next decision. Correct Answer Multi stage decisions



Your Answer

P iza D r F

If a mixed strategy game is bigger than 2x2 size, dominance rule is used to reduce the game. Correct Answer True

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Select The Blank Question LP decide on product quantities to maximize profit is ________.

Product Mix Problems


Your Answer


Correct Answer Product Mix Problems

Correct Answer

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Match The Following Question Shortest Route for Salesman

Traveling Problem

Your Answer Traveling Problem Production Problem

Number of Employees

Staffing Problem

Staffing Problem

Aircraft & Crews

Routing Problem

Routing Problem


Order Quantity Allocation Production Problem

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When an optimal solution is reached next step is to :Correct Answer Mark a zero in a row with exclusive zero. Your Answer

Mark a zero in a row with exclusive zero.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Procedural steps in LCM are :Correct Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column Your Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column


True/False Question

Your Answer

T om ri

System output refers to the rate at which customers are rendered service. Correct Answer True True

Negative minimax


Your Answer

P iza D r F

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, the value of game to player II is maximin, then for player and the value is :Correct Answer Negative minimax

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Words related to VAM are :-

Vogel's , Method , Approximation


Your Answer


Correct Answer Vogel's , Method , Approximation

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization


Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various Types of Problems related to Linear Programming are Correct Answer Routing Problems , Transportation Problems , Product Mix Problems Your Answer Routing Problems , Transportation Problems , Product Mix Problems True/False Question

Mechanistic decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question


T om ri

Your Answer


Minimax vale of the game sets upper limit to the value of the game. Correct Answer True

Competitive strategies


Your Answer

P iza D r F

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the decision theory model indicates the situations where consequences of each act of decision maker are influenced by acts of opponent? Correct Answer Competitive strategies

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Select The Blank Question Pair of values (x,y) of decision variables that satisfy constraints is ________ Correct Answer Feasible Solution

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Feasible Solution


Your Answer


Your Answer

Least Cost Method

Procedure of allocating units to cost

Procedure of allocating units to cost

Dummy source or Destination

Extra row or column in a tableau

Extra row or column in a tableau


Correct Answer

North West Corner Method

Procedure of allocating units to cells

T om ri

An Initial Feasible Solution Satisfies supply & demand Satisfies supply & demand conditions conditions Procedure of allocating units to cells

P iza D r F

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Value of the pure strategy game is :-

True/False Question

Maximin for player I , Minimax for player I , Minimax for player II

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Your Answer


Correct Answer Maximin for player I , Negative minimax for player II



Your Answer


Constraint that does not affect the feasible solution is Redundant. Correct Answer True

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Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Materials Management involves :Correct Answer Stores , Warehouses , Transportation Stores , Warehouses , Transportation

True/False Question

Graphical method is restricted to two variables.


Your Answer

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Study of Comparable Past Events & Forecasting Future Events is :-

Correct Answer Probability Theory Your Answer

Probability Theory

Exactly one

T om ri

Your Answer


Select The Blank Question To assign a task, a zero in a row/column with ________ zero is marked with square. Correct Answer Exactly one

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The column with the largest negative index number is :Correct Answer Key Column Key Column

P iza D r F

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision of a player to play row corresponding to maximin value is called :Correct Answer Maximin Pure strategy Pure strategy

o .p m

Your Answer


Correct Answer North North

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Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In NWCM, N stands for :-


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms relating to LP are :Correct Answer Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition Your Answer

Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition

True/False Question

Decision alternatives must not be mutually exclusive.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Various Terms involved in Simplex Method are :-

Correct Answer Key Element , Key Row , Key Column Your Answer

Key Element , Key Row , Key Column

True/False Question

T om ri


When number of minimum lines drawn covering all zero elements are less than number of columns/rows, more than one optimal solution exist. Correct Answer False False

True/False Question

Resulting payoff of optional strategies is called outcome.

Correct Answer False False


Your Answer

P iza D r F

Your Answer

o .p m

Select The Blank Question Cash flows & determining Optimal investment proposal is ________. Correct Answer Investment Theory Allocation Model


Your Answer


Select The Blank Question LP is most popular techniques of ________.

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Correct Answer Operation Research


Your Answer

Operation Research

True/False Question

Though graphical method can deal with any number of a constraints but since each constraint is shown as a line on a graph, a large number of lines make the graph difficult to read. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Graphical Method Step 4 LPP Formulation

Calculate Profit/Cost

Graphical Method Step 1 Identify Decision Variables Equation of Objective Function LPP Formulation

Graphical Method Step 3 Equation of Constraints

Graph Objective Function


Graphical Method Step 2 Equation of Objective Function

Look for saddle point

P iza D r F

Your Answer

T om ri

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If a mixed strategy game is and 2 x n size then the first step to solve the game is to:Correct Answer Reduce game by dominance rule

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Saddle points equals to :-

Your Answer


Correct Answer Assigning task to facility , Maximin

Assigning task to facility , Zero , Maximin

Probability Theory


Your Answer


o .p m

Select The Blank Question Comparable Past Event & Forecasting Future Events Study is called ________ Correct Answer Probability Theory

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Select The Blank Question Initial Feasible solution must have ________ allocations.


Correct Answer (m+n-1) Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures not related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer T, P, W, D , S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M Your Answer

True/False Question

S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M , T, P, W, D

Traffic intensity is product of average arrival rate & average service rate.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Dummy source has ________ cost.


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Infeasible Solution :-

T om ri

Your Answer


Correct Answer Zero

Correct Answer No solution satisfies all constraints

No solution satisfies all constraints

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Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question LP can be used to solve the problems of :Correct Answer Production , Materials , Marketing

Production , Materials , Marketing

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Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is MODI Method?

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Correct Answer A systematic procedure for evaluating unoccupied (water) cells to achieve an optimal solution Your Answer A systematic procedure for evaluating unoccupied (water) cells to achieve an optimal solution


Select The Blank Question Minimax value sets ________ limit on game. Correct Answer Upper Your Answer


True/False Question

Analytical decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Positive non-zero values variables are called ________. Correct Answer Basic Variables Your Answer

Basic Variables

True/False Question

Your Answer

T om ri


Extra variable added to obtain an initial feasible solution to a LP problem is Artificial Variable. Correct Answer True True

True/False Question



Your Answer

P iza D r F

Adaptive decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False

Your Answer



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Select The Blank Question Team approach needs for optimal solution of ________ Decisions. Correct Answer Adaptive


Select The Blank Question ISO-9001 QMS is for ________.

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Correct Answer Quality System


Your Answer

Quality System

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In pure strategy game value is equal to :Correct Answer Saddle point , Maximin , Minimax Your Answer

Weighted average of possible outcome , Saddle point , Maximin

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Game can have :Correct Answer Mixed strategies , Pure strategies

Your Answer

Mixed strategies , Pure strategies , Single strategy

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequence of steps performed in moving from one basic feasible solution to another basic feasible solution is :Correct Answer Iteration Iteration


Your Answer

Correct Answer Any number Any number

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Your Answer

T om ri

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method can deal with how many constraints?

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms related to NWCM are :-

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Correct Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner Your Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Objects too can form queues as :-


Correct Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground Your Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground

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Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A systematic procedure for evaluating unoccupied cells for optimal solution is :Correct Answer Stepping Stone Method Your Answer

Stepping Stone Method

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Pure strategies art also called :Correct Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Optimal strategies Your Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Optimal strategies Select The Blank


Unbounded Solution is one which is ________.

Correct Answer Permitted to be infinitely large Your Answer

Which does not define the boundaries of the feasible solution


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Redundant Constraint is :Correct Answer Which does not define the boundaries of the feasible solution Point that gives same optimal value

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A Graph is :-

T om ri

Your Answer

Two-variable-linear-equation is always a Straight Line


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o .p m


Your Answer

P iza D r F

Correct Answer Two-variable-linear-equation is always a Straight Line

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Queues are formed at :Correct Answer Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights Your Answer

Bus stand , Traffic lights , Telephone booths

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Specification of the constraints are :Correct Answer Vendors , Available Hours , Space Your Answer

Vendors , Space , Materials

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, the value of game to player II is maximin, then for player and the value is :Correct Answer Negative minimax Your Answer

Negative maximin

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Assignment technique is useful in a situation where :Correct Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be attached to equal number of facilities Your Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be assigned to one facility Select The Blank Question In waiting line, important characteristic commonly set to study is ________. Correct Answer Queue length Your Answer

Mean arrival rate

Select The Blank Question Identify decision variables is ________ step of Graphical Method.

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer First Your Answer


True/False Question

If a Linear Programming problem has no solution that satisfies all constraints, it is said to be feasible. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

There is one queue & one server in the service facility is Single Queue: Single Server. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Saddle point occurs when :Correct Answer Maximin = Minimax Your Answer

Maximin > Minimax

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision Variables are :Correct Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Your Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method can deal with :Correct Answer Any number of constraints Your Answer

Two constraints

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S , P , W Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In solution of an assignment problem a row with zero costs is added and all the elements are multiplied by - 1, then the problem is of nature :-

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Unbalance assignment. , Maximization. Your Answer

Prohibited assignments , Unbalance assignment. , Maximization.

Select The Blank Question A________ is a graphic device to depict the sequence of decision to be made and the possible events that may occur. Correct Answer Decision tree Your Answer

Decision tree

Select The Blank Question Terminology for Service Distribution is ________ Correct Answer FCFS or LCFS Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming find the quantity of components to be used at :Correct Answer Minimum Cost Your Answer

Minimum Cost

True/False Question

Compute row & column values for stone squares is step for MODI method. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

By application of dominance rule final solution is affected.

Correct Answer False

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Different Terms related to Simplex Method are :Correct Answer Algorithm , Iteration , Slack variable Your Answer

Algorithm , Minimax , Iteration

Select The Blank Question Mathematical Model Construction from the given data is known as ________. Correct Answer Problem Formulation Your Answer

Problem Formulation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following techniques and models are used to deal with decision making under certainty? Correct Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Your Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the top management as a policy? Correct Answer Policy decisions Your Answer

Policy decisions

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Queues are formed at :Correct Answer Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights Your Answer

Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Specification of the constraints are :Correct Answer Vendors , Available Hours , Space Your Answer

Vendors , Space , Materials

Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Which of the following is an example of a policy decision?

Correct Answer Increment and promotion policy Your Answer

Increment and promotion policy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Basic assumption in a play are :Correct Answer Choice of strategy by players is simultaneous , No player knows choice of his opponent Your Answer Strategies are always pure , Choice of strategy by players is simultaneous , Strategies are always mixed True/False Question

A 2x2 mixed strategy game is solved by algebraic method.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When number of tasks and number of facilities are not equal :Correct Answer Some tasks may remain unassigned. , Some facilities may remain idle. Your Answer Some tasks may remain unassigned. , Some facilities may remain idle. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A row in the simplex table whose elements represent the decrease in the value of the objective function if one unit of jth variables is brought into the solution is :Correct Answer Zj row Your Answer

(Zj-Cj) row (or index row)

Select The Blank Question ________ is an extra row or column in a tableau. Correct Answer Dummy source or Destination Your Answer

Dummy source or Destination

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of tactical decisions? Correct Answer Loading and scheduling of jobs , Acceptance or rejection of excess quantity against delivery schedule , Splitting of raw material requirement among suppliers Your Answer Loading and scheduling of jobs , Acceptance or rejection of excess quantity against delivery schedule , Launching of a new product

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

True/False Question

Adaptive decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Positive non-zero values variables are called ________. Correct Answer Basic Variables Your Answer

Basic Variables

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terminology NOT related with Linear Programming are :Correct Answer Players , Payoff , Payoff Matrics Your Answer

Objective Function

True/False Question

Traffic intensity is product of average arrival rate & average service rate. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Constraint not affecting the feasible solution is ________. Correct Answer Redundant Constraint Your Answer

Redundant Constraint

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Solution satisfying supply & demand conditions & yet may not be optimal is :Correct Answer An Initial Feasible Solution Your Answer

An Initial Feasible Solution

True/False Question

Value of the subgame related to highest point in the feasible region is solution for 2xn game. Correct Answer True Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The slack variables must take :Correct Answer Positive Values Your Answer

Both Values

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Study of Process Capability is not related to :Correct Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis Your Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Intersecting element is

The element at the The element at the intersection of other than intersection of key row & key key row & key key column column

Key Column is

The column with the largest negative index number

Key row is

The row with the smallest The row with the smallest of the replacement ratios of the replacement ratios of the constraint rows of the constraint rows

Key element is

The element at the The element at the intersection of key row & intersection of other than key column key key row & key column

Row at the intersection of key row & key column

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of basic decisions? Correct Answer Product mix , Plant location , Organisation structure Your Answer

Decision on loan application by an employee , Plant location , Organisation structure

Select The Blank Question SOPs provide necessary base to select optimal solution is known as ________. Correct Answer Mechanistic Decisions Your Answer

Analytical Decisions

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Feasible Region

Defined by Constraints

Optimal Clause of Objective

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Corner Points

Points of Intersection

Satisfy Constraints

Feasible Solution

Satisfy Constraints

Defined by Constraints

Optimal solution

Optimal Clause of Objective

Upper Limit

True/False Question

LP problem cannot be solved by graphical or by simplex method. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, the value of game to player II is maximin, then for player and the value is :Correct Answer Negative minimax Your Answer

Negative maximin

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Assignment technique is useful in a situation where :Correct Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be attached to equal number of facilities Your Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be assigned to one facility Select The Blank Question In waiting line, important characteristic commonly set to study is ________. Correct Answer Queue length Your Answer

Mean arrival rate

Select The Blank Question Identify decision variables is ________ step of Graphical Method. Correct Answer First Your Answer


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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

If a Linear Programming problem has no solution that satisfies all constraints, it is said to be feasible. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

There is one queue & one server in the service facility is Single Queue: Single Server. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Saddle point occurs when :Correct Answer Maximin = Minimax Your Answer

Maximin > Minimax

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision Variables are :Correct Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Your Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method can deal with :Correct Answer Any number of constraints Your Answer

Two constraints

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S , P , W Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In solution of an assignment problem a row with zero costs is added and all the elements are multiplied by - 1, then the problem is of nature :Correct Answer Unbalance assignment. , Maximization. Your Answer

Prohibited assignments , Unbalance assignment. , Maximization.

Select The Blank

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

A________ is a graphic device to depict the sequence of decision to be made and the possible events that may occur. Correct Answer Decision tree Your Answer

Decision tree

Select The Blank Question Terminology for Service Distribution is ________ Correct Answer FCFS or LCFS Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming find the quantity of components to be used at :Correct Answer Minimum Cost Your Answer

Minimum Cost

True/False Question

Compute row & column values for stone squares is step for MODI method. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

By application of dominance rule final solution is affected.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Different Terms related to Simplex Method are :-

Page 10 of 25

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Algorithm , Iteration , Slack variable Your Answer

Algorithm , Minimax , Iteration

Select The Blank Question Mathematical Model Construction from the given data is known as ________. Correct Answer Problem Formulation Your Answer

Problem Formulation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following techniques and models are used to deal with decision making under certainty? Correct Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Your Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the top management as a policy? Correct Answer Policy decisions Your Answer

Policy decisions

Select The Blank Question The ________ represents consequences of the interactions of the decision alternatives and the chance events. Correct Answer Outcomes Your Answer


#### LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question Decision Making under Conflict is termed as ________ Correct Answer Competitive Strategies Your Answer

Competitive Strategies

Select The Blank Question When both the players play their optimal strategies the resulting payoff is called ________of game. Correct Answer Value Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures not related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M , T, P, W, D Your Answer

S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M , T, P, W, D

True/False Question

Analytical decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

Service time can be either fixed & balanced layouts or it can be variable. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question LP decide on product quantities to maximize profit is ________. Correct Answer Product Mix Problems Your Answer

Transportation Problems

True/False Question

The graphical method is simple to understand & easy to use

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Point of intersection of pure strategies is called :Correct Answer Value , Saddle point Your Answer

Payoff , Value , Optimal strategy

True/False Question

Sensitivity analysis can be illustrated easily by drawing the graph of the changes Correct Answer True Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Political Risks

People Resistance


Financial Risks



Technical Risks


People Resistance

Functional Risks



Select The Blank Question In North West Corner Method, the ________ is handled Correct Answer Procedure of allocating units to cells Your Answer

Satisfies supply & demand conditions

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming deciding on product quantities to maximize profit is called :Correct Answer Product Mix Problems Your Answer

Product Mix Problems

Select The Blank Question A row with higher elements is called ________ row. Correct Answer Dominating Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Number of customers in the queue plus those being serviced is ________. Correct Answer System Length Your Answer

Queue length

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In an assignment problem a machine is not capable of performing a job & number machines are one less than number of jobs, then the problem is :Correct Answer Unbalanced assignment problem. , Prohibited assignment problem. , Minimization problem. Your Answer Maximization problems. , Unbalanced assignment problem. , Prohibited assignment problem. True/False Question

Page 13 of 25

A game in which algebraic sum of gains of both the players after the play is not zero is called two person non zero sum

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method of Linear Programming is useful when a Linear Programming problem involves :Correct Answer Two Variables Your Answer

Two Variables

True/False Question

Surplus variable is a variable used to convert a Less than or equal to constraint into equality by subtracting it from left hand side of the constraint. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms related to NWCM are :Correct Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner Your Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner , Materials Distribution True/False Question

When number of minimum lines drawn covering all zero elements are less than number of columns/rows, more than one optimal solution exist. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A game in which more than 2 strategies are available to both players is called ________ game. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Information to study an input process is :Correct Answer Arrival distribution , Inter-arrival distribution , Mean arrival rate Your Answer

Page 14 of 25

Arrival distribution , Finance , Inter-arrival distribution

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following can be considered as a general rules for data collection in the decision making process? Correct Answer The information should be subjected to checks and cross checks , The information must be collected from the most reliable source , All relevant facts, regardless of how disorganised and unrelated they seem at the time of data gathering, should be recorded Your Answer The information should be subjected to checks and cross checks , Only organised and related facts should be collected , The information must be collected from the most reliable source Select The Blank Question The ________ is concerned with situations of conflicts between two or more opposed sets of interests to devise optimum strategies prior to commencement of action. Correct Answer Games theory Your Answer

Games theory

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Combination of strategies of players determines :Correct Answer Outcomes , Payoff Your Answer

Outcomes , Minimax , Saddle point

True/False Question

Decision alternatives must not be mutually exclusive.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Value of a game having saddle point equals :Correct Answer Saddle point Your Answer

Saddle point

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Pure strategies art also called :Correct Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Optimal strategies Your Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Mixed strategy Match The Following Question

Page 15 of 25

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Transportation Tableau

Data on shipping costs

Data on shipping costs

Transportation Problem

Transportation of goods or services

Supply points equals total demand

Balanced Transportation Supply points equals Problem total demand

Mechanism of Operation

Un-balanced Transportation Problem

Transportation of goods or services

Supply points does not equal demand

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Special cases on simplex method are :Correct Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Your Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming develop a work schedule to meet staff needs at all hours with minimum number of employees is called as :Correct Answer Staffing Problems Your Answer

Staffing Problems

True/False Question

A 2x2 mixed strategy game is solved by 1 mere programming. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various Quantitative Techniques are :Correct Answer Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory Your Answer

Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory

True/False Question

Static decisions are essentially not a one time decisions.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question ________ is called Stepping Stone Method. Correct Answer Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer

Avoidance of high penalty & high-cost

Select The Blank Question Decision Making under Un-certainty is called as ________. Correct Answer Uncertain Situations Your Answer

Stochastic Model

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the decision theory model indicates the situations where consequences of each act of decision maker are influenced by acts of opponent? Correct Answer Competitive strategies Your Answer

Deterministic models

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time spent by Service Facility to render the service to a Customer is :Correct Answer Service time Your Answer

Service time

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In pure strategy game, strategies of players are represented by row and maximin is 4. There value and game is :Correct Answer 4 Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Words related to NWCM are :Correct Answer North , Corner , West Your Answer

North , Corner , West , Mechanism

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequence of steps performed in moving from one basic feasible solution to another basic feasible solution is :Correct Answer Iteration Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, probability of selection of his optimal strategy by a player is :Correct Answer 1

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming is one of the most popular techniques of :Correct Answer Operation Research Your Answer

Operation Research

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms relating to LP are :Correct Answer Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition Your Answer

Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the lower levels of management as an outcome of policy decision? Correct Answer Operating decision Your Answer

Personal decision

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Study of Comparable Past Events & Forecasting Future Events is :Correct Answer Probability Theory Your Answer

Probability Theory

Select The Blank Question A game in which there are two competing parties is called ________ game. Correct Answer 2 person Your Answer


#### Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Least Cost Method

Procedure of allocating units to cost

Satisfies supply & demand conditions

Dummy source or Destination

Extra row or column in a tableau

Extra row or column in a tableau

An Initial Feasible Solution Satisfies supply & demand Mechanism of Operation conditions North West Corner Method Procedure of allocating units to cells

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Procedure of allocating units to cost

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

Select The Blank Question Brown's algorithm is used to solve ________2 persons zero game sum. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

MODI Method

Water cells to achieve solution

Water cells to achieve solution

Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM)

Avoidance of high penalty Avoidance of high penalty & high-cost & high-cost


Occupied cells are less than (m+n-1)

Occupied cells are less than (m+n-1)

Stepping Stone Method

Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

True/False Question

Smallest element in each row is subtracted from each element in the column. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terminologies of Graphical Method are :Correct Answer Constraints , Graph of linear equality/inequality , Half Space Your Answer

Constraints , Graph of linear equality/inequality , Half Space , Payoff

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Feasible Region is :Correct Answer Region defined by the Constraints & non-negative restrictions Your Answer

Region defined by the Constraints & non-negative restrictions

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Allocations are independent when it is not possible to alter any individual allocations. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Participants of the game are :Correct Answer Players , Decision maker Your Answer

Players , Decision maker , Payoffs , Elements

True/False Question

A game in which algebraic sum of gains of both the players after the play is not zero is called two person non zero sum game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A mixed strategy 2 x 2 game is solved by ________method. Correct Answer Algebraic Your Answer

Linear programming

True/False Question

Infeasibility is the condition in which the Linear Programming problem permits no feasible combination of the decision variables. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Every combination of strategies of players determines an outcomes called :Correct Answer Pay off Your Answer

Pay off

True/False Question

Value of game to player II is negative of minimax value.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In a standard minimization problem, objective is to :-

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Minimize total time. , Minimize total cost. Your Answer

Minimize total time. , Minimize total cost. , Find alternative optimal solution. , Allocate each task to each facility.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Objects too can form queues as :Correct Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground Your Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground , Finance Select The Blank Question The ________ is a method for deciding how to meet some desired objective which may be profit maximisation or cost minimization, subject to constraints on the amounts of commodities required or resources available. Correct Answer Linear programming Your Answer

Linear programming

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Feasible solution formula contains :Correct Answer m, n, 1 , m, n, 3 , n, 1, x Your Answer

m, n, 1 , m, n, 3 , n, 1, x , m, 1, p

Select The Blank Question Team approach needs for optimal solution of ________ Decisions. Correct Answer Adaptive Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Transportation Tableau is :Correct Answer Tabular arrangement of data on demand, capacity & per unit shipping costs bet. supply point to destination Your Answer Tabular arrangement of data on demand, capacity & per unit shipping costs bet. supply point to destination Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following elements are used to construct the pay off matrix? Correct Answer Pay off , strategies , Probabilities Your Answer

Pay off , strategies , Decision tree , Probabilities

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Resource Management involves

Correct Answer Man , Machines , Materials Your Answer

Man , Machines , Materials , Work Orders

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Last Step of Graphical Method of LP is :Correct Answer Calculate the total profit / loss Your Answer

Calculate the total profit / loss

True/False Question

Effective improvement over the initial feasible solution is included in MODI. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A game in which more than 2 strategies are available to both players is called ________ game. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


True/False Question

Surplus variable is a variable used to convert a Less than or equal to constraint into equality by subtracting it from left hand side of the constraint. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Extra row or column in tableau, with zero cost in each of its cells, used to balance an unbalanced problem is :Correct Answer Dummy source or Destination Your Answer

Dummy source or Destination

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Games theory can solve :-

Correct Answer Two person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game Your Answer Two person's game , N Person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game True/False Question

Resulting payoff of optional strategies is called outcome.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A row with higher elements is called ________ row. Correct Answer Dominating Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Constraint not affecting the feasible solution is ________. Correct Answer Redundant Constraint Your Answer

Redundant Constraint

True/False Question

Value of the subgame related to highest point in the feasible region is solution for 2xn game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Special cases on simplex method are :Correct Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Your Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution , Payoffs Select The Blank Question The ________ represents consequences of the interactions of the decision alternatives and the chance events. Correct Answer Outcomes Your Answer


Select The Blank

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Number of customers in the queue plus those being serviced is ________. Correct Answer System Length Your Answer

System Length

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequence of steps performed in moving from one basic feasible solution to another basic feasible solution is :Correct Answer Iteration Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms related to LCM are :Correct Answer Initial feasible solution , Lowest Cost Cells , Next Lowest & so on Your Answer

Initial feasible solution , Lowest Cost Cells , Next Lowest & so on , Finance Distribution

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Value of game equals :Correct Answer Saddle points , Weighted average of possible outcomes Your Answer

Saddle points , Weighted average of possible outcomes , Zero , Value of any sum game

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Expected gain to a player I he and his opponent use their best strategies is known as :Correct Answer Value of game Your Answer

Optimal strategy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Procedural steps in LCM are :Correct Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column Your Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column , Prepare a Methodological report Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A mixed strategy is decision of player to select :Correct Answer Different strategies Your Answer

Different strategies

Select The Blank

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Comparable Past Event & Forecasting Future Events Study is called ________ Correct Answer Probability Theory Your Answer

Probability Theory

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) is :Correct Answer A systematic procedure to obtain an initial feasible solution based on avoidance of high penalty & cost cell Your Answer A systematic procedure to obtain an initial feasible solution based on avoidance of high penalty & cost cell Multiple Choice Single Answer Question There are more than one optimal solutions to an assignment problem when :Correct Answer Number of independent zeros are more than required ones. Your Answer

Number of minimum lines covering all zeros are more than number of rows/columns

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In an unbalanced assignment problem :Correct Answer One or more facilities remain idle. Your Answer

One or more facilities remain idle.

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The column with the largest negative index number is :Correct Answer Key Column Your Answer

Page 25 of 25

Key Column

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Queues are formed at :Correct Answer Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights Your Answer

Bus stand , Traffic lights , Telephone booths

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Specification of the constraints are :Correct Answer Vendors , Available Hours , Space Your Answer

Vendors , Space , Materials

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, the value of game to player II is maximin, then for player and the value is :Correct Answer Negative minimax Your Answer

Negative maximin

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Assignment technique is useful in a situation where :Correct Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be attached to equal number of facilities Your Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be assigned to one facility Select The Blank Question In waiting line, important characteristic commonly set to study is ________. Correct Answer Queue length Your Answer

Mean arrival rate

Select The Blank Question Identify decision variables is ________ step of Graphical Method.

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer First Your Answer


True/False Question

If a Linear Programming problem has no solution that satisfies all constraints, it is said to be feasible. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

There is one queue & one server in the service facility is Single Queue: Single Server. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Saddle point occurs when :Correct Answer Maximin = Minimax Your Answer

Maximin > Minimax

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision Variables are :Correct Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Your Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method can deal with :Correct Answer Any number of constraints Your Answer

Two constraints

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S , P , W Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In solution of an assignment problem a row with zero costs is added and all the elements are multiplied by - 1, then the problem is of nature :-

Page 2 of 25

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Unbalance assignment. , Maximization. Your Answer

Prohibited assignments , Unbalance assignment. , Maximization.

Select The Blank Question A________ is a graphic device to depict the sequence of decision to be made and the possible events that may occur. Correct Answer Decision tree Your Answer

Decision tree

Select The Blank Question Terminology for Service Distribution is ________ Correct Answer FCFS or LCFS Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming find the quantity of components to be used at :Correct Answer Minimum Cost Your Answer

Minimum Cost

True/False Question

Compute row & column values for stone squares is step for MODI method. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

By application of dominance rule final solution is affected.

Correct Answer False

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Different Terms related to Simplex Method are :Correct Answer Algorithm , Iteration , Slack variable Your Answer

Algorithm , Minimax , Iteration

Select The Blank Question Mathematical Model Construction from the given data is known as ________. Correct Answer Problem Formulation Your Answer

Problem Formulation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following techniques and models are used to deal with decision making under certainty? Correct Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Your Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the top management as a policy? Correct Answer Policy decisions Your Answer

Policy decisions

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Queues are formed at :Correct Answer Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights Your Answer

Telephone booths , Bus stand , Traffic lights

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Specification of the constraints are :Correct Answer Vendors , Available Hours , Space Your Answer

Vendors , Space , Materials

Multiple Choice Single Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Which of the following is an example of a policy decision?

Correct Answer Increment and promotion policy Your Answer

Increment and promotion policy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Basic assumption in a play are :Correct Answer Choice of strategy by players is simultaneous , No player knows choice of his opponent Your Answer Strategies are always pure , Choice of strategy by players is simultaneous , Strategies are always mixed True/False Question

A 2x2 mixed strategy game is solved by algebraic method.

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When number of tasks and number of facilities are not equal :Correct Answer Some tasks may remain unassigned. , Some facilities may remain idle. Your Answer Some tasks may remain unassigned. , Some facilities may remain idle. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A row in the simplex table whose elements represent the decrease in the value of the objective function if one unit of jth variables is brought into the solution is :Correct Answer Zj row Your Answer

(Zj-Cj) row (or index row)

Select The Blank Question ________ is an extra row or column in a tableau. Correct Answer Dummy source or Destination Your Answer

Dummy source or Destination

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of tactical decisions? Correct Answer Loading and scheduling of jobs , Acceptance or rejection of excess quantity against delivery schedule , Splitting of raw material requirement among suppliers Your Answer Loading and scheduling of jobs , Acceptance or rejection of excess quantity against delivery schedule , Launching of a new product

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

True/False Question

Adaptive decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Positive non-zero values variables are called ________. Correct Answer Basic Variables Your Answer

Basic Variables

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terminology NOT related with Linear Programming are :Correct Answer Players , Payoff , Payoff Matrics Your Answer

Objective Function

True/False Question

Traffic intensity is product of average arrival rate & average service rate. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Constraint not affecting the feasible solution is ________. Correct Answer Redundant Constraint Your Answer

Redundant Constraint

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Solution satisfying supply & demand conditions & yet may not be optimal is :Correct Answer An Initial Feasible Solution Your Answer

An Initial Feasible Solution

True/False Question

Value of the subgame related to highest point in the feasible region is solution for 2xn game. Correct Answer True Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The slack variables must take :Correct Answer Positive Values Your Answer

Both Values

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Study of Process Capability is not related to :Correct Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis Your Answer Reliability Engineering , Statistical Process Control , Correlation & Regression Analysis Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Intersecting element is

The element at the The element at the intersection of other than intersection of key row & key key row & key key column column

Key Column is

The column with the largest negative index number

Key row is

The row with the smallest The row with the smallest of the replacement ratios of the replacement ratios of the constraint rows of the constraint rows

Key element is

The element at the The element at the intersection of key row & intersection of other than key column key key row & key column

Row at the intersection of key row & key column

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are examples of basic decisions? Correct Answer Product mix , Plant location , Organisation structure Your Answer

Decision on loan application by an employee , Plant location , Organisation structure

Select The Blank Question SOPs provide necessary base to select optimal solution is known as ________. Correct Answer Mechanistic Decisions Your Answer

Analytical Decisions

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Feasible Region

Defined by Constraints

Optimal Clause of Objective

Page 7 of 25

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Corner Points

Points of Intersection

Satisfy Constraints

Feasible Solution

Satisfy Constraints

Defined by Constraints

Optimal solution

Optimal Clause of Objective

Upper Limit

True/False Question

LP problem cannot be solved by graphical or by simplex method. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, the value of game to player II is maximin, then for player and the value is :Correct Answer Negative minimax Your Answer

Negative maximin

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Assignment technique is useful in a situation where :Correct Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be attached to equal number of facilities Your Answer Certain number of tasks are required to be assigned to one facility Select The Blank Question In waiting line, important characteristic commonly set to study is ________. Correct Answer Queue length Your Answer

Mean arrival rate

Select The Blank Question Identify decision variables is ________ step of Graphical Method. Correct Answer First Your Answer


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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

If a Linear Programming problem has no solution that satisfies all constraints, it is said to be feasible. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

There is one queue & one server in the service facility is Single Queue: Single Server. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Saddle point occurs when :Correct Answer Maximin = Minimax Your Answer

Maximin > Minimax

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Decision Variables are :Correct Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Your Answer The unknowns to be determined from the solution to the model Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method can deal with :Correct Answer Any number of constraints Your Answer

Two constraints

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S , P , W Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In solution of an assignment problem a row with zero costs is added and all the elements are multiplied by - 1, then the problem is of nature :Correct Answer Unbalance assignment. , Maximization. Your Answer

Prohibited assignments , Unbalance assignment. , Maximization.

Select The Blank

Page 9 of 25

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

A________ is a graphic device to depict the sequence of decision to be made and the possible events that may occur. Correct Answer Decision tree Your Answer

Decision tree

Select The Blank Question Terminology for Service Distribution is ________ Correct Answer FCFS or LCFS Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method deals with problem of :Correct Answer Both Maximization & Minimization Your Answer

Both Maximization & Minimization

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming find the quantity of components to be used at :Correct Answer Minimum Cost Your Answer

Minimum Cost

True/False Question

Compute row & column values for stone squares is step for MODI method. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

By application of dominance rule final solution is affected.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Different Terms related to Simplex Method are :-

Page 10 of 25

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Algorithm , Iteration , Slack variable Your Answer

Algorithm , Minimax , Iteration

Select The Blank Question Mathematical Model Construction from the given data is known as ________. Correct Answer Problem Formulation Your Answer

Problem Formulation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following techniques and models are used to deal with decision making under certainty? Correct Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Your Answer Linear programming , Sequencing model , Breakeven analysis Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the top management as a policy? Correct Answer Policy decisions Your Answer

Policy decisions

Select The Blank Question The ________ represents consequences of the interactions of the decision alternatives and the chance events. Correct Answer Outcomes Your Answer


#### LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question Decision Making under Conflict is termed as ________ Correct Answer Competitive Strategies Your Answer

Competitive Strategies

Select The Blank Question When both the players play their optimal strategies the resulting payoff is called ________of game. Correct Answer Value Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Nomenclatures not related to Transportation Problem are :Correct Answer S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M , T, P, W, D Your Answer

S, P, L, D , S, P, W, M , T, P, W, D

True/False Question

Analytical decisions involve problems with limited number of decision variables. Correct Answer False Your Answer


True/False Question

Service time can be either fixed & balanced layouts or it can be variable. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question LP decide on product quantities to maximize profit is ________. Correct Answer Product Mix Problems Your Answer

Transportation Problems

True/False Question

The graphical method is simple to understand & easy to use

Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Point of intersection of pure strategies is called :Correct Answer Value , Saddle point Your Answer

Payoff , Value , Optimal strategy

True/False Question

Sensitivity analysis can be illustrated easily by drawing the graph of the changes Correct Answer True Your Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Political Risks

People Resistance


Financial Risks



Technical Risks


People Resistance

Functional Risks



Select The Blank Question In North West Corner Method, the ________ is handled Correct Answer Procedure of allocating units to cells Your Answer

Satisfies supply & demand conditions

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming deciding on product quantities to maximize profit is called :Correct Answer Product Mix Problems Your Answer

Product Mix Problems

Select The Blank Question A row with higher elements is called ________ row. Correct Answer Dominating Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Number of customers in the queue plus those being serviced is ________. Correct Answer System Length Your Answer

Queue length

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In an assignment problem a machine is not capable of performing a job & number machines are one less than number of jobs, then the problem is :Correct Answer Unbalanced assignment problem. , Prohibited assignment problem. , Minimization problem. Your Answer Maximization problems. , Unbalanced assignment problem. , Prohibited assignment problem. True/False Question

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A game in which algebraic sum of gains of both the players after the play is not zero is called two person non zero sum

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Graphical method of Linear Programming is useful when a Linear Programming problem involves :Correct Answer Two Variables Your Answer

Two Variables

True/False Question

Surplus variable is a variable used to convert a Less than or equal to constraint into equality by subtracting it from left hand side of the constraint. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms related to NWCM are :Correct Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner Your Answer Initial feasible solution , Allocation of units , Upper left hand corner , Materials Distribution True/False Question

When number of minimum lines drawn covering all zero elements are less than number of columns/rows, more than one optimal solution exist. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A game in which more than 2 strategies are available to both players is called ________ game. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Information to study an input process is :Correct Answer Arrival distribution , Inter-arrival distribution , Mean arrival rate Your Answer

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Arrival distribution , Finance , Inter-arrival distribution

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following can be considered as a general rules for data collection in the decision making process? Correct Answer The information should be subjected to checks and cross checks , The information must be collected from the most reliable source , All relevant facts, regardless of how disorganised and unrelated they seem at the time of data gathering, should be recorded Your Answer The information should be subjected to checks and cross checks , Only organised and related facts should be collected , The information must be collected from the most reliable source Select The Blank Question The ________ is concerned with situations of conflicts between two or more opposed sets of interests to devise optimum strategies prior to commencement of action. Correct Answer Games theory Your Answer

Games theory

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Combination of strategies of players determines :Correct Answer Outcomes , Payoff Your Answer

Outcomes , Minimax , Saddle point

True/False Question

Decision alternatives must not be mutually exclusive.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Value of a game having saddle point equals :Correct Answer Saddle point Your Answer

Saddle point

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Pure strategies art also called :Correct Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Optimal strategies Your Answer Minimax pure strategy , Maximin pure strategy , Mixed strategy Match The Following Question

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Correct Answer

Your Answer

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Transportation Tableau

Data on shipping costs

Data on shipping costs

Transportation Problem

Transportation of goods or services

Supply points equals total demand

Balanced Transportation Supply points equals Problem total demand

Mechanism of Operation

Un-balanced Transportation Problem

Transportation of goods or services

Supply points does not equal demand

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Special cases on simplex method are :Correct Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Your Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming develop a work schedule to meet staff needs at all hours with minimum number of employees is called as :Correct Answer Staffing Problems Your Answer

Staffing Problems

True/False Question

A 2x2 mixed strategy game is solved by 1 mere programming. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various Quantitative Techniques are :Correct Answer Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory Your Answer

Linear Programming , Replacement Theory , Queuing Theory

True/False Question

Static decisions are essentially not a one time decisions.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question ________ is called Stepping Stone Method. Correct Answer Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer

Avoidance of high penalty & high-cost

Select The Blank Question Decision Making under Un-certainty is called as ________. Correct Answer Uncertain Situations Your Answer

Stochastic Model

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the decision theory model indicates the situations where consequences of each act of decision maker are influenced by acts of opponent? Correct Answer Competitive strategies Your Answer

Deterministic models

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time spent by Service Facility to render the service to a Customer is :Correct Answer Service time Your Answer

Service time

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In pure strategy game, strategies of players are represented by row and maximin is 4. There value and game is :Correct Answer 4 Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Words related to NWCM are :Correct Answer North , Corner , West Your Answer

North , Corner , West , Mechanism

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequence of steps performed in moving from one basic feasible solution to another basic feasible solution is :Correct Answer Iteration Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a pure strategy game, probability of selection of his optimal strategy by a player is :Correct Answer 1

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Linear Programming is one of the most popular techniques of :Correct Answer Operation Research Your Answer

Operation Research

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms relating to LP are :Correct Answer Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition Your Answer

Constraints , Objective Function , Non-Negativity Condition

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you mean by the decisions taken by the lower levels of management as an outcome of policy decision? Correct Answer Operating decision Your Answer

Personal decision

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Study of Comparable Past Events & Forecasting Future Events is :Correct Answer Probability Theory Your Answer

Probability Theory

Select The Blank Question A game in which there are two competing parties is called ________ game. Correct Answer 2 person Your Answer


#### Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Least Cost Method

Procedure of allocating units to cost

Satisfies supply & demand conditions

Dummy source or Destination

Extra row or column in a tableau

Extra row or column in a tableau

An Initial Feasible Solution Satisfies supply & demand Mechanism of Operation conditions North West Corner Method Procedure of allocating units to cells

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Procedure of allocating units to cost

Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques

Select The Blank Question Brown's algorithm is used to solve ________2 persons zero game sum. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Your Answer

MODI Method

Water cells to achieve solution

Water cells to achieve solution

Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM)

Avoidance of high penalty Avoidance of high penalty & high-cost & high-cost


Occupied cells are less than (m+n-1)

Occupied cells are less than (m+n-1)

Stepping Stone Method

Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

Unoccupied cells to achieve solution

True/False Question

Smallest element in each row is subtracted from each element in the column. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terminologies of Graphical Method are :Correct Answer Constraints , Graph of linear equality/inequality , Half Space Your Answer

Constraints , Graph of linear equality/inequality , Half Space , Payoff

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Feasible Region is :Correct Answer Region defined by the Constraints & non-negative restrictions Your Answer

Region defined by the Constraints & non-negative restrictions

Select The Blank Question The action of "Only few Customers may join Queue & some may demand service on their behalf" is called ________ Correct Answer Collusion Your Answer


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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Allocations are independent when it is not possible to alter any individual allocations. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Participants of the game are :Correct Answer Players , Decision maker Your Answer

Players , Decision maker , Payoffs , Elements

True/False Question

A game in which algebraic sum of gains of both the players after the play is not zero is called two person non zero sum game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A mixed strategy 2 x 2 game is solved by ________method. Correct Answer Algebraic Your Answer

Linear programming

True/False Question

Infeasibility is the condition in which the Linear Programming problem permits no feasible combination of the decision variables. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Every combination of strategies of players determines an outcomes called :Correct Answer Pay off Your Answer

Pay off

True/False Question

Value of game to player II is negative of minimax value.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In a standard minimization problem, objective is to :-

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Correct Answer Minimize total time. , Minimize total cost. Your Answer

Minimize total time. , Minimize total cost. , Find alternative optimal solution. , Allocate each task to each facility.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Objects too can form queues as :Correct Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground Your Answer Semi-finished job await next operation , Broken down to be repaired , Blunt tools awaiting to be reground , Finance Select The Blank Question The ________ is a method for deciding how to meet some desired objective which may be profit maximisation or cost minimization, subject to constraints on the amounts of commodities required or resources available. Correct Answer Linear programming Your Answer

Linear programming

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Feasible solution formula contains :Correct Answer m, n, 1 , m, n, 3 , n, 1, x Your Answer

m, n, 1 , m, n, 3 , n, 1, x , m, 1, p

Select The Blank Question Team approach needs for optimal solution of ________ Decisions. Correct Answer Adaptive Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Transportation Tableau is :Correct Answer Tabular arrangement of data on demand, capacity & per unit shipping costs bet. supply point to destination Your Answer Tabular arrangement of data on demand, capacity & per unit shipping costs bet. supply point to destination Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following elements are used to construct the pay off matrix? Correct Answer Pay off , strategies , Probabilities Your Answer

Pay off , strategies , Decision tree , Probabilities

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Resource Management involves

Correct Answer Man , Machines , Materials Your Answer

Man , Machines , Materials , Work Orders

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Last Step of Graphical Method of LP is :Correct Answer Calculate the total profit / loss Your Answer

Calculate the total profit / loss

True/False Question

Effective improvement over the initial feasible solution is included in MODI. Correct Answer True Your Answer


True/False Question

Risk represent the probability estimate of nonoccurrence of each outcome. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A game in which more than 2 strategies are available to both players is called ________ game. Correct Answer m x n Your Answer


True/False Question

Surplus variable is a variable used to convert a Less than or equal to constraint into equality by subtracting it from left hand side of the constraint. Correct Answer False Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Extra row or column in tableau, with zero cost in each of its cells, used to balance an unbalanced problem is :Correct Answer Dummy source or Destination Your Answer

Dummy source or Destination

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Games theory can solve :-

Correct Answer Two person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game Your Answer Two person's game , N Person's game , Two persons zero sum game , Two persons 3 x 3 game True/False Question

Resulting payoff of optional strategies is called outcome.

Correct Answer False Your Answer


Select The Blank Question A row with higher elements is called ________ row. Correct Answer Dominating Your Answer


Select The Blank Question Constraint not affecting the feasible solution is ________. Correct Answer Redundant Constraint Your Answer

Redundant Constraint

True/False Question

Value of the subgame related to highest point in the feasible region is solution for 2xn game. Correct Answer True Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Special cases on simplex method are :Correct Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution Your Answer Multiple Optimal Solution , Unbounded Solution , Infeasible Solution , Payoffs Select The Blank Question The ________ represents consequences of the interactions of the decision alternatives and the chance events. Correct Answer Outcomes Your Answer


Select The Blank

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Number of customers in the queue plus those being serviced is ________. Correct Answer System Length Your Answer

System Length

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequence of steps performed in moving from one basic feasible solution to another basic feasible solution is :Correct Answer Iteration Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Terms related to LCM are :Correct Answer Initial feasible solution , Lowest Cost Cells , Next Lowest & so on Your Answer

Initial feasible solution , Lowest Cost Cells , Next Lowest & so on , Finance Distribution

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Value of game equals :Correct Answer Saddle points , Weighted average of possible outcomes Your Answer

Saddle points , Weighted average of possible outcomes , Zero , Value of any sum game

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Expected gain to a player I he and his opponent use their best strategies is known as :Correct Answer Value of game Your Answer

Optimal strategy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Procedural steps in LCM are :Correct Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column Your Answer Scrutinize transport costs , Allocation as per supply & demand , Delete the row or column , Prepare a Methodological report Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A mixed strategy is decision of player to select :Correct Answer Different strategies Your Answer

Different strategies

Select The Blank

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Sem-4 (Operations) -- Quantitative Techniques Question

Comparable Past Event & Forecasting Future Events Study is called ________ Correct Answer Probability Theory Your Answer

Probability Theory

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) is :Correct Answer A systematic procedure to obtain an initial feasible solution based on avoidance of high penalty & cost cell Your Answer A systematic procedure to obtain an initial feasible solution based on avoidance of high penalty & cost cell Multiple Choice Single Answer Question There are more than one optimal solutions to an assignment problem when :Correct Answer Number of independent zeros are more than required ones. Your Answer

Number of minimum lines covering all zeros are more than number of rows/columns

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In an unbalanced assignment problem :Correct Answer One or more facilities remain idle. Your Answer

One or more facilities remain idle.

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The column with the largest negative index number is :Correct Answer Key Column Your Answer

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Key Column

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