Quant Dec

  • October 2019
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Some quant problems: till Dec 22nd 1 There are 4 books , out of which an arrangement is to be made so that ,when 2 books are picked up, particular 2 books will always be together. 2 * when 2 books are pickedup, particular 2 books will always be together. * Ans:: 12 ways * 3 )-17 is an integer , there are 6 possible integer in it , How many max. no. of positive integers are present in it. ans. –well..we can keep atleast one negative so the no. of positive integers will be “5” eg. -37+2+3+5+5+5, answer is no. of max. positive integer'5' * 4 )there are 5 numbers 3 7 4 6 8 what are the total number of possible 5 digit numbers formed from the above said numbers with middle number be odd. the ans i clicked:" 48 * 5) a power r<1 a power (r*s)>0 A:s B:0 * 6) A rectangular floor 18 feet by 10 feet is to be completely covered with carpeting that costs x dollars per square yard. in terms of x, how many dollars will the carpeting cost? (1 yard=3 feet) (A) 20x (B) 28x (C) 60x (D) 180x (E) 540x * 7) In a certain history class, all except 23 students scored under 85 on a test. If 18 students scored over 85 on this test, how many students are there in this history class? (A) 33 (B) 37 (C) 39 (D) 41 (E) it cannot be determined from the information given.

* john has 4 ties, 12 shirts, and 3 belts. if each day he wears exactly 1 tie, 1 shirt, and 1 belt, what is the maximum number of days he can go without repeating a particular combination ? (A) 12 (B) 21 (C) 84 (D) 108 (E) 144 * 9) Beth has 5 trophies. she wants to put them on her mantle, from left to right. how many different arrangements of trophies can she create on the mantle? (A) 20 (B) 60 (C) 120 (D) 176 (E) 216 * 10) col A 1/96 + 1/97 + 1/98 + 1/99 + 1/100 col B 1/25 * 11) .375y=1 then y^2-1=? * 12) x>100 , y>100 then (3x-1/y)/x = ? * 13) x is multiple of 12 , y is multiple of 15 then which of the following is not multiple of xy 30,36,45,72,90 * 14) 5,6,7,8,X are the no such that mean & median are equal find the no. * 15) A circle is there which is touching both the x and y axis,A line y=2 and another line passing through origin,both the line passes through the center of the circle .find out the slope of line which is passing through origin. * 16) there is a cylinder which is pumping water at the rate of 1000cu.inches per min.if the ht. of water in cylinder is increasing at the rate of .01 inches per minute,what is the radius of the cylinder. * 17) A square is given with side length 2s,and a semicircle is drawn in side the square with 2s as diameter,and there is a triangle inside it.......ara of shaded portion were asked.

colA less then s^2 colB s^2 * 1 3<x= 8 how many ars of (x,y) can be formed x + y = 16. * 24) x < y
fnd the slope of hypotinues * 27) col A col B 5/64 (sqrt 5) / 4 * 2 the avg no of n members is 32000 and avg of diff. (n-1) members is 33000.Col. A:what is the avg of total (2n-1) members ColB: 32500. The answer for the the avg no of n members is 32000 and avg of diff. (n-1) members is 33000.Col. A:what is the avg of total (2n-1) members ColB: 32500. is B. Explanation is : Total for 1st set is 32000n Total for 2nd set is 33000(n-1) total of 2n-1 = 65000n- 33000 Avg = 65000n- 33000/2n-1 Now COL A 65000n- 33000/2n-1 COL B 32000 fo n= 1 COL A: 16000 for n-10 COLA: 32473.6 for n= 100 COLA: 32497.487 for n= 1000 COLA: 32499.749 and also n has to be always greater than zero right? so COL A> COL B * 29) a women will feed her birds with 'W'kg per a week, a bird can eat 'F'kg per dialy. (F>0), the total no. of birds is 'X' COL A COL B X 7F/W * 30) Given S={1,3,5,......397},also given (p,t)where both no. are in set 'S', such that pn=199..so 397 is the 199th term... so now form (p,t)..

starting from (397,1),(397,3)....(397,395)=199 terms (395,1),(395,3).....(395,393)=198 .... . . . . . (5,3),(5,1)=2 (3,1)=1 term so..sum of n terms..where n=199.. ie., 199(200)/2=19900 i think this is the sol.. if i am wrong plz.. correct me hai shiva starting from (397,1),(397,3)....(397,395)=199 terms how did u get this 199 .... its only 198 its (p,t) and hence when t= 397 it can take values frm (1,397).... (395,397)only u cant take (397,397) because p0 col a s col b 0 * 34) COL A {2+sqrt3/2-sqrt3}^3 COL B 10^6/3^6 * 35) |6-X|-|-2+X|=? X=-3 WAS GIVEN AND SOME OPTIONS ANSWER WAS '4' * 36) COMAPRISION COLUM A COLUM B

col a 2^n col b n^2 * 44) line PQ P(0,2) and Q(5,4) and one pt A is in betweeen P and Q and other pt B(7,3) is there. COL A : slope of line AB COL B: 0 * 45) If the assets of a certain mutual fund dropped by 3.04 billion$ to 7.o4 billion$, what is the % dec in the asset. a)0.4 b)4 c)5 d)25 e)40 * 46) Certain holiday is on the fourth Tuesday of Month X. If Month X has 30 days how many diff dates of X can the holiday fall? * 47) A thin strip of binding 30 feet long fits around the perimeter of a rect rug that covers an area of 54 sq feet. colA : length of the longer side of rug colB : 10 feet * 4 ohnds wt is 10 pounds less than 3 times the avg wt if his daughter A ColA: avg wt if john and A ColB: twice A's wt * 49) What fraction of a cubic meter is the vol of a cubic block of stone with edge of length 10cm(1m=100cm) * 50) how many 4 digit numbers possible of format xyyx where x!=0 and x!=y the answer for the number problem is 9*9 bec when u chose for the x in the thousands place u are already choosind the number in the units place.. u can choose x in 9 ways (as it cant take 0) and u can choose y in 9 ways .. all the digits except the one chosen for x hence answer will be 9*9 =81 it will b 81 let me tell u

x could be anything except 0 ie 9possibilities now y could be anything else x ie again 9 possibilities ( u will include 0 too , but not x) thus 9 * 9 = 81 * 51) 0<x<1 col a:sqrt(x) col bx)^-1 * 52) n is divisible by both 6 and 7 col a:n col b:80 * 53) if the ratio of pears to bananas is 4/5 col a:number of pears in basket col b:80% of bananas in the basket * 54) Johnds wt is 10 pounds less than 3 times the avg wt if his daughter A ColA: avg wt if john and A ColB: twice A's wt J = 3A-10 colA is (J+A)/2 (3A-10+A)/2 2A-5 colB 2A colb > colA * 55) What fraction of a cubic meter is the vol of a cubic block of stone with edge of length 10cm(1m=100cm) Ans :1/1000. * 56) one series s:- 5,-5,5,-5,5, ........ k is there average of terms is 1/9 then what is no of terms? Asn 45 * 57) a four sided quadrilateral was give with sides 3,p,q col a:area of the quarilateral col bq/2 * 5 a four sided quadrilateral was give with sides 3,p,q col a:area of the quarilateral

col bq/2 * 59) a triangle was inscribed in rectangle and the perimeter of rectangle was given and asked to find the area of triangle.... * 60) Isosceles trapezoid having base as 18 foot and the other pair of sides as (x/3) foot each.Perimeter of the trapezoid was given as 77 foot. Col A : Largest side of the Trapezoid Col B : 32 foot. * 61) the probability of randomly encountering a citizen of africa country on the campus is o.o2.what is the probability that the first people yoi encounter on campus ,at least is a citizen of an africa country * 62) Workers at Companies X and Y are paid the same , respectively. What is the probability that base hourly rate. Workers at company X are paid 1.5 times the base hourly rate for each hour worked per week in excess of the first 37, while workers at Company Y are paid 1.5 times the base hourly rate for each hour worked per week in excess of the first 40. In a given week, how many hours must a Company X worker work in order to receive the same pay as a company Y worker who works 46 hours? (A) 46 (B) 45 (C) 44 (D) 43 (E) 42 @ Who Cares where let r be the hourly rate...... till 37 days both x and y are getting 37r each………. so the difference start frm the 38th day onwards so ignore their wages upto 37the day..... frm 38 to 40 x receives 1.5 * 3r = 4.5r y receives 3r frm 40th day to 46th day y receives 6* 1.5 r = 9r consider x takes ‘d’ days to reach y’s wage…….. so totally y takes 9 days (38,39….46) while x takes 3 + d days (38,39,40 and ‘d’ days)

to get the wage of 9r.and also x gets 1.5r in each of these ‘d’ days……….. i.e. 4.5r + d* 1.5 r = 3r + 9r d* 1.5r = 7.5 r …….. i.e. d = 5 days……… so a took 40 + 5 days = 45 days………… if u can calculate the salary of two for 46hrs u will see that Xis getting 50.5r and Y is getting 49r . the difference is 1.5 r which is for one week ....hence 46-1 =45 hr..will be the time required for X .....hope u get it.. * 63) Four dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the number of possible outcomes in which at least one of the die shows 6? (A) 6! / 4! (B) 625 (C) 671 (D) 1296 (E) 256 ya...got it.... total num of outcmes = 6^4 n the num of outcmes with none of the die showin 6 is : 5^4 so req = 6^4 - 5^4 = 671 * 64) Y = (S^2)T is a Multiple of 7. Then what is the multiple of 49 a)(S^2) b)(S^2)T c)(T^2) d)(S^2)(T^2) * 65) X= Sum of odd numbers from 1 to 100 Y=sum of even numbers from 1 to 100 Find X-Y x = 1+3+5+...........+99 (Total 50 nos) y = 2+4+6+...........+100 x-y = (1-2)+(3-4)+........+(99-100) = -1*50 = -50 * 66) The angle between 2 sides is less than 90 slope of one side is m a)slope of another side b)-1/m * 67) What is the least number f u pick 4 numbers between -5 to 4 and find the product

a)-60 b)-120 c)-180 d)-240 * 6 x y.What is the relation Ans)x
options were s^2t s^2 t and some thing like...i hope answer is s^t * 77) a reactangular picture haveing width 1.5 inches and length is 3 times as that of the width. a 3 inceh wodden frame covers the picture. what is the minimum number of this wooden frame is required. options 9 10 12 13 and another value given * 7 When 40 litres of liquid was removed from a tank, the amount of liquid in it reduced from 1/5th of the total volume of the tank to 2/11th of the total volume of the tank. What is the volume of liquid required to completely fill the tank now? Forgot the choices * 79) 3. There is a series pi, 2pi, 3pi, 4pi.... X is a number belonging to this series and x is not equal to pi A ---the ratio of x to the number before x B ---the difference of x and the number before x * 80) x^2 + (x+1)^2 + (x+2)^2 = (x+3)^2 + (x+4)^2 What are the values of x that satisfy the above equation 1)1, 2 2)-1, 4 3)-2, 4 4)-2, 10 5)1, 4 * 81) there was a circle...and a triangle was drawn inside the circle with its diametr as the base.. cola: 5 times the area of triangle.. col b: area of circle.. * 82) y = |6-x|-|x-3|..find out y when x=-3 * 83) three buks were to be selected out of 5 diff buks such that arrangement dsnt matter.. * 84) what is the median of the following: x,x^2,x^3,1/x,x/2...if 0<x<1 * 85) s={1,3,5,....,399} P={n,t) n and t belong to the set s .Also n is always less than t .Calculate how many such arrangements can be made.

* 86) x100,y>100 then col A - 3 col B - (3x + (1/y))x * 97) col A- 5/8 col B- (5^o.5)/4

ans.col A (divide both sides by 4.then in col A we have 2.5 and in col B we have 5^0.5. now 2.5 > 5^0.5) * 9 |X| = |Y| ; x>0 ; xy<0 x!=0 and y!=0 col A - y col B – 0 * 99) set A contains multiple of 6 n set b contains multiples of 8. No. of multiplies in set C which has common multiplies of A and B. * 100) A man living alone in his apartment in Los Angeles invited 20 friends to his house for lunch. He filled 30 glasses, each of volume 300 ml, with water available at his house. As the guests can drink more water, he bought a container of volume 3 litres (3,000 ml) completely filled with water for the party. As it was summer, the water evaporation rate from a utensil was 20 ml/ hr. His guests were late by 30 minutes. As some of the water evaporated, the man filled the glasses completely with the water in the container at the arrival of his guests. How much extra water he had to borrow from his neighbor, so that everyone in the party can have exactly two complete glasses of water. (Ignore the time in purchasing the water) tricky math problem. # 310 ml # 300 ml # 900 ml # 910 ml # None of the above. # Cannot be determined. 30 glasse*300ml=9000 tank =3000 ----------------------total =12000 evaporated(30*10+10)=310 left=12000-310=11690ml reqd.=40glasses*300ml=12000ml borrowed=12000-11690=310 101.if X completes a work in 30min and Y in 20min. how much time vil they take if both of them strt working together for the same task ...........? ans 12 102.Four dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the number of possible outcomes in which at least one of the die shows 6? (A) 6! / 4!

(B) 625 (C) 671 (D) 1296 (E) 256 103.|x|<1 col a |1-x | col b 1 104.A number N wen divided by 11 gives the remainder 5. Col A : remainder of {(N-1)^2} / 11 Col B : 4 the answer is A bcoz for N=16 the answer will be 225/11 remainder is 5 for N=27 the answer will be 676/11 remainder is 5 for N=38 the answer will be 1369/11 remainder is 5 105.3 circle were given intersecting each other named as A,B,C cir A contains all the numbers from 13 to 94 inclusive. Cir b contains all the numbers multiple of 3. Cir C contains all the squares. How many number will the shaded area contains. (Shaded area was A interscting B and excluding c... I hope u can imagine the fig.... i.e it was ask to find the numbers (13... 94) intersecting (multiple of 3) n remove the squares from it.. (for eg 36) 106.3^1,3^2,3^3......3^987 how many nos in this series have the unit 9? option:-240,245,247,248,251.. 106.

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