Quality Process

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  • Words: 1,317
  • Pages: 24
Quality Process


Agenda •

Definition Of Quality

Evolution of Quality

Quality Process

TQM and it’s benefits

PDSA cycle

TQM System

QA and QC


Diff between ISO and TQM

Quality Gurus and Awards.

What is quality

Quality is not a program; it is an approach to business

Quality is a collection of powerful tools and concepts that is proven to work

Quality is defined by the customer through his/her satisfaction

Quality includes continuous improvement and breakthrough events

Quality increases customer satisfaction, reduces cycle time and eliminates errors.

costs, and

Definitions of Quality •

Conformance to specifications

Fitness for use

Fulfillment of customer expectation

Doing the right things, every time

The totality of features and characteristics of a product or Service that bear

On its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (ISO definition).

Evolution of Quality Process •

From the end of the 13th century to the early 19th century, craftsmen across medieval Europe were organized into unions called guilds. These guilds were responsible for developing strict rules for product and service quality

In the 20th Century, Walter Shewhart, a statistician for Bell Laboratories, began to focus on controlling processes using SPC in the mid-1920s

W Edwards Deming, a statistician with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Census Bureau, has followed Shewhart’s SQC methods and later became a leader of the quality movement in both Japan and the United States.

Evolution of Quality Process •

Quality became a critical component of the 2nd war effort: Bullets manufactured in one state, for example, had to work consistently in rifles made in another. The armed forces initially inspected virtually every unit of product; then to simplify and speed up this process without compromising safety, the military began to use sampling techniques for inspection

In 1970s, U.S and Japanese Govt have started the defining and implementing the qulaity process in the Manufacturing Industries and followed for other industries later.

Quality Process •

ISO: It establishes, maintains and improves the systems

CMMi: The Capability Maturity Model for Software is a model for judging the maturity of the software processes of an organization

TQM: It emphasizes the entire activity of the organization with focus on customer needs

6σ: Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects.


Total Quality Management (TQM): Creating an organizational culture committed to the continuous improvement of skills, teamwork, processes, product and service quality, and customer satisfaction.

Total - Made up of the whole

Quality - degree of excellence a product or service provides

Management - Act, art or manner of planning, controlling, directing,….

Therefore, TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. excellence

Why TQM?

Ford Motor Company had operating losses of $3.3 billion between 1980 and 1982

Xerox market share dropped from 93% in 1971 to 40% in 1981

Attention to quality was seen as a way to combat the competition.

Benefits of TQM •

A focused, systematic approach to enhancing customer's satisfaction

Process improvement methods that eliminate problems i.e. NC costs

Delivering what the customer want's in terms of service, product experience

Intrinsic motivation and improved attitudes throughout the workforce

Reduction in waste and rework, Workforce is proactive - prevention orientated.

Benefits of TQM •

Reduction in waste and rework, Workforce is proactive - prevention orientated

Increase in process ownership- employee involvement and empowerment

Everyone from top to bottom educated and Enhanced communication

Improved customer/supplier relationships (internally & externally).

Principles of TQM •

Do it right the first time

Designing and building quality into the product

Be customer-centered

Satisfying the customer’s needs by anticipating, listening, and responding

Internal customers: anyone in the organization who cannot do a good job unless you do a good job.

PDSA Cycle Deming’s Cycle •

Plan: Plan ahead for change. Analyze and predict the results

Do: It executes the plan, taking small steps in controlled circumstances

Study: Study the Results

Act: Take Action to standardize or improve the process.

The TQM System Continuous Improvement


Principles Customer Focus

Process Total Improvement Involvement

Leadership Education and Training Supportive structure Elements Communications Reward and recognition Measurement

Diff between ISO & TQM ISO Standard


Not Necessarily customer focused

Definitely Customer Focused

Technical Systems and procedures focused .

Concepts, tools and techniques focused

No Focus on Continuous Improvement in ISO – Its is a decision

Continuous Improvement and It is a never ending journey.

Can be Departmentally Focused

Organization wide focus across all the departments

It will not emphasize more on Supplier Relationship

It will emphasize more on Supplier Relationship

Three main steps: 1) Document what you do Involves process and culture 2) Do what you document 3) Demonstrate change. that you have done it by documentary proof

QA and QC Quality Assurance

Quality Control

It is process related and identifying the strength and weakness of the process for further improvement.

It is project related and ensure that system developed against customer expectations by reducing the defects.

It is a preventive action and involves fully from Requirement Analysis to project delivery.

It is a corrective action and involves partially in requirement Analysis and Design, coding stage and fully in remaining stages.

Verification Activities involved:

Validation Activities involved:

Inspection, Review, Walkthrough

Functional Testing, Performance Testing.

Metrics It is a measurable entity that will be helpful to identify the health of project. Classification of Metrics: – Product Metrics – Process Metrics – People metrics

Metrics Classification •

Product metrics – quantify useful attributes of the products you are generating, including those used for internal consumption – They help you assess if the product is good enough through reports on attributes like usability, reliability, maintainability and portability.

Process metrics – quantify useful attributes of the software development process and its environment – They tell you if the process is functioning optimally as they report on attributes like cycle time and rework rate – The goal is to do the right job on first time through the process. Metrics give you feedback needed to achieve this goal.

People metrics – quantify useful attributes of those generating the products using the available processes, methods and tools (infrastructure). – They tell you if your people are being productive or if you have personal problems as they report on attributes like turnover rates, productivity, and absenteeism – The goal is to keep staff happy, motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Metrics Classification

Types of Metrics •

Defect Density = No: Of Defects / KLOC

Defect Ageing = Date Defect was Opened – Date Defect was fixed

Defect Fix Retesting = Date Defect was fixed – Date Defect was Retested

Defect Per Unit = No: Of Defects / Total No: Of Units

Error Discovery Rate = No: Of Defects found / No: Of Test Cases Executed

Testing Effectiveness = [No: Of Defects during Execution] / No: Of Project Defects.

Types of Metrics •

Testing Efficiency = No: Of Defects / Actual Efforts

Test Case Execution Status = No: Of Executed Test Case / Total No: Of Test Cases.

Schedule Variance = [Estimated Days – Actual Days} / Estimated Days

Effort Variance = [Estimated Effort – Actual Effort} / Estimated Days.

Microsoft Excel Worksheet

Quality Award and Gurus Awards: • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award –US, •

Golden Peacock National Quality Award – INDIA,

Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award – INDIA.

Gurus: •

Edward Deming

Joseph M Juran

Dr Kaoru Ishikawa

Shigeo Shingo

PhilibB Crosby

To Know More •


http://certification.about.com/od/qacertification/Quality_Assurance _Testing_Certifications.htm.








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