Qp Science 8 Onam

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 5

PHYSICS 1. Which color bends the least when light passes through a prism? 2. How is a rainbow formed? 3. Define principal focus of a convex lens using a diagram. 4. Mention for which position of object does convex lens forms an image of the same size? Is the image real or virtual in this case?

5. Find the refractive index of diamond if light travels in it with a speed of 1.2 x 108 m/s. {speed of light in vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s}

6. Name the component of sunlight which 1. Gets absorbed by the ozone layer in the atmosphere 2. Produces sensation of heat


1. Name the following • An example of rod shaped bacteria • The Largest cell organelle found in plant cell • The Spreader of malaria • The other name for blue-green algae • The Outer most layer of the plant cell • Protozoan which causes sleeping sickness • Scientist who observed bacteria for the first time 2. State reasons 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fruit juices get spoilt after sometime Diatoms can remain for longer as fossils Blue-green algae is used in the barren fields Antibiotic have no affect on viruses

3. Differentiate between 1. Bacterial cell and animal cell 2. Chemotrophic bacteria and parasitic bacteria

CHEMISTRY 1. Write the formula of the following compounds 1. Sodium sulphate 2. Aluminium Sulphate 2. What is an alloy? Give two examples 3. What is meant by corossion? How can galvanisiation prevent corrosion? 4. What is a balanced chemical equation? 5. Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions 1. Burning of magnesium ribbon in carbon dioxide produces magnesium oxide and carbon 2. Calcium carbonate on reacting gives calcium oxide and carbon dioxide 6. Define the following 1. `An ore’ 2. `Mass number’ of an element 7. Name two metalloids 8. What is meant by malleability? Name a malleable metal 9. What are the components of bronze? 10. Atomic number of an element is 79. Mass number is 197. find the number of protons and neutrons in the atom.

Maths - 8th Grade - 1st Terminal exam MATHEMATICS 1. A senior officer wishing to arrange his men, who were 335250 in number in form of a square, found that there were nine men left over. How many were in each row? 2. Find the cube root of –12326391 by prime number factorization method. 3. Evaluate (5 [ 8 1/3 + 27 1/3 ]3 ) ¼ 4. Find the square of 286 using diagonal method. 5. PQRS is a parallelogram in which
6. Solve 22x+5 = 128. 7. Find the value of (32)-1/5 x (1296)-1/4 x (729)1/6 __________________________ (512)-1/3 x (64)1/6 x (9)–1/2

8. What is the smallest number with which 315375 must be multiplied so that the product is a perfect cube? Find the cube root of the perfect square obtained. 9. The ratio of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram is 2:5 and its perimeter is 56m. Find the measure of the lengths of its adjacent sides. 10. Draw a line segment PQ of length 7.5cm and divide it into 3 equal parts. Write the steps of construction. 11. By what number should (121)-7/8 be divided to get (1331)3/4? 12. Find the greatest number of 6 digits, which is a perfect square.

SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Name the following 1.The scale, which is used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake. 2. The surroundings of an organism in which the organisms live and interact with each other. 3. The first rock from which the rock is formed. 4.The wise use of natural resources avoiding misuse and wastage. 5.The place on the surface of the earth directly above the focus or hypocenter. 2.Match 1.Louis XVI 2.Battle of 3.Renaissance 4.Pitts’s India 5.Subsidiary Alliance 5. King of France 3. Give 1.Fault 2.capitalism 3.Land 4.permanent 5.doctrine of lapse

the 1.Board Plassey 3. Act

2 4.Vascoda


following control .Wellesley 1757






on patterns settlement

4. Answer the following 1. What do you mean by multi-hazard zone? 2. Write any 4 factors controlling soil formation. 3. When does a hazard transform into a disaster? 4. The proportion of land put to different uses varies from one region to the other region. What are the factors that influence the land use pattern of a country? 5. Why is consumption of the natural resources is higher in developed countries than developing countries? 5. In an Fort Plassey Buxar Fort St. George








places William

6. Explain 1.Which was the agreement signed after the Battle of Buxar? Who all signed this agreement? 2.What should we do and not do during an event of an earthquake? 3.Name the act of 1773? What were the drawbacks of the same? 4.The English East India Company has installed Mir-Quasim as the Nawab of Bengal. Why did they turn against him? 5.By the end of the 18th century all the indigenous industries in India declined. List down the main reasons for it. 6.Which was the policy followed by Dalhousie to extend the British Empire in India? How he applied the policy towards Indian rulers?

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