Qa Plan Template Blank

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Blank QA Plan Template TM-PPQA-03 v1.0 7/11/06


TM-PPQA-03 V1.0 JULY 11, 2006

Systems Engineering Process Office, Code 20203 Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego 53560 Hull Street San Diego, CA 92152-5001

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

Blank QA Plan Template TM-PPQA-03 v1.0 7/11/06

PREFACE This document is a template of a Quality Assurance (QA) Plan using the guidelines provided in the Quality systems – Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing, International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001. This template is designed for small scale projects or projects that do not follow tradition systems/software/technical service activities. Large scale projects or projects that do apply systems/software/technical service activities may also wish to review the QA Plan Template, TM-PPQA-01 that exemplifies an expanded implementation of QA. This template should be supplemented with project-specific information to produce a QA Plan that accurately describes the project’s QA organization, tasks, roles, and responsibilities. The planning and documenting of QA activities must agree and be consistent with the project’s Project Management Plan (PMP) or other project-planning document. Additionally, the QA Plan must comply with Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center (SSC) San Diego Systems/Software Engineering Management (SEM) Policy, which provides management with appropriate visibility into the process being used by the project and of the products being built. This document supplements the QA Process, PR-PPQA-01. Refer to Section 2.4.3, of the QA Process for a description on the use of this template. Tailoring of this template is required to ensure that the scope of the project, the standards governing the project’s operation, and the goals and objectives specific to the project, are represented. The SSC San Diego Systems Engineering Process Office (SEPO) assumes responsibility for this document and updates it as required to meet the needs of users within SSC San Diego CA. SEPO welcomes and solicits feedback from users of this document so that future versions will reflect improvements, based on organizational experience and lessons learned. Users of this document may report deficiencies or corrections using the Document Change Request (DCR) found on the next page or online through the SSC San Diego Process Asset Library (PAL) at Updates are performed in accordance with the SEPO Configuration Management Procedure.

Introduction - ii

Blank QA Plan Template TM-PPQA-03 v1.0 7/11/06

DOCUMENT CHANGE REQUEST (DCR) Document Title: Blank Quality Assurance Plan Template

Tracking Number:

Name of Submitting Organization: Organization Contact:


Mailing Address: DCR Description:


Change Location: (use section #, figure #, table #, etc.) Proposed change:

Rationale for Change:

Note: For the Systems Engineering Process Office (SEPO) to take appropriate action on a change request, please provide a clear description of the recommended change along with supporting rationale. Send to: Commanding Officer, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Code 20203, 53560 Hull Street, San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Fax to: (619) 553-6249 Email to: [email protected] Submit online: DCR Form 3/2006

Introduction - iii

Blank QA Plan Template TM-PPQA-03 v1.0 7/11/06




A* M D


Introduction - iv


Blank QA Plan Template TM-PPQA-03 v1.0 7/11/06

DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS This document is a Quality Assurance (QA) Plan template. As such, wording in this document should be supplemented with project-specific information to produce a QA Plan that accurately describes the project QA organization and tasks. Therefore, appropriately tailor (add, delete, change, or expand) the information provided in this document Standard conventions are used within this document to direct the reader to specific sections of the text. These sections provide instructions and explanations, and require users to substitute their own projectspecific information for the generic information provided or to "fill in a blank." [[Text]]

Global changes. Items that appear in regular text and are surrounded by double brackets represent changes that can be made globally throughout the document. For example, if the sentence reads, "The purpose of this document is to define QA responsibilities, resources, and procedures to be used during the development and maintenance of the [[project title]] system," the user can use a global command to change all occurrences of [[project title]] to a new system-specific title.

Bold Italics Items that appear in bold italics font represent variables that require changes on an individual basis. For example, if the sentence reads, "Document Title of plan/manual number 1," the user enters a specific document title. Italics

Items that appear in a box titled “Guidance” represent instructions to the user and are not to appear in the completed version of the document. For example, if the statement reads,

Guidance If the list of organizations is long, it may be appropriate to create numbered paragraph headings for each organization the writer may simply follow the directions. The user is not required to create separate, numbered paragraphs, but the option is suggested. Watermark.

To further assist in drafting the required information, some sections contain a sample of a hypothetical project. A watermark has been placed diagonally across the page to indicate that the text is an example of the type of information that should appear in each section. The samples have been constructed such that if extracted from the template with their associated paragraph number they would create a good first draft of a QA Plan.

In cases where information may be found in another project document, like the Project Management Plan (PMP), refer to that document rather than duplicate the information in the project QA Plan. The template begins with the Project QA Plan cover sheet on the next page. Delete all pages prior to the Project QA Plan cover sheet in the final format of the project QA Plan. Update the header to reflect the document configuration identifier for the project QA Plan.

Introduction - v

[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

Guidance The Cover Page for the project QA Plan may be tailored in accordance with the project’s defined documentation standard.



[[Add your organization name here]] Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego 53560 Hull Street San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Guidance Tailor this distribution notice in accordance with project requirements. If possible, refrain from using terminology in this plan that would require security classification.

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

Guidance The Cover Page for the project QA Plan may be tailored in accordance with the project’s defined documentation standard



QA Plan Approvals: ______________________


QA Manager




Project Manager




Program Manager



[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

PREFACE This document contains the Quality Assurance (QA) Plan for the [[Project Title]]. The QA activities described in this plan are consistent with the [[Project Title]] Project Management Plan and other project planning documents. This document has been tailored from the QA Plan Template, TM-PPQA-01. The [[Code/Project/Office]] assumes responsibility for this document and updates it, as required, to meet the needs of [[Project Title]]. Users of this document may report deficiencies or corrections using the Document Change Request found at the end of the document. Updates to this document will be performed, at least annually, in accordance with the [[Project Title]] Configuration Management Process.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]




A* M D




[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]



SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. ..................1 1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................ ......1 1.2 Scope...................................................................................................................................... ...........1 1.3 Identification ............................................................................................................................... ......1 1.4System Overview.................................................................................................................. ..............1 1.5 Document Overview.................................................................................................. ........................2 1.6 Relationship to Other Plans.................................................................................... ...........................2 1.7 Reference Documents................................................................................................ ........................2 SECTION 2. MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................... ...4 2.1 Organization................................................................................................................... ...................4 2.2 Resources.................................................................................................................. ........................5 2.2.1 Facilities and Equipment............................................................................................................ 5 2.2.2 Personnel..................................................................................................................... ..............5 2.2.3 QA Tools, Techniques and Methodologies...................................................... ............................5 2.3Risk Management............................................................................................................. ..................6 SECTION 3. QA ACTIVITES....................................................................................... ............................7 3.1Process Quality Assurance .......................................................................................................... .......7 3.1.1 Task: [Title of Process Verification Activity].............................................................................. .7 3.2Product Quality Assurance.................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Task: [Title of Product Verification Activity]........................................................ ......................7 3.3Responsibilites.......................................................................................................................... ..........8 SECTION 4. QA SCHEDULE.................................................................................................... ................9 SECTION 5. STANDARDS, PRACTICES, CONVENTIONS AND METRICS.......................... ..........10 5.1 Standards, Practices and Conventions........................................................................................ ......10 5.2 Metrics.................................................................................................................. ..........................10 SECTION 6. QA PROBLEM REPORTING AND RESOLUTION................................... ......................11 6.1 QA Audit Report............................................................................................................... ...............11 6.1.1 Submittal and Disposition of QA audit report............................................................ ...............11 6.1.2 Escalation Procedure for Resolution of Non-Concurrence on QA audit report.........................11 SECTION 7. QA TRAINING............................................................................................................. ......13 SECTION 8. REVIEW OF QA ACTIVITIES WITH HIGHER LEVEL MANAGEMENT....................14 SECTION 9. COLLECTING IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION...................................... ...................15 APPENDIX A. LIST OF ACRONYMS............................................................................. ........................1



[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]



FIGURE 2-1. [[PROJECT TITLE]] ORGANIZATION............................................................... ..............4 FIGURE 6-1. QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT REPORT............................................. ........................12



TABLE 7-1. QA TRAINING MATRIX............................................................................................ ........13


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this plan is to define the [[Project Title]] Quality Assurance (QA) organization, tasks and responsibilities; provide reference documents and guidelines to perform the QA activities; provide the standards, practices and conventions used in carrying out QA activities; and provide the tools, techniques, and methodologies to support QA activities, and reporting.

1.2 SCOPE This plan establishes the QA activities performed throughout the life cycle of the [[Project Title]]. This plan is written to follow the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center (SSC) San Diego Systems/Software Engineering Management (SEM) Policy, reference (a), for [[Project Title]]. Specifically, this QA Plan will show that the QA function is in place for this project. It will show that the QA group has a reporting channel to senior management that is independent of the project manager, the project’s systems and software engineering groups, and related groups that include Configuration Management (CM), Systems and Software Test, Logistics, and Technical Services. The goal of the QA program is to verify that all products and documentation to be delivered meet all technical requirements. The QA procedures defined herein shall be used to examine all deliverable products and documentation to determine compliance with technical and performance requirements. Guidance List the life cycle processes for the system or software or technical service(s) being performed, which are being audited by QA. The following project-level life cycle processes are applicable to this project and considered subject to QA: List the appropriate life cycle processes (and cite the relevant standard of guideline from which they are derived).

1.3 IDENTIFICATION Guidance Reference the list of project items (e.g., Configuration Items (CIs), project processes, products, tools, facilities, etc.) from the appropriate document (Project Management Plan, CM Plan, etc.) to which this QA Plan will apply or provide a list in this section. The [[Project Title]] Configuration Management Plan, reference (b), lists the Configuration Items (CI) that are subject to this QA Plan.

1.4 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Guidance Insert an overview figure depicting the system receiving QA, if appropriate. If the project involves technical services, rename this section to “technical services overview” or as appropriate. The [[System Name]] complete the sentence by providing a description of the system or technical service and the intended use of the system or technical service. The system includes [[enter the number of subsystems, e.g., 4]] subsystem(s) within the system.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

1.5 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW This document identifies the organizations and procedures to be used to perform activities related to the [[Project Title]] QA program as specified in Quality Systems – Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, reference (c). Section 1 identifies the system to which this QA Plan applies; provides an overview of the system and its functions; summarizes the purpose and contents of the QA Plan; and describes the relationship of the QA Plan to other management plans and lists all documents referenced in this QA Plan. Section 2 describes each major element of the organization that influences the quality of the product. Section 3 describes the various QA tasks Section 4 describes the schedule of QA activities Section 5 lists the quality assurance metrics. Section 6 describes problem reporting and corrective action. Section 7 describes QA training requirements. Section 8 describes the review of QA activities with higher-level management Section 9 describes the collection of improvement information to optimize the performance of QA Appendix A provides a list of acronyms.

1.6 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PLANS QA evaluation of the project processes throughout the life cycle is based on the processes defined in the [[Project Title]] Project Management Plan (PMP), reference (d). Reference (d) and its implementation procedures establish the QA evaluation criteria.

1.7 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS This section lists the documents referenced in this QA Plan. Guidance For the following, add or delete documents that are referenced in the QA Plan. a. Systems/Software Engineering Management Policy, SSC San Diego Instruction 5234.2, SSC San Diego. b. [[Project Title]] Configuration Management Plan, Document Configuration Identifier, Document Date. c. Quality Systems – Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, Jul 1994. d. [[Project Title]] Project Management Plan, Document Configuration Identifier, Document Date. e. Project Management Policy, SSC San Diego Instruction 5234.1A, Nov 2004. f.

Quality Assurance Process, PR-PPQA-01, SSC San Diego.

g. Quality Assurance Plan Template, TM-PPQA-01, SSC San Diego. h. Space and Naval Warfare System Center San Diego Standard Process Definition (Draft), PROPD-35, SSC San Diego.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]


Risk Management Process, PR-SPP-04, SSC San Diego.


Military Handbook, Configuration Management Guidance, MIL-HDBK-61A, Feb 2001.

k. Peer Review Process, PR-PR-02, SSC San Diego. l.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard for Software Productivity Metrics, IEEE Std 1045-1992, Sep 1992.

m. IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology, IEEE Std 1061-1992, Dec 1992. n. IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software, IEEE Std 982.1-1988, Jun 1988. o. IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software, Std 982.2-1988, Sep 1988. p. Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems, Equipments, and Computer Software, MIL-STD-1521, Jun 1995. q. Software Development and Documentation, Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), Military Standard (MIL-STD)-498, Dec 1994. NOTE: Although ISO/IEC Std 15288 and IEEE 12207 have superseded MIL-STD-498, the DIDs for MIL-STD-498 are still considered applicable for the support of developing software engineering procedures and supporting documentation.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 2. MANAGEMENT This section describes each major element of the organization that influences the quality of the product and processes.

2.1 ORGANIZATION Good project management practice requires a measure of independence for the QA group. This independence provides a key strength to QA; that is, QA has the freedom, if the quality of the product is being jeopardized, to report this possibility directly above the level of the project. While in practice this rarely occurs, for almost all problems are correctly addressed at the project level, the fact that the QA group can go above the project level gives it the ability to keep many of these problems at the project level. Figure 2-1 shows the QA organization with relation to the project organization. L in e M a n a g e m e n t IV & V


P r o je c t M anagem ent C M

S y s te m s E n g in e e r in g

P ro d u c t D e s ig n / D e v lp t


P ro d u c t Test

S y s te m Test

L o g is t ic s

Figure 2-1. [[Project Title]] Organization Guidance Replace Figure 2-1 with the project’s organizational structure or reference the organizational chart’s location. The project may wish to keep a single chart in a central location and reference all of its plans and procedures to that chart to facilitate maintaining the organization chart. Provide a description of the functional responsibilities for each functional group in the organizational structure. In describing the functional responsibilities, answer the questions listed below: a. Who interacts with QA? b. Who has authority and delegates responsibilities of interacting functions? c. What are the reporting relationships among the interacting elements identifying independence /dependence? d. Who has product release authority? e. Who approves the QA Plan? f. What are the reporting lines for escalating conflicts and the method by which conflicts are resolved among the elements?


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

In each case, add or delete the functional responsibilities that apply.

2.2 RESOURCES 2.2.1

Facilities and Equipment

QA will have access to the facilities and equipment as described in reference (d). QA will have access to computer resources to perform QA functions such as process and product evaluations and audits. 2.2.2


Guidance Identify the qualification requirements of the QA Manager. The “product” or products for which related technical discipline familiarity is required should be explicitly stated, e.g. hardware/software/systems engineering, technical documentation standards, etc. The project should exercise flexibility in its approach to designating personnel to perform QA. For example, where appropriate, one or two full time people may be designated for a moderate to large-scale project, or several part-time people, or someone external to the project organization may be assigned. Objective verification may be performed by project personnel under the supervision of the QA Manager ONLY when they inspect processes or products OUTSIDE of their project role and responsibilities. 2.2.3

QA Tools, Techniques and Methodologies

Guidance Identify the special tools, techniques, and methodologies that support QA, state their purposes, and describe their use. Hardware Tools – QA hardware tools include, but are not limited to, simulators, monitors, stress or environmental measurement equipment, etc. Software Tools - QA software tools include, but are not limited to, operating system utilities, debugging aids, documentation aids, checklists, structuring preprocessors, file comparators, structure analyzers, code analyzers, standards auditors, simulators, execution analyzers, performance monitors, statistical analysis packages, software development folder/files, software traceability matrices, test drivers, test case generators, static or dynamic test tools, and information engineering Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools. Techniques - techniques include review of the use of standards, software inspections, requirements tracing, requirements and design verification, reliability measurements and assessments, and rigorous or formal logic analysis. Methodologies - methodologies are an integrated set of the above tools and techniques. The methodologies should be well documented for accomplishing the task or activity and provide a description of the process to be used. The QA Group will utilize the following tools to perform audit/inspection events:


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

Guidance List the tools, techniques and methodologies used; use Section 4, QA Schedule, to specify when special tools are required

2.3 RISK MANAGEMENT Guidance Identify the risk management strategy for QA. If the project has identified an overall risk management strategy in its PMP, or as a separate Risk Management Plan, reference this document. If the QAP is written as a stand-alone document, describe the Risk Management activities for the QA function: a. The identified QA risks, with estimates of severity and impact. b. The person(s) responsible for managing QA risks. c. The criteria (e.g. risk thresholds, conditions, etc.) necessary to commence risk management activities. d. The risk mitigation strategies for each risk. e. Etc. Use the Risk Management Process, reference (i), as a guide for documenting the project QA risk management process. Guidance Also discuss QA’s role in auditing and verifying project Risk Management activities and artifacts.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 3. QA ACTIVITES Guidance Development of this section requires the cooperation of the project manager and QA manager to identify the system, software or technical support life cycle processes, and the work products that are applicable to the project. Whether the project is a full service development effort, or is focused on a subset of engineering activities, or provides a specific technical support service (e.g. concept development, proposal development, test and evaluation, logistic support, etc.) should dictate which activities this QA Plan should address. This QA Plan should reflect verification of those activities, and as well the products derived from the activities. Describe the portion of the project life cycle covered by this QA Plan, the tasks to be performed with special emphasis on QA activities, and relationship between these tasks and the planned major checkpoints. The sequence of the tasks should be indicated. Tailor this section to reflect those tasks and project products being verified that relate to the project’s current/projected activities. The QA Group should work with the PM to ensure that QA activities are coordinated with those of the project being evaluated.

3.1 PROCESS QUALITY ASSURANCE Guidance Describe the project processes that will undergo QA verification. Where appropriate, cite the governing technical or administrative standard that describes the requirements for performing the process being verified. For each documented process, include a checklist of activities that are verified. The completed checklist provides an artifact of QA activity for the project’s processes. 3.1.1

Task: [Title of Process Verification Activity]

QA shall conduct evaluation of the state the project process Process, verifying that project processes are defined and implemented to obtain a product or service in accordance with acquirer requirements. QA will use cite the checklist used to perform the verification as a guide for conducting the evaluation.

3.2 PRODUCT QUALITY ASSURANCE Guidance Describe the project products that will undergo QA verification. Where appropriate, cite the governing technical or administrative standard that describes the requirements for engineering the product, or for producing the service-related products being verified. For each product, include a checklist of activities that are verified. The completed checklist provides an artifact of QA activity for the project’s products. 3.1.2

Task: [Title of Product Verification Activity]

QA shall conduct evaluation of the state the project product, verifying that product or service is provided in accordance with acquirer requirements. QA will use reference the checklist used to perform the verification as a guide for conducting the evaluation.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

3.3 RESPONSIBILITES Guidance This paragraph should identify the specific organizational elements responsible for each task. It is recommended that the Project Manager, together with the QA Manager, develop a matrix that provides an overview of the responsibilities for conducting each of the aforementioned QA tasks. It is recommended that the project’s higher-level sponsor QA personnel, if available, participate in project QA activities.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 4. QA SCHEDULE Guidance Ensure that the QA schedule is coordinated with the project schedule. Schedule the performance of QA audits and inspections in accordance with project schedule and milestones. Ensure the appropriate checklists are developed and provided to coincide with the scheduled QA audit events. Establish a process for conducting the schedule, e.g., announce the upcoming QA event(s), request stakeholder artifact availability for audit/inspection, prepare audit findings/recommendation, resolve outstanding issues, etc. Ensure that provisions are included for resolving issues that cannot be resolved within the project as described in Section 6. The QA schedule should also specify the tools, techniques, and methodologies described in Section 2.2.3 that are required to prepare for and conduct each QA event.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 5. STANDARDS, PRACTICES, CONVENTIONS AND METRICS 5.1 STANDARDS, PRACTICES AND CONVENTIONS Guidance Identify the standards (mandatory requirements) to be applied. State how compliance with these items is to be monitored and assured. Tailor this section to reflect the actual project products, e.g. hardware, software, documentation, etc. It should be noted that whenever a project product reflects TAILORING of a governing guideline or standard, e.g. MILSPEC, QA should verify that the project has fully described the scope of tailoring with supporting rationale in the PMP or similar document.

5.2 METRICS Guidance Identify or reference the standards, practices, and conventions to be used in the definition, collection and utilization of measurement data. Cite any internal (e.g., project, corporate) and external (e.g., user, customer) requirements or standards with which metrics practices must comply. IEEE Std 10451992, IEEE Standard for Software Productivity Metrics, reference (m) describes conventions for counting the results of the development processes. IEEE Std 1061-1992, IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology, reference (n), provides a methodology for selecting and implementing process and product metrics. IEEE Std 982.1-1988, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software, reference (o) and IEEE Std 982.2-1988, IEEE Guide for using reference (o), reference (p) provide various measures for use in different life cycle phases to gain confidence in the building of reliable software. To keep metrics simple, an example of cost and schedule metrics is offered.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 6. QA PROBLEM REPORTING AND RESOLUTION Guidance Describe the practices and procedures to be followed for reporting, tracking, and resolving problems identified in both products and processes. State the specific organizational responsibilities concerned with their implementation.

6.1 QA AUDIT REPORT Guidance Use or tailor the format shown in Figure 6-1 to document QA Audit Reports. 6.1.1

Submittal and Disposition of QA audit report 6.1.2

Escalation Procedure for Resolution of Non-Concurrence on QA audit report


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDIT REPORT TRACKING IDENTIFIER:____________ LEAD AUDITOR:______________________________________ DATE OF REPORT:_____________ AUDIT TEAM:_______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT NAME:____________________________________________________________________ DATE OF AUDIT:_______________________ EFFORT EXPENDED:________________(total hours) PRODUCT/PROCESS/PROCEDURE AUDITED:___________________________________________ AUDIT CHECKLIST/PRODUCT VERIFICATION USED: (Attach)_____________________________ AUDIT FINDINGS: (Check one.) _____ Product/Process/Procedure Acceptable _____ Product/Process/Procedure Conditionally Acceptable (Subject to satisfactory completion of action items listed below) Conditions noted: _____ Product/Process/Procedure Unacceptable (Subject to satisfactory completion of action items listed below) Conditions noted: ACTION ITEM (AI): AI # TITLE




____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ CORRECTIVE ACTION: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS/SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ DISPOSITION:




Project Manager:


____________________________________________________________________________________ AI CLOSURE: QA Sign-off:



Figure 6-1. Quality Assurance Audit Report


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 7.  QA TRAINING Guidance Identify the training activities necessary to meet the needs of the QA Plan. Tailor the contents of Table 7-1 below to reflect the project’s requirements. Table 7-1 provides a matrix that identifies the required skills to perform QA tasks to implement this [[Project Title]] QA Plan. The training schedule will be compatible with the project schedule. In some cases, training will be conducted as On-the-Job Training (OJT). TABLE 7-1. QA TRAINING MATRIX TASK




Code Reviews

Source Language, Peer Reviews

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, Peer Review Process and Workshop

Hardware Reviews

Hardware orientation training, technical knowledge

Classroom/ OJT

Hardware Vendor or organization hardware expert

Documentation Reviews

System Development and Documentation standards and guidelines, Peer Reviews

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, Peer Review Process and Workshop

Process Audits

System Development Life Cycle Processes, Audit techniques

Classroom/ OJT

ISO/IEC-15288, IEEE/EIA 12207


Testing Methodologies


QA Management

Project Management

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, Project Management Core Course (PMCC)


Data Collection and Analysis

Classroom/ OJT


Problem reporting and correction action

Configuration Management

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, CM Practitioner's Training


Vendor supplied training

Classroom/ OJT


Code, Media, and Supplier Control

Configuration Management

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, CM Practitioner's Training

Risk Management and Analysis

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, PMCC, Risk Management Process

Project Management

Classroom/ OJT

SEPO, Introduction to Best Practices, PMCC, PMG


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 8. REVIEW OF QA ACTIVITIES WITH HIGHER LEVEL MANAGEMENT Guidance The project QA, collaborating with the project manager, should establish and document in the PMP, or QA Plan the appropriate agenda items for review during these meetings; the process for these meetings should also establish required attendees from higher level management, and any reports or action items that are documented to facilitate managing QA activities.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

SECTION 9. COLLECTING IMPROVEMENT INFORMATION Guidance This section describes the requirements for collecting, assessing, reporting, and acting upon measures of activities and work products derived from planning and performing the QA process to support the future use and improvement of the project and the organization’s defined QA process and process assets.


[[Project Title]] QA Plan [[Document Configuration Identifier]] [[Document Date]]

APPENDIX A. LIST OF ACRONYMS Guidance Tailor this Appendix as appropriate. AI

Action Item


Computer-Aided Software Engineering


Configuration Item


Configuration Management


Document Change Request


Data Item Description


Electronic Industries Association


International Electrotechnical Commission


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


International Organization for Standardization


Independent Verification and Validation


Military Standard


On-the-Job Training


Problem/Change Report


Project Management Core Course


Project Management Guide


Project Management Plan


Quality Assurance


Quality Assurance Plan


Software Development Plan


Systems/Software Engineering Management


Systems Engineering Process Office


Space and Naval Warfare


Systems/Software Process Improvement


SPAWAR Systems Center




Software Trouble Report


DOCUMENT CHANGE REQUEST (DCR) Document Title: [[Project Title]] Quality Assurance Plan

Tracking Number:

Name of Submitting Organization: Organization Contact:


Mailing Address: DCR Description:


Change Location: (use section #, figure #, table #, etc.) Proposed change:

Rational for Change:

Note: For the [[Project Title]] to take appropriate action on a change request, please provide a clear description of the recommended change along with supporting rationale. Send to: Commanding Officer, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Code 2XX, 53560 Hull Street, San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Fax: add appropriate fax number Email: add appropriate email Submit online: add appropriate URL DCR Form 7/2003

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