Q6 A

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 131
  • Pages: 1
Quiz 6 The Passover and God’s Law 1. Why did the Angel of Death only kill the oldest son in the Egyptian homes and not in the Jewish homes? The Jews obeyed God and sprinkled the blood of a Passover Lamb on the door posts of each home. 2. With what final miracle did God deliver all the Hebrews from Egyptian captivity? Crossing of the Red Sea on dry land 3. Write out each of the Ten Commandments: No other God No idols Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain Keep the Sabbath Honor parents Don’t murder Don’t commit adultery Don’t steal Don’t lie Don’t covet 4. What were the Hebrews commanded to do when they disobeyed these commandments? Offer sacrifices on the Tabernacle Altar

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