Gladiator Word of the Day
November 2 – November 6
Blighted Blighted Bli h d
(blite (bli ed) d)
Impaired, Suffering from a disease disease . Picture this: be lighted
A farmer who grows only one type of crop is taking a big
gamble: if that crop becomes blighted there would be no others for him to rely on no others for him to rely on. Our hopes of finding the downed plane were blighted by the severe hurricane in that area of the ocean. y Jean had a happy childhood, but her later years were blighted by several tragedies .
Bolster Bolster B l
(Bowl (B l stur ) )
Support, reinforce Picture this: bowl stir
Knowing a lot of difficult words will bolster your confidence
when you take the FCAT. A good manager knows when to criticize an employee and g g p y when to bolster his or her confidence with praise. Britain and its allies were bolstered by the entry of the United Sates into World War II in 1941.
Calculated Calculated C l l d
(kal (k l kyuh lay tid ) k h l id )
Deliberately planned Picture this: calculate Ted
Baseball managers sometimes take calculated risks, such as
calling for a double‐steal. The comedian The comedian’s performance appeared unrehearsed s performance appeared unrehearsed, however, we found out later that every line was carefully calculated to get a laugh from the audience. g g I was disappointed to find out that Bill’s every move was calculated to win our boss’s favor and make me look bad.
Capricious Capricious C i i
(kuh (k h prish us ) i h )
Unpredictable, fickle Picture this: Capri
“The weather has been capricious recently,” Bill said , “so, I think
I’ll skip the picnic I planned with my friends and just order a pizza ” pizza. My cat is a capricious eater, everyday she wants something different to eat. Science operates on the assumption that the laws of nature are not S i t th ti th t th l f t t capricious.
Censure Censure C
(Sen (S sher ) h )
Blame, critcize Picture this: cent sore
The U.S Senate can vote to censure members whose The U S Senate can vote to censure members whose
conduct is considered improper. Professional bodies have the power to censure p members who violate their code of ethics. The state department censures countries that allow the human rights of their citizens to be violated.