Pureland Chanting 1

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 205
  • Pages: 13

Pure Land Chants – Part

Pure Land is a form of Mahayana Buddhism.

While widely practiced in Asia, its roots are only starting to form in the West.

Its historical roots extend all the way to ancient India.

We generally think in terms of one Buddha,


who lived in India approximately twenty-five hundred years ago.

But since any sentient beings can become enlightened, and innumerable numbers have, there are innumerable Buddhas.

Shakyamuni Buddha explained after his enlightenment, that he had not only seen his past lifetimes but that he had also seen how the future would unfold.

In that future, he saw that people in our time would have more afflictions, worries, and wandering thoughts.

Shakyamuni knew that to end one’s problems and attain lasting happiness, many people would need the help of



for he had created an ideal environment in which we could learn from and practice with the wisest of beings.

It is a land of peace, equality, and joy where we can listen to the teachings of Bodhisattvas and Amitabha Buddha.

Knowing how appropriate this land would be for us, Shakyamuni taught about the

P u r e La n d


Namo Amituofo

Words: Amitabha Publications. www.amtbweb.org

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