Puppet Master 2009

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The Puppet Theater

The Grace of the Machine and The Mechanics of Grace

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater



Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist, 1777Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist, 1777-1811 “Űber das Marionettentheater,” Berliner Abendblätter (1810). Considered one of the best examples of the essay as a short prose form.

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater



Carl Spitzweg, “Der Bücherwurm” (the bookworm), c. 1850 27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Act 1. The Grace of the Machine "He assured me that the pantomime of these puppets gave him much pleasure, and suggested in no uncertain terms that any dancer who wished to improve his art might learn all sorts of things from them." -- Kleist

If ... ... a mechanical puppet dances more gracefully than a human body. Then … … is consciousness (intelligence, selfawareness) a prerequisite for physical grace? Or is it an obstacle that humans can never overcome; only machines and gods can achieve this kind of perfection?

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


What is a puppet?

“A small figure, human or animal, with jointed limbs, moved by means of strings or wires; esp.one of the figures in a puppet-show; a marionette” OED

pets.com sock puppet

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


What is a marionette?

Marionette (OED). Etymology: From middle French marionnette or maryonete, denoting a “type of dance” (1517) or a type of musical instrument (1479). Derived from Old French mariole + ette. Mariole – denotes the Virgin Mary or an image of her (13th , 14th c.) English definition in OED. 1a. “A puppet with jointed limbs, usually operated by strings.” Established by the 17th century.

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Grace Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. _____________________ Theological or legal meaning: A voluntary gift … leads to: 1. the notion of grace as a gift. For example, it is a quality that the athlete is born with, not a product of reason, study, or training. 2. "Grace is beauty in motion" and it can "only be given to its subject by accident" (Friedrich Schiller)

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Centers of Gravity

“Each movement, he said, had its center of gravity; it would suffice to control that center, on the inside of the figure; the limbs, which are really nothing but pendulums, follow of themselves, in a mechanical way, without further aid.” -- Kleist

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


The Mechanics of Grace: Stanford Swings

"Balance, agility and ease – but each in a higher degree, and especially a more natural coordination of the center of gravity."

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater



“I replied that I had always thought this activity something quite mindless, rather like turning the crank on a hand organ. "By no means," he answered. "On the contrary, the relation of his finger movements to the movements of the puppets attached to them is something quite precise, rather like the relation of numbers to their logarithms or asymptotes to their hyperbola.“

But he believed that even this last fraction of mind, to which he had just now referred, could indeed be removed from the marionettes, their dance transposed wholly into the realm of mechanical forces, and, just as I had imagined, produced by means of a crank.”

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Be the Ball

Ty Webb: Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ball. You're not being the ball Danny. Danny Noonan: It's hard when you're talking like that.

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Act 2. The Fall from Grace

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


The Thorn Puller

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


The Fall from Grace

3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. -- The Book of Genesis.

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Act 3. In the Flow

“Eye to eye, as though he could read my very soul, he stood with his paw poised for the strike, and if my thrusts were not in earnest he simply did not move."

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Bearly There: Flow

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (1934-)

"What do you mean by flow?“

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1990)

"Being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost.“

Clear goals Concentrating and focusing A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness.

Wired 4.09: "Go With The Flow"

Distorted sense of time

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


All your attention is focused either on the skills or routine being performed or on the input from your senses relevant to the sport. You are fully focused of the activities being performed, and are: •not aware of your own awareness, consciousness of self or ego •not evaluating the quality of execution of skills during performance •not concerned with distractions such as results, judges, audiences or other peoples expectations •not making any conscious decisions in your mind or reasoning with words - you are trusting your body to follow its training You are in complete control of actions and reactions You feel almost in an altered state of consciousness: achieving flow is exhilarating, and gives a powerful feeling of competence.

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater



27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


Teleology: A Puppet or a God?

"We see how, in the organic world, as reflection grows darker and weaker, grace emerges ever more radiant and supreme. … grace, having likewise traversed the

infinite, return to us once more, and so appear most purely in that bodily form that has either no consciousness at all or an infinite one, which is to say, either in the puppet or a god." - Kleist

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


The Singularity

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


So u


27 Oct. 2009


s ed . are ove r-

The Puppet Theater


Performing the Machine

Kraftwerk, "The Robots" promo for Man Machine (1977)

27 Oct. 2009

The Puppet Theater


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